
Barry Keoghan's bared it all with his butt-ass naked scene in 'Saltburn' -- and he ain't mad about all the attention his work/bod is getting!!!

He spoke to TMZ after Sunday's Golden Globes, saying he loved all the nudity and no part of him is embarrassed over stripping down for cameras.

The disrobed dance was to the tune of Sophie Ellis-Bextor's 2001 song "Murder on the Dancefloor" -- which is making a killer comeback due to the movie -- but Barry says he wasn't able to listen to it properly ... as he was focused on dancing in the nude.

Barry wasn't wearing a prosthetic penis during the scene ... a fact that left fans shocked as he gushed over embracing his "ownership" and "full confidence" of being in the buff.

All that being said, his nudity is far from the film's most shocking moments -- there's a sex-with-a-grave scene, and one in a bathtub that ... well, ya just gotta see it.

TAYLOR SWIFT SE VA TEMPRANO DE LOS GOLDEN GLOBES tras perder un premio y el chiste de Jo Koy

Taylor Swift se está despertando en un lugar inusual… por primera vez en mucho tiempo, NO ganó un premio, y hay evidencia de que la pérdida en los Golden Globes, junto con ser señalada por el presentador Jo Koy, no le sentó nada bien.

Los fans con vista de águila notaron que Taylor no estaba entre la multitud del Beverly Hilton el domingo por la noche después de que su película “Eras Tour” perdiera en la categoría de Logro Cinematográfico y de Taquilla frente a “Barbie”.

La gente comenta en línea: “Estoy 90% segura de que Taylor se fue del evento, no se le ha visto desde lo de Barbie” … Otro agregó: “Es tan divertida”.

Taylor fue vista dando una ovación de pie al elenco y equipo de “Barbie” cuando subieron a recibir el galardón, así que su partida puede que no haya sido por despecho, al menos no hacia ellos.

Ahora, una fuente de la entrega de premios nos dice que Taylor dejó su asiento poco después de la categoría de Logro Cinematográfico para ir al baño, y terminó viendo el resto del espectáculo desde la parte trasera. Mencionan que abandonó el lugar por completo unos 15 minutos antes de que terminara el evento.

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Como informamos, había otra cosa que podría haber molestado a Taylor: fue el blanco de una broma al principio de la noche cuando Jo Koy bromeó sobre cómo la NFL tiene más tomas de cámara de Taylor en comparación con los Golden Globes.

Pareció visiblemente molesta por el comentario, así que tal vez fue en ese momento cuando decidió retirarse una vez que anunciaron su categoría.

Su pareja, Travis Kelce, también estuvo en la ciudad el domingo, pero al parecer voló de regreso a Kansas City con los Chiefs después de vencer a los Chargers de Los Ángeles.

Taylor Swift Bounces Early From Golden Globes After Award Loss, Jo Koy Joke

Taylor Swift is waking up in an odd place ... for the first time in a long time, she did NOT win something, and there's evidence the Golden Globes loss -- and getting called out by host Jo Koy -- didn't sit well with her.

Eagle-eyed fans noticed Taylor was nowhere to be seen in the crowd at the Beverly Hilton Sunday night after her "Eras Tour" film lost the Cinematic and Box Office Achievement category to "Barbie."

Folks started chiming in online, with one saying, "90% sure taylor has left the event she hasn’t been seen since barbie" ... another added, "Shes so funny."

For what it's worth, Taylor was spotted giving the "Barbie" cast and crew a standing ovation as they went up to grab their award, so her leaving might not have been out of spite -- at least, not toward them.


Now, a source at the award show tells us Taylor left her seat shortly after the Cinematic Achievement category to go to the restroom, and ended up watching the rest of the show from the back. We're told she did leave the venue altogether about 15 minutes before the Globes ended.

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As we reported, there was one other thing that could've upset Taylor -- she was the butt of a joke earlier in the night as Jo Koy poked fun at how the NFL has more camera shots of Taylor compared to the Globes.

She seemed visibly annoyed by the remark -- so, maybe that's when she decided she'd dip out once her category was announced.

For what it's worth ... her boo, Travis Kelce, happened to be in town on Sunday, too ... but he reportedly flew back to Kansas City with the Chiefs after defeating the L.A. Chargers.

Meghan Markle Skips 'Suits' Reunion at Globes ... Not in Cast Group Chat

There was a big "Suits" reunion at the Golden Globes this weekend -- but Meghan Markle was nowhere to be found ... and not just that, but she's MIA on their cells too.

Here's the deal ... Patrick Adams, Gabriel Macht, Sarah Rafferty and Gina Torres all came together onstage Sunday during the broadcast while presenting an award for a TV show -- and at first, it was just PA and GM up there joking about the series getting their due.

Of course, "Suits" has had a huge resurgence lately now that it's streaming .. so the joke went over well and got a big laugh. Eventually, the ladies came out as surprise guests.

It made for a cool moment for fans of the show -- but, frankly, Meg's absence was absolutely felt and many were bummed she skipped out -- y'know, seeing how she was a huge character before meeting/marrying Prince Harry, and stepping away from Hollywood.

Gina Torres

You could argue Meg might've been busy and that her no-show wasn't necessarily reflective of her current relationship with her former cast members -- however, another revealing nugget about the current state of things for "Suits" surfaced even before the show started.

Gina was doing an interview with Variety beforehand, and she got asked if she and her "Suits" costars talk very much. As it turns out, they have a group chat ... but MM ain't on it.

As GT says here ... they simply don't have her number anymore -- and didn't elaborate.

Again, this in and of itself isn't a smoking gun of a fractured relationship, per se, but it is interesting for sure. By all accounts, it sounds like Meg is kinda in her own world now.

Thing is ... since she and Harry are trying to build their own fortune/pave their own path post-Royal split, ya gotta wonder if she's seriously considering a comeback in showbiz as a way to make ends meet. If she is, this would've been a great opportunity to dip her toe back in.

Unfortunately, she didn't take it ... so it remains to be seen if Meg's gonna really act again.

We'll say this ... she's got a big fan base from "Suits," and they'd love to see her back in the lawyers' office if she was inclined. There's been talk of a possible reboot -- and that door hasn't been more wide open than it is right now.

Take the leap, Duchess!


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Taylor Swift se convirtió en la reina de hielo de los Golden Globes 2024 después de que el presentador Jo Koy hiciera un chiste sobre su asistencia a los juegos de la NFL de su novio Travis Kelce.

La ícono pop estaba sentada en su mesa escuchando el monólogo de apertura de Koy en el evento de las estrellas del domingo por la noche, cuando ocurrió el breve pero incómodo momento capturado en video.

Joe estaba daba su monólogo en el escenario cuando de repente hizo un chiste sobre Taylor, diciendo: “cuál es la diferencia entre los Golden Globes y la NFL-- en los Golden Globes tenemos menos tomas de cámara de Taylor Swift”.

Luego, Taylor apareció en la pantalla de TV, clavando la mirada en Joe mientras fruncía los labios y daba un sorbo a su bebida, pues Taylor no estaba nada divertida.

Para suerte de Joe, no hubo más acciones por parte de Taylor… ¡Al menos que sepamos!

Claro, Joe solo bromeaba un poco sobre Taylor, quien asiste religiosamente a los juegos de Travis para animarlo mientras las cámaras de televisión la enfocan constantemente en las secciones VIP. El ala cerrada de los Kansas City Chiefs sale con Taylor desde hace un tiempo, y ambos parecen muy enamorados.

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Taylor no fue la única celebridad a la que Jo irritó en los Golden Globes de anoche. También lanzó una estocada a “Barbie”, que no le hizo mucha gracia al protagonista, Ryan Gosling.

Joe también hizo un chiste sobre la coprotagonista de Gosling, Margot Robbie, pero su broma no tuvo éxito, lo que lo llevó a decir que él no la había escrito.

¡Más allá de eso… todo estuvo increíble!

Golden Globes 2024 Las estrellas se van a las after-parties... Listos para pasarlo bien

Las estrellas se fueron de fiesta este fin de semana para celebrar las grandes victorias en los Globos de Oro y no había escasez de alternativas para pasarlo bien.

Después de la emisión de la CBS, las estrellas salieron del Beverly Hilton y se dispersaron por todo Los Ángeles para asistir a diferentes fiestas, y a primera vista, parece que la reunión de HBO en el Chateau Marmont fue el lugar para estar.

La gran noche de Oppenheimer

Entre las celebridades que fueron a esa fiesta estaban Matt Damon, Jennifer Lawrence, America Ferrera, Orlando Bloom, Kevin Costner, Margot Robbie, Billie Eilish, Tobey Maguire, Jodie Foster, Jeremy Allen White, Paris Jackson, Jason Sudeikis, Christopher Nolan, Casey Affleck y otros.

Otra gran fiesta fue la de Universal en Tommy en Beverly Hills, y fue un poco enfocada en "Oppenheimer", con la superposición de algunas caras famosas de la película.

Cillian Murphy pasó por allí, al igual que Emily Blunt y John Krasinski, Patrick J. Adams, Sarah Rafferty, Da'Vine Joy Randolph y un puñado de otras celebridades que estaban en la entrega de premios.

En otros lugares de los Globos-verso, Billie Eilish se lo pasó en grande después de su victoria a canción original por "Barbie". Ella se unió a la talla de Flavor Flav, Helen Mirren, Trevor Noah, Jeremy Allen White, Hannah Waddingham, Ali Wong y un montón de otros.

Netflix también organizó una gran fiesta y también estuvo repleta de estrellas. Lenny Kravitz, Dave Chappelle, Natasha Lyonne, Jim Gaffigan, Barry Keoghan, Julianne Moore y más.

Como hemos dicho, las estrellas estaban listas para pasarlo bien la noche del domingo. Aunque el espectáculo fue un poco desigual, los after-parties se veían buenísimas.

Fue una noche llena de acontecimientos y es solo el comienzo de la temporada de premios.

A partir de ahora, vamos a ver a los A-listers arrastrándose por todo Hollywood para recibir algunas palmaditas en la espalda.

Golden Globes 2024 Stars Descend on After-Parties ... Everybody's Ready to Rage

The stars were out in force this weekend to celebrate all the big wins at the Golden Globes -- and there was no shortage of shindigs to hit up ... which they all most certainly did.

After the CBS broadcast was over, A-listers filed out of the Beverly Hilton and scattered all throughout L.A. to attend different after-parties -- and at first glance, it looks like HBO's get-together at the Chateau Marmont was the place to be.


Among the celebs in attendance for that one ... Matt Damon, Jennifer Lawrence, America Ferrera, Orlando Bloom, Kevin Costner, Margot Robbie, Billie Eilish, Tobey Maguire, Jodie Foster, Jeremy Allen White, Paris Jackson, Jason Sudeikis, Christopher Nolan, Casey Affleck ... and others.

Another big party was going down on behalf of Universal at Tommy's in Bev Hills -- and it was kinda "Oppenheimer"-centric ... with some overlap of famous faces from the movie.

Cillian Murphy swung by, as did Emily Blunt and John Krasinski, Patrick J. Adams, Sarah Rafferty, Da'Vine Joy Randolph ... and a handful of other celebs who were at the award show.

Elsewhere in the Globes party-verse ... Billie Eilish was livin' it up after her big win for her original "Barbie" song -- and she was joined by the likes of Flavor Flav, Helen Mirren, Trevor Noah, Jeremy Allen White, Hannah Waddingham, Ali Wong and a slew of other stars.

Netflix had a major bash as well ... and theirs was also star-studded. Lenny Kravitz, Dave Chappelle, Natasha Lyonne, Jim Gaffigan, Barry Keoghan, Julianne Moore and more.

Like we said, the stars were out and ready to get their mingle on a Sunday night -- and they most certainly did that and then some. While the show was a little uneven, the after-parties looked like a great time.

Pretty eventful evening all things considered ... and it's just the start of awards season.

Beginning now, we're gonna see A-listers crawling all over Hollywood to pat themselves on the back.

2024 Golden Globes Taylor Swift Gives Cold Stare To Jo Koy ... After NFL Wisecrack

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Taylor Swift turned into the ice queen at the 2024 Golden Globes after host Jo Koy cracked a joke about her attending her boyfriend Travis Kelce's NFL games.

The pop icon was sitting at her table listening to Koy's opening monologue at the star-studded event Sunday night when the short, but uncomfortable moment occurred on video.

Check it out ... Joe was rattling off his monologue onstage when he suddenly pivoted to a wisecrack about Taylor, saying, "The big difference between the Golden Globes and the NFL -- on the Golden Globes we have fewer camera shots to Taylor Swift."

Taylor then flashed on the TV screen, staring daggers back at Joe as she pursed her lips and took a sip of her drink. Fair to say Taylor was not amused in the least.

Luckily for Joe no further action was taken by Taylor ... that we know of!!!

Of course, Joe was just poking a little fun at Taylor for religiously attending Travis' football games to cheer him on as the TV cameras constantly pan to her in the VIP sections. The Kansas City Chiefs tight end has been dating Taylor for a while now – and the two seem to be in love.

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Meanwhile, Taylor wasn't the only celeb to have their feathers ruffled by Joe at the Globes last night. Joe threw a barb at "Barbie," which landed flat with the film's star, Ryan Gosling.

Joe also made a crack about Gosling's costar, Margot Robbie, but his joke fizzled, prompting him to say he didn't write it.


Other than that ... everything was great!!

Golden Globes 2024 All Smiles & High Fashion ... W/ Stars Behind the Scenes

The Golden Globes are underway, and while you're seeing what CBS wants to show you on TV ... there's a heck of a lot going on behind the scenes, which you can see right here.

All the stars are cheesin' and posing together for very happy pics at their tables as they mingle around the ballroom at the Beverly Hilton -- and by the looks of it everybody's pretty freaking happy, with celebs grinning from ear to ear.

Some of the stars who are smiling bright on the floor ... Taylor Swift, Allison Hsu, Matty Matheson, Simu Liu, Thierry Frémaux, Harrison Ford, Lee Sung Jin and Steven Yeun -- to name a few.

More pearly whites on display came from Florence Pugh and Margot Robbie ... who were kinda twinning with their pink/red dresses.

Hailee Steinfeld kept things chic with a classic ball gown ... and Andrew Scott, Raul Domingo, Colman Domingo, Bryn Mooser and Natasha Lyonne were palling around down there too.

Safe to say, it's a feel-good night and the awards are just gonna keep coming.

They're coming to a close here pretty soon ... soak in the joy while you can!

Jim Gaffigan Cracks 'Pedophile' Joke at Globes ... Yeesh, Too Soon??? 😬

new category ...

Jim Gaffigan took the oxygen out of the room during while presenting an award at the Golden Globes -- and it's because he somewhat referenced Jeffrey Epstein-esque material.

The longtime standup was on hand Sunday to hand out the award for Best Performance in Stand-Up Comedy on Television -- a whole new category that the GG are starting to include ... and while acknowledging how wild that development was, JG made a jaw-dropping joke.

He was talking about how crazy it is he's even in showbiz, saying ... "I'm from a small town in Indiana, I'm not a pedophile." A handful of people laughed, but it was mostly dead silent.

Jim went on to rhetorically ask if "pedophile" was a new category there, but noted he was happy to be presenting an award for comics with big specials ... arguing it was overdue.

Eventually, he announced the winner as Ricky Gervais for his new Netflix show -- but the guy didn't show up, so Jim accepted on his behalf. The whole bit was very dry and sarcastic, in typical Jim fashion, but his crack felt like a little too soon for the ritzy crowd.

That said, some people did appear to laugh ... including Taylor Swift, who apparently found some of what Jim had to say funny, specifically toward the end his very brief set.

Considering there's a lot of big names coming out with these Epstein list drops -- ya gotta figure people wanted to steer clear of that topic altogether. Instead, Jim dove right in. 😅

Timothée Chalamet Sneaks Into Globes Late w/ Kylie ... After Solo Carpet Arrival

Timothée Chalamet showed up to the Golden Globes looking like a single man -- flying solo in front of cameras -- but he eventually brought his girlfriend Kylie Jenner into the building.

The A-list actor was among the many celebs who made a big splashy entrance at the Beverly Hilton Sunday ... but he was without a date on his arm, and handled the arrival all on his own with no sign of Kylie whatsoever.

Fortunately for all of us, the seating arrangement photos were already making the rounds this weekend ... and Tim's name card was right next to KJ, at a table with J-Law no less.

Unclear why Kylie didn't just roll up with Timmy ... but he collected her once the show got rolling. According to reporters in the room, TC and Kylie entered the ballroom together at some point after the first break ... and they went to their seats and looked lovey-dovey.

There are countless clips of BTS cameras that are capturing all the action that the main telecast isn't showing ... and you can see Kylie digging Tim's stylish duds/jewlery.

The homeboy himself was looking deep into her eyes as they chatted, and he eventually planted a quick kiss on her in front of everyone -- or at least whoever was paying attention.

At some point, the cat was fully out of the bag ... as it appears they showed up on the main broadcast as the rest of the presenters did their thing on stage -- with a camera panning to them and Tim/Kylie smiling wide. If they were trying to lay low, this wasn't the place for it.

Hard to say if this counts as their official red carpet debut as a couple -- again ... Kylie didn't show up for that somewhat important part. Still, they're claiming each other pretty loudly behind the scenes ... and are clearly going strong several months after first going public.

Maybe as it gets closer to the Oscars -- where Tim will presumably be invited -- they'll just pose together once and for all. At this point, everybody knows they're an item.

In the meantime, here's to more "sneaking around." Have fun, you two!

Timothée Chalamet Se cuela en los Globos de Oro tarde con Kylie... Tras llegar solo a la alfombra roja

Timothée Chalamet llegó a los Globos de Oro como un hombre soltero, posando solo frente a las cámaras, aunque finalmente trajo a su novia Kylie Jenner al glamoroso evento.

El actor de la lista A fue una de las muchas celebridades que hizo una gran entrada en el Beverly Hilton el domingo, pero Timothée estaba sin su cita a su lado y abordó la llegada por su cuenta sin rastro de Kylie en absoluto.

Afortunadamente para todos nosotros, las fotos de la disposición de los asientos ya estaban circulando este fin de semana y la tarjeta con el nombre de Tim estaba justo al lado de KJ, en una mesa nada menos que con J-Law.

No está claro por qué no apareció Kylie con Timmy, pero al parecer la recogió una vez que el espectáculo había empezado. De acuerdo con los periodistas en la sala, Timothée y Kylie entraron en el salón de baile juntos en algún momento después de la primera pausa y se fueron a sus asientos y se veían muy cariñosos.

Hay un sinnúmero de clips que capturaron toda la acción entre los dos y que muestran el vestido a espalda descubierta de Kylie, muy estilosa.

El chico la mira profundamente a los ojos mientras conversan hasta que finalmente le planta un beso delante de todo el mundo, o al menos de quien estuviera prestando atención.

En algún momento, quedó todo al descubierto, ya que parece que ambos aparecieron en la pantalla de emisión principal,  con una cámara de paneo que los mostraba sonriendo de par en par. Si estaban tratando de pasar desapercibidos, este no era el lugar para ello.

Es difícil decir si esto cuenta como su debut oficial en la alfombra roja como pareja. De nuevo, Kylie no apareció para ese segmento del evento el domingo. Sin embargo, están actuando muy cariñosos detrás de cámara, lo que demuestra que están yendo muy en serio varios meses después de que su romance se hizo público.

Tal vez cuando se acerque la gala de los Oscar, a la que presumiblemente Tim estará invitado, posen juntos de una vez por todas. A estas alturas, todo el mundo sabe que son pareja.

Mientras tanto, brindo por más "escabullidas". ¡Pásenlo bien los dos!

Golden Globes 2024 Stars Arrive Dressed to Impress New Year, New Network!!!

It's awards season again, and that means the Golden Globes are back to kick off the campaign -- only this time it's on a new network ... but still drawing all the big names.

The stars are just now arriving at the Beverly Hilton in L.A., and they're doing their usual thing -- walking up the carpet, stopping in front of cameras and showing their fancy duds ahead of the broadcast itself. And yes, it's a who's-who of talent in 2024.

Some of the splashiest names are taking their sweet time, but there's still a crap ton of celebs who've shown up so far -- including ... Helen Mirren, Heidi Klum, Wilmer Valderama, Jo Koy (who's playing host) Jeannie Mai, Selena Gomez, Tyler James Williams and others.

Of course, other stars expected to show face ... Robert Downey Jr., Margot Robbie, Leonardo DiCaprio, Emma Stone, Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Natalie Portman, Jeffrey Wright, Matt Damon, Colman Domingo, Carey Mulligan, Fantasia Barrino, Joaquin Phoenix, Nicolas Cage, Timothee Chalamet, Emily Blunt, Rosamund Pike, Jodie Foster and more.

Oh, and Taylor Swift is expected to touch down as well at some point -- like we said, anyone who's anyone is gonna be there tonight ... and they're doing it on none other than CBS.

NBC dropped the Globes after last year's show -- this following a lot of controversy about diversity (or a lack thereof) in the years prior from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association ... which, BTW, was completely disbanded and disassociated with this year's award show.

Now, the Globes are being handled by Dick Clark Productions and another holdings company -- and they're hoping to start fresh with a new look, new vibe ... but the same old celebs.

The seating arrangement's been set, so we already have a sense of who'll be where.

Er'body's looking real good so far -- and it's just about show time ... here we go!!!

Taylor Swift cena en Spago con Brittany Mahomes y Lyndsay Bell

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce recorrieron más de mil kilómetros para acabar en la misma ciudad... pero pasaron la noche separados.

Taylor está en Los Ángeles para los Globos de Oro el domingo por la noche, y Travis está en la ciudad para Chiefs vs Chargers alrededor de la misma hora.

Taylor, junto con sus amigas Brittany Mahomes y Lyndsay Bell, fueron al Spago de Wolfgang Puck en Beverly Hills el sábado por la noche, sin Travis. Tiene sentido... Travis se está preparando para el juego y una noche fuera habría sido una mala movida.

Entraron en Spago por el callejón trasero después de salir de la finca de Taylor en Beverly Hills.

La información desde el interior del restaurante ... nada espectacular. Se rieron, hablaron y comieron. Al parecer, ella estaba un poco preocupada en su teléfono ... hmmm, me pregunto a quién le estaba enviando mensajes de texto?

Es muy poco probable que Taylor asista al juego, la alfombra roja comienza a las 3:30 y el juego de Travis comienza alrededor de 2 horas antes... ¡a menos que vaya a los Globos de Oro con una chaqueta de los Chiefs!

La noche de chicas fue larga. Llegaron a las 7:30 y se fueron a las 11.

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mejores amigas
Courtesy of NFL

Parece que había mucho de que hablar.

Taylor and Travis So Close, Yet So Far Away!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce both traveled more than a thousand miles to end up in the same city ... but they spent the night apart.

Taylor's in L.A. for the Golden Globes Sunday night, and Travis is in town for Chiefs vs. Chargers around the same time.

Taylor, along with pals Brittany Mahomes and Lyndsay Bell, hit up Wolfgang Puck's Spago in Bev Hills Saturday night, sans Travis. It makes sense ... Travis is getting ready for the game, and a night out would have made the wrong kind of headlines.

They entered Spago from the back alley after leaving from Taylor's Bev Hills estate.

The lowdown from inside the restaurant ... nothing spectacular. They laughed, they talked, they ate. She apparently, was a bit preoccupied on her phone ... hmmm, wonder who she was texting?

It's highly unlikely Taylor will attend the game ... the red carpet starts at 3:30 and Travis's game starts around 2 hours earlier ... that is, unless she goes to the Golden Globes in a Chiefs jacket!

As for the girls' night out ... it was a long one. They arrived at 7:30 and left at 11.

Lots to talk about.

Golden Globes Vanity Fair Party Draws Huge Stars


Hollywood was filled with celebs Saturday night, with pre-Golden Globe parties going full throttle all across L.A.

The biggest bash was the Vanity Fair Party at the famed Chateau Marmont hotel on the Sunset Strip.

Big stars, mostly nominees, hit up the event, including Nicolas Cage (nominated for best actor in musical or comedy for "Dream Scenario"), Reese Witherspoon ("The Morning Show"), James Marsden ("Jury Duty").

But wait, there's more -- Rosamund Pike ("Saltburn") and Natasha Lyonne ("Poker Face").

Other stars who were not nominated joined in the festivities, including Harry Hamlin, Lisa Rinna, Cole Sprouse, Kathryn Newton, Heidi Klum, Tony Gonzalez, Chace Crawford, Tinashe and more.

It's the kickoff to awards season and it begins Sunday night with the Globes.

Good luck!