Killer Mike BS Arrest Won't Overshadow Grammy Wins ... Says Honorable C.N.O.T.E.


Killer Mike's epic sweep of 3 categories is the Grammy headline that matters -- not his arrest -- at least, that's how one of the producers who helped him win those trophies will remember the weekend.

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TMZ Hip Hop first obtained the video Sunday showing Mike surrounded by several security guards outside Arena -- and they ended up holding him until LAPD showed up to arrest Mike for battery.

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Honorable C.N.O.T.E. tells us he spoke to KM moments after the run-in with a security guard, and he says Mike called it "the third best thing" that happened to him on Sunday -- in other words, the whole drama was already rain down the drain for Mike.

His self-titled album dominated this year's hip hop categories -- including Best Rap Album award, for which C.N.O.T.E. produced the track "Spaceship Views."

I Feel Great

Mike himself labeled the arresting security "overzealous" ... but all the newfound notoriety is bound to divert more ears to his Grammy-winning music.

Raiders' Janarius Robinson Arrested In Vegas ... During Super Bowl Week

Raiders pass rusher Janarius Robinson was arrested in Las Vegas on Tuesday morning -- right in the middle of the NFL's Super Bowl week.

Cops said in a statement the 25-year-old was booked on a charge of driving under the influence after he was stopped on The Strip at around 5:59 AM.

Further details surrounding the matter were not made immediately available.

Robinson initially began his career with the Vikings in 2021 after they selected him with a fourth-round pick ... but he was placed on injured reserve just before his rookie season began.

He spent time on Minnesota's and Philadelphia's practice squads in 2022 ... but he didn't see any regular-season action.

In 2023, he signed onto the Raiders' practice squad ... and in December, he was finally promoted to the active roster -- and he was able to flash some big potential in his limited snaps.

In six games -- two of which he started -- Robinson logged eight combined tackles and one sack ... leading many in Vegas' org to believe he could be a key player for the team next season.

So far, the Raiders have yet to comment on the arrest.

Killer Mike Addresses Grammys Arrest Entryway Confusion, Overzealous Guard

Killer Mike is clarifying what happened at the Grammys that landed him in cuffs -- and he says it can all be chalked up to confusion ... and someone trying too hard to play police officer.

The rapper tells TMZ ... "As you can imagine, there was a lot going and there was some confusion around which door my team and I should enter. We experienced an over-zealous security guard but my team and I have the utmost confidence that I will ultimately be cleared of all wrongdoing. Until that time, keep listening to ‘Michael,’ and keep going after your dreams."

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A source close to KM tells us he and his team ran into a little mishap while trying to enter the venue -- although it's unclear if they were re-entering, or coming in for the first time.


In any case, we're told there was considerable confusion about where to go and how to get in -- and as Mike and co. were trying to figure this out, they encountered a security guard who apparently started giving them a hard time ... with Mike choosing to keep it pushin'.

Namely, he blew past the guard ... and that seems to have resulted in them chasing him down after the fact -- something TMZ got video of in the immediate aftermath of this alleged incident. In the end, we know what happened ... Mike was detained and ultimately arrested.

Our sources tell us the whole situation was completely overblown and Mike's team is confident -- as is he -- that his name will be cleared when the facts are laid bare.

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As we reported ... Mike is facing a misdemeanor battery charge after a citizen's arrest was conducted -- and whole thing kinda put a damper on his big Grammy wins. He's still happy about the accolades, for 'MICHAEL,' not to mention a successful surgery for his son.

All's well that ends well, we suppose.

Killer Mike habla de su arresto en los Grammy

Killer Mike está aclarando qué fue lo que pasó en los Grammys que lo llevó a las esposas. Él dice que todo fue una confusión y que alguien quiso jugar al policía con muchas ganas.

El rapero le dice a TMZ: "Como se puede imaginar, había mucho que hacer y hubo cierta confusión en torno a qué puerta de mi equipo y yo debería entrar. Nos encontramos con un guardia de seguridad demasiado entusiasta, pero mi equipo y yo tenemos la máxima confianza de que al final seré absuelto de todo delito. Hasta entonces, sigan escuchando a 'Michael' y sigan persiguiendo sus sueños".

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Una fuente cercana a Killer nos dice que él y su equipo se encontraron con un pequeño percance al tratar de entrar en el recinto, aunque no está claro si estaban volviendo a entrar o entrando por primera vez.

En cualquier caso, nos dicen que había una considerable confusión acerca de dónde ir y cómo entrar y cuando Mike y compañía estaban tratando de averiguarlo, se encontraron con un guardia de seguridad que al parecer comenzó a darles un mal rato.

Finalmente ignoró al guardia y esto dio lugar a que lo persiguieran después, algo TMZ tiene video. Al final, sabemos lo que pasó ... Mike fue detenido y arrestado en última instancia.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que toda la situación fue completamente exagerada y el equipo de Mike confía -como él- que su nombre será limpiado cuando los hechos queden al descubierto.

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Como hemos informado, Mike se enfrenta a un cargo de delito menor luego de ser arrestado, quitándole importancia a su recién ganado Grammy. Él todavía está feliz por los elogios por "MICHAEL", por no hablar de una cirugía exitosa de su hijo.

Una mala racha Mike.

Patrick Mahomes Sr. Cops Say Chiefs Star's Dad Had Open Can Of Beer In Car Before DWI Arrest

Authorities claim Patrick Mahomes' father was driving around with an open can of beer in his car before he was arrested for DWI on Saturday night.

The allegation is spelled out in an arrest affidavit from the Smith County Sheriff’s Office ... according to the New York Post.

The outlet reported Monday that in the docs, an officer wrote Mahomes Sr. was found with an open, 16-ounce Coors beverage in his center console after he was pulled over around 8:30 PM in Tyler, Texas.

The officer added that Mahomes Sr. told them during the stop he "had a few beers while watching a game at a local bar" before he got behind the wheel.

Officials wrote in the docs they initially pulled over Mahomes Sr. after they discovered his car had expired tags after he was seen driving slower than the rest of traffic in the area.

The arresting officer alleged Mahomes Sr. failed field sobriety tests once they got him out of his vehicle ... writing in the docs, "I believed Patrick was impaired to a perceptible degree while operating a motor vehicle in a public place."

Mahomes Sr. was ultimately booked on a felony charge of driving while impaired. It's his third DWI -- and if he's convicted this time, he's facing up to 10 years behind bars.

Mahomes Sr. will, however, still be allowed to travel to watch his son play in the Super Bowl this weekend ... TMZ Sports has learned no travel ban was imposed on him as part of the conditions of his bond -- although it remains unclear if the Chiefs quarterback will now want him in attendance.

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Mahomes II has not yet publicly commented on the matter ... but he is expected to meet with the media later Monday evening as part of Super Bowl week's Opening Night.

Killer Mike Son Getting Kidney Transplant ... After Mike's Grammys Arrest

Killer Mike's officially putting his arrest at the Grammys on the back burner, because after a long wait, his oldest son is finally getting a kidney transplant ... TMZ Hip Hop has learned.

Sources connected to the Grammy-winning rapper tell us Mike is with his son Mikael "Pony Boy" Render Monday as he undergoes the transplant surgery. The 21-year-old has been waiting for a kidney match for 3 years.

Back in November, Mikael got bumped up on the transplant waitlist, and his proud dad talked about it during an interview with Graham Bensinger.

Mike has said Mikael -- who's a musician and rapper, just like Dad -- never had a chance to fully experience his teenage years, because of his battle with kidney disease.

The fact Pony Boy's number got called for the transplant today, of all days, seems like a strange twist of fate ... considering his dad's weekend of some major ups and downs.

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TMZ broke the story ... Killer Mike was awarded 3 Grammys Sunday at L.A.'s Arena -- but he also got arrested.

He was booked for misdemeanor battery after allegedly knocking over a security guard at the venue, but was quickly released on his own recognizance. After getting released ... Mike was in relatively good spirits, even though he'd gone through a fairly dramatic situation.

I Feel Great

Paps tried talking to him about it in the aftermath -- but he wasn't really trying to talk much about it ... keeping his attention on the music. In light of this news about his son ... his mind was clearly elsewhere, as he had more important matters to attend to.

Mike won Grammys for Best Rap Album, Best Rap Song and Best Rap Performance -- but today his focus is purely on Mikael's surgery.

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Here's hoping all goes well on that front.

Ex-Porn Star Lisa Ann NYPD 'Cuffed Me at Matt Rife's Show!!! Cops Claim She Was 'Disorderly,' Possibly Drunk

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Ex-porn star Lisa Ann says NYPD officers dragged her out of comedian Matt Rife's show for allegedly using her phone, and threatened to put her on a psychiatric hold -- a move cops claim was warranted because she was acting drunk and disorderly.

Lisa, who famously spoofed Sarah Palin in porn, tells TMZ ... she was seated in the 2nd row with 2 friends at Radio City Music Hall Sunday night, and about 20 minutes into Matt's show, 8 ushers came over and told her she was getting booted for using her phone.

Lisa says she told the ushers and NYPD officers stationed at the venue, she did NOT use her phone at all inside the theater, in fact, she insists she never touched it -- but does admit one of her friends looked at her own phone to view a text.

The "Nailin' Pailin" star says the biggest shock came when the cops marched her out of Radio City in handcuffs around 10:20 PM, and allegedly told her she could either be arrested or put on a 5150 hold ... her choice.

She says she opted for arrest, but the cops told her there was no one available to take her to the station, so they called for an ambulance -- and while they waited for 45 minutes, she claims the cops "humiliated" her by holding her in handcuffs on 6th Ave.

Now, an NYPD official tells us they'd gotten a call for someone being disorderly and interrupting the show, and the responding officers thought she seemed "off" ... like she might be having some "psychiatric episode" due to her "erratic behavior." They also say Radio City staff said she'd had a few alcoholic drinks.

Lisa says she finally caught a break when the ambulance arrived, because after hearing the whole story and observing Lisa, the paramedic refused to put her in custody at a hospital ... telling her and the cops they have too many "really ill" people to treat, according to Lisa.

At that point, she says the cops threw out one last ultimatum: agree to leave the show without another word, and they'd take off the handcuffs ... or they could arrest her.

She begrudgingly chose to leave, and was released without any charge or citation. While she's not yet considering suing anyone over the incident ... Lisa says she'd love, at least, an explanation from Radio City or NYPD as to why she was 86'd.

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NYPD, in its eyes, says the cops on scene simply "sweet-talked" Lisa into leaving.

BTW ... she and Matt hosted a radio show together, but had not met in person. She was excited to see his show, and possibly meet him afterward.

She even took a photo from her 2nd row seat at 8:45 PM, shortly before the show started ... and you can see an usher was watching over her even then. Lisa says she put her phone away at that point, and never took it out until after she was detained.

She's especially bummed because she's also a regular at Radio City, where she goes to see the Rockettes several times a year.

Lisa Ann Es detenida durante el show de matt rife

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¡yo no fui!

La ex-estrella porno -Lisa Ann- dice que los oficiales de policía de Nueva York la sacaron del show del comediante Matt Rife por supuestamente usar su teléfono, y amenazaron con ponerla en un psiquiátrico. Una medida que los policías afirman que estaba justificada porque estaba actuando borracha y desordenada.

Lisa, que se burló de Sarah Palin en el porno, le dice a TMZ que estaba sentada en la segunda fila con dos amigos en el Radio City Music Hall el domingo por la noche, y tras unos 20 minutos en el show de Matt, 8 acomodadores se acercaron y le dijeron que estaba siendo expulsada por usar su teléfono.

Lisa dice que le dijo a los acomodadores y a los oficiales de policía que ella no utilizó su teléfono en lo absoluto dentro del teatro, de hecho, insiste en que nunca lo tocó, pero admite que una de sus amigas miró su propio teléfono para ver un texto.

La estrella de "Nailin 'Pailin" dice que el mayor shock se produjo cuando los policías la sacaron de Radio City esposada alrededor de las 10:20 PM, y supuestamente le dijeron que podía ser arrestada o puesta en retención.

Ella dice que optó por la detención, pero los policías le dieron que no había nadie disponible para llevarla a la estación, por lo que llamó a una ambulancia y mientras esperaron durante unos 45 minutos, ella afirma que los policías la "humillaron".

Ahora, un oficial de la policía de Nueva York nos dice que habían recibido una llamada por alguien que estaba molesto durante el espectáculo, y los oficiales que respondieron pensaron que ella parecía "apagada", como si estuviera teniendo algún "episodio psiquiátrico" debido a su "comportamiento errático". También dicen que el personal de Radio City dijo que había bebido alcohol.

Lisa dice que finalmente tuvo un respiro cuando llegó la ambulancia, porque después de escuchar toda la historia y observar a Lisa, el paramédico se negó a ponerla bajo custodia en un hospital, diciéndole a ella y a los policías que tienen demasiadas personas "realmente enfermas" que tratar, según Lisa.

En ese momento, ella dice que los policías lanzaron un ultimátum: de acuerdo a abandonar el show sin decir otra palabra, y que le quitaría las esposas ... o podrían arrestarla.

A regañadientes optó por irse, y fue liberada sin ningún cargo o citación. Ella no está pensando en demandar a nadie todavía sobre el incidente, auque Lisa dice que le encantaría una explicación de Radio City o NYPD.

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La policía de Nueva York dice que los policías en la escena hicieron salir amablemente a Lisa del lugar.

Por cierto, ella y Matt presentaban un programa de radio juntos, pero no se conocían en persona. Ella estaba emocionada por ver su programa y posiblemente conocerlo después. Está especialmente disgustada porque también es una asidua de Radio City, donde va a ver a las Rockettes varias veces al año.

NBA's Rajon Rondo Arrested In Indiana ... Booked On Weed & Gun Charges

Rajon Rondo -- a two-time NBA champion -- was arrested on Sunday and booked on gun and weed charges, TMZ Sports has confirmed.

According to Jackson County Jail records in Indiana, the ex-Boston Celtics star was thrown behind bars at around 4 PM. A rep for the facility tells us he was booked on three separate charges -- possession of paraphernalia, possession of marijuana, and unlawful possession of a firearm -- before he was released on $705 bond.

Court documents we obtained show it all stemmed from a routine traffic stop at around 2:21 PM on an Indiana highway.

According to the docs, an Indiana State Police trooper pulled over Rondo for no plate on the back of his Tesla. However, during the stop, the trooper stated he smelled marijuana emanating from the former basketball player ... and in an ensuing search of his car, a small amount of weed, drug paraphernalia, and a gun were all discovered.

Due to a previous case against Rondo, he was not supposed to have the firearm.

All three charges against the four-time All-Star are misdemeanors.

This is, of course, not the first time Rondo has been accused of wrongdoing ... in May 2022, a woman filed an emergency protection order against him after she claimed he snapped at her for interrupting a video game session he was having with his son.

She accused Rondo of smashing things around the house, before pulling out a gun. The case, however, was dismissed weeks later.

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Rondo was also sued in 2020 ... after a woman claimed she was injured during an altercation with the former point guard and his girlfriend outside an apartment complex. That case was settled in 2022.

Rondo played 16 seasons in the NBA, last suiting up for the Cleveland Cavaliers in the 2021-22 season.

Chris Young Cleared Of All Charges ... In Nashville Criminal Case

Chris Young is off the hook in his Tennessee criminal case ... after prosecutors dropped all charges against him.

The country music singer was booked on three misdemeanors – disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and assault on officer offensive contact – after he got into an alleged physical altercation with an agent from the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission at a Nashville bar last Monday night.

But Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk issued a statement Friday, saying he was closing Young's case. Funk wrote, "After a review of all the evidence in this case, the Office of the District Attorney has determined that these charges will be dismissed."

The DA did not specify why he was dismissing the case, but videos surfaced online showing Young doing almost nothing at all during the alleged incident.

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You may recall ... Nashville PD accused Young of recording the TABC agents who came into the Tin Roof bar to check the IDs of patrons, making sure they were of age to drink alcohol.

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Police said Young then followed the agents to another bar nearby, blocking the door as they tried to leave after again doing an ID check. Young was also accused of pushing one of the agents before getting handcuffed and hauled off to the county jail.

Now Young can put all this behind him – thanks to the DA. His attorney, Bill Ramsey, tells TMZ, “Mr. Young and I are gratified with the DA’s decision clearing him of the charges and any wrong-doing.”

Chrisean Rock I'm Home, Daddy!!! Moves Back into Blueface's Crib with Their Kid

Blueface still has a little ways to go for his current jail sentence, but there's a good chance Chrisean Rock will be waiting at home for him when he comes back!!!

On Friday, Chrisean burst onto IG with a newfound faith in the father of her baby boy -- she updated her profile pic with one of the "Thotiana" rapper's mugshots but more shockingly, announced she was moving back into one of his houses!!!

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Fans were confused and displeased ... the last time these 2 were spotted publicly, they both had conflicting stories but left every indication they had a fight, and a very bloody one at that!!!

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She also posted a pair of new pics with their kid, but went out of her way to show support for Blue by making sure her "Jonathan" signature face tat was visible.

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TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... Blueface is slated to be behind bars through Summer '24 but his manager, Wack 100, is pushing for an earlier release.

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He and Jaidyn broke off their engagement before he surrendered to start his sentence ... but she just might be competing for his attention again when he gets out.

Chrisean Rock Estoy en casa, papi!!! Se muda a la casa de Blueface con su hijo

A Blueface aún le queda un tiempo para cumplir su sentencia en prisión, ¡¡¡pero hay muchas posibilidades de que Chrisean Rock lo esté esperando en casa cuando vuelva!!!

El viernes, Chrisean irrumpió en Instagram con una renovada confianza en el padre de su bebé. Actualizó su foto de perfil con una de las fotos policiales del rapero de "Thotiana", pero lo más sorprendente, ¡¡¡anunció que se iba a mudar de nuevo a una de sus casas!!!

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"Muestra tus manos ensangrentadas"

¡¡¡Los fans estaban confundidos y disgustados!!! La última vez que estos dos fueron vistos en público tenían historias contradictorias, pero dieron todos los indicios de que estaban peleados y muy en serio.

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Chrisean también publicó un par de fotos nuevas con su hijo, pero se salió de su habitual forma de apoyar a Blue, asegurándose de que su tatuaje "Jonathan" fuera visible.

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TMZ Hip Hop dio a conocer la noticia, está programado que Blueface esté tras las rejas hasta el verano de 2024, pero su manager Wack 100 está presionando para que lo liberen antes.

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Él y Jaidyn rompieron su compromiso antes de que se entregara para iniciar su condena, pero podría tener competencia para atraer su atención cuando salga.

'Cheer' Star Monica Aldama Son Austin Charged with Child Porn ... 10 Counts in Indictment

'Cheer' star Monica Aldama's son, Austin Aldama, has been arrested and charged with possession of child porn in Texas -- and the allegations authorities lay out are disturbing.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Austin was arrested and booked last Thursday in Navarro County on an open warrant for his arrest ... which references a grand jury indictment against him with 10 counts of possession of child pornography.

Specifically, Austin (who's 27) was booked into the county jail, posed for this mug, and was released on bond with certain conditions ... including having to submit to random drug testing and other stipulations, like submitting to voluntary searches of his phone and computer. He's also prohibited from viewing pornographic images by any means.

We should note that in docs -- prosecutors cite evidence they say they have including several videos with file names describing children engaged in sex acts that are under the age of 10.

Austin doesn't appear to have been arraigned yet, so he hasn't entered a plea thus far.

It's obviously shocking news -- made even stunning by the fact that the 'Cheer' community there in Navarro -- prominently featured in the Netflix show -- has already been rocked by a child porn scandal ... namely, from one of the stars in the Netflix series, Jerry Harris.

You'll recall ... Jerry was also hit with child porn charges, and he ended up getting convicted in his case -- now, he was hit with a 12-year sentence back in 2022.

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At the time, Monica said she was "shattered" by the allegations against Jerry -- noting in a statement, "Our children must be protected from abuse and exploitation, and I'm praying hard for the victims and everyone affected."

We've reached out to Monica for comment ... so far, no word back.

el hijo de Mónica Aldama es acusado de pornografía infantil

El hijo de Monica Aldama, Austin Aldama, ha sido arrestado y acusado de posesión de pornografía infantil en Texas, y las acusaciones de las autoridades son inquietantes.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Austin fue detenido el pasado jueves en el Condado de Navarro con una orden de arresto abierta para su detención, que hace referencia a una acusación del gran jurado en su contra con 10 cargos de posesión de pornografía infantil.

En concreto, Austin (de 27 años) fue llevado la cárcel del condado, posó para esta foto y fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza con ciertas condiciones, incluyendo tener que someterse a pruebas de drogas al azar y someterse a búsquedas voluntarias en su teléfono y la computadora. También tiene prohibido ver imágenes pornográficas por cualquier medio.

Debemos señalar que en los documentos los fiscales citan pruebas que dicen que tienen varios videos con nombres de archivos que describen a los niños que participan en actos sexuales que son menores de 10 años.

Austin no parece haber sido procesado todavía, por lo que no ha presentado una declaración hasta el momento.

Obviamente, es una noticia impactante, y es aún más sorprendente el hecho de que la comunidad "Cheer" que está allí en Navarro que aparece en la serie de Netflix, ya ha sido sacudida por un escándalo de pornografía infantil relacionado con una de las estrellas en la serie de Netflix, Jerry Harris.

Como recordarás... Jerry también fue golpeado con cargos de pornografía infantil y terminó siendo condenado a 12 años en 2022.

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En ese momento, Mónica dijo que estaba "destrozada" por las acusaciones contra Jerry, señalando en un comunicado: "Nuestros hijos deben ser protegidos del abuso y la explotación y estoy rezando mucho por las víctimas y todos los afectados".

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Mónica para hacer comentarios, hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

NYC Man Arrested on Unrelated Warrant ... Tried to Open T-Swift's Door

Taylor Swift's NYC townhouse got an unwanted visitor Saturday ... and police arrested him on an unrelated warrant, TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... cops received a 911 call in the afternoon for a "disorderly person" and responded to Taylor's fancy Manhattan neighborhood, where the pop superstar owns some pricey real estate.

When they arrived, the officers encountered the unruly man and soon learned he tried but failed to access Taylor's building, our sources say.

Whether he knew it was Taylor's crib or not is anybody's guess, but we've obtained photos of the guy standing right outside the front door of her building. Creepy!!!

Other images show NYPD cops cuffing the dude and shoving him into the back of a police cruiser.

We're told police ran a background check on the unnamed suspect and arrested him on a 2017 warrant for failing to answer a court summons in Brooklyn. It was unclear what the warrant was for. NYPD officials have not indicated whether they will recommend charges for this latest incident.

We've reached out to Taylor's team ... so far no word back.

TS' got more than enough reason to be nervous about people showing up at her place ... she's got a long, documented history with stalkers -- one was arrested less than two years ago for trying to get into her Manhattan home.

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We break down Taylor's stalkers and more in our upcoming documentary "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood's Stalker Crisis" -- coming out Monday at 9/8c on FOX.

Cocaína en los camarones Un hombre es detenido por presunto tráfico de drogas...

Los productores de "Cocaine Bear" podrían tener una secuela del show porque un hombre fue atrapado presuntamente usando otra criatura para el contrabando de drogas.

Zacharie Scott fue detenido en el Aeropuerto Internacional John F. Kennedy de Nueva York el viernes por supuestamente intentar pasar cocaína de contrabando dentro de bolsas de camarones jumbo congelados.

El hombre de 22 años que vive en Guyana, pero tiene la ciudadanía de Estados Unidos, supuestamente escondía ladrillos de droga dentro de las bolsas de camarones, esencialmente cubriendo los paquetes de los crustáceos.

Los federales dijeron que hicieron una prueba de campo y revelaron rastros de cocaína, y todo junto, las drogas supuestamente pesaban más de 40 libras. Las autoridades dicen que hablaron con Scott y dicen que confesó haber aceptado el contrabando de las drogas por dinero en efectivo.

Scott apareció en el Tribunal Federal de Brooklyn el martes para hacer frente a los cargos presentados por Breon Peace, el Fiscal del Distrito Este de Nueva York que está encabezando el caso, y está detenido hasta su audiencia de libertad bajo fianza. Si es declarado culpable, podría enfrentarse hasta 20 años de prisión.

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Nos pusimos en contacto con el abogado de Scott para que hiciera comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Menos mal que ninguno de estos camarones estaba viva cuando se introdujo la coca o la Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos podría tener un problema en sus manos.

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