Khloe Kardashian Was Torn About Picking Up Son ... When Born Via Surrogate

Khloe Kardashian
SHE MD Podcast

Khloe Kardashian says she was on the fence about picking up her newborn son when he was on the verge of being delivered via surrogacy ... and her doc was willing to help.

The youngest Kardashian sister was on the SHE MD Podcast this week, where she was talking to OBGYN of the stars Dr. Thais Aliabadi and women's advocate influencer Mary Alice -- who host the pod and who brought on Khloe as their most recent guest.

Khloe talked about welcoming her second child with Tristan Thompson -- a boy named Tatum -- for whom they used a surrogate ... and whom Khloe says she had mixed feelings about as the pregnancy was ongoing, including her being torn about going to get him right away.


Vanessa Hudgens está embarazada y se lo hizo saber al mundo de la manera más grande posible, apareciendo en los Oscar con una gran barriguita de embarazada a cuestas.

La actriz es una de las anfitrionas en la alfombra roja el domingo en el Teatro Dolby de Hollywood, donde la ceremonia se llevará a cabo, y antes de que todas las estrellas llegaran a acaparar la atención, Vanessa se lució frente a los fotógrafos.

Vanessa dejó ver orgullosamente que está esperando un hijo, y es la primera vez que esto se hace público.

Por supuesto, esto es una gran noticia, ya que sería el primer hijo de Vanessa, y lo mismo para su marido, Cole Tucker. Recordemos que se casaron hace unos meses en México, y ahora van a tener un hijo juntos en un tiempo récord. No hay nada como el presente, ¿verdad?

Cole y Vanessa han estado juntos como pareja desde 2020 -después de que ella rompió con su novio de mucho tiempo, Austin Butler- con quien había estado durante muchos años.

Vanessa y Cole eran dos gotas de agua, ella dijo que sabía que él era el indicado de inmediato.

Mientras que ella está claramente feliz con su marido, el tema de su relación con Austin ha surgido bastante últimamente, especialmente con él siendo lanzado al estrellato a través de todas estas películas que ha estado en el último par de años, incluyendo "Elvis".

Vanessa acaba de decir la semana pasada que está feliz de que su ruptura con Austin la llevara a Cole, y Austin, mientras tanto, ha dicho que valoraba su tiempo con Vanessa y que todavía la respetaba y se preocupaba por ella.

Austin no tiene previsto estar en la ceremonia de los Oscars de hoy, aunque ha asistido a fiestas relacionadas con los Oscars este fin de semana.

Así que podría aparecer esta noche. Es imposible no preguntarse como se sentirá al respecto.

En fin... ¡¡¡felicidades!!!

Vanessa Hudgens Preggo with First Child ... Shows Off Baby Bump at Oscars!!!

Vanessa Hudgens is pregnant, and she let the world know in the biggest way possible -- showing up to the Oscars ... with a big ol' baby bump in tow!

The actress is one of the hosts on the red carpet Sunday at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood -- where the ceremony will be going down later today -- and before all the stars arrived to take their own pictures ... Vanessa made sure to steal the spotlight with shots of her own.

She had a very good reason, too ... clearly, Vanessa is expecting a child -- and this is the first time anyone's hearing about it publicly. On its face, it seems she's fairly far along.

Of course, this is major news ... seeing how this would be VH's first child, and ditto for her husband, Cole Tucker. Remember, they just got married a few months ago down in Mexico ... and now, they're having a kid together in record time. No time like the present, right?!

Cole and Vanessa have been together as a couple since 2020 ... after she broke things off with her longtime boyfriend, Austin Butler -- with whom she'd been with for many years.

Vanessa and Cole were two peas in a pod ... she said she knew he was the one right away.

While she's clearly happy with her hubby ... the topic of her relationship with Austin has come up quite a bit lately -- especially with him being launched into superstardom through all these movies he's been in the past couple years, including 'Elvis.'

Vanessa just said last week she's happy her split with Austin led her to Cole -- and Austin, meanwhile, has said he valued his time with Vanessa ... and still respected/cared about her.

Austin himself is not scheduled to be at today's Oscars ceremony -- although, he has been out and about for Oscars-related parties this weekend.

So, he might be around somewhere later tonight as well. Ya gotta wonder how he might feel about this big development.

Anyhoo ... congrats!!!

BHAD BHABIE ES VISTA DISCUTIENDO CON SU NOVIO... Antes de la pelea en West Hollywood

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a los gritos

Danielle Bregoli estaba discutiendo con su novio antes de que una pelea estallara en un restaurante de Los Ángeles este fin de semana y parece que estaba bastante enojada, al menos basándonos de este nuevo video.

TMZ ha obtenido más imágenes que muestran a Danielle -aka, Bhad Bhabie- gritándole a su pareja: "pronto vas a ser papá de un bebé, Le Vaughn". Todo esto ocurrió el sábado por la noche en West Hollywood, no mucho antes de que sus amigos comenzaron a tener problemas con una mesa vecina, lo cual también fue capturado por la cámara.

"alcansenme adentro"

En este nuevo ángulo, se puede ver a Bhad perdiendo la calma con su hombre, aunque es difícil decir exactamente lo que estaban discutiendo. Fuera lo que fuera, que tenía a Danielle bastante enfurecida.

Recordemos que el representante de Danielle nos dijo que ella y su grupo simplemente reaccionaron a ser provocados por "mujeres borrachas" que supuestamente los estaban acosando, pero esto parece sugerir que algo más estaba pasando, aunque no está claro qué.

En cualquier caso, las cosas se pusieron feas. Algunas de las amigas de Danielle se enfrentaron con otras damas en el restaurante... hasta que las separaron.

Danielle no parece estar directamente involucrada en actos violentos, y mientras testigos afirmaron que ella y Le Vaughn se pusieron agresivos, no hay evidencia que lo respalde, aparte de este clip que los muestra teniendo una acalorada discusión.

Como se puede ver, Danielle está a punto de estallar con el niño de Le Vaughn en su vientre, y no hace mucho tiempo lucían como una pareja feliz durante una reciente fiesta de bebé.

Teniendo en cuenta que están a punto de darle la bienvenida a un bebé al mundo juntos, esperamos lque puedan resolver sus problemas -sea cual sea- y llegar a una solución pacífica.

Ella ha recorrido un largo camino desde sus días de Dr. Phil hasta ahora, y en estos momentos previos a ser madre, te imaginas que quiere alejarse de todo el caos.

Bhad Bhabie Seen Arguing with Boyfriend ... Before W. Hollywood Fight

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Danielle Bregoli was arguing with her boyfriend before a brawl erupted in an L.A. restaurant this weekend -- and it looks like she was pretty pissed ... at least based on this new video.

TMZ has obtained more footage that shows Danielle -- aka, Bhad Bhabie -- screaming at her partner/soon-to-be baby daddy, Le Vaughn, Saturday night in WeHo ... not long before her friends started scrapping with a neighboring table ... which was also caught on camera.


In this new angle, you can see BB losing her cool with her man -- although, it's hard to say exactly what they were bickering about. Whatever it was ... it clearly had Danielle fuming.

Remember, Danielle's rep told us she and her group simply reacted to being provoked by "drunk women" who were allegedly harassing them -- but this seems to suggest something else was going on besides these outside parties recording them all. Again, unclear what.

In any case ... it all came to head with blows from each side -- namely, some of Danielle's friends duking it out with other ladies in the restaurant ... that is, until they were broken up.

Danielle didn't appear to be directly involved in the violence herself here -- and while eyewitnesses claimed she and Le Vaughn had gotten physical amongst themselves ... there's no direct evidence to back that up, aside from this clip of them in a heated exchange.

As you can see, Danielle is just about to ready to pop with her and Le Vaughn's child -- and not that long ago ... they were looking like a happy couple during a recent baby shower.


Considering they're about to welcome a baby into the world together, here's hoping they can work out their issues -- whatever those might be -- and come to a peaceful resolution.

She's come a long way since her Dr. Phil days ... and now that she's going to be a mom -- you figure she wants to pivot away from all the chaos that had followed her early on.

Lakers' Christian Wood Granted Temporary Restraining Order ... Claims Son's Mom Vandalized Car

Los Angeles Lakers big man Christian Wood was just granted a temporary restraining order against his model ex-girlfriend ... after he claimed the mother of his child made his life a living hell following their breakup in December 2022.

The allegations are all laid out in court documents obtained by TMZ Sports ... with the 28-year-old hooper accusing Yasmine Lopez -- who boasts more than a million followers on social media -- of causing not only mental and emotional stress, but also financial damage to his valuable property.

Wood claims on February 23, 2024, Lopez and her friends trespassed at his California residence by climbing a fence ... and she proceeded to scratch the hood and doors of his Mercedes-Benz.

He says Lopez then entered his other vehicle, opened the front gate and began walking in his yard -- and neighbors who witnessed the incident called the police, resulting in her arrest.

Wood -- who has an 8-month-old son, Kobe Sean, with Lopez -- says cops then told him to pick up his son from her friend's house to avoid being processed through child protective services... but she refused to hand him over and began "making allegations against me and misrepresenting facts to the media to gain favor."

Wood also details an August 2023 incident in which he says Lopez broke into his home in Encino ... destroying statues, glass and vases and attempting to hit him. He says friends who were present at the time called the police, who de-escalated the situation.

It doesn't end there -- Wood also accuses Lopez of trespassing at his home in January 2023, when he was a member of the Dallas Mavericks ... claiming she spray-painted his Lamborghini.

Wood believes Lopez is stalking him by using his publicized work schedule to track his location and vandalize his property.

Wood is also accusing Lopez of getting physical with him on numerous occasions and alienating him from their son.

He requested joint legal custody and primary physical custody of their child.

As part of the restraining order, the judge ordered Lopez to steer clear of Wood. She must stay at least 100 yards away from the hooper ... whether he's at home, at work, or even in his car. The one exception is for "brief and peaceful contact" ... which is permitted, but only when it comes to conversations about their child.

The TRO specifically directs Lopez to "not abuse" Wood, including any harassing, attacking, striking, threatening, or stalking of her ex-boyfriend.

There are several other boilerplate restrictions ... Lopez cannot possess a firearm while the order is active.

The temporary restraining order expires on March 20.

Rick Ross New GF Posts His New Infant Daughter... 'Stranger Danger' Screams the BM!!!

Rick Ross' new two-month-old daughter subtlely made her IG debut this week -- only to have the spot blown up by the rap kingpin's new GF ... who might have overstepped her boundaries a bit.

Model Cierra Nichole made a post introducing their daughter Au’mei Moon Roberts ... with Rozay sharing in the congratulations for the bundle of joy by liking the news on Hollywood Unlocked.

All appeared to be well until Cristina Mackey -- Rozay's current gf -- reposted the pic, gushing over how beautiful the baby was.

Cierra didn't approve and let Cristina have it ... "stranger danger" never sounds good when it's hurled in your direction! BTW, Cristina seems to have gotten the message loud and clear, 'cause she deleted the baby post.

Now, Cristina's been spotted on RR's arm for weeks, and has quickly grown familiar to fans ... for rubbing them the wrong way with frequent posts of her lavish lifestyle, and she's even discussed their relationship in interviews.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

She's been catching a little heat for flaunting her lifestyle with Rick -- but her response to the haters is they'd be stupid not to post all the jet-setting and sightseeing they do.

Looks like she got checked, though on the baby boundaries.

Meanwhile, Rozay was just honored with the keys to his Miami hometown ... so he doesn't seem to be stressin' about any of it.

La madre del bebé de Soulja Boy acude al médico y le recetan ansiolíticos tras demandar a Blueface

La madre del bebé de Soulja Boy, dice que su demanda por difamación contra Blueface está haciendo mella en su salud mental. Sus abogados dicen que está viendo a los médicos y tomando nuevos medicamentos para la ansiedad y el insomnio.

Los abogados de Jackilyn Martínez, Vadim Yeremenko y Tara Licata, le dicen a TMZ que su clienta se siente angustiada por las declaraciones de Blueface sobre su hijo y las amenazas que ella dice que ha recibido de sus fans. Nos dicen que ha estado viendo a un terapeuta y un psiquiatra y que le han prescrito algunos medicamentos.

TMZ publicó la historia, Jackilyn demandó a Blueface después de que él dijo que tuvieron relaciones sexuales el 2022 e insinuó que el hijo que comparte con Soulja podría ser de él.

Blueface hizo más daño más en una serie de mensajes... y como resultado, toda esta situación ha sembrado la discordia entre Soulja y el niño.


También nos informan que Jackilyn y Soulja Boy ahora se comunican muy poco.

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Instagram / @souljaboy

Jackilyn parece estar pasando por mucho, su demanda afirmó que recibió amenazas de muerte de los fans de Blueface, y ahora su equipo legal nos dice que desde entonces ha desactivado los mensajes en las redes sociales.

La demanda fue presentada en diciembre y los abogados nos dicen que sirvieron Blueface mientras hacía un meet and greet en Fountain LA en Koreatown, la misma noche que nuestro fotógrafo lo encontró allí con Jaidyn Alexis.

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CONsiguiendo ESe DINERO

Todo un drama.

Soulja Boy's Baby Mama Fallout From Blueface Defamation Suit ... Doctor Visits, Anxiety Meds

Soulja Boy's baby mama says her defamation lawsuit against Blueface is taking an extreme emotional toll -- her lawyers say she's seeing doctors and taking new medications for anxiety and insomnia.

Jackilyn Martinez's attorneys, Vadim Yeremenko and Tara Licata, tell TMZ ... their client is feeling distressed over Blueface's statements about her child and threats she says she's getting from his fans. We're told she's been seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist, who have prescribed her meds.

TMZ broke the story ... Jackilyn sued Blueface after he said they had sex the day before her and Soulja Boy's baby shower back in 2022 ... and insinuated the son she shares with SB could actually be his.

Blueface took more jabs at Soulja and Jackilyn in a series of social media posts ... and as a result, we're told this whole situation has sowed discord between Soulja and the baby boy.


We're also told Jackilyn and Soulja Boy now have minimal communications themselves.

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Instagram / @souljaboy

Jackilyn seems to be going through a lot ... her lawsuit claimed she received death threats from Blueface fans, and now her legal team tells us she's since disabled messages on social media.

The lawsuit was filed in December and lawyers tell us they served Blueface while doing a meet and greet at Fountain LA in Koreatown ... the same night our photog got him there with Jaidyn Alexis.

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Drama on top of drama.

Boxer Ryan Garcia Guys, I Had a Baby!!! Also, I'm Getting Divorced?!?

Ryan Garcia had a little good news/bad news sitch on his hands this week -- first, he's a father to a new baby ... plus, he's apparently leaving his wife who just delivered said baby.

The lightweight boxing phenom made shocking back-to-back announcements Friday evening, almost instantaneously ... namely, breaking happy news that he and his partner, Andrea Celina, had recently welcomed a boy into the world ... whom they named Henry Leo.

Within the hour of posting pics of his new kid -- which is actually his second with AC -- RG threw up a downer of a post ... in which he declared he and Andrea were getting divorced.

Ryan's birth post was jubilant, reading ... "Honored To announce my Beautiful First Born SON PRAISE THE LORD. I am so thankful, I love him so much already. He is so fast already haha. Took him just 8 min to arrive You know where he got that speed from lol. GOD DID! And GOD WILL ... THANK YOU LORD I LOVE YOU."

In a since-deleted IG post that went up almost immediately after the baby announcement, Ryan said he and Andrea were ending their marriage ... which was eye-popping for a couple different reasons. For starters, no one seemed to know they were already hitched.

Of course the bigger reason is ... it was literally the very next thing he posted.. Ryan wrote in part, "As I step into a new chapter in my life, it's with a heavy heart to share that Drea and I have decided to divorce." He goes on to say that they remain committed to co-parenting their two children, etc. Now, it's a bit unclear if he and Andrea are on the same page here.

Andrea herself did not post the divorce statement, and Ryan's now scrubbed it from his page -- even though it was publicly up for well over 12 hours. Andrea has since posted some cryptic messages of her own on her IG Story ... perhaps suggesting she's mad at him.

It's a strange turn of events ... especially considering they've been together since 2019. Now that Ryan's taken down his divorce announcement -- we're not quite sure where things stand.

We've reached out to Ryan's team for clarification and comment. So far, no word back.

Boxeador Ryan García Ey, tuve un bebé!!! ¿Y también me estoy divorciando?

Ryan García tenía algunas buenas y malas noticias que compartir esta semana. Primero, que es padre de un nuevo bebé, y además, que aparentemente va a dejar a su esposa que acaba de dar a luz a dicho bebé.

El fenómeno del boxeo de peso ligero hizo estos sorprendentes anuncios, casi al mismo tiempo el viernes por la noche, a saber, la feliz noticia de que él y su pareja, Andrea Celina, habían dado la bienvenida recientemente a un niño que llamaron Henry Leo.

A la hora de haber publicado las fotos de su nuevo hijo, que en realidad es su segundo con Andrea, Ryan García compartió un deprimente post en el que declaraba que él y Andrea se estaban divorciando.

El post del nacimiento de Ryan era jubiloso, decía: "Estoy honrado de anunciar a mi hermoso primer hijo, alabado sea el Señor. Estoy tan agradecido, lo amo tanto ya. Él es tan rápido ya jaja. Le tomó solo 8 minutos llegar ¿Sabes de dónde sacó esa velocidad lol. ¡DIOS LO HIZO! Y DIOS LO HARÁ ... GRACIAS SEÑOR TE AMO".

En un post de IG ahora borrado, que subió casi inmediatamente después del anuncio del bebé, Ryan dijo que él y Andrea estaban poniendo fin a su matrimonio, lo que era llamativo por un par de razones. Para empezar, nadie parecía saber que ya estaban casados.

Por supuesto, la razón más importante fue, literalmente, lo siguiente que publicó. Ryan escribió, en parte: "Al entrar en un nuevo capítulo en mi vida, es con el corazón pesado que comparto que Drea y yo hemos decidido divorciarnos". Continuó diciendo que siguen comprometidos con la crianza de sus dos hijos, etc. Ahora, no queda claro si él y Andrea están en la misma página aquí.

Andrea no publicó nada sobre el divorcio y Ryan lo ha borrado de su página, a pesar de que estuvo publicado durante más de 12 horas. Andrea desde entonces ha publicado algunos mensajes crípticos en sus propias historias de IG, lo que sugiere que tal vez está enojada con él.

Es un extraño giro de los acontecimientos, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que han estado juntos desde 2019. Ahora que Ryan ha quitado el anuncio del divorcio, no estamos muy seguros dónde están las cosas.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el equipo de Ryan para aclarar las cosas y tener comentarios. Hasta ahora, no hemos tenido respuesta.

Blueface Sued By Soulja Boy's Baby Mama ... For Saying They Had Sex Before Baby Shower

Blueface has been hit with a lawsuit by Soulja Boy's baby mama after claiming he slept with her the day before her baby shower ... among other things.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Jackilyn Martinez beelined it to court Friday ... claiming Blueface made false and defamatory statements about her and her child.


In case you missed it ... Blueface and Soulja Boy have been beefing heavily on social media this week, which started after the two began arguing about who would win in a Verzuz battle.

Well, things escalated quickly ... and Blueface made some pretty outlandish comments to Soulja Boy about Jackilyn, which includes, "Because I fucked your baby mama the day before your baby shower."

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Instagram / @souljaboy

The docs say Blueface went on to say things like, "Till Soulja get a DNA test that's my child lil bro I'm the daddy now," and "What's old about your baby mama sucking my d--k."

However ... the docs say Jackilyn and Blueface did have protected sex one time in 2018, but since then there's been no sex of any kind.

Jackilyn's attorneys say they sent Blueface a cease and desist letter on Tuesday -- demanding he remove all these defamatory statements from social media -- but instead he mocked Jackilyn by posting on IG, "Nobody ever said your name ... I don't even know who you are."

Jackilyn claims she has been receiving death threats since it became known she sent Blueface a C&D letter.

We reached out to a rep for Blueface ... so far, no word back.

B.J. Novak Fairy Godfather to Mindy's Kid ... During Disneyland Trip

Mindy Kaling and B.J. Novak continue to be two peas in a pod all these years later -- and as she's said, he's a great godparent to her kids ... especially when they go to Disneyland.

The two former 'Office' stars -- who once dated, but now remain incredibly close friends -- hit up the Happiest Place on Earth Friday with a crew of other adults tagging along ... and a VIP guide escorting them through the park.

These pics, obtained by TMZ, were captured in Fantasyland, and they were near the carousel ... with the grownups asking Mindy's 6-year-old daughter, Katherine, which ride she wanted to go on. Looks like it was a birthday outing ... the kid was born in December 2017.

Anyway, as you can see ... B.J. is holding Katherine's hand -- alongside a blonde woman -- while Mama Bear was walking ahead of them and looking back to keep an eye on everyone.

If you're unfamiliar with Mindy's family dynamic ... it's a little complicated, especially considering her romantic history with B.J. At this point, though, he's part of MK's brood.

Mindy actually has two children, but nobody knows who their dad is -- as she's kept his identity under wraps. With that said, there's been speculation that B.J. himself might, in fact, be the father ... but Mindy has said he's simply her children's godfather ... and nothing more.

Considering how close he is with Mindy, it's not surprising to see B.J. rolling with her and her kid(s) these days -- but it does kinda fuel the unsubstantiated rumor he might be Daddy.

The larger backdrop, of course, is the Ryan/Kelly onscreen coupling that has somewhat manifested in real life. The Ry Guy left his baby behind to be with Ms. Kapoor in the TV show -- but B.J. seems to have found a way to have it all in real life, murky as it may be.

Condolences to Baby Drake ... Kat's got him all to herself!

B.J. Novak Hada "padrino" de la hija de Mindy Durante un paseo a Disney

Mindy Kaling y B.J. Novak siguen siendo muy cercanos a pesar de todos estos años y, como ella ha dicho, él es un gran padrino de sus hijos especialmente cuando van a Disneyland.

Las dos ex estrellas de "Office", que una vez salieron y ahora son muy amigos, fueron al lugar más feliz de la Tierra el viernes con un grupo de otros adultos y un guía VIP que los escoltó por el parque.

Estas fotos obtenidas por TMZ fueron capturadas en Disneyland, al parecer cerca del carrusel, donde se puede ver a los adultos preguntarle a la hija de 6 años de Mindy, Katherine, a qué juego quiere ir. Parece que era una salida de cumpleaños, ya que la niña nació en diciembre de 2017.

De todos modos, como se puede ver, B.J. está sosteniendo la mano de Katherine junto a una mujer rubia, mientras Mama Osa iba delante y miraba hacia atrás para chequear que todo estuviera bien.

Si no estás familiarizado con la dinámica familiar de Mindy, bueno, es un poco complicado, especialmente si tenemos en cuenta su historia romántica con B.J.

Mindy tiene dos hijos, pero nadie sabe quién es su padre, ya que ha mantenido su identidad en secreto. Dicho esto, se ha especulado que el propio B.J. podría ser, de hecho, el padre, pero Mindy ha dicho que solo es el padrino de sus hijos y nada más.

Teniendo en cuenta lo cercanos que son con Mindy, no es sorprendente ver a B.J. compartiendo con ella y sus hijos por estos días, pero sí le pone un poco de leña al fuego a este rumor sin fundamento de que podría ser el papá.

El telón de fondo más grande, por supuesto, es el acoplamiento de ambos en la pantalla, como Ryan y Kelly, que se ha manifestado un poco en la vida real. El Ry Guy dejó atrás a su bebé para estar con la Sra. Kapoor en la serie de televisión, pero B.J. parece haber encontrado una manera de tenerlo todo en la vida real, por turbio que sea.

Condolencias a Baby Drake ... ¡Kat lo tiene todo para ella!

Offset Denies Blueface Claim That He Banged Chrisean Rock

Blueface claims Offset slept with Chrisean Rock -- something she seems to be denying ... and which he's most certainly calling BS on ... this amid his latest issues with Cardi B.

The rapper made the allegation online Sunday amid his ongoing feud with Chrisean ... with the latest hurdle between them now being about their child together -- which Blue just announced the other day was not, in fact, his after he allegedly got confirmation.

On the heels of that drama, Blue tweeted out ... "Being tatted ona hoe is not a flex you literally f****d cardi B husband couple weeks ago I’m tired of n****s looking at me while they f*****g you get the rest of em gone asap please."

It looks like Chrisean is tweeting back at Blueface right now and saying it ain't true, to which Blue responded with specific dates and times ... "So you ain’t f*** cardi husband November 10th at 4am at their house in LA…I’m making this up ?"

Welp, Offset chimed in on the back and forth ... and he's saying yeah, Blue is making it up.

Offset wrote in direct response to one of Blueface's tweets, "I ain't never  talk or touch that lady. Real talk man you need some help!" To that, Blueface appears to have replied and said this ... "If the truth tears you down you living a shameful life and I feel bad for you cuz I ain’t never gone lie on my d*** if I hit it ima admit it on SY."

As for Chrisean -- who's been feuding a lot with Blueface lately, especially pertaining to her baby boy -- she threw out her own accusations at him ... including claims that she'd seen Blueface's Internet search history of late and saw some gay porn results, which he denied. She, of course, also denied his Offset claim, saying ... "U just crashing out making up s***."

Now what's interesting about Blueface's accusation here is the fact that Offset and Cardi do, in fact, appear to be going through more difficulties -- as she's been cryptically implying she's over him ... seemingly referring to him as "dead weight" and straight up unfollowing him.

She hasn't clarified what exactly the problem is ... but considering his history of alleged infidelity, something tells us it might be about that -- especially with this latest development.

Cardi hasn't responded to any of this mess so far, but she very well might soon.

YG Pleeease Take Down That Stripper Pic ... Man Hilariously Claims She's His Baby Momma


YG's getting flooded with comments about a photo of what looks like a fun night at an in-house stripper party ... because some dude claims the dancer in the pic is his baby's mother!!!

The viral fuss is coming from a man named Andre Lowe, who's been campaigning for days to get YG to remove the post ... but hasn't had any luck yet.

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YG was snapped making it rain dollar bills during the Halloween bash as the dancer flaunted her flexibility ... and a strong game of G-string peek-a-boo!!! The photo IS a lot, but we don't think Andre's actually losing any sleep over it.

The guy labels himself a rapper/social media entertainer who jokes all day long, so there's a good chance this whole thing is just a skit, or a bit of trolling -- either way, it's prompting some hilarious comments from people.


Andre says he's getting teased online by a bunch of hypocrites -- guys who have the same kinda girl problems as him, acting like he's a chump.

He barked back at the haters in a new video, scoffing at all the newfound "Suga Free" pimp experts.

Some people are imploring YG to cut Andre a break and delete the post -- but even more see it for what it most likely is ... a funny skit from a dude looking to exploit IG's algorithm.

Either way, yesterday was his birthday, and it didn't seem like he was having a great time. Bro's sticking to the script!

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