Charli D'Amelio Blows Up At Dixie, Storms Out Over Dog-Killing Joke ... 'WTF Is Wrong With You?!'
Charli D'Amelio was in attack mode after her sister, Dixie, joked about killing her dog, Rebel ... dramatically storming out of a family meeting about Rebel's eating habits.

The sisters went at it on the latest episode of their Hulu series, "The D'Amelio Show" ... 19-year-old Charli and 22-year-old Dixie were talking with their parents, Marc and Heidi, about moving houses when the focus shifted to Charli's pup.
Dixie calls "Charli's fat dog" a monster, with Heidi agreeing Rebel is pretty big, adding, "She's gonna die" and they need a plan.
That's when Dixie dropped the sarcastic bombshell, quietly saying, "Execute her?" -- which didn't sit well with Charli, at all.
She immediately blew up, telling Dixie, "What the f*** is wrong with you? That's so mean, you can't put that out in the world." Mom agreed.
The younger sister left a lot of tension behind as she walked out of the convo ... and Dixie rolled her eyes, calling her sister "a bitch."
BTW, Marc obviously didn't want to fuel the fire ... telling producers the fam "can't afford them not to be speaking."
Lots of drama in the D'Amelio household, and cupcake-snatching Rebel's caught in the middle of it!
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Charli D'Amelio estaba en modo furia luego de que su hermana —Dixie— bromeara sobre matar a su perra Rebel. Salió furiosa de una reunión familiar acerca de los hábitos alimenticios de la mascota.

Las hermanas se enfrentaron en el último episodio de su serie de Hulu, "The D'Amelio Show". Charli de 19 años y Dixie de 22 estaban hablando con sus padres —Marc y Heidi— sobre mudarse de casa cuando el foco de atención pasó a la mascota de Charli.
Dixie llama a la "perrita gorda de Charli" un monstruo. Heidi está de acuerdo con que Rebel es bastante grande y agregó: "Ella va a morir" así que necesitan un plan.
Fue entonces cuando Dixie soltó una bomba sarcástica diciendo en voz baja: "¿Ejecutarla?". Claramente la broma no sentó bien con Charli.
Estalló inmediatamente, diciéndole a Dixie: "¿Qué mier... te pasa? Eso es horrible, no puedes decir esas cosas". Mamá le dio la razón.
La hermana menor dejó mucha tensión en el aire al salir del lugar y Dixie puso los ojos en blanco llamando a su hermana "perra".
Obviamente Marc no quería avivar el fuego y le dijo a todos que "no pueden darse el lujo de no hablarse".
Mucho drama en la casa D'Amelio y Rebel —la ladrona de cupcakes— está en medio de todo.
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Britney Spears ¡¡¡Quítenle los perros!!! Piden los fans luego del video con cuchillos
Britney Spears no solo representa un grave peligro para sí misma bailando con cuchillos afilados, sino que también para sus pequeños perros, según piensan sus seguidores, quienes creen que estos deberían ser rescatados.
Britney ha hecho que las personas comenten en Internet, después de poner su fascinación por los cuchillos en plena exhibición el lunes por la noche en un bizarro video donde aparece bailando, pinchando e incluso chocando los cuchillos entre sí.

A lo largo del video, se puede ver a los tres perros de Britney observando asustados, mientras ella da vueltas con los cuchillos afilados. De hecho, cuando Britney los choca, los perros corren a esconderse.
Los fans y críticos de Britney opinaron sobre los perritos en las redes sociales, escribiendo: "Esos pobres perros simplemente corrieron asustados necesitan ser rescatados y ella necesita AYUDA". Otro escribe: "¡¡¡Alguien por favor salve a estos cachorros!!!" y: "Ahora me preocupa que ella tenga perros y mucho menos cualquier animal después de este video".
Debemos señalar que el pie de foto original de Britney bailando decía: "Empecé a jugar en la cocina con cuchillos hoy". Aunque más tarde dijo que eran accesorios falsos de Halloween. Sin embargo, por el sonido, está bastante claro que eran de verdad.
Un fan lo señaló: "Los cuchillos hacían un ruido metálico. Son claramente reales. Lo suficientemente reales como para caer sobre uno de los pobres cachorros y matarlo".
Britney podría haber confirmado los temores de que estos eran reales, con el video que publicó el martes donde aparece con un corte en la pierna y un vendaje en el brazo.
Nos pusimos en contacto con los Servicios para Animales del Condado de Ventura, quienes nos dijeron que aún no habían recibido ninguna queja sobre la conducta de Britney. Sin embargo, el representante agregó: "Revisamos el video y aunque los perros parecían asustarse por el tintineo de los cuchillos, no sentimos que estuvieran en una situación en la que fuera necesario enviar a un oficial."
Britney Spears Take Dogs Away from Her!!! Fans Urge After Knife Vid
Britney Spears not only poses a serious danger to herself by dancing around with sharp knives, but onlookers believe her tiny dogs are also at risk ... and should be taken away.
Britney's got the internet talking after putting her fascination with knives on full display Monday night in a bizarre video where she danced with, jabbed and even clanged knives together.

Throughout the video, you can see 3 of Britney's dogs looking on in fear as she twirls around with the sharp tools. In fact, when Britney bangs the knives together, the dogs run for cover.
Britney fans and critics sounded off about the pooches on social media, writing, "Those poor dogs just ran scared they need to be rescued and she needs HELP." Another writes, "Someone please save this puppies!!" and, "I'm now concerned about her having dogs let alone any animals after this video."
We should note, Britney's original caption with the dancing video read, "I started playing in the kitchen with knives today," she later added to say they were fake Halloween props. However, it's pretty clear to tell from the sound, the knives are real.

One fan pointed this out, saying, "The knives made a clanking noises. They're clearly real. Real enough to fall on and kill one of those poor worried pups."
Britney may have confirmed her fans fears that the knives were real, posting a video of herself Tuesday where she appeared to have a cut on her leg and bandage on her arm.
We contacted Ventura County Animal Services who told us they hadn't yet received any complaints about Britney's conduct. However, the rep added, "We reviewed the video, and while the dogs appeared to be startled by the clinking of the knives, we didn’t feel they were in a situation where an officer needed to be dispatched."
We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.
Should Britney Spears' dogs be taken away from her in light of the knife video? Vote below.
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Presidente Biden Su pastor alemán muerde a otro agente del Servicio Secreto ... 11 víctimas y contando
El Presidente Biden tiene un mordedor en sus manos, su perro, Comandante, quien ha atacado de nuevo, posiblemente a la 11 ª víctima.
Se informa que Comandante mordió a otro agente del Servicio Secreto el lunes. Esto, de acuerdo con un portavoz de la agencia, quienes confirmaron que uno de sus chicos había sido mordido alrededor de las 8 PM y que fue atendido por personal médico.
Las circunstancias en que ocurrió la mordedura y el alcance de las lesiones del agente del Servicio Secreto aún no han sido revelados, pero de todos modos, ha demostrado ser una tendencia preocupante este año.
Recordemos que en julio se supo que Comandante llevaba cuatro meses atacando a mordiscos a varios agentes del Servicio Secreto con heridas de diversa consideración. El número que habíamos oído en ese momento era de 7, pero algunos informes lo elevaban a 10.
El Secretario de Prensa de la Casa Blanca dijo que el perro estaba estresado por toda la conmoción y que la gente estaba corriendo de un lado a otro en la zona de residencia de la Casa Blanca y otras áreas también.
Cuando esto salió a la luz en el verano, la Casa Blanca dijo que iban a tener que someter a Comandante a más formación, y que también habían tallado zonas designadas en el exterior y establecido tiempos en los terrenos para que él pueda vagar y estirar sus piernas.
No había ninguna indicación de que Comandante terminaría como Mayor, otro pastor alemán de Biden que también se había metido en problemas por morder.
No se sabe si eso va a cambiar ahora, viendo cómo sigue hundiendo sus dientes en los seres humanos. Todo lo que podemos decir es, ¡chico travieso!
President Biden First Pooch Commander Bites Another Secret Service Agent ... 11 and Counting
President Biden has a biter on his hands ... his dog, Commander, has struck yet again ... possibly the 11th victim.
Commander is reported to have chomped down on another Secret Service agent Monday ... this according to a spokesperson for the agency. They confirmed that one of their guys had been bitten around 8 PM and that he was treated by medical personnel.
The exact circumstances of what led up to the biting and the extent of the SS agent's injuries haven't been disclosed -- but regardless ... it's proven to be a troubling trend this year.
Remember, it was revealed in July that Commander apparently went on a 4-month biting spree ... attacking several different Secret Service agents with varying degrees of wounds. The number we'd heard at the time was 7 ... but some reports had it as high as 10.
The White House Press Secretary said the dog was stressed out by all the commotion and people darting back and forth in the residence area of The White House and other areas as well.
When this came to light in the summer, the White House said they were going to have Commander undergo more training/leashing ... and that they'd also carve out designated areas and times on the grounds for Commander to roam and stretch his legs.

There was no indication that Commander would get the boot like his older brother, Major ... another German Shepherd of Biden's that had also run into biting trouble.
No word on whether that'll change now, seeing how he continues to sink his teeth into human beings. All we can say is ... bad boy!
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BAD BUNNY Fans Creen Que Nueva Canción ¡¡¡ES para kendall!!!
Bad Bunny acaba de publicar una nueva canción y sus fans piensan que es acerca de Kendall Jenner y, teniendo en cuenta lo que hemos podido ver últimamente, podría ser una teoría válida.
La estrella del pop latino acaba de lanzar su último tema (y video), "Un Preview" y los fanáticos creen que está codificado con referencias a Kendall por todas partes. Teniendo en cuenta que la canción trata de una vaquera de la que se ha enamorado... probablemente sea cierto.
Aquí están algunas de las letras que podrían explicar que todo es acerca de su novia. Bunny canta: "Baby yo no tengo miedo // de probarte y enamorarme de nuevo // que se jodan mami yo te sigo el juego// bien loquita en la disco yo te beso el cuello // contigo me vuelvo fuego".
El tipo sigue a rapenado/cantando sobre lo increíble que es el sexo es entre él y esta nueva mujer, cómo ambos están locos el uno por el otro y cómo él la está abrazando.
Por supuesto, lo más sugerenmte es la puesta en escena. La temática de vaqueros, con Bad Bunny de pie delante de un caballo de juguete y todos los cowboys enmascarados. Recordemos que Kendall es una gran fan de los sombreros de vaquero.
También debemos señalar que Kendall es una amante de montar a caballo. Una de las últimas citas que tuvo con el rapero fue un pequeño paseo a caballo hace unos meses.
Parece que ese interés podría ser una gran parte de la identidad de Kendall, y ha dejado una fuerte impresión en Bad Bunny.
Bad Bunny Fans Thinks New Song ... Is Kendall-Coded!!!
Bad Bunny just dropped a new song, and his adoring fans think it's all about Kendall Jenner -- which, considering what he's saying and showing ... might be a valid theory.
The Latin pop star just released his latest track, "Un Preview" -- along with an accompanying music video -- which BB nation staunchly believes is coded with KJ references all throughout. Considering the song's all about a cowgirl he's fallen in love with ... yeah, that's probably right.
Here are some of the lyrics (translated to English) that pretty much give away the fact this thing's all about his girlfriend. Bunny sings ... "Baby, I’m not scared // Of trying you and falling in love again // F*** it, mami, I'll follow your lead, ayy // Really crazy in the club, I'll get close // dancing and kiss your neck, ayy // With you I'm on fire."
The dude goes on to rap/sing about how hot the sex is between him and this new woman ... how they're both head over heels for each other and how he's embracing it.
Of course, there's also the imagery here that spells it out even further. The whole treatment is horse-themed -- with Bad Bunny standing in front of a toy rocking horse ... not to mention these masked cowboys/cowgirls grinding on each other. Kendall's a big cowboy hat fan.
We should also point out ... Kendall is an avid equestrian, and she took BB on a little ride a few months ago for a one-on-one date, which saw them riding a horsey together.
Seems like that interest might be a big part of Kendall's identity, and it's left an impression on her Bunny boo. There's no getting around -- homeboy's straight up staking his claim.
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Alligator Hell 14-Foot Reptile Chows Down On Human Torso ... Freaks Out Florida Neighborhood
A real-life monster tale unfolded in Florida Friday ... after a 14-foot alligator was found with a dead body in its mouth.
The super scary incident occurred yesterday afternoon in the city of Largo, where the hungry reptile was slithering around the neighborhood -- freaking out residents.
One local was on his way to a job interview when he spotted the creature biting down on what appeared to be a portion of a mannequin.
But then Jamarcus Bullard got a better look, believing it could be a human torso in the jaws of the alligator.
Bullard told Fox13 News he reported the grisly find to the fire department, which quickly responded and confirmed it was a human part.

Pinellas County Sheriff's deputies said additional remains from an unidentified adult were found nearby. No one else was injured.
The alligator was humanely killed.
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Infierno en Florida Caimán de 4 metros devora un torso humano
Una historia de monstruos, pero real, se desarrolló en Florida este viernes, después de que un caimán de 4 metros fuera encontrado con un cadáver en la boca.
El incidente súper aterrador ocurrió ayer por la tarde en la ciudad de Largo, donde el reptil estuvo caminando y deslizándose por el barrio, asustando a los residentes.
Una persona de la zona iba camino a una entrevista de trabajo cuando vio a la criatura mordiendo lo que parecía ser una parte de un maniquí.
Pero tras conseguir una mejor visión, a Jamarcus Bullard le pareció ver lo que se cree era un torso humano en las fauces del caimán.
Bullard dijo a Fox13 News que informó del espeluznante hallazgo a los bomberos, que rápidamente respondieron y confirmaron que era una parte humana.

Diputados del Sheriff del Condado de Pinellas dijeron que restos adicionales de un adulto no identificado fueron encontrados cerca. Nadie más resultó herido.
El caimán fue sacrificado humanitariamente.
Lindsey Vonn Stung By Jellyfish ... Painful Wakesurfing Sesh
Lindsey Vonn went from shredding the gnar to icing down her backside real quick on Tuesday ... 'cause she was attacked by a jellyfish several minutes into a wakesurfing sesh.
The former Olympic skier said the incident happened as she was trying to get up on her board while out somewhere on a large body of water.
"I literally rode over it," she said on her social media page.
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The 38-year-old told her followers that the jellyfish bit and stung her so badly ... it caused her left hamstring to swell up and turn red. Eventually, it morphed into more of a road-rash-like wound.
Thankfully, after asking her fans for remedies, she seems to be doing better now ... even getting in a joke about it all on Wednesday.
"Think it’s gonna leave a mark for a while … 🤕," she said, "at least I caught some waves before!"
Of course, Vonn is no stranger to dealing with pain ... she just had yet another surgery on her knee back in July -- and has rehabbed from that just fine.
So, ice up -- and see ya on the water soon!!!
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Girl Scout Troop Flees Charging Alligator ... In Terrifying Video

A Girl Scout troop in Texas had to swim for their lives on a recent camping trip ... when a 14-foot alligator emerged from the depths while the kids were playing in a lake.
Terrifying video shows the massive gator rising to the surface and charging towards the girls, who start screaming as horrified onlookers note the size of the reptile.
Adults rushed to try to get the girls out of the water and on to shore ... with some of the scouts jumping from a dock and desperately swimming to safety.
One of the scouts, 11-year-old Ava Miller told KPRC news in Houston ... "I was thinking, this is the day I die. It was moving faster than us or about the same."
The scary incident happened in Lake Raven at Huntsville State Park in Huntsville, Texas ... forcing the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to close the swimming area.

We've seen other alligator and human interactions end up with lost limbs ... but fortunately, no one was hurt here.
Unclear if the gator was just a fan of Thin Mints.
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Grupo de exploradoras Huye de un caimán En aterrador video

Una tropa de Girl Scouts en Texas tuvo que nadar para salvar sus vidas en un reciente viaje de campamento, cuando un caimán de 14 pies emergió de las profundidades mientras ellas estaban jugando en un lago.
El aterrador video muestra al enorme caimán subiendo a la superficie y atacando a las niñas, que empiezan a gritar mientras los espectadores horrorizados observan el tamaño del reptil.
Los adultos se apresuraron en intentar sacar a las chicas del agua y llevarlas a la orilla, y algunas saltaron desde un muelle y nadaron desesperadamente hasta ponerse a salvo.
Una de las exploradoras, de 11 años de edad, Ava Miller, dijo a las noticias KPRC en Houston: "Yo estaba pensando, este es el día en que me voy a morir. Se movía más rápido que nosotros o casi igual".
El aterrador incidente ocurrió en el lago Raven en Huntsville State Park en Huntsville, Texas, y obligó al Departamento de Parques y Vida Silvestre a cerrar la zona para el baño.

Hemos visto otras interacciones entre caimanes y humanos que terminaron con la pérdida de algún miembro humano, pero afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido aquí.
No está claro si el caimán era sólo un fan de Thin Mints.
Bull Riding Champ J.B. Mauney Retires After Breaking Neck In Accident
Breaking News
"All I can say is it’s been quite a party!"
That's bull riding champion J.B. Mauney ... who is retiring at the age of 36 after breaking his neck in a scary accident during a recent competition.
The accident happened over the weekend at the PRCA ProRodeo event in Lewiston, Idaho ... and it was bad. J.B. was tossed from a bucking bull, and he landed right on his head/neck.
"I underwent surgery [at St. Joseph Regional Medical] on my neck which required a rod/plates/screws and the removal of a disc. Surgery went great," Mauney revealed on social media.
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The 2x World Champion continued ... "Unfortunately with the surgery it ended my bullriding career, just wanted to let everyone know that I’m ok and now on the road to recovery!
J.B. also thanked the medical professionals who helped care for him.
As word spread that Mauney was hanging up his boots, stars from the sport have started reacting, from fellow cowboys to fans and even the Professional Bull Riders (PBR).
"The sport of bull riding will never be the same. Thank you for the countless memories and unforgettable moments!", the PBR said on Instagram.
Parker McCollum, country music star and bull riding fan, commented on Mauney's retirement post, writing a short and sweet message -- "The GOAT!"
Fellow rider Cody Nance also reacted, writing ... "Been great riding all these years with ya champ. You’ve inspired me and many others. I’m blessed for it. Enjoy your retirement and your beautiful family bro. It’s been a pleasure🔥👊🏼🔥"
Congrats on a helluva career, J.B.!
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Prisoner Danelo Cavalcante Manhunt's K-9 Hero Had Tricky Task ... Got Rigorous Training

The K-9 that subdued escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante -- to end a 2-week long manhunt -- had a massive area to search, but one law enforcement expert says the pup is the perfect officer for the job.
Michael Gould used to train K-9's for NY police departments, and he joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" to explain the training thsese 4-legged officers go through to locate an escapee -- and he says Cavalcante's capture played out almost perfectly.
Michael says dogs go through a lot of training to learn to pick up on a human scent, and he tells us why Cavalcante waiting out in the woods for an extended period made it possible for the pup to sniff him out.
We also talked with Michael about the potential of a dog subduing a suspect like Cavalcante, and turning to deadly force if its trainer isn't nearby.
While he thinks it's natural for people to resist while being chomped on, a simple voice command from the trainer could call off a dog.
As we reported, Cavalcante, who is a convicted murderer, was arrested Wednesday morning by SWAT teams and a Border Patrol Tactical Unit in Pennsylvania after 14 days of hunting. The K-9 left a minor bite wound on his scalp while he tried to break free.

Cavalcante scaled a wall at Chester County Prison at the end of August -- climbing over razor wire and running across a roof before jumping to the ground below to make his escape.
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Pete Davidson PETA Unveils Halloween Costume ... Based On F-Bomb Voice Mail
7:36 AM PT -- A source close to Pete says, "It's disgusting they'd capitalize on someone's mental health and not to mention illegal to use his likeness."
PETA is cashin' in on Pete Davidson's anger -- the organization is selling a Halloween costume based on the infamously unhinged voice mail Pete left PETA during their feud over a puppy.
We've learned PETA's limited-edition costume comes with a paper mask of Pete's face, an "I Should Have Adopted" hoodie and a hat with a censored cuss word plastered on it -- referring to his profanity-laced telephone rant after the org called him out for buying a pet store puppy, instead of one from a shelter.
It also comes with a plush dog wearing a "Shelter Dogs Rule" bandana. The whole look is going for $99.99 ... and all proceeds are going toward spay and neuter surgeries to help combat the overpopulation of homeless dogs.
According to PETA, over 70 million dogs and cats are homeless in the U.S. ... and breeders contribute to the crisis by denying animals in shelters a chance at finding a loving home.

PETA President Ingrid Newkirk says, "It’s too late for Pete to undo his puppy purchase or that voice mail, but it’s never too late to save a dog’s life by choosing adoption and shunning pet shops and other dog breeders." She hopes Pete will see the joke in having folks dress up like him ... especially since it's for a good cause.
TMZ broke the story, Pete dialed up PETA in June after the org publicly shamed the comedian for buying the new pup at a NYC pet store. In his furious defense, Pete said he's allergic to dogs and, therefore, needed a hypoallergenic pooch like the cavapoo he got.

He also said the puppy was a gift for his mother who'd been mourning the recent death of her dog.
All of that with lots of colorful language sprinkled in, too -- which you can now mock, or celebrate, come Halloween.
Originally Published -- 12:30 AM PT