Steven Tyler Gets Toe Up on His Birthday

Rockin' a J.Lo hat and shades, "American Idol" judge Steven Tyler celebrated his 64th birthday by flashing some blue nail polish painted mangled toes in Hawaii on Monday.

Getting older can be so pedi.

'American Idol' Pimping Out Contestants for New Disney Attraction

The final 5 contestants on "American idol" better LOVE Disney World -- because once the show is over, they'll be working their asses off at the Happiest Place on Earth ... at least temporarily.

According to one of the contestant's contracts, obtained by TMZ, each of the final 5 contestants is required to put in a day's work post-"Idol" at the new American Idol Experience at Disney World -- taping a performance for later use on the attraction.

Lucky for them, they're not working for free -- according to the deal, the 2nd through 5th place contestants will earn $50,000 for the day's work ... much more than most Disney employees can say.

But the deal gets a little trickier for whoever wins "Idol" this season -- that person is required not only to tape a performance for the attraction ... he or she is also required to participate in a commercial and make an in-person appearance at Disney world to help promote the attraction.

The good news -- the winner gets paid handsomely for the job ... $200,000.

FOX, Fremantle Media, and 19 Entertainment had no comment.

'Idol' Contestant Phillip Phillips Hometown Scrimps to Send Family to Hollywood

"American Idol" finalist Phillip Phillips’ family can't afford to watch him perform live in Hollywood -- so his hometown in Georgia is banding together ... to raise money to send 'em there ... TMZ has learned.

According to sources, it costs about $3,000 to fly out Phillip's family from Leesburg, GA to Los Angeles -- and the Phillipses simply can't afford to make the trip ... despite their son making it to the finals.

But the good citizens of Leesburg, GA have trying their best to help out ... throwing fundraisers every Wednesday -- where at least 15 merchants donate a percentage of their profits from that day ... to help the family make the trip to tinseltown.

The events are so popular -- Mayor Jim Quinn named 'em ‘Phillip Phillips’ Wednesdays’ ... and even gave Phillips’ family a key to the town.

Sources tell TMZ -- people from all over are eager to donate ... townsfolk ... tourists off the street ... and even fans as far as Florida are mailing in checks.

Of course, anything sounds awesome when you have kidney stones.

Jermaine Jones Still Welcome at Hometown Church

God's a lot more forgiving than "American Idol" -- TMZ has learned, the hometown church where Jermaine Jones grew up singing choir still welcomes him with open arms ... despite his checkered past.

TMZ broke the story, "Idol" producers terminated Jermaine's run on the show after discovering the singer had 4 warrants out for his arrest -- and gave multiple fake names to cops.

But Reverend George Holland at Green Grove Baptist Church in NJ isn't so quick to rush to judgment -- telling TMZ, he has known Jermaine since he was a boy ... explaining, “He’s well-loved and accepted here. We serve a forgiving God. Everyone has made mistakes in their lives. Hopefully when you make those mistakes you’ve learned from them and become a better person.”

Rev. Holland adds, "I don’t know exactly what the charges are so I can’t comment on that, but as far as welcoming him back ... there’s nothing out there he could’ve done to make us not welcome him back."

'American Idol' Ex-Contestant Asia'h Epperson Badly Injured in Car Wreck

Former "American Idol" finalist Asia'h Epperson is currently recovering from a bad car accident in which she suffered multiple broken bones ... including her jaw and 9 ribs ... TMZ has learned.

Multiple people close to Asia'h tell us ... the Season 7 semi-finalist has been hospitalized in L.A. ever since the wreck on Wednesday.

We're told Asia'h broke her jaw, pelvis, 9 ribs, and multiple vertebrae. We're told she also suffered injuries to her spleen, lung and kidney.

A rep for Asia'h tells us the singer's family is by her side ... and says doctors believe she'll make a full recovery.

Asia'h got to the final 16 during her run in 2008 ... the same year David Cook won the competition.

'Idol' Contestant Bad Kidneys Won't Keep Me Off Show

"American Idol" contestant Phillip Phillips' bum kidney will NOT end his run on the show -- TMZ has learned, he's still determined to compete ... even after undergoing an extremely painful medical procedure.

TMZ broke the story, Phillip -- who has a long kidney stone history -- was rushed to a medical facility last week, complaining of some nasty abdominal pain.

According to sources, Phillip underwent a procedure to install a ‘stent’ in his kidney -- a kind of medical tube thing -- to help alleviate a blockage caused by kidney stones.

Here’s the catch -- stents are super painful ... the kind of pain that makes it hard to compete on a nationally-televised singing competition.

But Phillip's dad tells us, his kid wants to stay in the competition as long as possible -- despite the excruciating pain caused by the stent ... and won’t have it removed 'til his "Idol" run is done.

Kid really does have some serious stones.

Jermaine Jones VS. 'Idol' Producers The Confrontation [Video]

Jermaine Jones got a swift kick in the ass from reality last night ... when 'Idol' producers confronted the singer on tape and told him he's FIRED from the show for lying about his criminal past.

Jones took it well ... thanking executive producers Nigel Lythgoe and Ken Warwick for the opportunity ... and then getting into the back of a waiting car ... not a cop car.

TMZ broke the story ... Jones has 4 warrants out for his arrest and a history of allegedly using multiple fake names with cops.

Goodbye Jermaine ... whoever you are.

'American Idol' Honchos We Could've SAVED Jermaine ... If He Didn't LIE!

The bigwigs at "American Idol" tell TMZ ... they would have done everything in their power to help Jermaine Jones clear up his legal situation ... if only he would have been HONEST about his past.

"A.I." executive producers Nigel Lythgoe and Ken Warwick called in to "TMZ Live" moments ago ... and explained why they HAD to confront Jermaine when they discovered he LIED about his criminal history. They said they were particularly worried when they found out he had used false names with police.

The "Idol" honchos explained, "There might be other false names and other charges out there that we just dont know about."

Lythgoe and Warwick tell us lots of kids that appear on the show are entangled in legal situations ... but the producers insist, "We help them where we can in clearing them up."

The producers say they captured the confrontation on tape ... and say he was "very apologetic."

Still, too little too late ... he'll be officially axed on tonight's show.

Jermaine Jones Flees to Philly [VIDEO]

"American Idol" contestant Jermaine Jones fled Los Angeles and the "A.I." guillotine ... because we got video of him after he landed in Philadelphia last night.

Jones flew first class -- which makes us think "Idol" may have paid for the ticket.

As we reported, the plan was for Jermaine to appear on tonight's show​, facing the music for lying about his criminal past.

It's true -- jets also fly west, but it would be a very fast turnaround.

'American Idol' Contestant History of Violence, Deception, Bullying

Soon-to-be-axed "American Idol" singer Jermaine Jones is a big, fat phony ... who repeatedly LIED to police ... has issues with violence ... and terrorized "Idol" staff ... according to police documents and information obtained by "A.I."

We broke the story ... Jones will be fired from the show tonight for lying to producers about his criminal history ... and now we've learned the troubling details from the multiple run-ins with the law Jones was trying to conceal.

One incident went down on March 5, 2011 ... when Jones was involved in a fight at a Howard Johnson Hotel in Jersey. We're told cops responded ... but Jermaine gave them a fake name -- Joel Jones.

Jermaine was charged with public nuisance and obstruction of justice. He was also arrested for having outstanding warrants.

The next incident went down November 27, 2011 ... when Jermaine was the passenger in a car that was pulled over in Gloucester Township, NJ. Jermaine was questioned by cops and ONCE AGAIN gave them a fake name -- Kareem Watkins.

Jermaine was charged for hindering apprehension and giving false information to avoid self-discovery. He was also arrested for having outstanding warrants ... again.

We've learned ... Jermaine had a total of 4 outstanding warrants ... 3 for driving on a suspended license and 1 for disorderly conduct with an open container.

There's more ... "Idol" sources tell us Jermaine was "very aggressive" behind the scenes ... once terrorizing a member of the staff by screaming at her because he didn't like his wardrobe.

"Idol" sources also tell us ... Jermaine had been questioned about his past by the "A.I." risk management team before he was selected into the top 24 ... and he SWORE, among other things, that he hadn't been in a fight since high school.

Pants on fire ... and now his lies have cost him the best opportunity of his life.

Jermaine Jones Will Be Kicked Off 'American Idol'

Jermaine Jones will be kicked off "American Idol" Wednesday night, after producers learned he concealed the fact that he was arrested twice last year and has outstanding warrants ... TMZ has learned.

As we first reported, producers discovered Tuesday that Jermaine had lied about his criminal history and that triggered the decision to confront him on camera Tuesday afternoon.

We're told one of the incidents involved violence, which was particularly troublesome to producers. He also lied to cops by giving them fake names both times he was arrested.

"A.I." sources tell us ... Jermaine will appear on the show tomorrow night before he is sent packing.

Over the last few days, we've been reporting that Jermaine told producers his father abandoned him 10 years ago, but his dad called TMZ and called B.S. on his son, saying they see each other regularly.

Jermaine began tweeting that he never told producers about his dad abandoning him. We're told the producers -- who knew Jermaine had made the statement -- became generally suspicious and began looking more closely at his background, and that's what led to the revelation of his criminal history.

'American Idol' Contestant Will Be Kicked Off For Concealing Crimes

A contestant on "American Idol" will be kicked off the show Wednesday because the singer concealed multiple crimes from producers ... TMZ has learned.

Sources connected with the show tell us ... the contestant -- one of the final 12 -- was charged with 2 crimes in 2011, one involving violence. We're told in both cases the contestant gave a fake name to cops when arrested.

In addition, we're told the contestant has outstanding warrants -- again, the singer concealed it from producers.

We're told the contestant was confronted with the information on camera today and the footage will air on Wednesday's show.

'American Idol' Contestant Shovels B.S. To Get Sympathy Vote

Jermaine Jones -- the 6'8" gentle giant on "American Idol" -- has big problems with the truth, because he fabricated a sob story to "A.I." producers to win the hearts and minds of the American people.

"A.I." sources told TMZ ... last week, after appearing on the show ... Jermaine came to them and said his dad called him from out of the blue, claiming pops abandoned him and his mom 10 years ago. Jermaine told producers he was extremely upset that his dad suddenly reappeared in his life now that he was famous and potentially rich. Jermaine said his dad was "a lousy father" and wanted nothing to do with him.

Well TMZ spoke with Jermaine's dad, Kevin Jones, who says the sob story is absurd -- that he has had an ongoing relationship with the young man through the years and even had dinner with him on both Wednesday and Thursday night of last week.

Kevin also says his son was not telling the truth about getting a phone call from out of the blue -- Kevin says he was actually in the audience last week supporting his child.

We spoke with production people on "Idol" who tell us they are "shocked" Jermaine concocted the story and it seems like it was all a ploy to get some traction on the show.

We could not reach Jermaine for comment.

'Idol' Castoff I'm Out on the Streets

Defying all laws of physics ... the "American Idol" judges actually had something useful to say ... because one "Idol" castoff is turning their advice into COLD, HARD CASH.

River St. James -- who was cut before the top 24 -- was told by the trio of judges to get more experience. Heeding their words, he decided to take his musical talents to the streets of Santa Monica, CA.

But River wanted to make sure to go the legal route -- and obtained an L.A. performer's permit. We're told he now plays 3-4 times a week on the 3rd Street Promenade, where he racks up tons of free practice ... and even earns a decent living.

River tells TMZ, he sells 30 7-track CDs a day -- raking in $1,000 a month! Not exactly Idol money, but it's a start.

'American Idol' Contestant Dad Who Abandoned Him Turns Up Last Night

Jermaine Jones -- the 6'8" "American Idol" contestant dubbed "The Gentle Giant" -- had an unwanted caller last night ... his dad.

Jones and his mom had it rough after his father abandoned him 10 years ago. But it's amazing what a little fame and potential earning power can do to a fractured relationship.

Last night ... Jones' dad called and tried to make nice. Sources tell us ... the dad told Jermaine, "Hi, I'm in Los Angeles. Why are you telling everyone you haven't got a dad?" We're told the 25-year-old contestant was "extremely upset" by the call.

Jermaine told a friend, "He's a lovely man but a lousy father."

'Idol' Contestant Rushed to Doctor for 911 Medical Treatment

Phillip's dad tells TMZ ... his son has had 5 procedures to remove kidney stones. He says it's been a problem since October. As for performing, we're told Phillip is determined to continue on A.I. and will postpone any type of procedure ... at least until he knows the results tonight. But it's still really painful.


"American Idol" contestant Phillip Phillips was taken to a medical facility this morning for emergency treatment ... TMZ has learned -- and his future on the show is now in question.

Sources tell TMZ, Phillip -- the guy who always performs with a guitar on the show -- was complaining of intense pain in his abdomen ... and it seemed serious enough to sound the alarm.

The nature of the medical emergency is unclear -- but we're told people close to Phillip suspect it could be gallstones.

A source at the Georgia pawn shop where Phillip used to work tells TMZ, the singer was hospitalized back in January for a similar condition.

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