Elle King De vuelta al escenario, ahora con agua... Tras el tributo borracha a Dolly Parton

Bebiendo agua

Elle King ha vuelto a actuar en vivo en un escenario en Arizona, la primera vez que lo hace desde su debacle en el Grand Ole Opry, cuando estaban celebrando el cumpleaños de Dolly Parton una noche.

TMZ obtuvo estas imágenes del show de Elle el viernes por la noche en Tempe, Arizona, donde fue una de las cantantes que tocó en el Festival Extra Innings.

Los fans notaron que la cantante de country tuvo una botella de agua al alcance de la mano toda la noche y tomó varios sorbos de ella durante su actuación.

La imagen es totalmente opuesta a la última vez que vimos a Elle en el famoso escenario de Nashville, allá por finales de enero. Ella admitió que estaba borracha y que se le había olvidado la letra de una de las canciones de Dolly, lo que no fue lo peor, ¡también se inventó una letra incoherente e increpó al público!

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Se pierde en medio de la canción
Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

Después de una canción, le ladró al público: "Ni siquiera voy a mentir... todos ustedes compraron entradas para esta mierda, no van a recuperar su dinero".

Días después de aquel s***show, pospuso abruptamente su siguiente concierto en Texas, pero no dio ninguna razón. Desde entonces no había vuelto a aparecer en público.

Elle recibió un montón de apoyo de la propia Dolly, quien le dijo a Extra: Elle es una gran chica que solo tenía un poco demasiado que beber. También instó a los fans a "perdonarlo y olvidarlo y seguir adelante, porque [Elle] se sintió peor que nadie".

Nos han dicho que Elle no hizo ninguna referencia al desastre de Dolly durante su show del viernes por la noche. Sin embargo, cantó canciones sobre la bebida como "Chain Smokin', Hard Drinkin' Woman" y "Drunk (And I Don't Wanna Go Home)". Es una cantante de country, después de todo.

Dicho esto, se mantuvo sobria en el escenario, y por todas las cuentas, sonaba muy bien.

En otras palabras... Dolly tenía razón.

Elle King Back On Stage, Fueled by H2O Now After Drunken Dolly Tribute


Elle King is back to performing live, getting on a stage in Arizona ... her first time since her "hammered" debacle at the Grand Ole Opry during a night celebrating Dolly Parton's birthday.

TMZ obtained this footage of Elle's show Friday night in Tempe, AZ ... where she was one of the singers playing the Extra Innings Festival.

Fans noticed the country singer kept a bottled water within arms reach all night ... and took several swigs of it during her set.

It's a total 180 from when Elle was last seen at the Opry in Nashville back in late January. She was admittedly drunk as she forgot the words to one of Dolly's tunes -- which wouldn't be the worst thing ever, but she followed that up by making up jibberish lyrics and berating the audience.

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Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

After one tune, she barked at the crowd, "I'm not even gonna f***ing lie … y'all bought tickets for this s***, you ain't getting your money back."

Days after that s***show, she abruptly postponed her next scheduled gig in Texas, but never provided any reason. She's been out of the public eye since then.

Elle was shown a ton of grace by Dolly herself, who told Extra ... Elle is a great girl who just had a bit too much to drink. She also urged fans to "forgive that and forget it and move on, 'cause [Elle] felt worse than anyone ever could."

TMZ Studios

We're told Elle did not make any reference to the Dolly disaster during her show Friday night ... however she did sing songs about boozing -- like "Chain Smokin', Hard Drinkin' Woman" and "Drunk (And I Don't Wanna Go Home)" -- she's a country singer, after all.

That being said, she kept it sober on stage, and by all counts sounded great.

In other words ... Dolly was right.

Wendy Williams Lifetime Doc Draws Millions of Viewers ... Bigger Than Gypsy Rose!

Wendy Williams truly is the queen of all media -- or at least the queen of Lifetime -- ... 'cause her new doc has apparently taken cable TV by storm ... even beating Gypsy Rose.

According to the network ... Lifetime's "Where is Wendy Williams?" averaged 1.2 million views in the "live + three-days-after" category -- meaning, people just couldn't wait to watch the stunning television docuseries.


As it pertains to those who watched the show live, or on the same day ... Williams stands head and shoulders above the rest, slightly edging out viewership numbers put up by "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard" in January ... which set a record at the time with an average of 1.1 million viewers per night over the course of 6 nights.

In fact ... Lifetime says it's their most-watched doc since they released a Janet Jackson documentary back in 2022 -- with "Where is Wendy Williams?" accounting for 6.2 million total viewers across linear and digital TV so far.

ABC News

Looking to capitalize on the Wendy Williams buzz, Lifetime also ran a bunch of WW-related content ... which brought in nearly eight million viewers total when it aired last weekend.

The four-episode docuseries also apparently performed admirably on Apple's Top TV Charts and Amazon's Top TV Purchases list, and scored a ton of social media engagement to boot.

Still, it's a bit shocking she outperformed Gypsy Rose's life story ... 'cause the doc that aired just a couple of months ago drew massive audiences just after GR was released from prison for her role in her mother's murder. To be fair though, Wendy's been the subject of some huge headlines recently.


As we previously reported, Wendy's suffering from aphasia and dementia which was revealed just days before the doc series aired. Wendy herself broke her silence ... thanking her legions of fans for their support.

BTW ... the filmmakers are swearing they didn't know anything about Wendy's health issues -- claiming they never woulda filmed if they had.

TMZ Studios

Seems like a lucky break for Lifetime that the creators didn't know ... 'cause pretty much everyone tuned in for "Where is Wendy Williams?" -- everyone wanted to catch this one.


fuera de control

La mujer que afirma que la hermana de Hailey Bieber -Alaia Baldwin Aronow- le arrojó un tampón, dice que está presentando cargos y tenemos un nuevo video para mostrar lo salvaje que realmente fue.

Échale un vistazo a este material de archivo obtenido por TMZ, que muestra Alaia siendo expulsada del bar, y como se puede ver, las cosas estaban agresivas a la salida, por no hablar de lo que supuestamente estaba ocurriendo al interior.

Échale un vistazo, se puede ver a una mujer con ropa oscura -nos dicen que es Alaia- que se está enfrentando a lo que parece ser el personal de seguridad del bar. Hay un montón de gritos y Alaia parece estar en el suelo. Finalmente, se arrastra por las escaleras.

No es nada agradable de ver, eso es seguro, y puede servir como pista para hacerse una idea de lo que pasó en realidad. Por lo que sabemos, Alaia supuestamente se volvió loca y atacó a la gente, y supuestamente le lanzó un tampón a una de las camareras.

realmente feo

Hablando de esa camarera... estuvo invitada en "TMZ Live" el viernes y nos dijo lo que según ella ocurrió.

Alaia ya sumaba un montón de cargos, pero Haliegh Cauley, la camarera, nos dice que tiene la intención presentar cargos indignada por todo el asunto, y criticando a Alaia por arrojar fluidos corporales.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

En otras palabras, esto está lejos de terminar. Alaia no ha respondido a la noticia de la detención todavía.

Alaia Baldwin Aronow Alleged Victim Pressing Charges ... New Video of Bar Crawl 👀



1:54 PM PT -- Alaia Baldwin Aronow's attorney, Drew Findling, tells TMZ … "On February 24, 2024, Ms. Aronow traveled to Savannah, GA to celebrate the upcoming marriage of a close friend. Sadly, what should have been a celebratory girls night out, unfortunately took an unexpected turn."

He adds, "Ms. Aronow is embarrassed and saddened by the events of that night and is proactively taking the necessary steps to ensure that it never happens again."

The woman who claims Hailey Bieber's sister, Alaia Baldwin Aronow, threw a tampon at her says she's pressing charges -- and we got new video to show how wild this really was.

Check out this footage, obtained by TMZ, that shows Alaia getting thrown out of the Savannah, GA bar she's alleged to have attacked people last weekend -- and as you can see ... it was quite the scuffle on the way out, let alone what allegedly happened inside.

Take a look ... you can see a woman in dark clothing -- who we're told is Alaia -- and she's getting into it with what looks to be the bar security staff. There's a lot of yelling going on, and Alaia appears to be on the floor ... and eventually, she crawls away down the stairs.

It's not a pretty sight, that's for sure ... and it kinda tracks with what people told police that night -- namely, that Alaia allegedly went haywire and attacked people ... including allegedly throwing a tampon at one of the female bartenders who checked on her in the bathroom.


Speaking of that bartender, she actually came on "TMZ Live" Friday and gave us the alleged blow-by-blow ... recounting what she says happened, and what she's gonna do next.


Alaia was already booked on a slew of charges over this -- but Haliegh Cauley, the bartender, tells us she intends to see this through and press charges ... outraged over the whole thing, and slamming Alaia for chucking bodily fluids her way ... or so she claims.

TMZ Studios

In other words ... this is far from over. Alaia hasn't responded to the arrest news yet.

Originally Published -- 12:10 PM PT

LA HERMANA DE HAILEY BIEBER es detenida en un bar Supuestamente se peleó y tiró un tampón

La hermana de Hailey Bieber, Alaia Baldwin Aronow, fue arrestada en Georgia a principios de esta semana. La policía afirma que fue parte de una pelea salvaje en un bar donde, entre otras cosas, se lanzaron tampones.

La influencer fue arrestada el sábado por la noche en Savannah, Georgia, después de que el propietario de un bar llamado Club Elan llamara al 911 para informar de un cliente revoltoso que, según él, estaba atacando a su personal y se negaba a abandonar el establecimiento. Resulta que la policía dice que esa persona era Alaia.

De acuerdo con el informe de la policía obtenido por TMZ, cuando los oficiales llegaron, se reunieron con dos tipos diferentes y uno de los camareros y todos tenían una historia similar.

Le dijeron al policía que Alaia había entrado en un baño solo para empleados, y cuando le dijeron que no podía estar allí y tuvo que usar el baño público, supuestamente comenzó a dar problemas, y finalmente la han acusadado de agredir a tres empleados.

Un guardia de seguridad afirma que ella le arrancó el pelo de la cabeza cuando trató de forcejear con ella, y otro guardia alega que ella le dio una patada en la ingle cuando trató de hacer lo mismo.

Una camarera le dijo a la policía que ella misma entró en el baño de empleados -tratando de mostrar discreción por Alaia al parecer- y afirma que le dijeron que Alaia necesitaba un minuto para vomitar y cambiarse el tampón. La empleada dice que esperó un rato y cuando volvió a entrar de nuevo, ella afirma que Alaia le lanzó un tampón.

Finalmente, el personal de seguridad dice que fueron capaces de conseguir un asimiento de ella y sacarla del edificio y el oficial que responde dice que cuando le preguntó a Alaia sobre todo esto, ella afirmó que se estaba defendiendo y que todo el asunto fue sacado de proporción.

Al final, fue detenida por varios cargos: agresión simple, agresión simple, agresión y allanamiento de morada. También posó para esta foto en la cárcel.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Hemos contactado a Alaia, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Hailey Bieber's Sister Alaia Arrested at GA Bar Allegedly Fought, Threw Tampon

Hailey Bieber's sister, Alaia Baldwin Aronow, was arrested in Georgia earlier this week over what cops claim was a wild brawl at a bar -- which involved used tampons being hurled.

The influencer was busted Saturday night in Savannah, GA after the owner of a bar called Club Elan called 911 to report an unruly patron whom he claimed was attacking his staff and refusing to leave the establishment. As it turns out ... cops say that person was Alaia.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, when officers arrived ... they met with two different bouncers and one of the bartenders there -- all of whom had a similar story.

They told the cop that Alaia had gone into an employees-only bathroom, and when she was told she couldn't be in there and had to use the public restroom -- she allegedly started becoming belligerent and combative ... and she's accused of assaulting three staffers.

One security guard claims she yanked hair out of his head when he attempted to wrangle her, and another guard alleges she kicked him in the groin when he tried doing the same.

A female bartender told cops she went into the employee bathroom herself at one point -- trying to show discretion for Alaia apparently -- and claims she was told Alaia needed a minute to throw up and change her tampon. The staffer says she waited for a while ... and when she reentered again to check on Alaia, she claims Alaia threw a tampon at her.

Eventually ... the security personnel says they were able to get a hold of her and get her out of the building -- and the responding officer says when he asked Alaia about all this, she claimed she was defending herself ... and that the whole thing was blown out of proportion.


In the end, she was arrested on a number of charges -- getting booked for simple assault, simple battery, battery and trespassing. She also posed for this mug shot at the jail.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Alaia for comment ... so far, no word back.

Wendy Williams Doc Producers We Didn't Know About Dementia ... We Wouldn't Have Filmed!!!

The producers behind the new Wendy Williams documentary are making it clear they would not have filmed the controversial project if they had known the full extent of her health crisis.

As you know, Wendy's dementia diagnosis was made public mere days before her Lifetime doc premiered on Saturday ... highlighting the 59-year-old's intimate struggles with alcohol abuse and a myriad of other health issues.


In the doc, the full extent of Wendy's struggles were revealed ... specifically, that she's dealing with frontotemporal dementia -- which may sound familiar as A-list actor Bruce Willis is also currently suffering from the same disease.

In the wake of the doc airing, there's been backlash against Lifetime/the production company that proceeded with the project -- but now the creative team is defending themselves.

Producer Mark Ford told The Hollywood Reporter ... the original plan was to follow Wendy between August 2022 and April 2023 while she sobered up and launched a new podcast.

Once it became clear, however, that this wasn't the story that was going to be told -- he says they just went with it and saw what they could capture ... but he insists they were never privy to an official medical diagnosis like the one that came down from her team last week.

MF adds, [I]f we had known that Wendy had dementia going into it, no one would’ve rolled a camera."

The original narrative, he says, was scrapped as Wendy's health deteriorated ... prompting concern from the filmmakers. Wendy's son Kevin Hunter Jr. later claimed to the cameras that his mother had "alcohol-induced" dementia -- different than what had been announced ... and well after they were in the thick of production.

And, while Mark is defending that they never would've picked up the cameras if they had known about the TV personality's diagnosis ... he's ultimately pleased that Wendy's temporary guardian Sabrina Morrissey was unsuccessful in blocking the doc's premiere.

TMZ Studios

Obviously, they're happy with the end result ... and while some think they might've crossed a line, the producers seem to be saying they only proceeded with what they knew at the time.

Documental de Wendy Williams No sabíamos sobre el diagnóstico de demencia... Dicen los productores

Los productores detrás del nuevo documental de Wendy Williams están dejando claro que no habrían filmado el proyecto si hubieran sabido el alcance de sus problemas de salud.

Como bien saben, pocos días antes de que se estrenara el documental de Lifetime el sábado se dio a conocer que Wendy había sido diagnosticada con demencia. En el documental, justamente se destacan las luchas personales de la celebridad de 59 años, así como sus problemas de abuso con el alcohol y una veintena de otros asuntos de salud.

Atrapada tomando vodka

En el documental, se revelan todas las luchas de Wendy, en concreto, que está lidiando con una demencia frontotemporal, al igual que Bruce Willis, quien tiene la misma enfermedad.

Luego de su emisión este sábado, ha habido reacciones en contra de Lifetime y la productora que procedió con el proyecto, pero ahora el equipo creativo se defiende.

El productor Mark Ford le dijo a The Hollywood Reporter que el plan original era seguir a Wendy entre agosto de 2022 y abril de 2023, mientras ella estaba sobria y había lanzado un nuevo podcast.

Una vez que quedó claro que esta no sería la historia que iban a contar, dice que vieron lo que podían capturar, pero insiste en que ningún momento supieron de un diagnóstico médico oficial como el que dio a conocer su equipo la semana pasada.

Mark Ford añade: [S]i hubiéramos sabido que Wendy tenía demencia, nadie habría filmado".

Dice que la narrativa inicial fue desechada cuando la salud de Wendy empezó a deteriorarse, lo que causó preocupación entre los cineastas. El hijo de Wendy, Kevin Hunter Jr. más tarde dijo frente a las cámaras que su madre tenía demencia "inducida por el alcohol", algo distinto de lo que se ha anunciado y mucho después del momento grueso de la producción.

Aunque Mark se está defendiendo diciendo que nunca habría filmado si hubiera sabido sobre el diagnóstico de Wendy, dice que está satisfecho con que la tutora temporal de Wendy, Sabrina Morrissey, no tuviera éxito intentando bloquear el estreno del documental.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Obviamente, están contentos con el resultado final y aunque algunos piensan que podrían haberse pasado de la raya, los productores parecen estar diciendo que solo procedieron con lo que sabían en ese momento.


asuntos de familia

DJ Boof, durante mucho tiempo disc jockey de "The Wendy Williams Show", dice que la gente en el estudio no entendía el alcance de la enfermedad de Wendy y él piensa que sus familiares son los únicos que pueden ayudarla.

El ex colega de televisión de Wendy se unió a nosotros el lunes en "TMZ Live" y nos dijo que ha sido triste ver a su amiga ir por el camino del deterioro cognitivo.

DJ Boof dice que la gente en "Wendy" sabía que algo estaba pasando con ella, pero no se dieron cuenta de lo realmente enferma que estaba. Tenía problemas con el abuso del alcohol y finalmente fue diagnosticada con afasia y demencia como Bruce Willis.

atrapada en el vodka

Un nuevo documental de Lifetime, "¿Dónde está Wendy Williams?", pone de relieve sus luchas con el consumo excesivo de alcohol y algunos de sus arrebatos contra la gente en el programa y DJ Boof nos dice que sabía que Wendy necesitaba ayuda mucho antes de que el programa saliera al aire.

Hay algunas dudas acerca de quién está mejor equipado para ayudar a Wendy, si su familia, su círculo íntimo o la mujer que es la tutora legal de Wendy, y ahora hay un acalorado conflicto entre esas partes.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Boof dice que se ha mantenido en contacto con Wendy desde que su programa fue cancelado en 2022, y ella desapareció del ojo público, diciéndonos que la última vez que la vio en Miami parecía estar muy bien.

La familia de Wendy está en Florida, incluyendo a su hermana y su hijo, y DJ Boof nos dice por qué cree que es el mejor lugar para ella en el futuro.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Wendy Williams Show's DJ Boof Staff Didn't Realize How Sick She Was ... She Needs 24/7 Family Care


DJ Boof, longtime disc jockey for "The Wendy Williams Show," says folks in the studio didn't understand the extent of Wendy's illness... and he thinks her family members are the only ones who can help her.

Wendy's former TV colleague joined us Monday on "TMZ Live," and he told us it's been sad to see his friend going down the road of cognitive decline.

DJ Boof says people on 'Wendy' knew something was going on with her, but they didn't realize just how sick she truly was ... namely, issues with alcohol abuse, and eventually, being diagnosed with aphasia and dementia like Bruce Willis.


A new Lifetime documentary, "Where is Wendy Williams?" highlights her struggles with excessive drinking and some of her outbursts against people on the show ... and DJ Boof tells us he knew Wendy needed help long before the program aired.

There's some question about who is best equipped to help Wendy ... her family, her inner circle or the woman who's Wendy's legal guardian -- and there's now a heated conflict between those factions.

TMZ Studios

Boof says he's kept in touch with Wendy since her show was canceled in 2022, and she vanished from the public eye ... telling us when he last saw her in Miami she seemed to be doing great.

Wendy's family is down in Florida, including her sister and her son ... and DJ Boof tells us why he thinks that's the best place for her moving forward.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

CHUCK LIDDELL ¡CAMPEON DE LA UFC POR LA BORDA! Simplemente se cae del barco

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Chuck Liddell estuvo nadando en San Diego durante el fin de semana, aunque no lo hizo voluntariamente.

TMZ ha obtenido un video de Chuck dando vueltas en un barco, hablando expresivamente con un par de tipos y aparentemente inclinándose hacia adelante para mostrarles un movimiento con el puño cerrado.

Por desgracia, parece que no tenía las piernas firmes y se fue hacia atrás. Los compañeros de Chuck no lo estaban mirando, por lo que no fueron capaces de detener su descenso.

Liddell chapoteo en el agua y las campanas de alarma sonaron con toda la tripulación en modo de rescate para arrastrar a Chuck de nuevo a bordo.

Uno de los chicos del barco salta de la parte trasera y nada hacia Chuck ayudándole a volver a subir. Tiene chicos tirando de sus brazos mientras otro le sostiene la espalda mientras un perrito mira.

Sus compañeros tardaron un rato en subirlo a cubierta -Chuck es un tipo bastante grande- pero al final lo pudieron sacar del agua.

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todo bien

Actuando como el campeón que es, Chuck siguió vibrando en la noche, testigos presenciales dicen que tenía comida entregada a la nave Lamborghini.

También saludó a una colección de fans - aunque no salió de la nave para el resto de la noche.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Así que parece que Chuck está bien después de su caída, tratamos de ponernos en contacto con él, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Chuck Liddell UFC Champ Overboard!!! ... Falls Off Lambo Yacht

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Accidental Plunge

Chuck Liddell went for a swim in San Diego over the weekend ... though he didn't do it voluntarily, instead slipping off a boat into the bay!

TMZ has obtained video of Chuck hanging around on a Lamborghini yacht, talking expressively with a couple dudes and seemingly leaning forward to show them a move with his fist balled.

Unfortunately, seems like CL didn't quite have his sea legs underneath him 'cause he started to fall backward -- and Chuck's companions weren't looking toward him, so they weren't able to stop his descent.

Liddell made a big splash into the water, and the alarm bells sounded with the whole crew kicking into rescue mode to drag Chuck back on board.

The yacht's owner, Ace Rogers, jumps off the back and swims toward Chuck helping him back up. He's got guys pulling on his arms while another supports his back as a little dog looks on.

It takes a while for his buddies to pull him back up onto the deck -- Chuck's a pretty big dude -- but ultimately they dragged him up out of the water.

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Nice And Dry

Acting like the champ he is ... Chuck -- who was a special guest for the Digital Mastery Mastermind event over the weekend -- just kept on vibing into the evening, eyewitnesses say he had food delivered to the Lambo yacht.

He also waved hello to a collection of fans -- though he didn't leave the boat for the rest of the night.

TMZ Studios

So it seems like Chuck's alright after his fall ... but, we've reached out to him to check in. So far no word back.


"we are the champions"

Travis Kelce y Patrick Mahomes siguieron la fiesta el sábado por la noche en Las Vegas, llegando a la discoteca XS en el Wynn de Las Vegas con su equipo mientras cantaban "We Are the Champions" de Queen.

El grupo se lo pasó en grande con la ayuda de la estrella de EDM Marshmello. Travis está arriba del escenario cuando él y algunos otros chicos rociaron la multitud con espumante y todo el mundo se volvió loco.

Fue bastante intenso, Travis estaba cubierto de sudor, a veces limpiándose la cabeza con una toalla.

Por supuesto, Marshmello puso "Love Story" como un homenaje a la relación de Travis con Taylor Swift, y Trav pudo sentirlo, saltando y cantando a lo largo del track.

"all night long"
XS Nightclub at Wynn Las Vegas

Pero el verdadero momento fue cuando Travis, Patrick y compañía, cantaron "We Are The Champions", porque todo el mundo se puso absolutamente loco.

A primera hora del día, Travis y Patrick, junto con otros compañeros de equipo, fueron a LAVO en The Palazzo para una fiesta de brunch.

al zoo con mi novia

Travis realmente ha acumulado millas, regresando de Sydney, donde fue al zoológico con su novia y luego llegó a su show.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Algo que es notable... es que los australianos no juegan al fútbol americano, pero Travis entró como una superestrella y la multitud se volvió loca por él.

¡Que empiece la fiesta!

Travis and Patrick Belting Out 'We Are The Champions' in Vegas!!!


Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes kept the party going Saturday night in Vegas, hitting up XS nightclub at Wynn Las Vegas with their team as they belted out Queen's "We Are the Champions."

The group partied their faces off with the help of EDM star Marshmello. Travis is up on stage as he and some other guys sprayed the crowd with champagne as everyone went nuts.

It was pretty intense ... Travis was covered in sweat, at times wiping his head with a towel.

Of course, Marshmello played "Love Story" as an homage to Travis's relationship with Taylor Swift, and Trav knew the drill ... jumping and singing along.

XS Nightclub at Wynn Las Vegas

But the real moment was when Travis, Patrick and co. belted out "We Are The Champions," as everyone in the joint just lost it.

Earlier in the day, Travis and Patrick, along with other teammates, hit up LAVO at The Palazzo for a brunch party ... and party they did!


Travis is really racking up the miles, returning from Sydney where he went to the zoo with his GF and then hit up her show.

TMZ Studios

What's so remarkable ... the Aussies aren't into American football, but Travis walked in like a superstar and the crowd went wild for him.

Party on!!!

Randy Moss I Learned Of Pats Trade At A Club ... Celebrated With Beer!!!

Apple TV+

Randy Moss didn't learn of his trade to the Patriots on a football field, weight room or at an NFL facility ... no, he says it all actually went down at a nightclub!!

The Hall of Famer made the revelation on the newest episode of "The Dynasty: New England Patriots" -- explaining that he was outside of a hot spot getting ready to party when Bill Belichick hit his line about acquiring him from Oakland.

Moss said initially, he thought it was a prankster, so he hung up.

"I was like, 'Well, maybe he doesn't want to come to New England,'" Belichick said of the 2007 call. "So, then I called him again."

Moss said he again thought it was someone yanking his chain ... but then The Hoodie got serious.

"He cut straight to the chase," Moss said of Belichick. "He said, 'Look, man, if you're not up here by 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, no trade.'"

Moss then went inside and celebrated his face off ... with none other than a grip of beer!!!

"I held one of my Coronas," he said. "And said, 'I'm going to be a Patriot!'"

Of course, Moss went on to make history in Foxborough ... in the three seasons after Belichick traded for a 4th-round pick for him, he logged 3,904 receiving yards and a staggering 50 TDs -- including a record 23 in 2007. He also helped lead the Pats to an undefeated regular season that year -- although they ultimately lost the Super Bowl to the New York Giants.

The full Moss episode is slated to premiere Friday on Apple TV+.