La hija de George Carlin redobla sus críticas al especial de comedia generado por IA


A la hija de George Carlin no le causa gracia el nuevo especial de comedia generado por IA con el objetivo de traer a su famoso padre de vuelta a la vida... porque asegura que el proyecto carece de alma.

Kelly Carlin-McCall se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el jueves y le preguntamos sobre el nuevo especial de IA —"George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead"— que cuenta con una versión robótica de su padre haciendo standup.

La hija de George dice que el programa de IA tiene el nombre de su padre, pero ahí acaban las comparaciones. Dice que el ordenador estropeó la cadencia cómica de su padre, y simplemente no capta la magia como él lo hizo una vez.

El programa de IA está disponible en YouTube, pero Kelly dice que su problema no es el dinero, señalando que Carlin tiene montones de presentaciones disponibles para ver gratis.

Para la hija de George, el gran problema es más sobre la eliminación completa del elemento humano.

Kelly dice que el programa se basó en las viejas bromas de George para tratar de formar su opinión sobre temas de actualidad: Donald Trump, la tecnología, las personas transgénero, reality TV, etc. Pero dice que es básicamente un ejercicio sin alma.

Dudesy es la plataforma de IA que está detrás del programa y Tom Brady ya ha conseguido que su propio especial de comedia generado por IA sea retirado de Internet. Kelly dice que está considerando la posibilidad de emprender acciones legales.

Es una conversación interesante y Kelly nos cuenta por qué el arte de la IA nunca estará a la altura de las creaciones humanas.

George Carlin's Daughter Doubles Down on Bashing AI Special Where's Human Element?!?


George Carlin's daughter is not laughing at a new AI-generated comedy special aiming to bring her famous father back to life ... 'cause she says the project straight up lacks soul.

Kelly Carlin-McCall joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday and we asked her about the new AI special, "George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead" -- which features a robot version of her father doing standup in what's being called a whole new set from the man himself.

George's daughter says the AI program has her dad's name, but that's about where the comparisons end ... she says the computer botched her dad's comedic cadence, and just doesn't capture the magic like he once did.

The AI show is available on YouTube but Kelly says her bone to pick isn't about money ... pointing out GC has tons of shows available to stream for free.

For George's daughter, the big issue is more about completely removing the art form's human element.

Kelly says the program drew on George's old jokes to try and form him opinion on contemporary topics -- Donald Trump, technology, transgender people, reality TV -- but she says it's basically a soulless exercise.

Dudesy is the AI platform behind the show, and Tom Brady's already successfully gotten his own AI-generated comedy special removed from the internet. Kelly says she's considering legal action and might pick the brains of TB12's lawyers.

It's an interesting conversation ... and Kelly tells us why AI art will never stand up to human creations.

George Carlin Daughter Drags AI Take on New Special You Can't Recreate Him!!!

The late, great George Carlin has a new comedy special out -- thanks to the use of AI technology ... but one person who is up in arms about it is his daughter, Kelly.

The producer/screenwriter dished her thoughts on this new AI special, "George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead," that's making the rounds right now ... in which a fake George Carlin -- recreated through an AI program -- cranked out new jokes ... in the vein of the real McCoy.

It sure sounds like GC, and the delivery is the same too -- as are the topics he famously touched on -- like religion, and some new material on Elon Musk, streaming, and more.

Kelly responded, laying it all out there in a statement, saying, "My dad spent a lifetime perfecting his craft from his very human life, brain and imagination. No machine will ever replace his genius."

She says artificial intelligence products are "clever attempts at trying to recreate a mind that will never exist again" -- adding the whole thing "stepped over a line."

Kelly urges folks to let the artist's work speak for itself ... reminding fans that the real George Carlin has 14 specials that are available everywhere -- if ya wanna listen to the actual material.

The bizarre standup set was made as part of the Podcast, Dudesy -- hosted by Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen -- and folks online have been siding with Kelly, thinking the whole thing is just weird.

And we'll say ... however close AI will get to the real thing, it'll never top the perfection that George brought to the stage for decades. Kelly has a point -- this is close, but no cigar.

Strange, strange times indeed.

La disculpa de Kanye West por sus dichos antisemitas parecen provenir de una inteligencia artificial

La disculpa de Kanye West por sus comentarios antisemitas carecían del estilo animado que el rapero suele utilizar en sus mensajes en línea y se lee directamente de un chatbot de inteligencia artificial.

Después de que Kanye publicó la disculpa en las redes sociales, los fans comenzaron a acusarlo de usar AI para redactar su punto así que hicimos algunas investigaciones... y descubrimos algo impactante.

Hemos introducido la disculpa de Kanye en un detector de contenido de IA, que ha destacado algunas palabras de moda típicamente asociadas con frases de chatbot, como "pido disculpas sinceramente", "no era mi intención herir" y "promover la unidad", entre otras.

El detector de contenido de IA dice que hay un 85% de posibilidades de que la disculpa de Kanye haya sido escrita por un computador.

Recordemos que el día después de Navidad, Kanye sorprendió al mundo disculpándose en hebreo.

La disculpa dice: "Pido sinceras disculpas a la comunidad judía por cualquier arrebato involuntario causado por mis palabras o acciones, no era mi intención herir o faltar al respeto y lamento profundamente cualquier dolor que pueda haber causado. Me comprometo a empezar conmigo mismo y a aprender de esta experiencia para garantizar una mayor sensibilidad y comprensión en el futuro. Vuestro perdón es importante para mí y me comprometo a reparar el daño y promover la unidad".

No suena al típico Kanye, ¿verdad?

letras desquiciadas

Más pruebas de que Kanye recurrió a la IA para escribir su disculpa son que le pedimos a ChatGPT que escribiera una disculpa y después de varias indicaciones y un poco de ensayo y error el ordenador escupió una declaración extrañamente similar a la de Kanye.

Esto es lo que recibimos de ChatGPT, con las palabras que Kanye utilizó en negrita: "Pido sinceras disculpas a la comunidad judía por mi reciente arrebato involuntario. No era mi intención herir o degradar, y lamento profundamente cualquier dolor causado. Me comprometo a aprender de esta experiencia, a promover la unidad y a reparar el daño causado. Vuestro perdón significa mucho para mí".

Por supuesto, Ye tiene un álbum repleto de estrellas —"Vultures"— con Ty Dolla $ign para cerrar el año el 31 de diciembre y entrar a cometir con los gigantes del streaming es la mejor jugada para su regreso musical.

Sabremos con certeza si los fans se creen el mea culpa después de que publique sus cifras de la primera semana.

Estén atentos...

Kanye West Apology Looks Generated By AI Software

Kanye West's apology for his tirade of antisemitic comments lacked the animated flair the megastar rapper typically uses in his online posts ... and it reads straight out of an artificial intelligence chatbot.

After Kanye posted the apology on social media, fans started accusing him of using AI to get his point across ... so we did some digging, and made a shocking discovery.

We plugged Kanye's apology into an AI content detector, which highlighted some strong buzzwords typically associated with chatbot phrases ... including "sincerely apologize," "It was not my intention to hurt" and "promoting unity" ... among others.

The AI content detector says there's an 85% chance Kanye's apology was written by a computer.

Remember ... the day after Christmas, Kanye shocked the world by delivering his "I'm Sorry" speech in Hebrew, which translates to a fairly streamlined message.

The apology reads ... "I sincerely apologize to the Jewish community for any unintended outburst caused by my words or actions, it was not my intention to hurt or disrespect, and I deeply regret any pain I may have caused. I am committed to starting with myself and learning from this experience to ensure greater sensitivity and understanding in the future. Your forgiveness is important to me, and I am committed to making amends and promoting unity."

Doesn't sound like typical Kanye, right?

Unhinged Lyrics

More evidence Kanye turned to AI to write his apology ... we engaged ChatGPT to write an apology and after several prompts and some trial and error the computer spat out a statement eerily similar to Kanye's.

Here's what we got back from ChatGPT, with the words Kanye used in bold  ... "I sincerely apologize to the Jewish community for my recent unintentional outburst. It was not my intention to hurt or demean, and I deeply regret any pain caused. I'm committed to learning from this experience, promoting unity, and making amends. Your forgiveness means a lot to me."

Of course, Ye's got a star-studded "Vultures" album with Ty Dolla $ign dropping to close out the year on December 31, and getting in the good graces of all the streaming giants is the best play for his music comeback.


We'll know for sure if the fans buy into the mea culpa after his first-week numbers post.

Stay tuned ...

KISS We're Gonna Tour Forever W/ Digital Avatars After Final Show!!!


KISS might be done performing in person, but they're going to keep on rocking out as digital pixels for years to come ... something they just announced at their last show this weekend.

The legendary band played their last gig Saturday night at Madison Square Garden -- this as part of their 'End of the Road' farewell tour ... which marked their final live performance ever. Or so everybody thought, anyway -- 'cause they say they're keeping the party going.

Rather than continue to sing and dance themselves, Gene Simmons and co. are gonna let their AI counterparts do it for them ... in the form of computerized avatars that can keep on playing shows quite literally forever. It's called KISS Online ... and it marks their new era.

The whole thing might sound goofy, but it's actually a trend that legacy bands are starting to embrace more and more -- including ABBA, which has recently trotted out their own digital avatars in full concert ... and playing to packed crowds, no less.

The guys simply put on motion capture suits and recorded a full-blown concert of theirs ... which can then be repurposed and re-aired for years to come ... with cool effects and stunts they wouldn't normally be able to do on their own (especially at their age).

The KISS avatars actually came out onstage Saturday during an encore ... and performed "God Gave Rock and Roll to You" ... but they only did so onscreen, as opposed to appearing as full-blown life-size holograms. Time will tell if those holograms will debut at some point.

Anyway, it's certainly the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. As you can imagine -- there are mixed reactions to the news ... some hate it, others are fine with digital KISS.

It also serves as yet another reminder that we are very much living in the future right now ... with the way tech/AI is going -- more and more stuff like this is going to be introduced.

Welcome to the new world ... where you can rock and roll all nite and everyday, 'til the end of time.

KISS anuncia su plan de hacer una gira eterna con avatares digitales tras su último concierto

una nueva era comienza

KISS puede haber terminado de actuar en persona, pero van a seguir rockeando como píxeles digitales durante los próximos años, algo que acaban de anunciar en su último concierto este fin de semana.

La legendaria banda dio su último concierto el sábado por la noche en el Madison Square Garden, como parte de su gira de despedida "End of the Road", que supuso su última actuación en directo. O eso pensaba todo el mundo, porque dicen que la fiesta continuará.

En lugar de seguir cantando y bailando ellos mismos, Gene Simmons y compañía van a dejar que sus homólogos de IA lo hagan por ellos, en forma de avatares computarizados que pueden seguir tocando espectáculos literalmente para siempre. Se llama KISS Online y marca el comienzo de una era.

Todo el asunto puede sonar tonto, pero en realidad es una tendencia que las bandas de legado están empezando a abrazar más y más - incluyendo ABBA, que recientemente mostró sus propios avatares digitales en pleno concierto ante miles de personas.

Los chicos simplemente se pusieron trajes de captura de movimiento y grabaron un concierto en toda regla, el cual puede ser reutilizado y re emitido durante los próximos años, con efectos frescos y acrobacias que normalmente no serían capaces de hacer por su cuenta (especialmente a su edad).

Los avatares de KISS salieron al escenario el sábado durante un bis e interpretaron "God Gave Rock and Roll to You", pero solo lo hicieron en pantalla, en lugar de aparecer como hologramas de tamaño real. El tiempo dirá si esos hologramas debutarán en algún momento.

En cualquier caso, es el fin de una era y el comienzo de otra. Como puedes imaginar, hay reacciones encontradas a la noticia, algunos la odian, otros están de acuerdo con el KISS digital.

También sirve como otro recordatorio de que estamos viviendo en el futuro en este momento, con la forma en que la tecnología avanza, más y más cosas como esta van a seguir ocurriendo.

Bienvenido al nuevo mundo ¡Donde se puede rockear toda la noche y todos los días hasta el fin de los tiempos! & Van Jones Tech 4 The People!!! ✊🏾✊🏽 Host Summit, Ashton Kutcher, Tiffany Haddish, More Support

(A)I DON'T THINK SO, WILL and Van Jones want minorities to be at the forefront of tech space -- so they hosted a full-blown summit in L.A. to raise awareness for its future leaders.

The shindig was billed "Make Wakanda Real" -- like bringing the gadgets found in "Black Panther" to life -- and was held inside Will's FYI Campus Thursday night.

Tiffany Haddish, Ashton Kutcher, Jason Lee, and Quincy Jones III were just some of the supporting guests, as were dozens of innovators, tech experts and entrepreneurs.

Ashton helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars through his VC firm earlier in the year and stressed to the summit how he believes AI could help bridge the gap for underserved communities in the medical and legal realms.

LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman, actor Boris Kodjoe, InfectionAI co-founder Mustafa Suleyman, Waye Talks founder Sinead Bovell, Black Ambition Opportunity Fund CEO Felecia Hatcher also tuned in virtually to lend their various expertise to the panels.

Naturally, the biggest topic of the evening was the boom of AI ... and the Black Eyed Peas frontman got a crash course during his panel with Van and 1500 Or Nothin' producer Larrance “Rance” Dopson debating with an AI bot!!!


Will was arguing the case that AI could end up sentient and conquering humans and exchanged in back-and-forth banter with the CPU.

Experts are confident they debunked the theory, a point the bot made as well, but the chat still felt real enough!!!

Viral Chargers Fan I'm Not A Paid Actor Or AI Fan ... I'm Just Passionate!!!

TMZ Sports

The Chargers fan who blew up on social media for displaying a roller coaster of emotions during "Monday Night Football" is putting all speculation to rest ... adamantly denying she was a paid actress or AI bot -- she's just that crazy about her team!!

Merrianne Do achieved overnight fame for her animated expressions while supporting Justin Herbert and the Chargers during their 20-17 loss to the Dallas Cowboys at SoFi Stadium ... and many were quick to accuse her of being planted by the team or league for manufactured clout.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

TMZ Sports spoke with the internet's newest celebrity ... and she says the truth is, she's your average fanatic who's super passionate about her squad.

"I wish I was being paid," Do tells us. "If [the skeptics] only knew this is how I am every day. My kids are like, 'Mommy this is how you are at my flag football game, why do they think you're getting paid?' I'm like. 'I know, but they don't know me.'"

As it turns out, it's true -- Do and her husband are truly diehard Charger fans -- the two have season tickets in the second row ... and if they aren't sittin' there, they're posted up in the cabana suites.

"We are diehard fans," she says. "It's always been like this. People that know me know that I've been this crazy football fan all my life."

The internet sleuths have been quick to try and poke holes in Do's explanation ... even posting pics of her in Minnesota Vikings gear -- but she has a reason for that, too.

"I grew up in Minnesota before moving to California almost 20 years ago," Do says. "I don't think you have to be a single-team fan. I love my Chargers and I'm not gonna deny my Vikings. At the end of the day, yes, I've been a Vikings fan, I've been through that journey as a Vikings fan and still am, but I'm here in LA for the past 20 years."

Long story short, Do didn't get a cent for her viral moment ... but knowing how internet fame works, that could all change.

"To anybody that thinks this is paid, I am not paid, I'm still eating my ramen noodles."

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Bill Maher Enough BS About Social Media ... It's Actually Anti-Social Media!

Bill Maher went on a tear against social media Friday night, saying it's a colossal misnomer, because it should be called "anti-social media," and it's destroying our civilization.

Scoff at the 'Real Time' host if you want, but it's hard to argue the point ... when it comes to human interactions, we have jettisoned it because it's easier to live a lazier life with our iPhones.

BTW, Bill's not alone. The Surgeon General of the United States has said there's a crisis of loneliness, isolation and lack of connection. And there are health consequences, including alcoholism, strokes, and on and on.

And then there's AI, Maher says. There is now a "replica" AI GF you can have ... btw, that fake chick has 2 million boyfriends and counting.


It's interesting, Bill interviewed Tristan Harris, a tech ethicist on the show, who has talked about a phenomenon he calls "human downgrading."

But between it all, plus the isolation we all suffered during the pandemic, Bill has these words of wisdom ... "For f***'s sake, go play outside!"

Doug E. Fresh AI's Giving Hip Hop New Dimensions ... Why the Hate???


Doug E. Fresh is much more open-minded than most of his peers when it comes to artificial intelligence affecting the art ... he's straight up calling it "an enhancement" to human abilities!!!

TMZ Hip Hop linked up with the beatboxing pioneer Wednesday in NYC, where he urged fans and artists not to fear the AI revolution taking jobs ... something Krayzie Bone told us last year he fears when we raised the topic.

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"The World's Best Entertainer" was lending his support to Pencils of Promise ... an education organization geared toward spreading modern education to children in Ghana, Guatemala and Laos.

Speaking of younger generations, Doug believes they'll adopt AI tools much easier in the years to come.

Doug compared AI's origins to when the drum machine entered the world of hip hop ... effectively replacing live instrumentation, and he's confident humans will still be in control.

Just remember where you heard it first ... when digital Doug E. Fresh is still performing in the year 2235!!!

'Million Dollar Listing' Fredrik Eklund Launches First AI Real Estate Expert!!!


Former "Million Dollar Listing" star Fredrik Eklund says his new AI real estate expert isn't here to take jobs from agents like himself -- instead, he says this tech can spark market growth.

Fredrik joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" to introduce the world to Maya ... the world's first real estate guru completely powered by artificial intelligence. It's a product that took him and his team 18 months to get up and running, and he explained why he's so incredibly proud of what Maya can do.

He says Maya helps both sides of the housing market and even comes with her own personality -- and while you might think websites, like Zillow and Redfin, already simplify the home buying experience, Fredrik told us why Maya takes it to the next level.

Simply put ... the way you tour open houses is going to change dramatically in the next few years, and Fredrik believes Maya will be an integral part of that revolution.

AI has become a hot-button topic lately, with folks -- including Hollywood writers and actors -- worried the new tech will take peoples' jobs as it advances.

It might sound ironic for Fredrik to invent a tool that takes over some tasks that human agents have traditionally done for clients, but he fills us in on why he's not threatened by Maya. At least, not yet.

Drake & The Weeknd AI Track Not Grammy Eligible CEO Clarifies Earlier Remarks!!!


10:57 AM PT -- 9/8 -- The Recording Academy's Harvey Mason Jr. is clarifying his remarks after initially praising the infamous Drake and The Weeknd AI creation "Heart on My Sleeve" ... now stating the song is NOT eligible for a Grammy.

Instagram / @harveymasonjr

Mason made a PSA on Friday, emphatically nixing "HOMS" from Grammy contention because the vocals weren't legally authorized for use by the artist or the label.


The New York Times quoted Mason earlier in the week declaring the bot music Grammy eligible due to it being written by a human ... but the universal backlash was swift, and apparently so is the backpedaling!!!

Drake and The Weeknd already don't rock with the Grammys, so the possibility of their unauthorized AI collaboration winning an award likely won't mend any fences.

Still, that's the scenario Recording Academy CEO Harvey Mason Jr. is floating when it comes to the controversial "Heart on My Sleeve" -- the AI-generated track that surfaced in April featuring faux vocals from the Canadian megastars, but convincing enough to be a hit.

Ghostwriter -- the anonymous human creator behind the track -- submitted it for both Song of The Year and Best Rap Song for the 66th Grammy Awards next year.

Mason tells the New York Times he was impressed with "Heart on My Sleeve" as it opened up possibilities for their business and declared it suitable for nomination ... "As far as the creative side, it's absolutely eligible because it was written by a human."

If Ghostwriter earned just a nomination, it could spearhead the next evolution of artists: human songwriters who use other people's artificially-generated voices!

Drake and Weeknd's record label Universal Music Group doesn't share Mason's enthusiasm. When the track was released, the label had it pulled from DSPs ... leaving it to lurk in the internet's dark recesses. This Grammy development offers the song, and others like it, a new light.

The Weeknd and Drake have been boycotting the Grammys for years, going as far as to withdraw nominations and refuse to submit heir own music.

On the other hand, Ghostwriter isn't letting up off the digital throttle in the wake of his new career strides.

He released a new AI concoction Wednesday titled "Whiplash," featuring CPU-generated soundalikes for Travis Scott and 21 Savage -- 2 more artists to piss off, but also another possible path to the Grammys!!!

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 9/6 12:20 AM PT