EMMA STONE LLAMA A JIMMY KIMMEL "IDIOTA" Durante broma en los Oscars

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el momento del chiste

Emma Stone fue una de las protagonistas de los Oscars el domingo, no solo se llevó el premio a la Mejor Actriz, sino que también está llamando la atención en Internet por su reacción a la broma de Jimmy Kimmel sobre su película "Poor Things".

Si no viste el programa... durante la velada se emitieron fragmentos de las películas nominadas a Mejor Película, cuando el presentador soltó una broma sobre la película de Emma, de clasificación R, diciendo: "Esas son todas las partes de Poor Things que se nos permite mostrar en televisión". El público se lo tragó, desternillándose de risa... ¡Pero ella no estaba precisamente riéndose!

Échale un vistazo al momento incómodo, la cámara corta inmediatamente a Stone, ella dispara sobre una mirada a su marido Dave McCary antes de aparentemente murmurar la palabra "idiota". ¡Hablando de una reacción sin filtro!

El momento fue inmediatamente compartido en las redes y la gente todavía está tratando de descifrar qué fue lo que realmente dijo en respuesta a la broma que insinuaba que "Poor Things" era simplemente sobre sexo.

Algunos están absolutamente convencidos de que dijo "idiota"... y añaden que en realidad no tenía motivos para enfadarse porque Jimmy dio en el clavo con su broma. Luego está el otro bando, que dice a todo el mundo que se calme y no saque conclusiones precipitadas.

La única que realmente puede aclarar lo que se dijo es la propia Emma, pero vamos a darle un poco de margen, ya que tiene un nuevo y brillante Oscar para celebrar después de todo.

De todos modos, no todo fueron tensiones entre Emma y Jimmy durante la velada; de hecho, él comenzó la ceremonia elogiando su actuación en "Poor Things" durante su monólogo de apertura.

Además del trofeo a la mejor actriz para Emma, la película también ganó las categorías de diseño de vestuario, diseño de producción, maquillaje y peluquería. ¡Felicidades a todo el equipo detrás de Poor Things!


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Emma Stone didn't seem to like Jimmy Kimmel's quip about her movie "Poor Things" -- and she let it show right afterward ... now, everyone's playing lip-reader as to what she said.

Clips of the Best Picture nominees played throughout the evening -- and when the "Poor Things" montage went up ... JK dropped a zinger about Emma's R-rated nominated movie, saying, "Those were all the parts of 'Poor Things' we're allowed to show on TV."

The audience chuckled a bit -- but when the cameras cut to Emma in the immediate aftermath of Jimmy's joke ... she quickly said something to her husband, Dave McCary.

On its face -- and based on nothing but trying to make out the words -- it appears she said "What a prick" ... that or "Oh my god." The internet seems to think it was the former.

The moment was immediately picked up online ... and people are still trying to decipher what ES actually said in response to JK insinuating that "Poor Things" was all about sex -- which, to be frank, it kinda is. There's more themes beyond that ... but sex is the main driver.

The only one who can clear the air on what was said is Emma herself -- but she's got a shiny new Oscar to celebrate right now, and she probably ain't gonna spill the tea today.

Anyhoo, it wasn't all tension between Emma and Jimmy during the evening -- in fact, he kicked off the ceremony showering her "Poor Things" performance with praise during his opening monologue ... so he had some love for her, and we're sure ES appreciated it.

In addition to Emma's Best Actress trophy ... her movie also won Costume Design, Production Design, and Makeup & Hairstyling. Big night for the "Poor Things" camp -- jabs regardless.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

The TMZ Podcast: Kimmel and Trump Trade Jabs Over Oscars Gig ... & Kate Middleton's Mother's Day Photo Disaster 😬

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

The 96th Academy Awards went down on Sunday night and there were many memorable moments! One of those moments was when host Jimmy Kimmel traded insults with former President Donald Trump, reading one of his Truth Social posts to the audience!


Sadly, Greta Gerwig's "Barbie" lost out on all their possible awards except for one -- Billie Eilish and Finneas' "What Was I Made For?" took home Best Original Song!

Barbie's own Ryan Gosling brought the house down when he belted out and fully committed to performing "I'm Just Ken" with the help of Slash, who came out for a surprise appearance.


John Cena surprised everyone when he went nude during the presentation of Best Costume Design ... but we eventually learned he was actually covered up the whole time.

Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, admitted to editing a Mother's Day photo of her with her kids after the internet quickly spotted some confusing mistakes. Some people were accusing the photo of being AI-generated, but we think it looks more like a Photoshop fail.

Ariana Grande is urging fans to back off from attacking her ex-husband Dalton Gomez following her new cryptic song lyrics for "Eternal Sunshine."

Plus, 'Harry Potter' star Miriam Margoyles thinks adult fans of the franchise need to "grow up".

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Roger Corral


John Cena se desnudó en los Oscar... pero ahora sabemos cuánta piel mostró realmente.

El luchador convertido en actor subió al escenario del Teatro Dolby en Hollywood, California, aparentemente desnudo; sin embargo, hay nuevas fotos que demuestran que estaba usando un tapado color piel, en otras palabras, su trasero estaba cubierto después de todo.

más cómodo desnudo

Como se puede ver en las nuevas fotos, John estaba totalmente imperturbable por la mínima vestimenta que tuvo que llevar, mientras sonreía fuera del escenario a la espera de que comenzara su segmento hilarante.

Incluso se le vio pidiendo silencio a algunas personas entre bastidores mientras solo llevaba unas sandalias Birkenstock y un impresionante reloj.

Hay que recordar que John no es ajeno a las actuaciones con poco o nada: es famoso por haber luchado sin camiseta y con pantalones cortos vaqueros durante la mayor parte de su carrera en la WWE.

un reto rápido

En cuanto a cómo realizó su cambio rápido en el escenario para presentar la categoría de Mejor Vestuario... el video de arriba muestra a varios asistentes de producción de los Oscar cubriendo a John con telas mientras sonaba el montaje de los nominados.

No cabe duda de que el compromiso valió la pena. La aparición de John ha sido aplaudida como uno de los mejores momentos de la noche.

Otros momentos destacados de los Oscar de este año fue Emma Stone acercándose al micrófono durante la actuación de Ryan Gosling con "I'm Just Ken", el intercambio de palabras entre Jimmy Kimmel y Donald Trump en pleno espectáculo y el reencuentro en el escenario de los coprotagonistas de "Twins", Arnold Schwarzenegger y Danny DeVito.

Cabe preguntarse qué le habrá parecido todo esto a la ex de John, Nikki Garcia, quien también asistió a la alfombra roja de los Oscars.

John Cena Wasn't Completely Naked at Oscars ... But Just About!!!

John Cena stripped down to practically nothing to pull off a streaker bit at the Oscars ... but we now know just how much skin he really showed, and what was actually covered up.

The wrestler-turned-actor took to the Dolby Theatre stage in Hollywood, Calif. in nothing but nude-colored modesty wear to make it appear like he was really naked at the annual industry event. In other words, his junk/ass was covered up after all, so he wasn't totally naked.


As you can see from the new photos ... John was totally unfazed by the minimal amount he had to wear -- as he smiled offstage while waiting for his hilarious segment to begin.

He was even snapped shushing a few people behind the scenes while rocking only Birkenstock sandals and an impressive timepiece.

Remember, John is no stranger to performing in little to nothing -- he famously wrestled shirtless while rocking only denim jorts throughout most of his WWE career.

Quick Change Crew

As for how he pulled off his onstage quick change to present the Best Costume Design category ... the video above shows several Oscars production assistants draping John in fabric as the nominee montage played.

And the commitment to the bit has certainly paid off -- JC's appearance has been applauded as one of the night's highlights.

Other notable moments at this year's Oscars include Emma Stone ripping her dress during Ryan Gosling's performance of "I'm Just Ken," Jimmy Kimmel and Donald Trump exchanging words mid-show, and "Twins" costars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito's reuniting onstage.

Ya gotta wonder how John's ex, Nikki Garcia, felt about the bit -- as she was also in attendance working the Oscars red carpet.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.



Ryan Gosling hizo su gran número musical en los Oscars, subiéndose al escenario delante de todos sus compañeros y cantando la canción estrella de "Barbie", y lo hizo a lo grande.

El actor acaba de terminar de interpretar "I'm Just Ken" durante la emisión del domingo y fue tan épico como todo el mundo esperaba. Ryan se vio totalmente comprometido y remeció los Oscars con su voz y ¡con la compañía de Slash!

En efecto, el rockero del sombrero de copa se unió a Ryan en el escenario para tocar la guitarra en directo, y se lució mientras el actor cantaba la canción favorita de los fans del mayor éxito de taquilla del año pasado.

Ryan incluso se acercó a la primera fila, donde Margot Robbie y Greta Gerwig le ayudaron a cantar la canción. Y sí, estaba completamente vestido de rosa para la ocasión.

Durante un tiempo, no estaba claro si Ryan realmente iba a hacer actuar en los Oscar, pero al final lo hizo y su coprotagonista Margot recientemente le aseguró a todos que estaba ansioso por hacerlo, a pesar de que se mostró un poco tímido durante toda la temporada de premios de este año.

Fue uno de los únicos momentos destacados de "Barbie"de la noche hasta el momento, Billie Eilish acaba de ganar Mejor Canción, para "What Was I Made For", pero las cosas han sido bastante tranquilas para el equipo detrás de la muñeca.

Veremos si "Barbie" termina recibiendo algo de amor a la Mejor Película, o si 1 Oscar es todo.

Ryan Gosling Performs 'I'm Just Ken' at Oscars ... With Assist from Slash!!!


Ryan Gosling did his big musical number at the Oscars  -- getting onstage in front of all his peers and belting out the 'Barbie' standout song ... and he did it guns (n' roses) blazing.

The actor just got done performing 'I'm Just Ken' during Sunday's broadcast -- and it was as epic as everyone expected ... with the Ry Guy fully committing to the bit ... and rocking the house with some killer vocals and even better backing musicians, including Slash!

Indeed ... the top hat-rockin' rocker joined Ryan onstage to play some live guitar, and he absolutely shredded as RG belted out the fan fave from the biggest blockbuster last year.

Ryan even came down to the front row -- where he had Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig help him sing the tune. And yes, he was fully decked out in all-pink wardrobe for the ditty.

For a little while, it was unclear whether Ryan was actually gonna do 'IJK' at the Oscars -- but in the end ... he finally signed on, and his costar Margot just recently reassured everyone he was itching to do it ... despite him kinda playing coy throughout this year's award season.

It was one of the only 'Barbie' highlights of the night thus far -- Billie Eilish just won Best Song, for 'What Was I Made For,' but it's been fairly quiet for the doll crew otherwise.

We'll see if 'Barbie' ends up getting some love for Best Picture ... or if 1 Oscar is it.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

John Cena Quick Wardrobe Change Surfaces ... After Naked Oscars Moment


John Cena went from ass-naked to looking like a good old-fashioned Greek philosopher in record time at the Oscars -- and the wardrobe change was actually caught on camera.

The wrestler-turned-actor was on hand Sunday for a pretty cringe-worthy bit where he was supposed to run across the stage naked for the Best Costume Design category ... which ended with JC shuffling across the stage with the winner's envelope covering his privates.

The whole gag here was that John was in his birthday suit, and he was there to highlight the best costumes in movies -- something Jimmy Kimmel had to come and help him with.

Once the screen was overtaken with the nominee montage and it flashed back to Jimmy and John onstage -- the WWE star was suddenly in a toga-like getup ... and it happened fast.

As it turns out ... it was something people BTS had to rush out and assist with in a matter of seconds -- which was caught on camera by someone at Vulture. The room went dark at this moment -- which we didn't see in the broadcast -- and John sure looked nude.

Funny enough, he's actually the 2nd "naked" famous buff dude on TV this weekend -- Josh Brolin stripped down as well during his 'SNL' hosting gig, albeit leaving his undies on.

Here's to the hunky old guys showing off what their mama gave them ... cheers.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Oscars Weekend Can't Stop, Won't Stop the Party ... Jenners, Hiltons, Bezos & Usher, Oh My!!!

Hollywood is emptying the tank ... partying almost nonstop before the Oscars begin, and the celebs are often running into the same faces at every stop on the circuit.

Check out the fame parade that went down at a Bev Hills house party on Saturday -- Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sánchez were there with their pals Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble ... while Andy Cohen, Rumer Willis, Tracee Ellis Ross, Nicky Hilton and Kathy Hilton also filed into the event.

Flip through the galleries, 'cause there were way more partygoers on hand than we can mention.

Later on, some of those same people made costume changes and headed to the Beverly Hills Hotel for Chanel's pre-Oscars event.

Newlyweds Usher and Jennifer Goicoechea rubbed elbows with the likes of Best Supporting Actor nominee Robert De Niro, Lily-Rose Depp and Kristen Stewart, Willem Dafoe, Sánchezos (Lauren & Jeff) again and Best Supporting Actress nominee America Ferrera.

And, after all that ... the party train was far from done.

Next stop ... the famed Chateau Marmont where Willem made another appearance on Saturday night, and other guests included "Foodgod" Jonathan Cheban, Lil Nas X, Alessandra Ambrosio, Billy Zane, Abigail Spencer and Jodie Turner-Smith.

If this all sounds exhausting it's only because it probably is -- it's the show (your face) part of showbiz, and it's a big part of what makes Hollywood go 'round.

Celebs won't even get to cross the finish line of this hobnobbing marathon when the Oscars ceremony ends -- 'cause then the afterparty fun begins!

Jimmy Kimmel Pokes Fun at SAG, Union Strikes ... During Oscars Monologue

strike one, strike two ...

Jimmy Kimmel took some light-hearted shots during his opening Oscars monologue -- but the highlight was probably his reflection on the strikes last year ... for a variety of reasons.

The recurring host -- who was back for yet another gig this year -- kicked things off Sunday by actually running a little bit late ... but once he got going, he was ready to make some jabs and crack some jokes ... most of which landed fairly well with the star-studded crowd.

Jimmy mentioned the fact that Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig were snubbed this year -- chiding the audience who seemed to agree, since a lot of them are voters -- and he even poked fun at Robert Downey Jr. at one point ... referencing his previous drug use.

Jimmy referenced an old dog-themed movie RDJ was in -- and said if he was ever to remake it ... he know the perfect candidate ... highlighting the dog from 'Anatomy of a Fall.'

The guy hopscotched around in his monologue, but eventually landed on the SAG and WGA strikes -- which consumed much of entertainment in 2023 ... and which created a lengthy work stoppage in Hollywood as labor union honchos and studio execs negotiated new deals.

Jimmy sounded sincere in shouting out everyone who remained on picket lines through that difficult period -- but, of course, he eventually gave kudos in a funny, backhanded way.

Check it out ... Jimmy says the strikes taught everyone a good lesson about what they were made of -- namely, a lot of guts ... even though he said no one would ever be able to pick up a shovel. Jimmy also used a lot of colorful descriptors in patting everyone on the back.

You gotta see it to understand what we mean ... it was both graceful, and pretty insulting.

Jimmy ended on a high note, though, when he brought out a bunch of crew members who work behind the scenes ... saying he appreciated their support through the strikes. Looks like everyone else felt the same way -- 'cause all the production people got a standing O.

Pretty solid monologue all in all, and nothing too controversial either. We're off and runnin'!

FIN DE SEMANA DE LOS OSCARS ¡la fiesta no para!

Hollywood está de fiesta, y la cosa está muy animada momentos antes que empiecen los Oscars. Las celebridades se miran las caras y se encuentran entre las miles de fotos.

Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez estuvieron allí con sus amigos Kris Jenner y Corey Gamble, mientras que Andy Cohen, Rumer Willis, Tracee Ellis Ross, Nicky Hilton y Kathy Hilton también asistieron al evento.

Échale un vistazo a las galerías, porque hubo muchos más asistentes de los que pudimos mencionar.

Más tarde, algunas de esas mismas personas hicieron cambios de vestuario y se dirigieron al Hotel Beverly Hills para el evento pre-Oscars de Chanel.

Los recién casados Usher y Jennifer Goicoechea se codearon con personajes de la talla de Robert De Niro -nominado a Mejor Actor de Reparto- Lily-Rose Depp y Kristen Stewart, Willem Dafoe, Sánchezos (Lauren & Jeff) de nuevo y America Ferrera, nominada a Mejor Actriz de Reparto.

Y, después de todo eso, el tren de la fiesta estuvo lejos de terminar.

La siguiente parada fue el famoso Chateau Marmont, donde Willem hizo otra aparición en la noche del sábado, y otros invitados incluyeron Lil Nas X, Alessandra Ambrosio, Billy Zane, Abigail Spencer y Jodie Turner-Smith.

Si todo esto te parece agotador es porque probablemente lo sea: es la parte del mundo del espectáculo en la que hay que dar la cara, y es una gran parte de lo que hace girar a Hollywood.

Los famosos ni siquiera llegarán a cruzar la línea de meta de este maratón de codazos cuando termine la ceremonia de los Oscar, ¡porque entonces empieza la diversión después de la fiesta!

Pro-Palestine Protest Overtakes Streets of L.A. ... Ahead of Oscars Ceremony


As Hollywood's rich and famous trickle in for the Oscars this weekend -- a massive protest is going down just a stone's throw away ... with folks hitting the streets to speak on Palestine.

A huge demonstration is unfolding about a mile away from the Dolby Theater in Hollywood Sunday -- at none other than the Dome Entertainment Centre, in fact -- where hundreds of people gathered with signage, megaphones and Palestinian flags ... while up in arms.

Of course, this is a pro-Palestine protest -- one that's been organized by groups like Writers Against the War on Gaza LA, Film Workers for Palestine, SAG-AFTRA Members for Ceasefire and others ... with their main message being, "No awards during a genocide!"

Another tagline being used for this protest ... "While You're Watching Bombs Are Dropping."

It goes without saying ... these folks are protesting against the ongoing war in the Middle East -- this as Gaza continues to be under siege as Israel seeks to eradicate Hamas.

As you can see ... tensions were high here, as people chanted and made their voices heard ahead of the biggest night in Hollywood. The Oscars are just about an hour from starting.


Unfortunately for these demonstrators, they won't be getting much closer to the actual Oscars venue itself -- the Dolby Theater is blocked off by cops, who've set a wide perimeter ... and who are standing guard with their riot gear ready to go in case things escalate.

Meanwhile ... the stars are getting ready for the big show -- lots of red-carpet arrivals are happening right now ... and they don't seem too worried about the ruckus up the block.

We'll see how long the protesters stay out there ... and if they're able to be disruptors today.

VÍSPERA DE LOS OSCARS CAGE, DE NIRO Y GLADSTONE ... Brindis con Scorsese en Beverly Hills

las estrellas de "flower moon"

Ya sabes que es fin de semana de los Oscars cuando Nicolas Cage está en escena... Y esta vez apareció para honrar al director de "Killers Of The Flower Moon" Martin Scorsese y el elenco de su película nominada a Mejor Película.

TMZ tiene un video dentro de la celebración en Bevery Hills, donde Nic, él mismo un ganador del Oscar, y su esposa -Riko Shibata- se mezclaron en la fiesta organizada por Giorgio Armani.

una mirada al interior

Es raro ver a Cage en eventos del mundo del espectáculo. Él es más de un tipo de bar de karaoke, pero, como hemos dicho, es ese tipo de fin de semana en Hollywood.

También pudimos ver a la gran Lily Gladstone, que es candidata a Mejor Actriz. Ya ha hecho historia como la primera mujer nativa americana nominada al premio, y la mayoría de los críticos dicen que tiene muchas posibilidades de ganar el domingo por la noche.

Su coprotagonista y nominado al premio al mejor actor de reparto, Robert De Niro, también estuvo ahí y parecía estar de buen humor, ya que se paró a tomarse unas fotos con la gente.

También pudimos ver a Ke Huy Quan, ganador del premio al Mejor Actor de Reparto del año pasado, a Olivia Munn y John Mulaney, y a Jane Seymour y Paris Jackson charlando.

Otros rostros entre el público fueron: Jeffrey Wright -nominado a Mejor Actor- Alessandra Ambrosio, Scott Eastwood y Callum Turner, que no estaba con su relativamente nueva novia Dua Lipa, una pena para él y para todos los presentes.

Oscars Eve Cage, De Niro & Gladstone ... Toast Scorsese in Bev Hills


Y'know it's Oscars weekend when even the likes of Nicolas Cage are out on the scene ... in this case to honor "Killers of the Flower Moon" director Martin Scorsese and the cast of his Best Picture-nominated film.

TMZ got video inside the Bev Hills celebration, where Nic, himself an Oscar winner, and his wife Riko Shibata mingled at the Giorgio Armani-hosted party.


It's a rare sighting of Cage at showbiz events. He's more of a karaoke bar kinda guy, but, like we said, it's that kinda weekend in Hollywood.

Several other nominees were front and center ... including 'Flower Moon' star Lily Gladstone, who's up for Best Actress. She's already made history as the first Native American woman nominated for the award, and most critics say she's got a good shot to win Sunday night.

Her costar, and Best Supporting Actor nominee, Robert De Niro was there and looked to be in good spirits ... as he stopped to take a few snaps with folks. We also got shots of last year's Best Supporting Actor winner Ke Huy Quan, Olivia Munn and John Mulaney, Jane Seymour and Paris Jackson doing the small talk thing.

Other faces in the crowd -- Best Actor nominee Jeffrey Wright, Alessandra Ambrosio, Scott Eastwood and Callum Turner, who was not with his relatively new GF Dua Lipa ... unfortunate, for him, and everyone else there.

This was far from the only pre-Oscar bash in town this weekend -- the one CAA threw was just as star-studded, with a lot of the same names ... but just a different location, really.

Jimmy Kimmel ¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?

Jimmy Kimmel ya tiene una estrella en el Paseo de la Fama, ¡y sus looks a lo largo de los años merecen un Oscar!

Esta es la versión de 36 años del presentador del late-night talk show, con un aspecto impecable en 2004 (izquierda). Esto fue un poco después de que su clásico en Comedy Central "The Man Show" terminara y solo un año después de su larga permanencia en "Jimmy Kimmel Live".

Y, dos décadas después, el presentador con más seguidores sigue estando muy elegante, luciendo otro traje de pingüino y listo para el circuito de entregas de premios a principios de este año (derecha).

¿A quién hay que agradecer el buen aspecto de esta estatua dorada?

Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

He's already got a star on the Walk of Fame ... Jimmy Kimmel's looks over the years deserve an Oscar!

Here is a 36-year-old version of the late-night talk show host, looking spiffy back in 2004 (left). This was shortly after his Comedy Central classic "The Man Show" wrapped and just one year into his long-standing tenure on "Jimmy Kimmel Live"!

And, two decades later the host with the most is still sharp while staying buttoned-up in another penguin suit while working the award show circuit earlier this year (right).

So who's to thank for this golden statue's good looks?

Jimmy Kimmel ...