Cam Newton Expecting Child With Jasmin Brown ... 'Baby Momma 3'

Cam Newton is adding to his roster of kids -- his comedian/actress girlfriend just announced she's pregnant with his eighth child ... calling herself "baby momma #3."

Jasmin "Watch Jazzy" Brown broke the news with a photo of her bump while announcing her newest tour on Friday ... which included a bunch of baby-related imagery like a pacifier and footprints.

"Third times a charm tour 😉," Brown said in the IG caption, "Coming to a comedy stage near you."

The tour name is a clear reference to the fact Jazz will be the third woman to have a child with the NFL quarterback.

Brown has made fun of her role as "stepmom" during her standup routine in the past ... but has also dealt with people who criticized her for dating a man who has kids with two other women.

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Newton -- who last played with the Panthers in 2021 -- came to her defense recently by clapping back at an internet troll in Brown's comments.

"Welp that's why I ain't with you," Newton said. "LOL it's levels to this Queen and if someone is worth it, yo ass would do a lot of things you ONCE said you wouldn't do."

"I hope you find someone though, I would hate for anyone to go through life alone. I would hate it there lol."

It wasn't the first time Newton and Brown's love life was met with backlash -- Jasmin was also ripped for saying on the "Lovers & Friends with Shan Boodram" podcast that she's a submissive woman in her relationship.

Despite the hate, Brown's fans are flooding her comments with positivity ... and wish her and Newton the best.


Henry Cejudo Welcomes Baby Boy W/ Wife Ana ... Enzo Carlos Cejudo 👶

Henry Cejudo's family officially has a fourth member ... after his wife Ana gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Enzo, on Monday!

36-year-old Cejudo broke the news to his followers on social media late last night, writing, "Help us welcome our handsome little boy Enzo Carlos Cejudo. Life goes by so quick! I still remember vivid memories of me being a toddler. Welcoming another human with the beautiful little girl that we’ve been blessed with is beyond words."

Triple C then talked about Enzo's amazing mom.

"To my wife [Ana Karolina Cejudo] who has to endure the crazy pain for 9 months and than going through labor is like climbing Mount Everest. As parents, we have to make sure we guide them with faith, truth and love."


The baby comes at a tremendously difficult time for the Cejudo family. Henry's sister Gloria tragically died in September after a courageous two-year battle with cancer.

Henry talked about Enzo's arrival in the midst of the family's loss.

"Losing my sister last month and the birth of our son puts life into perspective. We are all passengers in this world so let’s have the best trip ever! Welcome to this world Enzo 💙"

Back in November 2021, the couple, shortly after they were married, welcomed their first baby, a daughter, America Maria Cejudo.

And, there are signs we may have a little fighter on our hands. When the couple arrived at the hospital on Monday, Cejudo said this ... "My wife’s water just broke! Wish us luck on safe delivery. Baby Enzo is wrestling his way out. 👶💙"

Uncle Dana, keep an eye on Enzo Cejudo ... and congrats to Henry and Ana!!!

Paris Hilton Shuts Down Trolls Over New Baby ... My Son Is Healthy, Y'all Are 'Sick'

Paris Hilton is firing back at folks online who are poking fun at the size of her baby boy's noggin ... saying there's absolutely nothing wrong with him.

Mama P shared some snaps Friday holding Phoenix ... while she got some love from her followers, she also heard from lots of trolls -- with jokes flooding the comment section about Phoenix's head.

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People have taken to TikTok to point out all the rude things being said ... and Paris responded to one of the people defending her, writing, " 🥺😢There are some sick people in this world.☹️My angel is perfectly healthy."

She went on to say, "And yes, of course he has been to a doctor, he just has a large brain."

As we reported, Paris announced at the beginning of the year she had Phoenix with her husband, Carter Reum ... and she's been sharing some pretty adorable shots of her new bundle of joy while navigating motherhood for the first time.


We chatted with her about being a mom in March, and she said she's loving it -- and, more importantly, she ain't ready to stop at just one kid!

PARIS HILTON CALLA A LOS TROLLS SOBRE SU NUEVO BEBÉ Mi hijo está sano, ustedes son los enfermos

Paris Hilton le está respondiendo otra vez a la gente que se burlan del tamaño de la cabeza de su bebé, diciendo que no hay absolutamente nada malo con él.

Paris compartió algunas fotos el viernes sosteniendo a Phoenix. Hubo mucho amor de parte de sus seguidores, pero también hubo trolls haciendo bromas acerca de la cabeza de Phoenix.

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déjenlo en paz

La gente ha estado usando TikTok para señalar todas las cosas groseras que se dicen y Paris respondió a una de las personas que la defienden, escribiendo: "🥺😢Hay algunas personas enfermas en este mundo.☹️ Mi ángel está perfectamente sano".

Ella continuó diciendo: "Y sí, por supuesto que ha ido al médico, solo tiene un cerebro grande".

Como informamos, París anunció a principios de año que tuvo a Phoenix con su marido, Carter Reum y ella ha estado compartiendo algunas fotos bastante adorables de su nueva alegría mientras vive la maternidad por primera vez.

la madre del año

¡En marzo hablamos con ella acerca de ser madre y dijo que le encanta y, más importante aún, que no está dispuesta a tener un solo niño!

Olivia Culpo I Want Babies W/ CMC After Wedding ... 'Rip Out My IUD'

There might be little Olivia Culpos and Christian McCaffreys runnin' around in the very near future ... 'cause the model says she's going to try to get pregnant with the NFL star "immediately" after their upcoming wedding.

Miss Universe 2012 detailed her plans over the weekend while making a "Get Ready With Me" TikTok ... saying in the clip, "I feel like the day after my wedding I'm just going to rip out my IUD and start trying immediately."


Unclear when the pair -- who began dating in 2019 -- will officially tie the knot ... but the two got engaged back in April, so it seems to be a safe bet it'll all happen at some point during McCaffrey's 2024 offseason.

As for where the ceremonies will take place, Culpo said after initially looking at McCaffrey's native Colorado, they settled on a venue in her home state of Rhode Island.

And, you can see in the video, Culpo is clearly more than ready for it to go down!!

Maluma Va a ser padre!!!!

El artista colombiano Maluma va a ser padre e hizo el anuncio a lo grande este jueves por la noche en el lanzamiento de su nuevo videoclip "Procura", durante una presentación en Washington, DC. Aunque el video se centra principalmente en el romance con su novia, Susana Gómez, es en el minuto final cuando el cantante deja caer la bomba.

Allí aparecen los dos muy contentos viendo a su pequeño por primera vez en una ecografía, al mismo tiempo que muestran las reacciones de su familia cuando se enteran de la noticia, todas muy tiernas y conmovedoras.

El video también muestra la celebración del baby shower y la revelación del sexo, ¡la que confirma que van a tener una niña!

También parece que su nombre será Paris, que es el nombre que aparece en la torta y en el collar que luce Susana en el clip.

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Ya se nota la panza

Maluma y Susana fueron vistos saliendo de Central Park en Nueva York a principios de este mes, probablemente después de filmar todas las imágenes de "Procura" y definitivamente se podía notar la panza del bebé.

Este será el primer hijo de la pareja juntos.

Maluma Call Me Papi!!!

Colombian artist Maluma has a baby on the way -- making the announcement in a big way with his new music video.

Maluma shared the happy news in the video for "Procura," Thursday night at his concert in Washington, D.C. ... and while the vid focuses on his romance with his girlfriend, Susana Gomez, the final minute is where he drops the baby bombshell.

The 2 see their little one for the first time through an ultrasound, with Maluma and Susana overjoyed. They also let family members know about the exciting addition, showing their heartwarming reactions.

The vid also shows the couple's baby shower and gender reveal -- which confirms they're having a girl!

It also looks like the kid's name will be Paris, based on Susana's necklace and the name of the cake.

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Maluma and Susana were spotted leaving Central Park in NYC at the beginning of this month ... likely after filming all "Procura" footage ... and you can definitely see the baby bump.

This will be Maluma and Susana's first kid together.

ddg "llámenme VAGO RICO"

DDG puede o no ser un futuro padre —él y Halle Bailey todavía no lo dicen— pero mientras tanto, no va a perder su tiempo con trolls sin rostro en Internet.

Después de todo, ¡esa es su especialidad!

Después de las especulaciones de que él y su novia Halle están esperando su primer hijo (su salida pública el pasado fin de semana lo hizo casi una certeza), el rapero de "Moonwalking in Calabasas" dio la impresión de que fue bombardeado con burlas acerca de no ser lo suficientemente bueno para la estrella de "La Sirenita".

En lugar de planificar el baby shower, el maestro de las redes sociales decidió apoyarse en los haters etiquetándolo como un vago, actualizando su biografía de Tuiter a "Vago Rico".

El hip hop está repleto de talentos estos días, así que es bastante impresionante que DDG haya sido galardonado por Forbes tanto en 2022 como en 2021, y también lanzó su álbum "Maybe It's Me" en julio.

Sí, Halle sí que sabe elegirlos.

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En cualquier caso, DDG debe mirar a sus amigos, no a sus enemigos, y parece que es muy cercano a Nick Cannon, que está ansioso por darle la bienvenida a la "baby daddy gang" con los brazos abiertos.

Por lo visto, solo hace falta un niño para ser miembro.

DDG Call Me a 'Rich Bum' If You're Making Halle Pregnancy Jokes!!!

DDG may or may not be a father-to-be -- he and Halle Bailey still aren't saying -- but in the meantime, he's not gonna be sonned by faceless trolls on the internet.

After all, that's literally his specialty!!!

After speculation he and his GF Halle are expecting their first child (their public outing last weekend made it a near lock), the "Moonwalking in Calabasas" rapper gave off the impression he was bombarded with taunts about not being good enough for "The Little Mermaid" star.

Instead of planning the baby shower, the savvy social media maestro decided to lean into the haters labeling him a bum by adjusting his Twitter bio to "Rich Bum."

Hip hop is full of pocket-watching these days so it's anyone's guess how DDG was honored by Forbes in both 2022 and '21, and also released his "Maybe It's Me" album back in July.

Yeah, Halle sure knows how to pick 'em!

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At any rate, DDG should look to his friends -- not his haters, and it appears he has a good ol' pal in Nick Cannon, who's eagerly welcoming him to the "baby daddy gang" with any available arms.

Apparently, it only takes 1 kid to earn membership.

Halle Bailey (Baby) Bumpin' in That Hoodie??? New Pics Fuel Pregnancy Buzz

Halle Bailey is doing little to dispel persistent rumors she's pregnant with her first child ... because if that bump is what everyone thinks it is, she's no longer trying to hide it.

The 'Little Mermaid' star was out in Santa Monica, rocking very casual and very baggy clothing -- sweatpants and a hoodie -- and yet all eyes were focused on her midsection.

Halle was joined by rapper boyfriend, DDG, during the Sunday outing, and the couple looked pretty happy about something -- and most of their fans think they know what that something is.

HB did have a bandage on her arm near her elbow, indicating a possible blood draw. If she's preggo, giving blood is something that's done regularly for all sorts of tests.

It looks like DDG also gave blood too, for some reason, because he had a bandage on his left arm.

Halle first sparked pregnancy rumors last month at the MTV Video Music Awards ... when she wore a large, flowing orange dress onstage to present an award.

She also reportedly remained cautious backstage, greeting celebs with handshakes instead of hugs.

Add it all up and it seems like Halle and DDG are starting a family -- but, to be fair, they haven't confirmed anything. Not yet.

Stay tuned ...


Kailyn Lowry tiene un nuevo bebé en su vida y con él vienen todas las alegrías de la maternidad; incluyendo una bebida natural después del parto directamente desde el vientre.

nutritivo y delicioso

La estrella de 'Teen Mom' publicó un clip llamativo en las redes sociales el lunes mostrando la mezcla de su propia placenta vertida en un frasco de Mason con una pajita, claramente listo para beber y solo podemos suponer que lo hizo.

Ella no solo ingirió su propia placenta, además mostró diferentes obras de arte que hizo con las sobras de su útero.

Parece que ella y su amigo "el Picasso de placentas" tomaron precauciones al manipularla. Hicieron uso de guantes y otros equipos de protección. Kailyn describe de toda la experiencia: "Esta fue la segunda vez que llegué a trabajar con @lancasterplacentaco".

Esa es una empresa que ofrece servicios de encapsulación de placenta, que al parecer, es un gran negocio.

Todo esto viene luego del nacimiento de otro niño llamado Río. Ella comparte el bebé con su novio, Elijah Scott y Kailyn reveló la semana pasada que dio a luz el año pasado, manteniéndolo en secreto.

Normalmente, las noticias del bebé de Kailyn son públicas, pero esta vez dice que quería mantenerlo para sí misma y fuera de los focos. Le dijo a People: "Yo quería ser capaz de contar mi propia historia en mis propios términos y compartir la información que quería compartir en lugar de estar bajo la presión de una obligación contractual".

Kailyn tiene otros cuatro hijos: Creed, de 3 años, Lux, de 6, Lincoln, de 9, e Isaac, de 13 años. Su nuevo bebé se llama Rio.

En cuanto a la placenta... bueno, es algo que la gente hace, especialmente las mamás famosas.

'Teen Mom' Kailyn Lowry Makes Placenta Smoothie & Art After Birth of 5th Child

Kailyn Lowry has a new baby in her life, and with it comes all the joys of motherhood ... including a post-birth beverage that's au naturel, and straight from the womb.


The 'Teen Mom' star posted an eye-popping clip on social media Monday ... showing her blending up her own placenta and pouring into a Mason jar, complete with a straw -- which was clearly ready to drink ... and we can only assume she did.

She wasn't just going to ingest her own placenta, though ... it looks like Kailyn spread it around on paper as well, showing off different art pieces she made with her uterus leftovers.

We'll say this ... the placenta Picassos aren't half bad -- and it looks like she/her fam took precautions handling it, including using gloves and other protective gear. KL writes of the whole experience ... "This was the second time I got to work with @lancasterplacentaco."

That's a company that offers placenta encapsulation services ... apparently, it's big business.

Of course, all this placenta fun comes on the heels of her announcing that she welcomed another kid -- her fifth, a son named Rio. She shares the baby with her BF, Elijah Scott ... and Kailyn revealed last week that she gave birth last year, keeping it under wraps.

Normally, Kailyn's baby news is very public -- but this time around, she says she wanted to keep it to herself and out of the spotlight. She told People, "I wanted to be able to tell my own story on my own terms and kind of share what information I wanted to share instead of being within a contractual obligation or storyline."

Kailyn has 4 other children -- 3-year-old Creed, 6-year-old Lux, 9-year-old Lincoln and 13-year-old Isaac. Her newest bundle of joy is named Rio.

As for the placenta thing ... well, it's something folks do -- especially celebrity moms.

Sexyy Red SKee-Yeeee, I'm Pregnant!!! Sick of Faking For Fans 😩

Sexyy Red's "Pound Town" navigation is leading her down the road of motherhood once again -- the superstar rapper announced she's expecting a child!!!

Sexyy made the reveal over the weekend, with the help of SZA, and on Monday, told her followers entertaining them has come with a significant personal cost.

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Turns out she's been concealing the baby bump by sucking in her stomach -- even as recently as the BET Hip Hop Awards from earlier this month -- a sign she didn't want anything to derail her breakout year.

Sexyy didn't put a time stamp on when she's expecting her new bundle of joy, but the announcement didn't come as too much of a shock to fans, even though she just finished a nationwide tour with Drake.

The St. Louis rapper recently swatted down rumors she was responsible for leaking the viral sex tape that rocked social media last month -- but if it's related to her pregnancy, it will make for quite the "birds and bees" talk with her new child, 13 or so years from now.


She's clearly got the support of SZA, Mariah The Scientist and Nicki Minaj, who helped Sexyy earn her first-ever Billboard entry earlier this year by remixing "Pound Town."

Now, what Sexyy really needs before the baby arrives is a lullaby remix -- we're thinking "Pound Town" ain't it!!!

SEXYY RED ¡ESTOY EMBARAZADA! cansada de Fingir Para los Fans 😩

Sexyy Red la está yendo por el camino de la maternidad una vez más,¡la rapera superestrella anunció que está esperando un hijo!

Sexyy hizo la revelación durante el fin de semana con la ayuda de SZA y el lunes, le dijo a sus seguidores que entretenerlos ha tenido un costo personal significativo.

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Resulta que ha estado ocultando el bulto del bebé chupando su estómago, incluso intentó pasar desapercibida recientemente en los BET Hip Hop Awards de principios de este mes.

Sexyy no ha dicho cuanto tiempo de embarazo lleva, pero el anuncio no fue una gran sorpresa para los fans, a pesar de que acaba de terminar una gira nacional con Drake.

La rapera de St. Louis negó recientemente los rumores de que era responsable de la filtración de la cinta sexual viral que sacudió las redes sociales el mes pasado. Imaginamos que va a ser una gran historia cuando los pequeños emnpiecen a "hacer preguntas".

no te metas

Está claro que cuenta con el apoyo de SZA, Mariah The Scientist y Nicki Minaj, quien ayudó a Sexyy a ganar su primera entrada en Billboard a principios de este año remezclando "Pound Town".

Ahora, lo que Sexyy realmente necesita antes de que llegue el bebé, es un remix con canciones de cuna.


Kourtney Kardashian organizó un baby shower épico para su futuro hijo con Travis Barker. Algunos fans están pienas que en alguna parte del bosque, entre los árboles puede estar el nombre del niño.

La fiesta temática de Disney tuvo lugar el domingo y parece haber sido organizada en su mansión de Calabasas. Convirtieron el patio trasero en una recreación del famoso parque temático. Todo incluido; el cartel de Disney, las orejas de Mickey Mouse e incluso los Dapper Dans!

En una de las intrincadas decoraciones de la fiesta (un manzano relacionado con el clásico "Blancanieves"), la gente se dio cuenta de que había un montón de tarjetas con notas escritas a mano que colgadas y alguien hizo zoom en una de ellas.

Hay una nota que puede leerse parcialmente que parece mencionar el nombre de un bebé. Es difícil de entender en su totalidad pero lo que parece decir es: "Que el bebé Rocky tenga una vida llena de amor". El resto es demasiado borrosa pero al parecer más buenos deseos.

Los fans con ojos de águila han visto esto y ya se especula que Kourtney y Travis podrían llamar a su hijo Rocky. Por supuesto, también podría ser una referencia al hecho de que Travis es un rockero pero en cualquier caso, ha estimulado un montón de comentarios en línea.

El tiempo dirá lo que terminan llamando al nuevo bebé Barker pero Rocky no está nada mal.

De todos modos, el resto de la fiesta fue de primer nivel. Como hemos dicho, los recuerdos de la fiesta fueron increíblemente bien pensados y detallados y parece que no escatimaron en gastos para hacer que la cuna se viera como si viniera directamente de Anaheim.

Por cierto, Travis iba enmascarado mientras se mezclaba con amigos y familiares ya que ahora mismo tiene COVID. También parece que la gente estaba manteniendo el distanciamiento social en todo momento... la seguridad ante todo.

En cuanto a Kourtney, parece que el bebé podría llegar en cualquier momento. Se le vio sonriente y de muy buen humor.

Recordemos que la futura madre estuvo recientemente en la mira de un alcalde de otra lujosa ciudad... Malibú.

fiesta de piscina

Como hemos informado, el alcalde Silverstein se está quejando por una fiesta privada relacionada con Poosh (la marca de bienestar de Kourtney). Alegó que la gente que organizó la fiesta obtuvo un permiso de última hora para eventos especiales y sospecha que se hizo en circunstancias turbias.

Por suerte Kourtney no vive en Malibu ... y ella estaba a un brazo de distancia de ese drama este fin de semana.

La prioridad # 1 para ella era celebrar con su marido y seres queridos y prepararse para esta alegría que viene pronto.

Kourtney Kardashian Disney Baby Shower Hint of Son's Name In the Trees??? 👀

Kourtney Kardashian threw an epic baby shower for her and Travis Barker's future son together ... and some fans are seeing the forest for the trees on the kid's potential name.

The Disnelyand-themed bash went down Sunday, and it looks to have been hosted at their Calabasas mansion -- with the backyard being turned into a recreation of the famous theme park ... complete with Disney signage, Mickey Mouse ears and even the Dapper Dans!

Indeed, Kourtney's camp went all out here ... however, in one of the intricate party decorations -- an apple tree in the vein of 'Snow White' -- folks noticed a bunch of cards with hand-written notes were being hung ... and somebody zoomed in on one of those.

There's a note that can be partially read ... and it seems to mention a baby name. It's hard to make out in its entirety -- but what it appears to say is ... "May Baby Rocky have ... life filled with love." The rest of it is too blurry, but seemingly more well-wishes.

Eagle-eyed fans have seen this ... and there's already speculation Kourtney and Travis might be naming their kid Rocky. Of course, it could also be a reference to the fact TB is a rocker -- but in any case, it's spurred a lot of chatter online.

Time will tell what they end up calling the new Baby Barker ... but Rocky's not half bad.

Anyway, the rest of the shindig was top-tier in terms of Kardashian-led blowouts. Like we said, the party favors were incredibly well-thought-out and detailed -- and it looks like they didn't spare any expense in making the crib look like it came straight out of Anaheim.

BTW, Travis was masked up while mingling with friends and family ... he's got COVID right now. It also looks like folks were maintaining social distancing all throughout -- safety first.

As for Kourtney, she looks like she's almost ready to pop ... that baby's probably due any day now. She was all smiles and in an incredibly good mood based on what we can see.

Of course, the reason that's significant is because she kinda fell into the crosshairs of a mayor from another ritzy town just down the freeway ... and that would be Malibu.


As we reported ... Mayor Silverstein excoriated City officials for what he claims was them bending the knee to organizers of a Poosh party -- which is obviously Kourtney's wellness brand. He alleged that the folks who put that together got a last-minute special events permit greenlit ... and he suspects it was done under shady circumstances.

Luckily, Kourtney doesn't live in Malibu ... and she was at arm's-length from that drama this weekend.

Priority #1 for her, it seems, was to celebrate with her hubby and loved ones ... and to get ready for this bundle of joy that's coming soon.