Uga X, la mascota bulldog de Georgia muere a los 10 años

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Es un día triste en Atena, la querida mascota viva de la Universidad de Georgia, Uga X, ha fallecido, anunció la escuela el martes. Tenía 10 años.

Uga X -alias "Que"- murió pacíficamente mientras dormía, según un comunicado emitido hace unos minutos.

La tenencia de Que como la mascota en vivo comenzó durante la temporada de fútbol de 2015 y se mantuvo como la cara peluda del programa hasta su retiro en 2022.

Durante su tiempo con los Bulldogs, Que -el nieto de Uga IX- fue testigo de la carrera más exitosa en la historia de Georgia, un récord de 91-18, dos victorias en el campeonato nacional, dos títulos de la SEC y siete apariciones en el tazón New Year's Six.

Que fue incluido en el Salón de la Fama de las Mascotas en 2022, al igual que todos sus predecesores.

Uga XI, alias "Boom", sustituyó a Que en abril de 2023.

Recordemos que PETA le pidió a la universidad que eliminara a todos los amigos de cuatro patas de los juegos.

021023-knowshon-moreno-tavareus-king-kal FEBRUARY 2023

Pero las ex estrellas de Georgia como Knowshown Moreno y Tavarres King defendieron su alma mater, diciendo que la escuela trata a todos los Ugas como la realeza.

Jamie Dornan fue hospitalizado con síntomas de infarto Debido a una oruga

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una oruga muy tóxica
The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected/BBC

Jamie Dornan aparentemente pensó que estaba teniendo un ataque al corazón el año pasado luego de experimentar síntomas preocupantes, sin embargo, fue una falsa alarma.

El susto fue revelado a través de un amigo suyo -el locutor escocés Gordon Smart- durante una aparición en la BBC en "The Good, The Bad and The Unexpected", donde contó esta historia que involucra a Jamie y algunos otros amigos con los que visitaron Portugal el año pasado.

Después de una noche de fiesta, Smart dice que algunos en su grupo comenzaron a sentirse muy enfermos al día siguiente, y terminaron enviando a con Gordon al hospital. Ya que sentía un hormigueo en la mano y en el brazo, Smart pensó que estaba teniendo un ataque al corazón, pero más tarde le dijeron que había sido infectado por una oruga local.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

En concreto, Smart dice que le dijeron que debía haber entrado en contacto con orugas de la procesionaria del pino, las cuales tienen pelos venenosos por todo el cuerpo y que pueden infectar a los seres humanos. No suelen ser mortales para las personas, pero pueden matar a los animales.

De todos modos, dice que cuando regresó al hotel donde se alojaba Jamie, vio que Jamie también estaba conectado a un equipo médico y notó que había sufrido los mismos síntomas.

Con el tiempo, los síntomas de ambos se aclararon y en términos de cómo podrían haber entrado en contacto con estos pequeños bichos, Smart dice que parecen estar en todos los campos de golf, que es donde los chicos estaban vagando justo antes de caer enfermos.

Jamie no se ha referido a la historia. El mundo es salvaje... tomen precauciones.

Jamie Dornan Hospitalized Last Year w/ Heart Attack Symptoms ... After Run-In w/ Caterpillar

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the very toxic caterpillar
The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected/BBC

Jamie Dornan apparently thought he was having a heart attack and might die last year after he started experiencing tell-tale symptoms for a heart attack ... but he was just buggin' out.

The actor's health scare was revealed through a friend of his -- Scottish broadcaster Gordon Smart -- during an appearance on the BBC's 'The Good, The Bad and The Unexpected'  ... where he told this wild story about him, Jamie and some other pals hitting Portugal last year.

After a night out, Smart says some in their group started to feel really sick the next day -- with GS getting sent to the hospital ... as he felt tingling in his hand and arm. Smart thought he was having a heart attack ... but was later told he'd been infected by a local caterpillar.

TMZ Studios

Specifically, Smart says he was told he must've come into contact with pine processionary moth caterpillars -- which have poisonous hairs all over their bodies, and which can infect humans. They're not usually deadly for people -- but they can, in fact, kill animals.

Anyway, he says when he got back to the hotel where Jamie was staying -- he saw JD, too, was hooked up to medical equipment ... and noted he'd suffered from the same symptoms.

Eventually, both of their symptoms cleared up -- and in terms of how they might've come into contact with these little buggers ... Smart says they seem to be all over golf courses there, which is where the boys were roaming just before coming down with their illnesses.

Jamie hasn't addressed the story himself. It's a wild world out there ... take precautions, y'all.



A celebrity dog breeder had his lip hanging on by a thread ... after a French bulldog viciously bit him in the face.

Ronnie Wright of Famous Owned Bullies tells TMZ ... he needed 11 stitches this week when an adult Frenchie at a client's house lunged at his face as he went to kiss it.

He didn't have much time to stop the gush of blood from his mouth ... telling us when he walked into the house to wash it off another Frenchie pounced onto his leg -- though he managed to kick it off.

Ronnie tells us when he looked in a mirror, his lip was hanging off his face and he was rushed straight to the ER.

Currently, he's still super swollen ... meaning it's hard for him to talk, eat, or sleep. He has been dealing with dogs his entire life and Frenchie's for 16 years and never had a single incident.

To rub salt in the wound ... he's gotta have reconstructive surgery when his stitches come out ... 'cause the bite ripped out a piece of his lip cartilage.

TMZ Studios

Ronnie, based in Carlsbad, San Diego, has built a successful career for himself ... entrusted by clients including Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, Jamie Foxx, Selena Gomez, and more -- so the attack undoubtedly comes as a shock.

'RHOM' STAR JULIA LEMIGOVA Ride Like 'The Real Housewives' ... Classic Mustang For Sale


Julia Lemigova is trading in the horsepower in her classic Mustang for goat power ... and one lucky buyer -- with a whole lot of cash -- can benefit from a sweet new ride.

"The Real Housewives of Miami" star is selling her vintage 1966 Ford Mustang 2+2 Fastback ... a car decked out in gorgeous maroon paint with a heck of a lot of features and just 12,486 miles on it.

The car's got a 289 V8 engine, vintage air conditioning, custom aluminum wheels -- that look just like the OGs -- and a custom grill, parchment pony interior, wood steering wheel, retro sound custom stereo and fold-down rear seat ... talk about a blast from the past!

Of course, another major selling point is its previous owner ... JL's got the car up for $42,500, and she doesn't really wanna part with it -- but she tells TMZ she needs the space for hay and animal food now that her goat, Elvis, is staying with her a few nights a week.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Julia tells us she loved the idea of riding around South Beach with her wife, tennis legend Martina Navratilova, in the passenger seat ... but found she's more of a pickup truck girl instead.

Not only is she not getting enough miles out of it, but Lemigova says it's taking up space -- space she needs to store Elvis' hay and animal food since he's staying with the couple a few nights a week now ... he used to stay full-time at their farm but apparently he's more of a house goat now.

Don't worry animal lovers ... JL and MN have arranged temporary accommodations for their happy friends while they unload the car -- so he's not out wandering the streets of Miami.

Potential owners beware -- the car's got a manual transmission which Julia tells us she learned to drive while still living in Europe -- so you'd better know how to drive a stick!!!

Sounds like a fantastic deal for one lucky driver ... one might even say the Greatest Of All Time 🐐.

Oklahoma State University Four Hit With Criminal Charges ... After Dead Longhorn Found At Fraternity

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Four people have been hit with criminal charges after officials allege they were responsible for hurling a dead longhorn onto the front yard of an Oklahoma State University fraternity house last month.

According to KOCO 5 News, three 19-year-olds and one 20-year-old were charged with misdemeanor unlawful disposal of a carcass in relation to the case.

You'll recall ... the steer was found on Dec. 1 at around 6:30 AM in front of the FarmHouse Fraternity in Stillwater, Okla. -- in what appeared to be some sort of twisted message sent to the Cowboys ahead of their Big 12 championship football game against the Texas Longhorns.

The body of the animal was discovered with its stomach cut open ... and on its side, someone had written "F*** FH."

At the time, OSU officials said they were "appalled at the disturbing display of animal cruelty" ... and promised to take "appropriate action" against the perpetrators following an investigation into the incident.

Authorities said in court documents obtained by KOCO 5 News that the four suspects were members of the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity looking to play a prank on the FarmHouse Fraternity with the steer.

Court records show all four pled not guilty to the charges earlier this week. Each is now due in court for another hearing on the matter in March.

Oklahoma State University Acusan a 4 personas de delitos penales Después de encontrar a un Longhorn muerto...

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Inquietante incidente

Cuatro personas han sido acusadas con cargos criminales después de que las autoridades alegaran que son responsables de dejar a un longhorn muerto en el patio delantero de una casa de la fraternidad de la Universidad Estatal de Oklahoma el mes pasado.

Según KOCO 5 News, tres de ellos tienen 19 años y uno 20. Todos fueron acusados del delito menor de eliminación ilegal de un cadáver en relación con el caso.

Ustedes recordarán que un novillo fue encontrado el 1 de diciembre alrededor de las 6:30 AM en frente de la Fraternidad FarmHouse en Stillwater, Oklahoma, en lo que parecía ser una especie de mensaje retorcido para los Cowboys antes de su partido de fútbol del campeonato Big 12 contra los Longhorns de Texas.

El cuerpo del animal fue descubierto con el estómago abierto y a su lado alguien había escrito "F*** FH" (Que se jodan los FarmHouse).

En ese momento, los funcionarios de OSU dijeron que estaban "horrorizados por la perturbadora exhibición de crueldad animal" y prometieron que tomarían las "medidas apropiadas" contra los perpetradores después de una investigación sobre el incidente.

Las autoridades dijeron en documentos judiciales obtenidos por KOCO 5 News que los cuatro sospechosos eran miembros de la fraternidad Alpha Gamma Rho que querían jugarle una broma a la fraternidad FarmHouse con el buey.

Los registros judiciales muestran que los cuatro se declararon inocentes de los cargos a principios de esta semana. Cada uno de ellos deberá comparecer ante el tribunal para otra audiencia sobre el caso en marzo.

Crisis fronteriza Perros abandonados por los migrantes... Reporteros y la Guardia Nacional los cuidan

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Proporcionando hogar a los perros abandonados

Hay una cosa muy extraña sucediendo a lo largo de la frontera sur. Los migrantes que intentan entrar en Estados Unidos con sus perros se ven obligados a dejarlos atrás y eso está creando una crisis totalmente diferente.

El reportero de FNC Matt Finn está en el terreno de Eagle Pass, Texas, y se unió a nosotros el jueves en "TMZ Live" para revelar lo que está viendo y cómo él y otros equipos de televisión se están involucrando y haciéndose cargo de algunos perros ellos mismos.

Matt dice que toneladas de migrantes están intentando cruzar la frontera con sus perros, solo para que les informen que no pueden llevar a los cachorros con ellos a los centros federales de procesamiento, lo que resulta en cientos de perros callejeros vagando por la frontera.

Estas circunstancias dejan a los perros con necesidad de comida, agua y refugio y Matt dice que las tropas de la Guardia Nacional están cuidando de algunos de ellos. Él y su productor han ayudado también.

Algunos perros tienen garrapatas, pulgas y gusanos y Matt nos dice que al menos un veterinario en la ciudad está cuidándolos pro bono.

Matt ha visto esta tragedia antes en otras áreas de la frontera y ha conseguido realojar a un puñado de perros.

El hecho es que esto es solo una pequeña parte del cuadro, y aunque algunos perros le hacen compañía a las tropas de la Guardia Nacional mientras están estacionadas en la frontera, hay muchos perros necesitados y mucho más por hacer.

Border Crisis Dogs Abandoned By Migrants ... Reporters & National Guard Caring for Pups


There's a crazy thing happening along the southern border -- migrants attempting to enter the United States with their dogs are forced to leave them behind, and it's creating a whole other crisis.

FNC reporter Matt Finn is on the ground in Eagle Pass, Texas and joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live" to reveal what he's seeing firsthand ... and how he and other TV crews are getting involved, and taking some of the dogs in themselves.

Matt says tons of migrants are trying to cross the border with their dogs, only to be told they can't bring the pups with them to federal processing centers ... resulting in strays roaming the border.

The circumstances leave dogs in need of food, water and shelter ... and Matt says troops with the National Guard are taking care of some of the doggos ... and he and his producer have helped out too.

Some dogs have ticks, fleas and worms ... and Matt tells us at least one vet in town is caring for them pro bono.

Matt's seen this tragedy play out before in other areas along the border ... getting a handful of dogs rehomed.

Fact is ... that's just a drop in the bucket, and while some dogs are keeping National Guard troops company while they're stationed at the border ... there's a lot of dogs in need, and a lot more to be done.

Phoenix Suns Puppy Goes Potty At Halftime ... Right On Court!!!

Phoenix Suns

Kevin Durant and Devin Booker had to wait a few extra seconds to get their second half started on Tuesday night ... and it's all 'cause a puppy peed on their court.

Fur real!!!

The hilarious moment went down as the Suns brought out a gaggle of young dogs to race during the halftime break in Phoenix's matchup against the Sacramento Kings at Footprint Center in Arizona.

The contest started out innocently enough -- the pups cutely loitered around the starting line ... before one of the doggos was lured out by some cheerleaders with toys.

As they tried to get the puppy to cross the checkered finish, though, he had to paw-se to relieve himself!!

The race still continued despite the puddle near halfcourt ... before, mercifully, one of the furry friends finally touched the finish line.

While it took a few beats to get the area all cleaned up ... Durant and Booker were ultimately able to take the floor again -- and it's a good thing for the Suns, because they helped the team storm back from a deficit to win the game, 119-117.

Of course, the team is kind of used to overcoming these messy halftime moments ... just a year ago, a dog did the same thing during the same race!

But, hey, if it keeps leading to wins ... howl could you change it?!



Famous reptile enthusiast Brian Barczyk has sadly passed away after spending 10 days in hospice care ... following a brave battle with pancreatic cancer.

The announcement was made Monday ... with the folks at his Reptarium Reptile Zoo paying tribute to their "exceptional" visionary, mentor and friend in an emotional IG statement ... where they praised Brian's ability to touch innumerable hearts and minds globally with his fervent passion for reptiles and wildlife.

They added, "For those of us who had the privilege of working alongside him, Brian's absence leaves an immeasurable void. As we navigate this difficult time, we find comfort in the memories and the lasting light of Brian's work. He will be deeply missed but indeed, never forgotten."

Brian received news of his devastating stage four pancreatic cancer diagnosis almost a year ago ... and it looks like he knew what was coming as just days earlier, he shared an emotional goodbye video.

The reptile influencer once said ... "I'm ready, guys. It was a tough year. It was so painful, the pain was incredible, the sickness was incredible, the treatment was incredible, everything about it was so bad" ... while also thanking his "reptile army" for their support.

Brian made a career out of his love for reptiles ... starring on the Discovery Channel's "Venom Hunters" and kickstarting his successful YouTube career in 2016. He had 5.26 million subscribers and collaborated with the likes of Logan and Jake Paul.

As well his Reptarium Reptile Zoo, he was also the founder of Legasea Aquarium.

He also owned the third-largest collection of snakes in the world -- over 30,000, actively participating in venom milking.

He leaves behind his wife Lori and their two children, Noah and Jade. A memorial in honor of Brian will be held on Wednesday by his family in Sterling Heights, Michigan.

He was 54. RIP.

L.A. POLICE CHASE Dog Thrown From Car Staying With Vets ... Animal Cruelty Charges Added

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The poor dog thrown out of a moving car during a police pursuit in Los Angeles is not being returned to its owner for the time being ... instead, it'll be staying with a local humane society.

Daniel Pena -- the animal control supervisor at the Inland Valley Humane Society & SPCA -- tells TMZ ... the pooch will remain in their care, for now, while an investigation into Thursday's incident plays out.

As we reported ... the dog was tossed out of the window of some scumbag's truck Thursday as the driver was leading police on a high-speed chase.

Cops tell us the suspect is a 47-year-old man named Robin Luna and the chase started with a reported vandalism.

The guy was initially charged with felony evading but now we're told prosecutors are going to tack on animal cruelty charges.

As a result, the SPCA says the dog will remain in protective custody with them until further notice.

Fortunately, the dog survived and appears to have avoided life-threatening injuries ... although it's a good bet the pup is shaken up.

Kelis My Milkshake Brings All The Boys To The Farm ...Snug Jeans Win The Internet

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Farm life has apparently been treating Kelis well ... something the Internet can collectively agree on ... because she's aging like fine wine, and she's got some cool content to boot!

The singer/rapper posted yet another update on her little California farm -- something she's been doing routinely lately as she grows her social media presence. Kelis' following has been ballooning too ... but many suspect it's because she looks so damn good in these clips.


Anyway, for this latest offering ... Kelis proudly announced a couple additions to her animal family this week  ... a newborn baby goat and a micro-donkey she hilariously named Smokey Robinson, but fans genuinely seemed to care more for what the "Milkshake" singer had in those jeans.

Yes, she's certainly a shapely woman ... something people just can't help but remark on!

While Kelis' agricultural report may have been largely ignored by horndogs on Twitter/IG ... she does have some interesting info here about the habits of new mothers in the animal kingdom. Of course, for the straight men out there ... it's a little hard to focus.

With that said, Kelis is a legitimate farmer ... she's got beans, greens, potatoes, chickens, turkeys, virtually everything you can name for a substantial farm and also starred in her own Netflix cooking show a few years ago.

Bill Murray was her Old MacDonald for a couple of months last summer but that relationship has since fizzled. On its face, it looks like Kelis may be single right now.


She seems to have her hands full though with the livestock ... keep at it, Kel!

Un conductor de Los Ángeles arroja a su perro de un camión en marcha durante una persecución policial

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el infame momento

La policía de Los Ángeles persigue a un sospechoso que arroja a un perro por la ventanilla de su camioneta.

Este pedazo de basura era buscado por vandalismo y llevó a los oficiales a una persecución a alta velocidad el jueves por la tarde en varias autopistas de Los Ángeles diferentes antes de entrar a los suburbios de Pomona.

El tipo no parecía reducir la velocidad en absoluto cuando él sorprendentemente arrojó al perro de su vehículo, obligando a las unidades de policía que persiguen a desviarse alrededor del pobre animal.

Por desgracia, no está claro si el cachorro sobrevivió a la caída de la camioneta.

En cuanto al idiota detrás de esto... golpeó a otros dos vehículos durante la persecución, el segundo fue una colisión frontal a 60 mph que le puso fin a la persecución.

Los policías rodearon rápidamente su camión y le gritaron instrucciones, pero no quiso salir. Finalmente, los agentes utilizaron munición no letal para disparar contra su ventanilla y a continuación lo sacaron a rastras y lo detuvieron.

Los otros dos conductores a los que atropelló no sufrieron heridas graves y pudieron salir ilesos de los accidentes.

L.A. Police Chase Driver Throws Dog from Moving Truck During High-Speed Chase

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Horrifying sight in L.A. during one of those wild police chases -- as the suspect was speeding away from cops, he tossed a small dog out his window!

This piece of crap was wanted for vandalism, and led CHP officers on a high-speed chase Thursday afternoon on several different L.A. freeways ... before exiting onto surface streets in the suburb of Pomona.

The guy didn't appear to slow down at all when he shockingly threw the dog out of his vehicle, forcing the pursuing police units to swerve around the poor animal.

Unfortunately, it's unclear if the pup even survived the fall from the truck.

As for the jerk behind the wheel ... he went on to hit 2 other vehicles during the chase -- the second one being a head-on 60 mph collision that brought the pursuit to an end.

Cops quickly surrounded his truck, and shouted instructions, but he would not get out on his own. Officers eventually used non-lethal rounds to shoot out his window, and then dragged him out and arrested him.

Both of the other drivers he hit were not seriously injured and were able to walk away from the accidents.

Ratas escapan de la manta de un indigente en el andén del metro en Nueva York

TikTok / @six4bk718

Superemos a "la rata come pizza", hay un nuevo video de roedores de Nueva York corriendo por las calles y esta vez tiene que ver con un indigente.

Échale un vistazo a este video de una estación de metro en la Gran Manzana que se publicó esta semana... se puede ver a un indigente durmiendo bajo una manta mientras decenas de ratas se escabullen debajo de las sábanas.

Comienza con unas pocas ratas huyendo cuando los pasajeros del metro se acercan, luego sigue una estampida masiva que se dirige hacia las vías del tren. No se sabe si fueron atropelladas por un tren como ese tipo la semana pasada en Filadelfia.

El número de ratas que parecen dormir con este vagabundo -acurrucadas bajo la manta, nada menos- es impactante. Estamos hablando de al menos una docena de estos monstruos ratoniles, si no más.

ataque sorpresa

Parece que el nuevo "Paraíso de las Ratas" es Nueva York, y Kathleen Corradi tiene mucho trabajo por delante.

Hemos visto ratas arrastrando trozos de pizza, luchando por la pizza y atacando a las palomas en los últimos años en la ciudad de Nueva York. Este video es solo uno más de cientos que circulan por las redes.

ratas por doquier

Una última cosa, el video no muestra al indigente debajo de la manta, dejando a algunas personas con la interrogante de si todo esto fue una puesta en escena. Todo se desarrolla con demasiada perfección, y como hemos dicho, hay mucho que no se ve en el viral.

Qué problema ¿No?