Tiffany Haddish has been charged in her latest DUI arrest ... after she got busted for drinking and driving following a night out in Beverly Hills last month.

The actress' case was under review by the L.A. District Attorney's Office and they've decided to charge her with driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a .08% BAC.

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TMZ broke the story ... the actress was found slumped at the wheel in Beverly Hills -- blocking the road with her car.

She was booked for DUI and improper stopping on a roadway -- but less than 24 hours later, was back onstage performing down in Long Beach -- not resisting a quick quip about her arrest.

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However, Tiffany quickly changed her tune ... getting serious about the arrest -- especially as she already has a DUI case in Georgia stemming from Jan 2022.

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In fact, in light of her Cali arrest, Georgia prosecutors are pushing for stricter restrictions on her -- wanting to modify the bond conditions from her open DUI case there to restrict her from using booze and drugs completely.

BTW ... if Tiffany is convicted of both offenses, both California and Georgia have laws that require jail time for a second offense -- in CA, the minimum is 4 days, in GA it's 3 days.

Tiffany's since told ET she needs to "get help" to "learn balance and boundaries" -- adding, "this will never happen again."

So far, so good ... as Tiffany recently rang in her 44th birthday, AKA, her "next chapter in life," without a lick of booze in sight.

video de vigilancia muestra el conflicto entre Jonathan Majors y su novia

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El video de vigilancia de la noche que rodea el juicio de Jonathan Majors se ha hecho público y muestra una pelea entre el actor y su entonces novia... y una persecución a pie poco después.

El juez se ha mostrado hermético sobre todas las pruebas que se presentan en los tribunales en este último par de semanas, pero el miércoles se le mostró a todos los medios de comunicación las imágenes clave que la fiscalía ha estado mostrando al jurado para probar su caso.

Un video es muy claro y muestra las secuelas del presunto incidente entre Majors y su acusadora, Grace Jabbari, después de que ella afirmara que él la atacó en un vehículo.

Se puede ver a Majors y Jabbari fuera de un carro que se detuvo en un semáforo en medio de una calle relativamente vacía de Nueva York. Se puede ver a Majors y Jabbari fuera del carro, aparentemente hablando hasta que Majors parece envolverla en sus brazos.

La levanta e intenta colocarla de nuevo en el vehículo, pero no lo consigue. Luego la suelta y se aleja de ella y Jabbari no tarda en perseguirlo.

La persecución se prolonga durante bastante tiempo y recorren al menos un par de manzanas antes de que Majors supere a Jabbari. Después de que él la pierde, ella se cruza con un grupo de extraños en la calle y empiezan a hablar hasta que finalmente el grupo termina consolándola.

Majors finalmente regresa y pasa cerca del grupo, Jabbari se percata e intenta hablar con él, pero continúa calle abajo y Jabbari vuelve a perseguirlo.

Finalmente, los dos se separan. Majors se va y pasa la noche en un hotel y Jabbari sale a un club nocturno.

Como informamos, Majors llamó al 911 a la mañana siguiente por sospecha de sobredosis/suicidio cuando encontró a Jabbari desmayada en su armario. Hay un video que lo muestra haciendo esta llamada desde el vestíbulo de su edificio. Una vez que aparecen los policías, los escolta escaleras arriba hasta su unidad. En el video también se ve cómo los lleva hasta ella, quien está completamente desmayada en su armario.

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a la mañana siguiente

Finalmente, vemos a Jabbari bajar con los agentes y ella se puede ver de pie. Las fotos que muestran las supuestas lesiones de Jabbari también se dieron a conocer como parte de las pruebas.

Recuerde, todo esto es material que ya se ha mostrado en los tribunales, pero que ahora está a disposición del público. Mientras tanto, el juicio de Majors continúa el miércoles y la fiscalía ha descansado su caso ahora, la defensa está empezando a sacar a sus testigos.

Jonathan Majors Surveillance Vid Shows Car Scuffle ... GF Chasing After Him

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Surveillance video of the night in question surrounding the Jonathan Majors' trial has been released -- showing a scuffle between the actor and his then-girlfriend -- and a foot chase shortly thereafter.

The judge has kept a tight lid on all the evidence being presented in court over these past couple weeks, but, on Wednesday ... he popped the lid open and released it all to the media, including key footage the prosecution has been showing to the jury to prove their case.

One video, in particular, is critical ... it shows the aftermath of the alleged incident between Majors and his accuser, Grace Jabbari, after she claims he attacked her in a vehicle.

You can see Majors and Jabbari outside of an SUV ... which is stopped at a light in the middle of a relatively empty NYC street. Majors and Jabbari can be seen milling outside of the car, seemingly talking, and eventually ... Majors appears to wrap her up in his arms.

From there, you see what prosecutors describe as, "using physical force once again, Majors picked her up with both hands and shoved her repeatedly into the Escalade." However, Majors isn't successful in doing so. Soon, he lets go and bolts away from her ... and Jabbari quickly goes after him.

The pursuit goes on for quite some time, it seems, and they go for at least a couple blocks before Majors outruns Jabbari. After he loses her, she stumbles across a group of strangers on the street ... and they start to talk, with the small crew consoling her.

Majors eventually makes his way back and passes the group, with Jabbari spotting him, and he strolls by them -- seemingly telling her to stay back and to stay away. She attempts to talk to him, but he continues on down the street ... Jabbari follows him yet again.

Eventually, the two separate ... Majors goes and stays the night at a hotel and Jabbari goes out to a nightclub.

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As we reported ... Majors called 911 the next morning for a suspected overdose/suicide when he found Jabbari passed out in his closet. There's video that shows him making this call as well, which he did from the lobby of his building. Once cops show up, he escorts them upstairs to his unit. The video also shows him leading them right to her, and she's completely passed out in his closet.


Eventually, we see Jabbari come down with the officers ... and she's standing upright. Photos that depict Jabbari's alleged injuries were also released as part of the evidence dump.

Remember, this is all stuff that's been played/shown in court already, but which is just now becoming publicly available. In the meantime, Majors' trial continues Wednesday and the prosecution has rested its case ... now, the defense is starting to trot out their witnesses.

UFC's Dana White Passionately Defends Bud Light ... In Interview With Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson Network

Dana White isn't backing down on his decision to work with Bud Light again despite the blowback ... saying anyone proud to be an American should be drinking the UFC's official beer straight from the keg.

The UFC honcho addressed the recent sponsorship deal in an interview with Tucker Carlson this week ... and when the host suggested everyone should still be boycotting Anheuser-Busch over its Dylan Mulvaney partnership, White dug in his heels.

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Instagram / @dylanmulvaney

"If you consider yourself a patriot, you should be drinking gallons of Bud Light," White said with authority. "Gallons of Bud Light."

"You should have Bud Light drums stacked in your garage."

White explained he has an inside look on the beer biz ... and people should take him at his word when he said the common drinker is "way more aligned with Bud Light" than any other brand out there.

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Of course, it echoes what White initially said shortly after the deal was announced ... when he revealed there were other options before he picked Bud Light after several years with Modelo, but he preferred AB for its values as a company.

Carlson also talked to Kid Rock about the Bud Light controversy recently ... and the singer said he is moving on from the boycott, as he feels the beer company got the message.

Drink up.

Dana White defiende apasionadamente el acuerdo con Bud Light

apoyando a bud
Tucker Carlson Network

Dana White no se echa atrás en su decisión de trabajar con Bud Light de nuevo a pesar de las críticas, diciendo que cualquier persona estaría orgullosa de beber la cerveza oficial de la UFC directamente del barril.

El jefe de la UFC abordó el reciente acuerdo de patrocinio en una entrevista con Tucker Carlson esta semana y cuando el anfitrión sugirió que todo el mundo debería seguir boicoteando Anheuser-Busch por su asociación con Dylan Mulvaney, White se aferró a sus talones.

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Instagram / @dylanmulvaney

"Si te consideras un patriota, deberías estar bebiendo galones de Bud Light", dijo White con autoridad. "Galones de Bud Light".

"Deberías tener bidones de Bud Light apilados en tu garaje".

White explicó que tiene una mirada desde dentro en el negocio de la cerveza y la gente debe tomarle la palabra cuando dijo que el bebedor común está "mucho más alineado con Bud Light" que cualquier otra marca por ahí.

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no es un asunto de dinero

Por supuesto, se hace eco de lo que White dijo inicialmente poco después de que se anunciara el acuerdo, cuando reveló que había otras opciones antes de elegir Bud Light después de varios años con Modelo, pero prefirió AB por sus valores como empresa.

Carlson también habló recientemente con Kid Rock sobre la polémica de Bud Light y el cantante dijo que está dejando atrás el boicot, ya que cree que la compañía de cerveza ha entendido el mensaje.



"Yellowstone" stars Hassie Harrison and Ryan Bingham have sparked widespread speculation they've tied the knot ... less than a year after they confirmed they were together.

Ring Reveal

Fans were beside themselves as Ryan posted an IG clip over the weekend promoting his bourbon and upcoming show with a wedding band clearly on display ... with one commenting: "Ummmm, is that a wedding ring?! How did I not hear this?" and the rest of his comments echoing similar sentiments.

"I Do"-uet

One source tells TMZ they married in Dallas -- Hassie's hometown -- in early October ... though we're unable to confirm this information.

We reached out to reps for the pair ... so far, no word back.

The costars confirmed their romance in April ... with Ryan sharing a smitten IG snap of them kissing in front of a bonfire, captioning it: "More than a spark🔥."

Their romance went from strength to strength as they reportedly purchased a 10-acre $4.6M horse ranch in California's Topanga Canyon over the summer.

Hassie, who made her "Yellowstone" debut in S3, previously dated "One Tree Hill" star Austin Nichols before they split in 2020. Ryan had been married to film producer Anna Axster for 12 years, and shares three children with her.

Hassie Harrison y Ryan Bingham disparan rumores de matrimonio

Las estrellas de "Yellowstone" Hassie Harrison y Ryan Bingham han desatado la especulación generalizada de que van a ser padres, todo esto a menos de un año después de que confirmaran estar juntos.

Los fans estaban fuera de sí cuando Ryan publicó un clip de Insta durante el fin de semana donde se le vio promocionando su bourbon y su próximo show con un anillo de bodas claramente en la pantalla, con un comentario: "Ummmm, ¿eso es un anillo de boda? ¿Cómo no me enteré de esto?" y el resto de sus comentarios haciéndose eco de sentimientos similares.

revelando el anillo

Una fuente le dice a TMZ que se casaron en Dallas - ciudad natal de Hassie - a principios de octubre, aunque no podemos confirmar esta información.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los representantes de la pareja ... hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

Los coprotagonistas confirmaron su romance en abril, con Ryan compartiendo una cariñosa de ellos besándose delante de una hoguera escribiendo: "Más que una chispa🔥".

Su romance fue viento en popa, según los informes, compraron un rancho de caballos de 4.6 millones de dólares y 10 acres en el Cañón Topanga de California durante el verano.

Hassie, que hizo su debut en "Yellowstone" en la temporada 3, salió previamente con la estrella de "One Tree Hill" Austin Nichols, antes de separarse en 2020. Ryan llevaba 12 años casado con la productora de cine Anna Axster, con la que comparte tres hijos.

Michael Chandler Gets Into Premium Tequila Biz ... Buys Ownership Stake In Hiatus


Conor McGregor isn't the only UFC fighter making a splash in the liquor industry ... The Notorious' rival, Michael Chandler, tells TMZ Sports he's now part owner of a premium tequila, Hiatus!

37-year-old Iron Mike joined Babcock to discuss the new business venture ... with Chandler teaming up with Kris DeSoto five years after he initially founded the tequila.

"A little over a year ago I found Hiatus Tequila. From the first sip I wanted more," Chandler told us, adding, "So I made an investment in the company, and have now been working behind the scenes with the team with our teams to try to get it in the glasses of as many people possible around the world. It's tequila for tequila people."

Michael says the brand's values line up perfectly with what he believes ... so it was a partnership that made sense.

"It's exactly what I try to be -- authentic, true to myself," Chandler said, adding, "I'm excited about it and we're gonna take it to the moon!"

Of course, over the years athletes and entertainers alike have made huge sums of money in the liquor industry. Perhaps none had more success than McGregor, who raked in hundreds of millions of dollars on Proper 12 whiskey.

We also talked to Chandler about fighting. Michael has been inactive for a year, having last fought in November 2022 against Dustin Poirier.

Michael and Conor, last season's "The Ultimate Fighter" coaches, are supposed to scrap ... but, does Chandler believe it's going to happen?

The answer is a resounding yes.

"From everything that I've been hearing, first quarter of 2024 is when the [Conor McGregor] fight will be happening," Mike told us.

While he's on ... hiatus, MC says he's been studying Conor, from his past fights to his current interviews.

We asked Chandler if he believes McGregor is still a dangerous opponent ... and let's just say Mike isn't underestimating the former champ-champ.

DaBaby I'm Done Drinking ... Tempt Me, I'll Leave You Punch-Drunk!!!


DaBaby says his days with alcohol are a wrap ... a decision made after he embarrassingly couldn't stop puking in front of his daughter!!!

The Diamond-selling rapper admitted he got too wasted over the weekend and sent a warning to friends, family and any pesky club promoters dangling bottles in his face that his sobriety was serious and there would be serious repercussions to anyone who didn't respect it ... possibly in the form of a concussion!!!

To make matters worse, DaBaby says he still had to pick up his daughter Velour from her mother DaniLeigh while being thrashed ... and the 2-year-old got a front-row view in her car seat of her daddy blowing chunks from the back seat 🙈!!!

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While he was at the mercy of his bubble guts, DaBaby says his daughter kept cheering him on by saying "Good job" ... making it the last time he wanted to dial up that loser Earl.

DaBaby then doubled down on trading in his tequila shots for shots to the dome if you offered him a drink.

He's not the only "rockstar" to abandon alcohol lately. Wiz Khalifa revealed last month he was 8 months alcohol-free but is still pro-weed, which he calls "Cali Sober."

Looking washed in front is never a good look ... good for Baby.

Tiffany Haddish Seems to Ditch Booze for Her Bday 'Ready For My Next Chapter'

Tiffany Haddish appears to have ditched booze during her birthday celebration this weekend -- that is, if her reported sober behavior earlier in the week is any indication.

The comedian celebrated her 44th born day Sunday ... and it looks like it was a musical affair. She posted a clip of herself performing in this big cabaret-type show at a private shindig where she was front and center in front of a lot of friends.

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Her caption reads, "Happy Birthday to me!!!!! I am ready for my next chapter in life." TF goes on to share she has more original music coming, not to mention another book ... among other ventures.

She adds (somewhat cryptically) ... "I keep my promises anyone that knows me knows that. It might take some time but I always keep my promise. Just ask God."

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While she didn't specifically mention her DUI from a couple weeks ago, it sounds like she might be touching on it here. Not just that, but Page Six reports that Tiffany was actually among Paris Hilton's many famous guests at her "Slivmas" holiday party earlier last week ... and they say she was completely sober there.


If true, that's big news considering she got arrested for allegedly drinking and driving (again) after a night out in L.A. -- this, of course, about a year after she got arrested for the same thing out in Georgia. If she was steering clear of alcohol at Paris' bash, it stands to reason she might've done the same at her own.

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TMZ broke the story ... Tiffany was arrested in Beverly Hills after cops say they found her sleeping at the wheel and blocking the road with her car. In the end, they felt they had probable cause to take her in for DUI ... and did exactly that.

Less than 24 hours later, she was back onstage and performing yet again -- this time at a Laugh Factory all the way down in Long Beach ... where she jokingly addressed her arrest.

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She might've been laughing about it then, but it's a very serious matter ... and prosecutors in Georgia have already signaled they want stricter restrictions on her as her case there plays out -- including forcing her to stay off of alcohol consumption.

Sounds like TF might've already beaten them to the punch on that one.

WWE Legend Tammy Sytch Sentenced To 17 Years In Prison ... For Fatal Car Crash


WWE legend Tammy Sytch has been ordered to spend roughly the next decade and a half in prison for her role in a 2022 car crash that killed a 75-year-old man.

Sytch learned her fate inside of a Volusia County courtroom on Monday morning ... three months after she pled no contest to, among other charges, one felony count of DUI causing death.

Sytch -- wearing an orange jumpsuit and shackles on her wrists -- addressed the courtroom for a few minutes during the hearing, which lasted several hours and featured testimonies from people affiliated with the case, including a medical expert who evaluated the former wrestling personality in the spring.


Sytch broke down in tears during her speech and apologized for her actions. At one point, the 50-year-old also turned to the victim's family and said, "I know my words are not enough but please know that I think about you every day."

When the judge ultimately sentenced her to 17 years in prison, Sytch appeared stoic -- before she was taken out of the courtroom by officials.

Sytch -- also known as "Sunny" in the ring -- has been locked behind bars since May 2022 ... after prosecutors claimed she drunkenly slammed her car into Julian Lasseter's, killing him during a horrific March 2022 crash in Florida.

According to authorities, Sytch barreled into Lasseter while he was stopped at a traffic light. They alleged that at the time of the wreck, she had a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher.

Sytch was hit with eight total charges over the incident ... and, at first, she pled not guilty to all of the charges, though she changed her pleas in August after reaching an agreement with prosecutors.

Following the plea deal, she had been facing a prison sentence of up to 25 years.

The judge also said during Tuesday's proceedings that Sytch will be required to serve 8 years of probation following her prison sentence ... and her driver's license has been permanently revoked.

The case was not the first time Sytch -- who was elected into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2011 -- had been accused of drinking and driving ... she had previously been arrested at least six times prior for impaired driving.



La leyenda de la WWE, Tammy Sytch, ha sido condenada a pasar casi década y media en prisión por su papel en un accidente automovilístico en 2022 que causó la muerte de un hombre de 75 años.

Sytch conoció su destino dentro de una sala de la corte del condado de Volusia el lunes por la mañana, tres meses después de declararse sin oposición a, entre otros cargos, el delito grave de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol, ocasionando una muerte.

Sytch, vistiendo un mono naranja y grilletes en sus muñecas, se dirigió a la sala de audiencias durante unos minutos, duró varias horas y contó con testimonios de personas vinculadas al caso, incluyendo un experto médico que evaluó a la ex personalidad de la lucha libre en la primavera.


Sytch se quebró en lágrimas durante su discurso y se disculpó por sus acciones. También se dirigió a la familia de la víctima y dijo: "Sé que mis palabras no son suficientes, pero por favor, sepan qué pienso en ustedes todos los días".

Cuando el juez finalmente la condenó a 17 años de prisión, Sytch lució estoica, antes de ser sacada de la sala por los oficiales.

Sytch, también conocida como "Sunny" en el ring, ha estado tras las rejas desde mayo de 2022, después de que los fiscales afirmaran que chocó su automóvil contra el de Julian Lasseter, matándolo durante un aparatoso accidente en marzo de 2022 en Florida.

De acuerdo con las autoridades, Sytch embistió a Lasseter mientras estaba detenido en un semáforo. Alegaron que al momento del accidente, tenía un contenido de alcohol en sangre de .08 o superior.

Sytch enfrentó un total de ocho cargos por el incidente… e inicialmente, se declaró no culpable de todos los cargos, aunque cambió sus declaraciones en agosto después de llegar a un acuerdo con los fiscales.

Después del acuerdo de culpabilidad, se enfrentaba a una sentencia de prisión de hasta 25 años.

El juez también dijo durante la audiencia del martes que Sytch deberá cumplir 8 años de libertad condicional después de su condena a prisión… y su licencia de conducir ha sido revocada permanentemente.

Este no fue el primer caso en el que Sytch, quien fue incluida en el Salón de la Fama de la WWE en 2011, fue acusada de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol… anteriormente, había sido arrestada al menos seis veces por conducir alcoholizada.

OnlyFans Model Joshua Hopkins Brawls With Couple At Nobu Bahamas ... Arrested and Jailed


OnlyFans model and combat veteran Joshua Hopkins spent part of his Bahamas vacation in jail -- dude got arrested for his role in a brawl at Nobu, and the whole fight is on video.

TMZ obtained footage of Joshua brawling with other patrons inside Nobu Bahamas on Paradise Island, and you see him landing punches and kicks ... but there's also a woman shattering a glass over Joshua's head!

The brawl went down right in the middle of Nobu's large dining room, in front of dozens of shocked guests and staff ... some even tried to break up the fight, to no avail.

Joshua tells TMZ he'd gone out to dinner with Jason Luv, a famous exotic dancer and porn star during their guys' trip to the Bahamas.

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JH says as soon as they got to Nobu, people started coming up to Jason asking for photos -- all innocent enough. The trouble started when Jason went to the bathroom and Joshua alone at their table, noticed a couple staring at him.

Joshua says he made eye contact with them, and the woman suddenly stood up and yelled, "Who the f*** do you think you are?!?" He says her husband then stood up and got in his face, putting hands on Joshua ... and then all hell broke loose.

We mentioned the glass being smashed over Joshua's head in the fight video ... well, he says he suffered a cut that required treatment at a hospital.

While Joshua tells us he didn't want to press charges against the couple -- he thinks they were drunk and didn't want to ruin their vacation -- he says they pressed charges against him! So, cops showed up to his door the next day, and arrested him for assault and property damage.

Joshua says he spent 3 days in jail and had to pay an $800 fine because the couple claimed he ruined their clothing and sneakers during the melee.

As for Jason, who got some extra fame recently for banging Adam22's wife Lena The Plug, Joshua says his buddy was not involved in the fight -- he was actually at the front of the restaurant taking pics with fans when the brawl went down.

Joshua sounds like he's ready to move on ... he says he doesn't plan to sue, and it's all in his rearview.

Modelo de OnlyFans Pelea con una pareja en Nobu Bahamas Detenido y encarcelado

una locura total

El modelo de OnlyFans y veterano de combate Joshua Hopkins pasó parte de sus vacaciones en las Bahamas tras las rejas luego de que lo arrestaran por haberse involucrado en una pelea en Nobu, y todo está en video.

TMZ obtuvo las imágenes de Joshua peleando con otros clientes dentro de Nobu Bahamas en Paradise Island, donde se lo ve repartiendo puñetazos y patadas, ¡pero también hay una mujer rompiendo un vaso sobre la cabeza de Joshua!

La pelea se desató en un gran comedor a vista y paciencia de los comensales y el personal, algunos de los cuales trataron de detener la pelea.

Joshua le dice a TMZ que todo comenzó cuando fue a cenar con Jason Luv, un famoso bailarín exótico y estrella porno durante un viaje a las Bahamas.

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Joshua dice que en cuanto entraron, la gente empezó a acercarse a Jason para hablarle y tomarse fotos con él, y cuando Jason fue al baño y lo dejó solo en la mesa, se dio cuenta de que una pareja lo estaba mirando fijamente.

Joshua dice que hizo contacto visual con ellos y la mujer se levantó y dijo: "¡¿Quién diablos te crees que eres?!". Él dice que el marido de la mujer se levantó y se puso enfrente suyo, puso las manos sobre él y luego se desató el infierno.

Ya mencionamos el vaso roto sobre Joshua, y bueno, sobre eso dice que sufrió un corte en la cabeza y que necesitó tratamiento en un hospital local.

También nos dice que no quería presentar cargos contra la pareja —sintió que estaban borrachos y no quería arruinar sus vacaciones—, pero que fue la pareja en realidad la que presentó cargos y por eso los policías se presentaron en su puerta al día siguiente y lo detuvieron por asalto y daños a la propiedad.

Joshua dice que pasó tres días en la cárcel y que tuvo que pagar una multa de $800, pues la pareja afirmó que arruinó uno de sus abrigos, pantalones de jeans y algunos zapatos New Balance en la pelea.

En cuanto a Jason, que se hizo famoso recientemente por tirarse a la mujer de Adam22, Lena The Plug, Joshua dice que NO participó de la pelea en absoluto y que estuvo en la entrada del restaurante tomándose fotos con los fans cuando se produjo la riña.

Suena como que Joshua está listo para seguir adelante... Dice que no planea demandar y que todo está en el pasado.

NY Bar Brawl Security Staff Roped Into Melee ... After Trying to Break It Up



4:24 PM PT -- Hayley Burley -- the owner/manager of Shorts Bar & Grills -- tells TMZ ... there was one real troublemaker who started this mess, even though it looks like a free-for-all.

She adds, "Holidays are a really crazy busy time of year and we do everything we can to ensure that everyone has a fun and safe holiday. The man involved was taking swings at my customers. Unfortunately the video doesn't really depict my bartender who was trying to help get the situation under control is having his ankle twisted in the and asking for help. We never condone any type of violence and the police were called and responded immediately."

A security staffer who got dragged into a bar fight he was trying to break up just proves the old adage is true ... no good deed goes unpunished, and sometimes you gotta kick ass.

Check out this wild footage, obtained by TMZ, showing an absolute melee going down late Friday night/early Saturday morning at a joint called Shorts Bar & Grill out in Fairport, NY ... where we're told 4 dudes went at it right on the floor as the evening tipped into midnight.

As exciting as that was ... it was nothing compared to when one of the hired "Staff" security guards stepped in. At first, he was pulling people away and separating everyone -- that is, until someone on the outskirts apparently pushed him down to keep the chaos going.

That's certainly what it looks like, anyway ... and that's certainly how the bouncer took it -- 'cause the guy started wailing on the man whom he suspected of shoving/provoking.

Indeed ... the beatdown he dished out to this older fella is pretty brutal -- dropping elbows on him and socking away. Eventually, they let the guy get up and stumble his way out of the scene. He didn't really put up much of a fight, and it's unclear what happened after.

No word on whether cops were called to this brawl or not either ... and what's even weirder is that this seems to have been Buffalo Bills related (if the jersey'd fan is any indication).

@nicolehouli / Instagram

We know the Bills Mafia can get rowdy, but weirdly enough ... their team doesn't even play until Monday. Never too early to let the fists fly, we suppose -- happy holidays, everyone!

Originally Published -- 1:14 PM PT

Jim Irsay On 2014 Arrest ... Cops Targeted Me 'Because I'm A Rich, White Billionaire'

Jim Irsay says he was targeted by police during his 2014 arrest ... emphatically believing cops were prejudiced against him because he's "a rich, white billionaire."

The Indianapolis Colts owner made the eyebrow-raising statements to Andrea Kremer during an interview with HBO Sports that aired earlier this week.

In their chat, Kremer asked Irsay if his DUI arrest in Carmel, Ind. some nine years ago was a "low point" for him ... and a few seconds later, he sounded off.

"I am prejudiced against because I'm a rich, white billionaire," Irsay told her. "If I'm just the average guy down the block, they're not pulling me in, of course not."

Carmel police had said at the time of the arrest they stopped Irsay for, among other things, driving too slowly as well as failing to use his turn signal. They eventually put him in cuffs after they claimed he failed their sobriety tests.

112223_jim_irsay_dui_2014_kal MARCH 2014
THE 2014 DUI

Dashcam footage from the scene appeared to show Irsay having trouble walking while talking with cops outside of his car. Cops say toxicology results, meanwhile, showed he had multiple painkillers in his system, including oxycodone and hydrocodone.

Irsay, however, still told Kremer, "The arrest was wrong."

"I had just had hip surgery, and had been in the car for 45 minutes," he said. "And what -- they asked me to walk the line? Are you kidding me? I can barely walk at all."

Irsay eventually pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of operating a vehicle while intoxicated ... and was sentenced to 1 year probation. He told Kremer he only cut the deal with prosecutors because he wanted to get the case "over with."

For the Carmel Police Department's part, it said in a statement to The Indianapolis Star on Tuesday regarding Irsay's allegations, "We are very sorry to hear that comment about our officers and our department."

"We have a very professional agency consisting of officers that strive to protect our community with integrity and professionalism."