YG Por favor borra la foto de esa stripper... ¡Es la madre de mi bebé!

Un mensaje a YG

YG está recibiendo una avalancha de comentarios por una foto de lo que parece ser una noche de diversión en una fiesta de striptease. Todo ello, porque un tipo afirma que la bailarina que aparece en la foto es la madre de su bebé.

El alboroto viene de un hombre llamado Andre Lowe, que ha estado haciendo campaña durante días para conseguir que YG elimine el post, pero aún no ha tenido suerte.

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YG fue fotografiado haciendo llover billetes durante una fiesta de Halloween, mientras la bailarina hacía alarde de su flexibilidad. La foto ES muy elocuente, pero no creemos que le esté quitando el sueño a Andre.

El chico se etiqueta a sí mismo como un rapero e influencer de redes sociales, que bromea todo el día, así que hay una buena probabilidad de que todo esto sea solo una parodia, o un troleo. De cualquier forma, está provocando algunos comentarios hilarantes de la gente.

Practica lo que predicas

Andre dice que está siendo objeto de burlas por un montón de hipócritas, chicos que tienen los mismos problemas que él con las chicas, pero están actuando como si él fuera un tonto.

Andre ha respondido a los haters en un nuevo video, burlándose de todos los expertos en "Suga Free".

Algunas personas están implorando a YG que le dé un descanso a Andre y borre el post, pero muchos más lo ven como lo que probablemente es... un sketch divertido de un tipo que busca explotar el algoritmo de Instagram.

En cualquier caso, ayer fue su cumpleaños, y no parecía que lo estaba pasando muy bien. ¡El hombre se está ciñendo al guion!

Keke Palmer Holds Son Post-TRO Against Baby Daddy Flower Bouquet Sent Over

Keke Palmer is holding on tight to her son after getting temporary sole custody of him amid her legal fight with her baby daddy -- this, of course, after accusing him of DV.

The actress appeared to be on set Saturday afternoon in West Hollywood, where two notable things happened -- one, she was photographed carrying her nearly 9-month-old, Leo, while in costume ... and was smiling from ear to ear, while even firing off a selfie of the 2 of them.

There was a woman nearby, whom Keke eventually handed Leo over to -- presumably a nanny of some sort -- while she went back to work. Like we said, KP is beaming here.

The other standout moment from this time on the job ... she received an intricate bouquet of flowers from somebody, courtesy of a local business called La Fleu Eclose ... and this particular arrangement is one of their pricier items for sale -- it's called "My Queen."

The bouquet comes with a crap ton of roses -- between 50 to 100 -- and a nice little crown ornament on top to boot. There was a card attached that Keke was seen reading ... and she looked to be a bit emotional as she went through it. No word on who it was from.

This is the first time we're seeing Keke out in public since her bomb allegations this past week -- namely, claiming Darius Jackson had abused her on and off for well over a year ... including an alleged incident she says happened as recently as last weekend.

Keke also uploaded a bunch of still images taken from in-home security footage that she claims shows Darius roughing her up on a handful of occasions, dating back to 02/2022.

She said she feared for her safety, and as a result was granted a temporary restraining order against Darius. Keke was also granted temporary sole custody of their kid ... a separate filing that came shortly before her TRO hit the court system.

Darius has remained mostly mum through all this ... not having officially acknowledged her claims, other than to say he loves his son and that he'll "see you soon." A hearing to sort all this out is scheduled for early December ... where he'll presumably get a chance to respond.

Keke and Darius had Leo in February ... and had been a couple for a good while before that. He's not famous at all -- but has drawn attention to himself and their relationship.

Infamously, he criticized her outfit choice during an Usher concert ... which got a lot of blowback -- even, seemingly, from Keke herself. Since then, though -- they appear to have made up and gotten back together ... until now, that is. Safe to say, they're on the outs.

RIHANNA Y A$AP ROCKY VUELVEN A SALIR POR SEPARADO En medio del caso criminal de Flacko

A$AP Rocky está ocupado con asuntos legales en este momento, ya que lucha contra los cargos penales en los tribunales y se podría pensar que su amada Rihanna estaría a su lado en público, pero no lo es así.

La pareja se mostró frente a las cámaras dos veces esta semana, justo después de la audiencia preliminar de alto perfil de Rocky en un juzgado el miércoles. En ambas ocasiones no estaban juntos. Y para este fin de semana, ni siquiera estaban en la misma parte de la ciudad.

El jueves, RiRi fue fotografiada en el San Vicente Bungalows en West Hollywood con algunas amigas, mientras que Rocky estaba en una parte diferente en la misma ciudad, sin compañía de Rihanna pero con un grupo de amigos.

Ambos parecían bastante neutrales el jueves, pero el sábado fueron vistos saliendo de nuevo (por separado) y se veían algo más alegres.

Rocky y Rihanna estaban vestidos para impresionar, pero solo él mostró una sonrisa mientras paseaba por una calle después de lo que nos dicen que fue una sesión de estudio nocturna en WeHo. Tiene un álbum que supuestamente saldrá pronto, así que es lógico que esté trabajando.

Rihanna, por otro lado, estaba en el lado opuesto de Tinseltown Sábado y se le pudo ver en su restaurante favorito, Giorgio Baldi en Santa Mónica, el cual ella suele frecuentar.

Como hemos dicho, ella no parecía muy feliz. Lucía gafas de sol y su semblante se notaba un tanto grave. Teniendo en cuenta que los fiscales van detrás de su hombre por cargos de armas.

Como informamos, uno de los ex miembros de Rocky A$AP Mob, Relli, subió al estrado y testificó que Rocky le había disparado en 2021 luego de una pelea y presunto enfrentamiento. Relli incluso afirmó que Rocky había amenazado con matarlo antes de supuestamente apretar el gatillo.


El abogado de Rocky, Joe Tacopina, Relli a la parrilla en la cruz, pero su cliente se debe de nuevo en la corte a finales de este mes para ver si esta cosa va a ir a un juicio con jurado en toda regla o no. AR abandonó el edificio de muy buen humor y emanaba confianza mientras firmaba autógrafos.

No se puede decir lo mismo del comportamiento de Rihanna aquí, sin embargo ... se ve un poco triste.

Por lo general la pareja es bastante unida y feliz, pero en este momento parece que hay una cierta distancia, al menos en la cara de las cosas. Esperemos que todo vaya bien. 🤞

Rihanna & A$AP Rocky Step Out Separately Again in L.A. ... Amid Flacko's Criminal Case

A$AP Rocky is in hot legal water right now as he fights criminal charges in court -- and you'd think his baby mama, Rihanna, would be right by his side in public ... but she isn't.

The couple stepped out in front of cameras twice this week -- right on the heels of Rocky's high-profile preliminary hearing in a DTLA courthouse Wednesday -- and on both occasions ... they were not together. And for this weekend, they weren't even in the same part of town.

On Thursday, RiRi was photographed hitting up the San Vicente Bungalows in West Hollywood with some gal pals in tow, whereas Rocky was in a different part of WeHo ... unaccompanied by Rihanna, and instead being trailed by his own crew of fellas.

Both of them looked fairly neutral on Thursday ... but come Saturday, they were seen stepping out again (separately) and seemed a little more chipper -- well, AR was anyway.

Rocky and Rihanna were both dressed to impress, but it was only him who flashed a grin as he strolled along a street following what we're told was a late-night studio sesh in WeHo. He's got an album that's supposedly due out soon, so it makes sense he's working.

Rihanna, on the other hand, was on the opposite side of Tinseltown Saturday ... hitting up her favorite restaurant, Giorgio Baldi in Santa Monica -- which she always frequents.

Like we said, she didn't look all that happy ... sporting sunglasses and a somewhat serious mug. Considering prosecutors are going after her man on gun charges, that also lines up.

As we reported ... one of Rocky's former A$AP Mob members, Relli, took the stand and testified that Rocky had shot him in 2021 -- this after a falling out and alleged face-off. Relli even claimed that Rocky had threatened to kill him before allegedly pulling the trigger.


Rocky's attorney, Joe Tacopina, grilled Relli on cross ... but his client is due back in court later this month to see if this thing's gonna go to a full-blown jury trial or not. AR left the building in a very good mood and emanated confidence as he signed autographs.

The same can't be said for Rihanna's demeanor here, though ... she looks kinda glum.

They're usually putting on a united front for everyone, but at the moment ... there appears to be some distance, at least on the face of things. Here's hoping everything's alright. 🤞

Cam Newton Expecting Child With Jasmin Brown ... 'Baby Momma 3'

Cam Newton is adding to his roster of kids -- his comedian/actress girlfriend just announced she's pregnant with his eighth child ... calling herself "baby momma #3."

Jasmin "Watch Jazzy" Brown broke the news with a photo of her bump while announcing her newest tour on Friday ... which included a bunch of baby-related imagery like a pacifier and footprints.

"Third times a charm tour 😉," Brown said in the IG caption, "Coming to a comedy stage near you."

The tour name is a clear reference to the fact Jazz will be the third woman to have a child with the NFL quarterback.

Brown has made fun of her role as "stepmom" during her standup routine in the past ... but has also dealt with people who criticized her for dating a man who has kids with two other women.

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Newton -- who last played with the Panthers in 2021 -- came to her defense recently by clapping back at an internet troll in Brown's comments.

"Welp that's why I ain't with you," Newton said. "LOL it's levels to this Queen and if someone is worth it, yo ass would do a lot of things you ONCE said you wouldn't do."

"I hope you find someone though, I would hate for anyone to go through life alone. I would hate it there lol."

It wasn't the first time Newton and Brown's love life was met with backlash -- Jasmin was also ripped for saying on the "Lovers & Friends with Shan Boodram" podcast that she's a submissive woman in her relationship.

Despite the hate, Brown's fans are flooding her comments with positivity ... and wish her and Newton the best.


FLO RIDA Son's Mother Says She'll Take $40 Mil To Settle Lawsuit Over 5-Story Fall

Flo Rida's baby mama says she's willing to settle the lawsuit over their son's near-fatal fall from her New Jersey apartment building ... but it's going to require an 8-figure payout.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Alexis Adams says it will take $40 million for her to settle the suit she's filed against the various parties she claims are responsible for her son's fall from a Jersey City building.

Remember, Alexis and Flo's 6-year-old son Zohar fell from a 5th-story window back in March and landed on the concrete pavement below ... resulting in serious injuries.

As we reported ... Zohar was rushed to a hospital and placed in the ICU ... ultimately emerging in a full-body cast and then learning how to walk again. Doctors said it's a miracle the boy even survived the 50-foot fall.

Alexis is suing a construction company and a window installation company, among others, blaming them for installing "incorrect sized guards" on the windows ... which she believes allowed Zohar to fall. Flo Rida is not involved in the suit.

While Alexis says $40 million is what it will take for her to settle -- $20 million from one set of defendants and $20 million from another -- there's no indication in the docs that any of the defendants are interested in paying that amount to resolve the case.


La madre del bebé de Flo Rida dice que está dispuesta a resolver la demanda sobre la peligrosa caída de su hijo desde un edificio de 5 pisos, y tiene un enorme pago de ocho cifras en mente.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Alexis Adams dice que tendrán que pagarle 40 millones de dólares para resolver su demanda contra las distintas partes que ella afirma, son responsables de la caída de su hijo de un edificio de Jersey City (Nueva Jersey).

Alexis afirma que ella y el hijo de 6 años de edad de Flo Rida —Zohar— cayeron desde una ventana del 5 º piso en marzo y aterrizaron sobre el pavimento. Quedaron con lesiones graves.

Como informamos, ella afirma Zohar fue trasladado a un hospital y enviado a la UCI. Finalmente, salió con un yeso de cuerpo completo y la tarea de aprender a caminar de nuevo. Los médicos dijeron que es un milagro que el niño haya sobrevivido a la caída de 50 pies.

Alexis ha demandado a una empresa de construcción y a otra de instalación de ventanas y le ha dicho a los medios de comunicación que el incidente "es como una pesadilla". Flo Rida no está involucrado en la demanda.

Mientras que Alexis dice que 40 millones de dólares es lo que se necesita para llegar a un acuerdo, ($20 millones de un grupo de acusados y $20 millones de otro) no hay nada que muestre en los documentos que cualquiera de los acusados estén interesados en pagar esta cantidad para resolver el caso.

Quédense atentos...

Chrisean Rock Gives Birth on IG Live ... New Baby Boy is Here!!!

here he comes!!!

Chrisean Rock is now a mom, 'cause she just gave birth to her son ... and she did on the 'Gram, no less.

The rapper was livestreaming her delivery Sunday on from her Instagram account, which captured her on a hospital bed with friends and family all around -- this while she pushed, screamed and, eventually, cried tears of joy.

Indeed, the baby appears to have been secured safely ... but it was a process. At one point in the livestream, Chrisean could be seen/heard saying -- "Get this n**** out!" as doctors worked on her. No word on how long she was in labor, but the baby boy has arrived.

Chrisean's baby daddy, Blueface, was nowhere to be seen in her video ... there's footage circulating of him online right now that appears to show him in a different city entirely.

He's made it clear throughout this whole saga ... Chrisean isn't his #1 anymore, even as he's been confronted with paternity. Remember, he's got other children from different women.

Anyhoo, Chrisean seems to have had some kind of support system around her. With that said, her pregnancy has been controversial ... with many weighing on how she'd carried herself through parts of it, including instances of her smoking with a bun in the oven.


All that's over now, though ... here's hoping the baby is healthy. Congrats!

Ne-Yo 7 Kids, 0 Baby Mama Drama ... We Don't Diss Each Other Publicly!!!

Ne-Yo is insisting he maintains a healthy relationship with the 3 women with whom he shares his 7 children ... and he says the secret to being stress-free is an easy one: parents aren't allowed to sling mud in front of the kids.

The R&B star broke down his reasoning to former video vixen Gloria Valez in a podcast clip Thursday, explaining any headlines he and his exes make bickering could possibly affect the children down the line, so they refrain from doing so.

Ne-Yo shares 3 children with ex-wife Crystal Renay, 2 with ex-fiancée Monyetta Shaw and 2 with ex-girlfriend Sadé Jenea ... but says everyone gets along ... as the kids refer to their half-siblings' mothers as the "extra moms."

He credits his mother and sister for upholding his support system in raising the kids — but isn't shy about dealing with the occasional friction. Baby mothers and fathers are known to mirror immovable forces and unstoppable objects, after all.


Crystal and Ne-Yo have been showing positive PDA as of late, despite ending their union and Ne-Yo's new dilemma is convincing his kids to adjust to his fame.

He says the older they get, the more annoyed they are with autograph seekers!!! Ay, it comes with the territory kids.

Chrisean Rock Swears Off Blueface, in Tears ... He Calls BS, Jaidyn Too


Chrisean Rock spent a good chunk of her Sunday pouring her heart out to thousands of her IG followers, vowing she and Blueface will never be together again in any capacity ... despite their forthcoming baby together.

The pregnant reality star accused Blueface of physical and emotional abuse but ultimately blamed herself for her own issues.


According to Chrisean, she turned a blind eye to Blueface's bad behavior, drank too much alcohol and neglected her mental health -- but she's optimistic motherhood will keep her on the right path.

She also claimed her new quasi-skinhead hairstyle was due to Blueface allegedly ripping her braids out during a brawl, and not a rebellious fashion statement.

But, the "Moonwalking in Calabasas" rapper says those are all lies and he's not letting them go unchecked!!!


Blueface and his girlfriend/child's mother Jaidyn Alexis reacted to Chrisean's IG explosion with their noses turned up ... claiming it's Chrisean who starts the physical confrontations and then hides behind her pregnancy.

He also tells fans don't believe any of her crocodile tears ... and posted alleged DMs of Chrisean attempting to cuddle with him right after her final bow.

He's looking to orchestrate a boxing match between Chrisean and Jaidyn if the tensions keep up. Probably best to wait until after the baby is born, though.

Travis Scott Flames Timothée Chalamet Over Kylie

Travis Scott is treating Kylie Jenner's new boyfriend, Timothée Chalamet, like an oompa loompa on his new album "Utopia" ... and wants his bm to know she'll never find another beau more lit than him!!!

On the appropriately titled track, "Meltdown," Travis blows his tops going at Timothée while dissing his upcoming role as the King of Candy with the lyrics, "Chocolate AP and chocolate the Vs got the/ Willy Wonka factory (Vs)/ Burn an athlete like it's calories find another flame hot as me, bitch!!!"

In case you're not following Travis' hot lines, an AP is short for Audemars Piguet, one of the watches rappers favor these days that cost just as much as a moderately sized mansion ... while Timothée is set to play Willy Wonka in the fable's latest reboot ... a move too corny for his taste.

Confirmation that Kylie was getting cozy inside Timothée's chocolate factory began to surface in April, when her car was spotted at his house, and again during a mid-day taco run.

Kylie and Travis entered the summer in a fluid co-parenting situation, with zero expectations of getting back together ... but Travis is clearly upset Kylie moved on with the Golden Ticket guy!!!

Travis dropped his long-awaited "Utopia" album on Friday and all signs point to it being a huge success, with several fans complaining of outages on streaming services as everyone rushed to listen.

Well, everyone 'cept for Timothée most likely.

DaBaby Screw The Baby Mamas!!! Directs Moneybagg Vid

DaBaby's getting behind the camera for a change as the director for MoneyBagg Yo's new music video.

DaBaby's clearly learned a thing or two churning out zany music videos with Reel Goats over the years, and premiered Moneybagg's "F My BM" visual on Monday ... where the Bread Gang turned the courtroom upside down, in 4K!!!

The Memphis rapper followed DaBaby's script and portrayed an unsuspecting cheater who eventually gets dragged into a chaotic courtroom for a battle of the sexes showdown.

The track can be found on Moneybagg's latest "Hard To Love" project and DaBaby's vision totally rips a page outta the book of life ... Moneybagg revealed he had to nip a cheating scandal in the bud with GF Ari Fletcher before getting peace of mind to release the project.

Kudos to DaDirector for bringing the drama to life.

Keke Palmer Doubles Down On Outfit Choice ... Gets Support From Usher!!!


9:24 AM PT -- Keke Palmer's BF, Darius Jackson, appears to have deleted both his Twitter and Instagram after receiving backlash for his recent comments regarding Keke's outfit.

Keke Palmer's boyfriend isn't gonna get a rise out of her -- at least publicly -- after he insinuated her choice of attire for an Usher concert wasn't appropriate for a mom.

The "Nope" actress is telling the world she had no regrets following the very public remarks made by Darius Jackson, the father of her son, regarding her outfit while attending Usher's Vegas residency last weekend.

Keke doubled down on her sexy wardrobe selection in a recap on IG ... that made no mention of Darius whatsoever.

She posted a pic in THE outfit, and said, "I wish I had taken more pictures but we were running late! I am telling y'all right now, if you haven't seen @usher YOU MUST GO!! HE WAS SO FABULOUS!!"

Referring to Usher, Keke added ... "Where is that pic of us all together with the King himself??"

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The "king" Usher sided with his VIP guest, or at least shouted her out ... thanking her for attending his show, not to mention giving his Vegas residency yet another viral moment!!!

Darius was royally pissed off Wednesday when fans ripped him for being extra critical of Keke's sheer 'fit. He said, "We live in a generation where a man of the family doesn’t want the wife & mother to his kids to showcase booty cheeks to please others & he gets told how much of a hater he is."

As of Thursday, Keke and Darius don't follow each other on Instagram.


Hey Alexa, play "Moving Mountains" by Usher. 🎶

We covered the drama on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 8:08 AM PT

Blueface Fresh Outta Jail on Bail ... Rap Coaches Jaidyn, She Rebels!!!


Blueface wasn't in a Las Vegas jail cell for too long after being arrested for robbery Wednesday afternoon -- and Jaidyn Alexis, mother of his 2 children, was waiting outside with the appropriate party favors.

TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... Blueface was arrested in court while appearing for a separate offense but was allowed to make bail and Jaidyn came in clutch.

proper pickup

For her loyalty, Blueface immediately launched into star-maker mode and began training her for a potentially lucrative rap career in the studio.

Under Blue's coaching, Jaidyn turned the untitled track into a diss song for the haters who called her ugly. However, she also ended up hating the recording process, and her coach!!!

Their studio session bled well into Thursday morning with Jaidyn threatening to take even longer to prevent Blue from dipping off to go see his other girlfriend, Chrisean Rock ... who apparently didn't want to see him after his arrest!!!

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Someone sneakily caught Chrisean's happy reaction that Blue was in jail but she denied that was her true feeling.

The adventures of Blueface are never ending!!!

Gervonta Davis Domestic Violence Case Dropped

Gervonta Davis is off the hook in his domestic violence case ... prosecutors have dropped the charge against the star boxer, TMZ Sports has confirmed.

The 28-year-old had been facing one count of misdemeanor battery after the mother of his child accused him of hitting her during a wild altercation in Broward County, Fla. back on Dec. 27.

But, officials said the alleged victim ultimately did not want to press charges in the case ... leading to its dismissal on Monday.


The parties "agreed that the defendant had to complete an anger management course and parenting class," prosecutors said in a statement. Once prosecutors received confirmation he'd completed the courses, the case was dropped.

The woman initially told cops Davis had struck her with a "closed hand type slap" ... causing her an abrasion on the inside of her lip. She later, though, walked back the allegations in a social media post, writing, "While the emotions were high I made an unnecessary call to law enforcement in an intense moment while I was frantic."

"Gervonta did not harm me or our daughter."

For his part, Davis has always denied wrongdoing in the case ... saying in a social media statement of his own hours after the alleged incident, "I NEVER PUT MY HANDS ON MY CHILD MOTHER NOR MY F***ING DAUGHTER ARE YOU F***ING CRAZY!!"


Davis has fought two times since he was put in jail over the woman's claims ... beating both Hector Garcia and Ryan Garcia.

Nick Cannon Starts New Morning Show ... Child's Mother Cohosting!!!

Nick Cannon is back on the morning show hustle ... thanks to a new partnership with Amazon's live stream app Amp, and he's keeping it in the family!!!

On Monday, Nick launched "A Morning Show You Don't Want to Sleep On" ... which costars Abby De La Rosa, the mother of 3 of his 11 children, and Mason Moussette, a radio vet who last worked in Dallas.

Abby's actually a radio vet also ... she worked for Real 92.3 years before adding to the Cannon family tree with their 3 children Zion, Zillion, and Beautiful Zeppelin.

Of the new partnership, Nick says "There’s a magical thing that happens when entertainment is unedited and live..." and we foresee plenty of viral moments in his future without such a filter!!!

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