POST MALONE ¡Actuación sorpresa capturada en video!


Post Malone llegó a un bar irlandés en Nueva Zelanda y terminó en el micrófono cubriendo dos canciones con una banda en vivo y TMZ tiene todo en video.

Échale un vistazo a las imágenes, Posty está cantando "What I Got" de Sublime en un lugar pequeño y lleno y nos dicen que su aparición fue una sorpresa total.

La gente que estaba allí le dice a TMZ que Post apareció sin previo aviso en el pub irlandés de Danny Doolan el domingo por la noche en Auckland, llegando con unos amigos alrededor de las 9:30 PM y permaneciendo durante las próximas 4 horas de fiesta con todo el mundo en el bar.

Ya sabes hacia dónde va esto... los clientes del bar no paraban de animar a Post Malone para que cogiera el micro y cantara con la banda en directo, animándole hasta que finalmente cedió.


Además de versionar una canción de Sublime, Post también cantó "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" de The Proclaimers. Dos elecciones sólidas, sin duda.

Posty está en la ciudad porque su tour: "If Y'all Weren't Here, I'd Be Crying World Tour", tiene una parada programada el martes en Auckland y estos afortunados tuvieron una actuación sorpresa.

Post Malone Sings Sublime at New Zealand Bar ... Surprise Performance!!!


Post Malone dropping in unexpectedly at an Irish bar in New Zealand and singing with a band -- if that sounds like the makings of a really good time to you, this video proves you're damn right!

Check out this footage TMZ obtained ... Posty is singing "What I Got" by Sublime at a tiny venue -- relative to the arenas he normally plays --. and we're told the performance was a total surprise.

Folks who were there say Post showed up around 9:30 PM Sunday at Danny Doolan's Irish pub in Auckland. He arrived with a few friends and stayed for the next 4 hours, partying with everyone at the bar.


You know where this is going ... bar patrons kept encouraging him to grab the mic and sing with the live band, cheering him on until he ultimately hopped on the stage.


In addition to covering a Sublime song, he also sang "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by The Proclaimers. Two solid choices, no doubt.

Post is in town because his "If Y'all Weren't Here, I'd Be Crying" world tour stops Tuesday night in Auckland -- but the lucky Kiwis at Danny Doolan's got a mini-show for free!

Hulk and Nick Hogan Working Bikini Contest Before Nick's DUI Arrest


Nick Hogan was working a bikini contest at his father Hulk Hogan's restaurant hours before being arrested for DUI in Florida.

TMZ obtained video from Friday's event at Hogan's Hangout in Clearwater ... and you see Nick working from the DJ booth, playing music and introducing some of the winners.

Hulk was one of the judges, and he was also hosting the bikini contest, which featured $5,000 in cash prizes to three winners ... with Nick serving as MC/DJ.

When the contest started, Hulk announced they were giving out free shots ... which is interesting because ... as we first told you, later that night Nick got busted on suspicion of driving under the influence.

Nick's yet to address his DUI bust ... which comes 16 years after a scary car wreck in Clearwater that left a passenger with severe brain damage ... but now we know what he was doing earlier in the night.

Meanwhile, the mother of the Marine who was injured in Nick's '07 incident -- John Graziano -- is ripping Nick ... Debra Graziano says this latest incident shows NH hasn't learned his lesson.

Kansas City Chiefs Fans Line Up Hours Before Eagles Game ... Battle Near-Freezing Temps To Tailgate

It might be Monday morning, raining and nearly freezing in Kansas City ... but Chiefs fans are still pouring out in droves to support their team before their huge matchup with the Philadelphia Eagles.

According to reporters at Arrowhead Stadium, Patrick Mahomes fanatics showed up to the site of arguably the biggest game of the NFL's regular season some 12 hours before it began ... this despite it being a workday with some pretty crappy weather.

You can see in images taken by KCTV5's Nathan Brennan, a line of cars filled with Chiefs fans stretched all the way into the street outside the stadium -- even though it's about 40 degrees out.

Plenty more are expected to be on their way soon, too.

Of course, it's hard to blame them for the excitement ... after all, the "Monday Night Football" matchup features two of the best teams in the league -- and it's also a rematch of Super Bowl LVII.

The Chiefs are currently 2.5-point favorites ... though many believe the Eagles -- who are 8-1 this season -- are the better squad.

Kickoff is slated for 8:15 PM local time ... getcha popcorn -- and, for those in K.C., your umbrellas and mittens -- ready!!

Kim, Kylie, Beyoncé, T-Swift Check Out Our Private Jets ... It's The Only Way We Fly!!!

Hollywood's biggest stars are flying high these days ... eschewing commercial air travel for a more luxurious and lavish experience ... in their own private aircrafts.

Big-time celebs like Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, John Travolta, Lady Gaga, Kylie Jenner, Rick Ross, Drake and Floyd Mayweather are among those who own their own jets ... and they get around.

For starters, Kim's private jet is a $150 million G650ER aircraft ... the same model Jeff Bezos owns.

Kim's customized her jet to her liking ... she calls it "Kim Air." She likes to serve her guests waffles, among other in-flight goodies.

Kylie, meanwhile, dropped $72 million on her private jet back in 2020 ... it's decked out with a master suite, closet, entertainment suite, two bathrooms and has her initials embroidered on the seats.

Like her big sister, Kylie calls her jet "Kylie Air" ... and the in-flight menu includes salads and pasta, plus cocktails and wine.

Beyonce's not only the Queen B, she's also the queen of the skies ... her private plane is huge, with room for 15 to 19 passengers aboard the Bombardier Challenger 850.

Bey bought the plane way back in 2012 for $40 million as a Father's Day gift for husband Jay-Z ... and it's been whisking their family around ever since.

Taylor's got a fleet of private jets at her disposal ... which she put to good use during her 'Eras' tour.

T-Swift has two multimillion-dollar planes, which she's used for over 100 flights this year alone ... with more trips likely on the way as her tour goes overseas.

Hollywood's flush with private jet use ... check out the gallery to see who else owns their own plane.

KIM, KYLIE, BEYONCÉ, T-SWIFT Echa un vistazo a sus jets privados ¡¡¡Es la única forma en que volamos!!!

Las estrellas más famosas de Hollywood están volando alto en estos días, evitando los viajes comerciales para tener una experiencia más lujosa en sus propios aviones privados.

Grandes celebridades como Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, John Travolta, Lady Gaga, Kylie Jenner, Rick Ross, Drake y Floyd Mayweather están entre los que poseen sus propios jets y se mueven en ellos.

Para empezar, el jet privado de Kim es un avión G650ER de 150 millones de dólares, el mismo modelo que posee Jeff Bezos.

Kim ha personalizado su jet a su gusto. Lo llama "Kim Air". A ella le gusta servir golosinas y otras delicias a sus invitados en sus vuelos.

Kylie, por su parte, desembolsó $72 millones de dólares por su jet privado en 2020. Este está engalanado con una suite principal, un armario, una suite de entretenimiento, dos baños y tiene sus iniciales bordadas en los asientos.

Al igual que su hermana mayor, Kylie llama a su jet "Kylie Air" y el menú a bordo incluye ensaladas y pasta, además de cócteles y vino.

Beyonce no es solo la Queen B, también es la reina de los cielos. Su avión Bombardier Challenger 850 es enorme, con espacio para entre 15 a 19 pasajeros a bordo.

Bey compró el avión en 2012 por 40 millones de dólares como un regalo para su marido Jay-Z por el Día del Padre y ha estado llevando a su familia en él desde entonces.

Taylor tiene una flota de jets privados a su disposición, los que ha dispuesto muy bien durante su gira "Eras".

Taylor Swift tiene dos aviones multimillonarios, que ha utilizado para más de 100 vuelos solo este año, y probablemente serán más con su gira en el extranjero.

Hollywood está lleno de aviones privados. Echa un vistazo a la galería para ver quién más posee su propio avión.

MITCHEL MUSSO CASO DESESTIMADO Tras el arresto por embriaguez pública y robo

Los cargos de la estrella de "Hannah Montana" Mitchel Musso, de embriaguez pública y robo, han sido desestimados, esto viene un par de meses después de ser arrestado. TMZ ha indagado.

Un representante de la ciudad de Rockwall le dice a TMZ que el caso de Mitchel fue desestimado, aunque no se dio ninguna razón. Nos dice cualquier cuerpo de video de la cámara y más información no se proporcionará porque el caso no dio lugar a una condena o adjudicación diferida.

TMZ publicó la historia, Mitchel fue esposado en agosto después de que la policía de Rockwall respondiera a una llamada en un hotel donde la gente estaba reclamando  que el actor estaba actuando de manera beligerante y había robado algo del mercado de alimentos.

Nos dijeron que el personal del hotel le exigió que pagara por el producto, pero supuestamente se puso verbalmente abusivo ... y cuando los policías lo encontraron fuera del hotel, determinaron que estaba bajo la influencia.

Además, los oficiales dijeron que encontraron órdenes de tráfico pendientes a su nombre y, finalmente, decidieron arrestarlo.

Fue fichado por algunos cargos diferentes ... intoxicación pública, robo (menos de $ 100), registro vencido, no mostrar una licencia de conducir, y la violación de una promesa de comparecer aviso ... pero ahora se nos dice todo el caso fue retirado.

Mitchel habló después de su detención, diciendo a EW: "Yo no estaba absolutamente borracho o bebiendo, y no había 100% de robo" - y agregó: "Es lamentable, es un malentendido."

Mitchel Musso Public Intoxication Case Dismissed

"Hannah Montana" star Mitchel Musso's public drunkenness and theft case has been dropped ... TMZ has learned -- a reversal of fortune that comes just a couple of months after his arrest.

A rep for the city of Rockwall, TX tells TMZ ... Mitchel's case was dismissed, although no reason was given -- we're just told any body cam footage, and further info won't be released because the case did not result in a conviction or deferred adjudication.

TMZ broke the story, Mitchel was cuffed back in August after Rockwall PD responded to a call at a hotel where people were claiming the actor was acting belligerently and had stolen something from the food market.

We were told hotel staff demanded he pay for the product, but he allegedly became verbally abusive ... and when cops found him outside the hotel, they determined he was under the influence.

In addition, officers said they found outstanding traffic warrants in his name and ultimately decided to arrest him.

He was booked on a few different charges ... public intoxication, theft (under $100), expired registration, failure to display a driver's license, and violating a promise to appear notice ... but now we're told the whole case was dropped.

Mitchel spoke out after his arrest, telling EW, "I was absolutely not drunk or drinking, and there was 100% no theft" -- adding, "It's unfortunate, it's a misunderstanding."


El ex prometido de Savannah Chrisley, Nic Kerdiles, tenía alcohol en su sistema cuando murió a principios de este año luego de un fatal accidente de motocicleta, esto de acuerdo con el médico forense.

De acuerdo con el informe de la autopsia, obtenido por TMZ, las autoridades de Nashville encontraron evidencia de etanol en el torrente sanguíneo de Kerdiles después de las pruebas de toxicología y estiman que su BAC es de alrededor de 0.124, muy por encima del límite legal.

Los funcionarios señalan el cuerpo de Kerdiles quedó bastante golpeado como resultado del accidente; incluyendo múltiples huesos rotos, contusiones en el cerebro y otros daños. El forense determinó que la causa de la muerte fueron múltiples lesiones traumáticas contundentes, por lo que el accidente fue accidental. Radar Online fue el primero en informar de la noticia.

TMZ lo dijo primero, Kerdiles  —un ex jugador de la NHL para los Patos de Anaheim— chocó con un coche mientras viajaba a altas horas de la noche un fin de semana en septiembre, cuando la policía dice que voló más allá de una señal de stop y golpeó el lado de un cruce de BMW.

Fue una tragedia absoluta, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta su última foto oficial en redes sociales que, literalmente, lo mostraba montando su moto y etiquetándose a sí mismo como un "Night rider".

Savannah, que había estado comprometida con Nic entre 2018 y 2020, estaba devastada por la noticia y publicó un homenaje a Nic, escribiendo: "El cielo ganó el ángel más hermoso hoy, te extraño y te amo", mientras agregaba: "Te amamos mucho y no puedo esperar a andar en bicicleta contigo por las playas del cielo algún día".

Antes de que terminaran su relación, Nic había aparecido en el programa de su familia, "Chrisley Knows Best", y su propuesta a ella fue capturada en cámara.

Solo tenía 29 años.

Savannah Chrisley Ex Nic Kerdiles Had Alcohol in System At Time of Crash Death

Savannah Chrisley's ex-fiancé, Nic Kerdiles, had alcohol in his system when he died earlier this year after a fatal motorcycle crash ... this according to the medical examiner.

According to the autopsy report, obtained by TMZ, the ME in Nashville found evidence of ethanol in Kerdiles' bloodstream after toxicology tests were done ... and they estimate his BAC at about 0.124, well over the legal limit.

Officials note Kerdiles' body was pretty banged up as a result of the accident -- including multiple broken bones, bruising of the brain and other abrasions. The Medical Examiner found the cause of death to be multiple blunt traumatic injuries ... ruling it as accidental. Radar Online was the first to report the news.

TMZ broke the story ... Kerdiles -- a former NHL player for the Anaheim Ducks -- collided with a car while riding late at night one weekend back in September, when cops say he blew past a stop sign and struck the side of a crossing BMW.

It was an absolute tragedy, especially considering his last official photo on social media -- which literally showed him riding his bike, and labeling himself a "Night rider."

Savannah, who'd been engaged to Nic between 2018 and 2020, was devastated by the news ... and posted a tribute to Nic in the aftermath, writing -- "Heaven gained the most beautiful angel today ... I miss you and I love you," while adding, "We loved hard ... and I can't wait to ride bikes with you along the beaches of heaven one day."

Before they ended their relationship, Nic had been featured on her family's show, "Chrisley Knows Best" ... and his proposal to her was even captured on camera.

He was only 29.

Anheuser-Busch Yes, We Still Support LGBTQ+ Community ... Despite Dylan Mulvaney's Criticism

Anheuser-Busch is defending itself against claims the company abandoned Dylan Mulvaney after the rollout of its transgender-influenced beer campaign crashed and burned.

AB issued a statement Thursday in response to Mulvaney, who claimed company executives failed to support her after she was dragged online by trolls in the aftermath of the ad blitz. She continued, "For a company to hire a trans person and then not publicly stand by them is worse than not hiring a trans person at all."

A spokesperson for AB says the brand is "committed to the programs and partnerships we have forged over decades with organizations across a number of communities, including those in the LGBTQ+ community."

The rep continued ... “The privacy and safety of our employees and our partners is always our top priority. As we move forward, we will focus on what we do best – brewing great beer for everyone and earning our place in moments that matter to our consumers.”

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However, the company still doesn't seem to address Mulvaney's claim ... that the brand never reached out to her when the hate got so vile it was beyond her comprehension.

As we reported, Mulvaney posted an ad campaign for the Bud Light on her Instagram page which included a custom can with her face on it. The whole thing sparked a host of controversy nationwide -- causing the brewing manufacturer to lose a whopping $20 billion-plus in market value after conservatives vowed to boycott the brand.

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Mulvaney says the whole thing left her with, “a loneliness that I wouldn’t wish on anyone” and  it doesn't sound like she and the beer giant will be making up anytime soon.