Kendall Jenner I'm Lookin' Cool as I Fuel!!!
Kendall Jenner was pumped Wednesday ... in a very self-serving way!
Bad Bunny's GF hit up a Chevron station in Bev Hills, wearing a western-style, flowing denim getup. Her boots are kinda a throwback to the '60s.
Now here's what's crazy ... Kendall wasn't even driving the Range Rover. She was riding shotgun yet jumped out to fill the tank.
After topping off the tank, she hit up the gas station's convenience store and grabbed an iced tea. She unsurprisingly ignored all the bad stuff that populates the shelves.
We don't know where she was heading, but remember ... Kendall's a big equestrian, and she is wearing western duds, so maybe she went to see a man about a horse.
We know in the past she's seen a man about a horse ... we're talking about you, Bad Bunny!
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Kendall Jenner Me veo genial echando gasolina!!!
Kendall Jenner andaba muy energética este miércoles, tanto que optó por el auto-servicio.
La novia de Bad Bunny hizo su aparición en una estación de Chevron en Bevery Hills, vistiendo un atuendo completamente de mezclilla y botas que recuerdan a los años 60.
Ahora, esto es lo chiflado... Kendall ni siquiera estaba conduciendo el Range Rover. Ella iba de copiloto, sin embargo, fue quien decidió llenar el estanque.
Después de hacerlo, fue a la tienda junto a la gasolinera y se tomó un té helado. Como era de esperar, ignoró todas las cosas malas que pueblan esos estantes.
No sabemos a dónde se dirigía, pero recuerden ... Kendall es una gran ecuestre y está usando trajes del lejano oeste, así que tal vez fue a ver a un hombre acerca de un caballo.
Sabemos que en el pasado se ha encontrado con un hombre sobre un caballo... y, sí, ¡estamos hablando de ti, Bad Bunny!
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Kyle Kuzma Sued Your Dog Attacked Me On A Plane!!!
A man claims Kyle Kuzma's dog "viciously" bit him earlier this year ... and he says the damages from the attack were so bad, he now wants the NBA star to pay up over it all.
According to a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ Sports, the incident happened while Kuzma and the man -- Bernardo Tosto -- were on a plane on May 4 near the Van Nuys airport in California.
Tosto says he was walking toward the cabin of the plane ... when, suddenly, Kuzma's dog bit him on his right arm.
In the suit, Tosto claims he suffered "severe injuries" as a result of the attack ... and he says it was all Kuzma's fault, because the basketball player "did not take any action to secure the dog."
Tosto is suing for unspecified damages.
It's unclear which of Kuzma's dogs was accused of biting Tosto ... the former Lakers star has been seen with a couple pooches on his Instagram page over the past few years.
We've reached out to Kuzma -- who signed a 4-year, $90 million extension with the Washington Wizards this offseason -- for comment on the matter, but so far, no word back yet.
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El nuevo novio de Bella Hadid es un vaquero a la antigua usanza, y aunque ciertamente es conocido en su propia profesión, el tipo no es tan famoso como cualquiera de sus otros ex.
Adan Banuelos, de 35 años, (que no tiene su propia página en Wikipedia), es un estimado jinete y entrenador de caballos, conocido por preparar a los animales para las competiciones. Él ha estado haciendo esto desde que era un niño, ya que viene de una familia de entrenadores de caballos.
Lo que sabemos con certeza es que comenzó a acumular premios en su industria en la década de 2010, en concreto, con la Asociación Nacional de Caballos de Corte, una organización con la que está muy familiarizado.
El corte de caballos consiste esencialmente en asegurarse de que pueden arrear ganado y participar en otros eventos atléticos, incluyendo lo que se puede ver en un rodeo. El propio Banuelos no es un hombre de rodeo, pero tiene fama de ser uno de los mejores en la preparación de caballos para eso.
Como prueba, considere que Adan fue incluido en el Salón de la Fama de la NCHA en 2017, pasando a ser nombrado el "Mejor Jinete Abierto" de la NCHA en 2018, 2020, 2021 y 2022. También ha ganado el NCHA Open Futurity Champion, entre MUCHOS otros galardones que tienen su nombre.
En términos de cómo se gana la vida, probablemente no hace falta decirlo, vende sus habilidades ecuestres y dirige su propio negocio y parece que le ha ido bastante bien, porque está anunciando su propio patrimonio neto en su sitio web de al menos 5 millones de dólares.
También sabemos que Banuelos vive en lo profundo del corazón de Texas, que es donde fue visto pasando el rato con Bella.
Aún no se sabe cómo se conocieron exactamente estos dos, pero la afinidad de Bella por los caballos no es ningún secreto, así que tal vez se tropezó con él a través de conexiones de ese mundo. En cualquier caso, Banuelos está en el mapa ahora y tiene un perfil más grande de lo que nunca ha tenido antes de esto.

Tenga en cuenta que los hombres con los que Bella estuvo antes de Adan son bastante famosos; como Marc Kalman, un famoso director de arte, y por supuesto The Weeknd.
Es interesante que ella ha pivotado hacia alguien que no está tan en el centro de atención
Bella Hadid Everything We Know About New BF A Not-So-Famous Cowboy!!!
Bella Hadid's new boyfriend is a good old-fashioned cowboy -- and while he's certainly known in his own profession ... the dude isn't nearly as famous as any of her other exes.
35-year-old Adan Banuelos -- who doesn't have his own Wikipedia page -- is an esteemed horse rider and trainer ... known for getting the animals ready for competition/performances. He's been doing this since he was a kid ... coming from a family of horse trainers, who are also accomplished.
What we do know for sure is that he started racking up awards in his industry in the 2010s -- specifically, with the National Cutting Horse Association ... an org he's very familiar with.
Cutting horses essentially boils down to making sure they can herd cattle and participate in other athletic events ... including what you might see at a rodeo. Banuelos himself isn't a rodeo guy, per se, but he's got a rep for being one of the best at preparing horses for that.
As proof, consider AB was inducted into the NCHA Hall of Fame in 2017 ... going on to be named the NCHA's "Leading Open Rider" in 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022. He's also won the NCHA Open Futurity Champion ... among LOTS of other accolades he has to his name.
In terms of how he makes a living ... it probably goes without saying, he sells his horsey skills and runs his own business. And it sounds like he's been doing quite well for himself ... 'cause the dude actually touts his own net worth on his website -- at least $5 million.
We also know Banuelos lives out there deep in the heart of Texas ... which is where Bella was just spotted hanging out with him in public and showing off major affection too.

Still no word on how exactly these 2 met, but Bella's affinity for horses as an equestrian is no secret ... so, perhaps, she stumbled across him through connections in that world. In any case, Banuelos is on the map now -- and has a bigger profile than he's ever had before this.

Keep in mind, the men Bella has been involved with pre-Adan are big names ... like Marc Kalman, a famous art director, and of course The Weeknd.
It's interesting that she's pivoted toward someone who isn't nearly as in the spotlight ... and who most certainly isn't anywhere near Hollywood whatsoever. Let's see where it goes!
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Un hombre australiano tuvo que enfrentarse a un canguro musculoso que tenía secuestrado a su perro y lo grabó todo con una cámara.
El residente de Mildura, Mick Moloney, le dio un golpe al animal, y este devolvió el golpe sin rodeos. La cámara del hombre cayó al agua, pero su perro se salvó.
Mick len dijo a ABC Radio Melbourne que estaba estirando cerca del río durante el fin de semana cuando se dio cuenta de que su cachorro, Hatchi, no estaba por ninguna parte.
Sin embargo, rápidamente se encontró con el motivo... primero se dio cuenta de que el canguro le miraba fijamente desde el río y después su perro salió del agua, chillando, mientras le salía agua a borbotones de la boca.
Mick afirma que el canguro le estaba haciendo una llave a Hatchi para ahogarlo y sabía que tenía que ir a salvar a su peludo amigo. Admitió que el canguro era muy intimidante y agregó: "Yo estaba como "esta cosa acaba de salir de la cárcel" o algo así".
Dice que era bastante fuerte - pero le dio una bofetada al marsupial en la cabeza y se metió en una pelea en el agua. Mick admite que parecía que también iba a darle una patada... pero le echó agua en la cara mientras corría hacia la orilla, donde su perro estaba a salvo.
A propósito, Mick es instructor de artes marciales mixtas y jiu-jitsu brasileño, pero afirma que la gente ya le está preguntando cuándo empezará a enseñar "Cangurojitsu".
Aussie Brawl Man Fights Kangaroo ... Saves His Dog From Being Drowned!

A man in Australia was forced to put up his dukes against a buff kangaroo that was holding his dog hostage ... catching the whole thing on camera.
The down-under beatdown took place between the 'roo and Mildura resident Mick Moloney ... who took a swing at the animal, and got knocked in return -- his camera took a tumble into the water, but his dog was safe from the scary situation.
Mick told ABC Radio Melbourne Afternoons he was stretching near the river over the weekend when he noticed his pup, Hatchi, was nowhere to be found.
He soon found his answer, though -- first noticing the kangaroo staring at him in the river, then his dog came up from the water, yelping as water gushed out of its mouth.
Mick claims Hatchi was in a headlock and knew he had to go save his doggo ... but admitted the kangaroo looked "jacked," adding, "I was like 'this thing's just got out of jail' or something."
He says it was pretty strong -- but he slapped the marsupial across the head and got into a tussle in the water. Mick admits it looked like it was gonna kick him, too ... but he splashed some water in its face while he bolted to the shore where his dog was safe.
BTW, Mick is a mixed martial arts and Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor ... but claims people are already asking him when he'll start teaching "roo-jitsu."
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Algunas personas piensan que Bigfoot acaba de hacer una aparición legítima en Colorado, y curiosamente, la agencia de EE.UU. a cargo de la ubicación del supuesto avistamiento ... no es totalmente descartarlo como BS, o eso parece.
Un representante del Servicio Forestal del USDA —que tiene jurisdicción sobre el Bosque Nacional de San Juan— le dice a TMZ que son muy conscientes de esta nueva "evidencia" de video grabado el pasado fin de semana, pero no están dispuestos a opinar sobre su validez.

En concreto, el Servicio Forestal dice: "El Servicio Forestal del USDA no puede especular ni hacer comentarios sobre la autenticidad del video. Nos aseguraremos de alertar a los medios y cuando un Sasquatch sea avistado por funcionarios en tierras del Sistema Forestal Nacional".
La respuesta suena muy irónica, pero es interesante: la agencia que se ocupa de las especies en peligro de extinción y otros animales salvajes no dice directamente que el video es falso. .
Para que conste, el Servicio Forestal nos dice que NO está investigando más, una señal bastante clara de que no creen que el "eslabón perdido" esté vagando por Colorado.

Por supuesto, los creyentes en el Sasquatch van a estar muy felices. La mayoría se ha reído del avistamiento, pero algunos en la comunidad de Bigfoot (sí, hay bastantes de ellos) han dicho que esta es la evidencia definitiva.
Nunca se ha encontrado o estudiado un cuerpo de Bigfoot, (obvio), así que, hasta que eso ocurra, los escépticos seguirán poniendo los ojos en blanco.
CO Bigfoot Sighting Forest Rangers Can't Say If It's Legit ... We'll Tell Ya If We See One!!!
Some folks think Bigfoot just made a legit appearance in Colorado, and interestingly, the U.S. agency in charge of the location of the alleged sighting ... isn't totally writing it off as BS, or so it seems.
A rep for the USDA Forest Service -- which has jurisdiction over the San Juan National Forest -- tells TMZ ... they're well aware of this new video "evidence" recorded last weekend, but they're not prepared to weigh in on its validity.

Specifically, the Forest Service says, "The USDA Forest Service can't speculate or provide comments on the authenticity of the video. We'll be sure to alert the media if and when a Sasquatch is sighted by officials on National Forest System lands."
The response sounds very tongue-in-cheek, but it is interesting -- the agency that's all about endangered species and other wildlife, isn't straight up saying the vid is fake. It's essentially giving the ol' ... we can neither confirm nor deny.
For the record, the Forest Service tells us it's NOT investigating any further -- a very good indication it doesn't think the "missing link" is roaming around Colorado.

Of course, Sasquatch truthers are gonna believe what they want -- most have laughed the sighting off as a hoax, but some in the Bigfoot community (yeah, there's enough of 'em) have said this one's the real McCoy.
There's never been a Bigfoot body found or studied, obvi ... so, until that happens, skeptics will keep rolling eyes.
In any case, Sassie can rest easy knowing Uncle Sam ain't coming for him. Not yet.
We covered the story on the latest episode of TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.
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Si el perro del presidente Biden realmente está recibiendo formación (como la administración ha afirmado) ha estado recibiendo el tipo de entrenamiento equivocado. Esto según un ex oficial del Servicio Secreto que ha tratado con otros perros Primera.
Marshall Mirarchi trabajó en la división K-9 del Servicio Secreto durante una década, cuando Biden era vicepresidente en la administración Obama. Se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el jueves para explicar por qué no está tan seguro de que commander se haya graduado legítimamente de la escuela de obediencia.
Según Marshall, los perros NUNCA pasan de un punto de no retorno (incluso un reincidente como Commander) cuando se trata de la formación. Dice que siempre se les puede volver a adiestrar, aunque la cantidad de tiempo que tarda un perro en alinearse es otra historia.
En cualquier caso, Marshall cree que todos los indicios apuntan a que Commander no está recibiendo la dirección adecuada y nos dice lo que puede y debe hacerse para que vuelva a estar listo para la Casa Blanca.
También se refirió a lo difícil que es para el personal de la Casa Blanca vivir y trabajar con un perro que es muy impredecible.
Como informamos, Comandante fue expulsado de la Casa Blanca esta semana después de haber mordido a un mínimo de 11 personas, con al menos 1 víctima reciente siendo enviada al hospital.

Por cierto, hablamos con Marshall en julio, cuando Comandante había mordido a 7 personas en un lapso de 4 meses, y afirmó una vez más que el perro podría ser reentrenado, pero basado en la larga experiencia de Marshall, parece que alguien aquí cometió un error.
President Biden's Dog Signs Commander Not Getting Proper Training ... Says Former Secret Service Dog Trainer

If President Biden's dog Commander, AKA the White House biter, really is getting training -- as the administration's claimed -- he's been getting the wrong kind ... that's according to a former Secret Service officer who's dealt with other First pooches.
Marshall Mirarchi worked in the Secret Service's K-9 division for a decade -- including when Biden was VP in the Obama administration -- and he joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to explain why he's not so sure Commander's legitimately graduated obedience school.
According to Marshall, dogs NEVER get past a point of no return -- even a recidivist like Commander -- when it comes to training. He says they can always be re-trained, although the amount of time it takes a dog to fall in line is a different story.
Regardless, Marshall thinks all signs point to Commander not getting the proper direction, and he tells us what can, and should, be done to get him White House-ready again.
He also addressed how difficult it is for WH staffers living and working with a dog that's, up to this point, very unpredictable.
As we reported, Commander was booted from the White House this week after reportedly biting a minimum of 11 people -- with at least 1 recent victim being sent to the hospital.

BTW, we spoke with Marshall back in July -- when Commander had bitten 7 people over 4 months -- and he claimed again the dog could be re-trained ... but based on Marshall's lengthy experience, it sounds like someone dropped the ball.
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Presidente Biden Su pastor alemán es apartado de la Casa Blanca Por seguidilla de mordiscos
El perro del presidente Biden, Comandante, está en la perrera, ya que luego de alcanzar un número alarmante de mordeduras a otras personas ha sido expulsado de la Casa Blanca.
El pastor alemán, de 2 años, ha mordisqueado mucho más que los 11 incidentes que reconoce el Servicio Secreto. Se dice que Comandante ha mordido a agentes, pero también a la gente que trabaja alrededor de la Casa Blanca y en la residencia del presidente.
Como resultado, ya no vive en la Casa Blanca, según CNN. Comandante fue trasladado a otro lugar mientras Joe y Jill intentan averiguar qué hacer con él.
Es parte de una tendencia preocupante para Comandante y ahora se está conociendo mucho más sobre la gravedad de los incidentes, con CNN informando que al menos una de las víctimas tuvo que ser derivada a un hospital y otra requirió atención médica.

¿La razón por la que solo once mordeduras están oficialmente en el registro? Varios incidentes ocurren sin ser tratados ni reportados.
Recuerden, el Secretario de Prensa de la Casa Blanca dice que Comandante se sentía estresado por la conmoción del lugar y por el hecho de ver a las personas correr de un lado para otro en la residencia de la Casa Blanca y otras áreas también.
Ahora Comandante ha sido oficialmente apartado de Pennsylvania Avenue como su hermano mayor, Major, otro pastor alemán del presi que se metió en problemas por morder.
No está claro si Comandante estará de vuelta en la Casa Blanca en el corto plazo ... Manténganse atentos.
PRESIDENT BIDEN First Pooch Out of White House ... Amid Commander's Biting Spree
President Biden's pooch, Commander, is in the doghouse ... he's been booted from the White House amid an alarming number of biting incidents.
The Bidens' 2-year-old German Shepherd is reported to have chomped down on way more than the 11 incidents the Secret Service acknowledges ... it's said Commander is not only biting agents but also folks who work around the White House and at the president's residence.
As a result, Commander's no longer living at the White House, according to CNN ... he's getting a change in scenery as Joe and Jill try to figure out what to do with their dog.
It's part of a troubling trend for Commander ... and now we're learning more about the severity of the bites, with CNN reporting at least one sent the victim to the hospital, and another required medical attention.

The reason only 11 bites are officially on the record ... several incidents are going untreated and unreported.
Remember ... the White House Press Secretary says Commander was feeling stressed out by all the commotion and people darting back and forth in the residence of The White House and other areas as well.
Now, Commander's gotten the boot from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue like his older brother, Major ... the prez's other German Shepherd who also found himself in biting trouble.
Unclear if Commander will be back at the White House any time soon ... stay tuned.
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Central Park León marino escapa del zoológico Después de las inundaciones en Nueva York

Un león marino en el zoológico del Central Park hizo un gran escape en medio de las inundaciones en Nueva York, nadando fuera de su recinto gracias a la subida de las aguas.
El video muestra al león marino al otro lado del recinto, nadando en aguas marrones, lo suficientemente altas como para que pudiera salir de la piscina.
Hay otros dos leones marinos nadando alegremente alrededor del recinto, pero uno fue capaz de llegar por encima de la valla. En el video lo vemos relajándose en un lugar normalmente reservado para los seres humanos, al menos cuando no está todo inundado.
Sea lions at Central Park Zoo putting on quite a show!
— Maureen Langloss (@MaureenLangloss) September 7, 2021 @MaureenLangloss
Como referencia, así es como se ve normalmente la exhibición de leones marinos. La piscina no es tan grande y el mamífero que se escapó está bastante cerca de una carpa que conduce a otra área del zoológico.
El león marino no se escapó completamente, pero sí se salió de su hábitat y presumiblemente tuvo mucha curiosidad sobre lo que hay más allá de su pequeña piscina.
Como saben, fuertes lluvias están golpeando la Gran Manzana, con inundaciones extremas en toda la ciudad.

El zoológico del Central Park estuvo cerrado al público el viernes debido a las severas condiciones climáticas y los leones marinos parecen estar disfrutando al máximo el día.
Esto no es, sin embargo, "Liberen a Willy", el zoológico dice que las aguas inundadas ya está bajando y que los leones marinos están de vuelta en su recinto.
Central Park Zoo Sea Lion Escapes Zoo Exhibit ... After NYC Flooding

A sea lion at the Central Park Zoo made a great escape amid all the flooding in New York City ... swimming out of its enclosure thanks to rising waters.
Video shows the sea lion on the other side of the exhibit, swimming around in brown water ... which was high enough for the animal to get out of the pool.
There are two other sea lions happily swimming around the enclosure, but one was able to make it over the fence ... with the marine mammal is chilling in a spot normally reserved for humans, at least when it's not underwater.
Sea lions at Central Park Zoo putting on quite a show!
— Maureen Langloss (@MaureenLangloss) September 7, 2021 @MaureenLangloss
For reference, here's how the sea lion exhibit usually looks ... as you can see, the pool isn't that big, and the escaped sea lion is pretty close to a tent that leads to another area of the zoo.
The sea lion didn't escape the zoo completely ... but she did get out of their habitat, and she's obviously pretty curious about what lies beyond her little pool.
As you know ... heavy rain is pounding the Big Apple and there's extreme flooding throughout the city.

The Central Park Zoo was closed to the public Friday as a result of the severe weather conditions, and the sea lions seem to be making the most of a rainy day.
This ain't "Free Willy" though ... the zoo says flood waters are going down and the sea lions are back in their enclosure.
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Khloe Kardashian Keep That Whale Tail Away from Me ... I'm Terrified!!!
Khloe Kardashian may have grown up on the coast, but that doesn't mean she's down with the creatures of the sea ... in fact, she's TERRIFIED of whales.
If you missed it, Khloe revealed her fear during the season 4 premiere of "The Kardashians" this week when the family took a trip to Mexico and could see whales nearby in the ocean. Khloe exclaimed, “I am really freaking out ... I feel like I am going to cry. I don’t think I am comfortable seeing it.”
Khloe further explained her phobia Friday, getting on X to say, "This has been a phobia of mine for years. I don’t want anything bad to happen to whales and I know the phobia is totally irrational, but we don’t pick our phobias. I low-key have a fear of the ocean, but a whale I can’t even look at, it freaks me out so much."

She continued, "They are ginormous, and we discover new species all the time. Over 80% of our oceans are unchartered. That’s f***ing bananas! We don’t even know what’s in there."
The whole thing is kinda hilarious, but there's also a lot of Kardashian fans relating to Khloe's fear ... so maybe she ain't the only one!!!