Aerosmith We Don't Wanna Miss A Thing, But Touring's Over ... Steve's Voice Is Damaged

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Aerosmith's officially finished touring -- the iconic rock band just announced they've made the hard choice to retire from the concert circuit ... 'cause Steven Tyler's voice finally gave out.

They broke the news in a heartfelt Instagram post Friday ... saying that after more than 50 years of shows, they've made the difficult choice to retire.

The main impetus behind the decision ... the group says Tyler's voice -- which they call "an instrument like no other" -- just doesn't sound the same anymore because of his vocal injury despite his months spent working with top doctors.

STEVEN TYLER desestiman la demanda "No hay nada que temer", dice el juez


Una demanda por agresión sexual contra Steven Tyler ha sido desestimada porque un juez dice que el presunto incidente no presentó un grave riesgo de daño a la demandante, TMZ ha indagado.

El año pasado el cantante y compositor fue demandado por Jeanne Bellino que alegó que Steven la besó, manoseó y comenzó a "frotarse contra ella fingiendo tener relaciones sexuales" dos veces una noche en 1975 cuando ella tenía 17 años.

Bellino interpuso la demanda contra Tyler justo el año pasado a través de la Ley de Protección de Víctimas de Violencia de Género de la ciudad de Nueva York, una ley que amplía el plazo de prescripción para que ciertas supuestas fechorías sexuales, en algunos casos de décadas atrás, sean finalmente juzgadas en los tribunales.

El juez dijo que es necesario cumplir con ciertos criterios, tales como: "presentar un grave riesgo de lesiones físicas", cosa que no pasa en este caso.

Básicamente, lo que el juez dijo en la decisión dictada el miércoles, es que Tyler supuestamente besó a la fuerza y tocó a Jeanne -como ella afirma, y si bien esto podría ser angustiante, no es lo suficientemente grave como para adentrarse en terrenos legales.

Es una decisión bastante digna de mención, y no está claro qué ramificaciones futuras puede tener el precedente establecido hoy por el juez en otros casos presentados en la ciudad de Nueva York.

tmz investiga
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Bellino tiene hasta el 13 de marzo para tratar de enmendar su demanda.

Steven Tyler SA Suit Tossed ... 'No Serious Risk of Injury,' Judge Says


A sexual assault lawsuit against Steven Tyler has been dismissed because a judge says the alleged incident did not present a serious risk of harm to the plaintiff ... TMZ has learned.

Here's the deal ... last year the singer-songwriter was sued by Jeanne Bellino who alleged Steven kissed, groped and began "humping her pretending to have sex" twice one night in 1975 when she was 17.

Bellino brought the lawsuit against Tyler just last year via New York City's Victim of Gender-Motivated Violence Protection Act -- a law extending the statute of limitations for certain alleged sexual misdeeds, in some cases from decades past, to finally be heard in court.

But, to take advantage of the longer statute of limitations, the judge said the alleged act needed to meet certain criteria ... including "presenting a serious risk of physical injury" -- a box the judge in Bellino's case says this alleged incident does not check.

Basically, what the judge said in the decision handed down Wednesday is that Tyler allegedly forcibly kissing and dry-humping Jeanne -- as she claims -- might be distressing, but didn't rise to the level of presenting any risk of serious injury, so he tossed the suit.

It's a pretty noteworthy decision, and unclear what future ramifications the precedent set by the judge today may have on other cases filed in New York City under the same provision.

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Bellino has until March 13 to try and amend her complaint.

Barbra Streisand My Hubby's Pillow Talk ... Inspired Aerosmith Song!!!

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Barbra Streisand's life didn't just inspire her hits -- it apparently led to others reaping the benefits of chart success ... including Aerosmith, which rode the coattails of her pillow talk.

According to Barb's new memoir, 'My Name is Barbra,' Steven Tyler and co. have her to thank for their hugely popular single "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" ... 'cause she says the inspiration from the song actually came from something her husband once told her in bed.

The way BS tells it ... she and her then-BF James Brolin were laying next to each other one night (sometime in the mid-'90s) not long after they'd first met/started hooking up.

She says they were staring at each other, when JB said ... "I don't want to fall asleep." She asked why and he replied, "'Cause I'll miss you.'" Barb adds ... "What a beautiful, poetic thing to say. And it captured a moment of complete bliss… physical, emotional, spiritual."

About a year after that, in 1997, Barbra says she was doing an interview with Barbara Walters on "20/20," during which she recounted that sweet moment ... something Diane Warren was also watching from home when this episode aired, so claims Barbra.

One thing led to another, and DW eventually wrote Aerosmith's first #1 hit in '98 ... which went on to be used in "Armageddon" and be nominated for an Oscar that year too.

After seeing how much success the song garnered, Barbra writes ... "It was so gratifying to see so many people responding to Jim's words. Well, no wonder… so did I!"

Super cool story!

BARBRA STREISAND La charla con mi marido... Inspiró una canción de Aerosmith!!!

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La vida de Barbra Streisand no solo inspiró sus grandes éxitos, al parecer también llevó a otros a cosechar beneficios en las listas musicales, incluyendo Aerosmith, quien se vio favorecido de una charla de almohada de Streisand.

Según el nuevo libro de memorias de Barb, 'My Name is Barbra', Steven Tyler y compañía tienen que agradecerle por su popular single "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" pues dice que la inspiración de la canción en realidad vino de algo que su marido le dijo alguna vez en la cama.

Según cuenta Barbra Streisand, ella y su entonces novio James Brolin estaban una noche tumbados uno al lado del otro (a mediados de los 90), poco después de que se conocieron y empezaron a salir.

Ella dice que estaban mirándose fijamente, cuando James dijo: "No quiero dormirme (I don't want to fall asleep)". Ella le preguntó por qué y él respondió: "'Porque te echaré de menos (Cause I'll miss you)". Barb añade: "Qué cosa tan hermosa y poética. Y capturó un momento de completa felicidad... física, emocional, espiritual".

Aproximadamente un año después de eso, en 1997, Barbra cuenta que estaba haciendo una entrevista con Barbara Walters en "20/20", donde contó el dulce momento, algo que Diane Warren también estaba viendo desde casa cuando se emitió este episodio, así lo afirma Barbra.

Una cosa llevó a la otra y Diane Warren finalmente escribió el primer éxito #1 de Aerosmith en el 98 que pasó a ser utilizado en "Armageddon" y a ser nominado a un Oscar ese mismo año también.

Después de ver el éxito que obtuvo la canción, Barbra escribe: "Fue tan gratificante ver a tanta gente respondiendo a las palabras de Jim. No me extraña, ¡para mí también fue así!".

¡Una historia genial!

Steven Tyler Accuser New Lawsuit Just Beat Statute Cutoff ... Alleged Victims Want to Testify For Each Other

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Steven Tyler's latest accuser -- who claims he sexually assaulted her nearly 50 years ago -- filed her lawsuit against the singer in the nick of time, legally speaking ... as the statute of limitations was about to run out.

Jeff Anderson, attorney for the alleged victim Jeanne Bellino, tells TMZ ... he and his client recently decided to file against Tyler under New York City's Gender-Motivated Violence Act.

Under that act, Bellino -- who alleges the assault happened in New York City in 1975 when she was 17 -- has a much larger window for the statute of limitations ... but even so, Anderson says it was set to expire at the end of November.

As we reported, Julia Holcomb also sued Tyler at the end of last year, alleging she was sexually assaulted by the musician in 1973 when she was 16 -- and also claimed he pressured her to get an abortion.

Anderson is representing both women in their respective cases.

In fact, we're told Holcomb and Bellino plan to serve as witnesses for each other's cases. Anderson says Bellino first came to him to say she was open to testifying for Holcomb to establish a pattern of Tyler's alleged behavior.

We've reached out to Tyler's attorney for comment ... so far, no word back.



La última denunciante de agresión sexual de Steven Tyler eligió el momento más oportuno para presentar su demanda, justo antes de que prescribieran sus reclamaciones.

Jeff Anderson, el abogado de la presunta víctima Jeanne Bellino, le dice a TMZ que él y su cliente recientemente decidieron presentar una demanda contra Tyler bajo la Ciudad de Nueva York por Violencia de Género Motivada por la Ley.

En virtud de esa ley, Bellino, quien asegura que fue agredida por el cantante en 1975, cuando era menor de 18 años, tiene una ventana de tiempo mucho más grande para el estatuto de limitaciones. Pero aún así, Anderson dice que presentó la acusación porque ese límite estaba a punto de expirar a fines de este mes.

Como informamos, Julia Holcomb también demandó a Tyler a finales del año pasado, diciendo que fue agredida sexualmente por el músico en 1973, cuando tenía 16 años. Alegó que la presionó para que abortara.

Anderson representa tanto a Holcomb como a Bellino en sus respectivos casos contra Tyler, pero el abogado cree que haya ningún conflicto de intereses en la representación de ambas.

De hecho, nos han dicho que Holcomb y Bellino planean servir como testigos en el caso de la otra. Anderson agrega que Bellino se acercó a él y le dijo que estaría dispuesta a testificar por Holcomb para establecer un patrón de comportamiento en Tyler.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el abogado del cantante para obtener algún comentario, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Steven Tyler Vocal Cords are 'Mangled' ... Won't Slow Him Down!!!

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Steven Tyler's vocal cord injury was even worse than first thought -- he can barely speak -- but we're told recovery is certain and he will come back as strong as ever.

Sources close to Tyler tell TMZ ... after blowing out his vocal cords last weekend at his Long Island concert, to the point they bled, Steven flew to Boston to see his ENT doctor, and the X-rays showed the vocal cords were "mangled."

We're told the injury occurred early on during Aerosmith's concert, but he powered through his entire set, including "Dream On," where Steven hit his famous, glass-shattering note in the song's climax. The audience had no idea he was severely impaired.

Our sources say Steven can't even speak now ... he "squeaks" when he tries to talk.

Steven can't sing for 30 days because of the damage, putting the band's tour on pause.

Nevertheless, we're told Steven's not going to let his injury stop him from doing future shows ... and he's still planning on hitting those risky high notes and he will go 100% once his voice returns. As one source put it ... "Steven's an animal. There's no stopping him."

In the meantime, Aerosmith postponed shows in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Raleigh, Washington, D.C. and Toronto ... pushing them back to January and February 2024.

The good news ... this isn't the end for Steven and Aerosmith.

Aerosmith Farewell Tour Kicks Off This Fall ... Doing It While We Can


Aerosmith doesn't wanna miss a thing -- including an opportunity to tour as a unit while they still can ... which is exactly why they're hitting the road one last time.

The band announced its farewell tour Monday, titled 'Peace Out' -- a 40-date slate that kicks off on Sep. 2 in Philly and runs through the end of January to finish in Montreal ... with a lot of stops in between, including their hometown of Boston.

The reason they're saying goodbye forever is two-pronged -- they wanna celebrate their 50-plus years together ... but, more importantly, they want to capitalize on their ability to jam together ... which Aerosmith candidly admits won't last forever, especially as they get older.

Joe Perry made a telling point ... "You never know how much longer everybody’s going to be healthy to do this," adding, "It’s been a while since we’ve actually done a real tour. We did that run in Vegas, which was great. It was fun, but (we’re) kind of anxious to get back on the road." Of course, he's referencing their recent Vegas residency.

The five founding members, who've all been there pretty much since the beginning, are all over the age of 70 ... with frontman Steven Tyler being the oldest at 75.

While everybody's still kicking/rocking -- as evidenced in their recent stint in Sin City -- Perry might have a point about getting in one last shot at what very well may be their last window to perform in tip-top shape. The Aerosmith guys have endured their fair share of health scares over the years, especially of late -- ST's bout of a mystery illness comes to mind.

A farewell tour for Aerosmith has been getting teased for years now, but it sounds like this could actually be the final time you can catch them live. It's unclear if they're going full international -- or if they're just sticking to North America.

The band says their OG drummer, Joey Kramer, won't partake in this voyage -- as he's still on leave to deal with family and health issues, which has been the case since last year. Aerosmith says he'll be sorely missed, and replaced by a guy named John Douglas

Aerosmith's Steven Tyler Sued For Allegedly Sexually Assaulting Minor ... And Insisting She Get An Abortion

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Steven Tyler sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl decades ago and carried on an illicit affair with her, which ended with him insisting she abort their child, this according to a new lawsuit.

The legendary Aerosmith frontman is not named in the suit, but he's one of 50 defendants identified as a “Doe.” The plaintiff/accuser, Julia Holcomb, has previously gone on record about their relationship and she quotes directly from the singer's 2011 memoir in the suit. Tyler's memoir made a cryptic reference to his time spent with an underage girl, but he maintained they had a "romantic, loving relationship."

According to the docs obtained by Rolling Stone, Holcomb first met Tyler just after her 16th birthday at a 1973 Aerosmith concert in Portland, Oregon. Tyler, who was then around 25, allegedly brought Holcomb back to his hotel room, where they chatted about her age and troubled home life.

Holcomb says Tyler then “performed various acts of criminal sexual conduct upon.” She claims he continued to have sex with her after illegally flying her as a minor across state lines -- a possible federal crime under the Mann Act -- to Seattle for Aerosmith's next show.

The docs also state Tyler tried to coax Holcomb's mom into turning over guardianship of her daughter to him so he could fully provide for her. But, Holcomb says, Tyler did not follow through with his plans “and instead continued to travel with, assault and provide alcohol and drugs" to her.

By 1975, Holcomb says she was 17 and pregnant with Tyler’s son ... Tyler allegedly ordered her to get an abortion after an apartment fire, insisting the unborn baby was suffering from a lack of oxygen -- an allegation dismissed by a medical professional.

Holcomb says she was torn about terminating the pregnancy ... but ultimately went through with it after Tyler threatened to totally cut her off. After that, she reportedly left Tyler and went back home to Portland to pick up the pieces of her life.

Holcomb's suit accuses Tyler of sexual assault, sexual battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

We reached out to Steven's rep ... so far no word back.

Aerosmith Nixes Las Vegas Show At Last Minute ... After Steven Tyler Mystery Illness

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Aerosmith called off their concert Friday night in Las Vegas ... this after Steven Tyler had fallen ill.

The legendary rock band was set to perform at Dolby Live at Park MGM as part of their "Deuces Are Wild" residency ... but Steven got sick about 2 hours before they were to hit the stage. It's unclear what the medical issue was that benched the band.

The group posted a statement to Instagram ... "It is with great disappointment that we are forced to cancel tonight's show in Las Vegas due to Steven feeling unwell and unable to perform. He is expected to make a full recovery for Monday night's Las Vegas show. We sincerely apologize for the last-minute notice." All tickets will be refunded.

Back in May, the singer also experienced health problems ... Steven voluntarily went to rehab after relapsing on pain meds following foot surgery.  As a result, Aerosmith was forced to cancel the first leg of their Vegas residency over the summer. They started performing again in September.

Get well soon, Steven!!

Steven Tyler Out of Rehab Doing 'Amazingly Well' & Excited to Get on Stage

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Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler is out of rehab, after a successful stay, and those around him are excited about the progress he's made in a lifelong battle.

Sources close to Steven tell TMZ he checked out of a facility earlier this week, and actually stayed longer than the 30 days he was supposed to complete in order to make sure he felt good.

We're told the singer is totally clean and sober, doing "amazingly well" and looks good physically too -- our sources say he's at a healthy weight and his skin looks great.

As for the rest of his recovery, we're told Steven's realistic, he understands he's fighting a lifelong problem and recognizes his addiction ... so everyone's hopeful he'll stay clean and sober.

It was back in May when Aerosmith announced, "As many of you know, our beloved brother Steven has worked on his sobriety for many years. After foot surgery to prepare for the stage and the necessity of pain management during the process, he has recently relapsed and voluntarily entered a treatment program to concentrate on his health and recovery."

The band was supposed to kick off a string of shows in Vegas in June, but the gigs were canceled as a result of Steven's treatment ... our sources say Steven will be ready to go for the shows scheduled in Vegas for June.

Aerosmith It's Amazing ... Strikes Deal to Get All Their Masters

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Aerosmith's not going to miss a thing -- at least when it comes to their masters -- because the legendary rock band's new deal with Universal Music Group means they'll soon have ownership of all their master recordings.

If you haven't heard ... UMG just announced it will be the home of Aerosmith's entire recorded catalog ahead of their 50th anniversary, and will house the band's future music projects and help develop other ventures to celebrate their history.

Since the group was founded in the early '70s, it's gone back and forth between the hands of Sony and Universal ... and it's slated to get all of its masters from Sony in 2022.

However, despite the huge news with UMG, there was no deal in place for the band to get their masters back from Universal, for songs recorded during their time with that record label ... tracks such as "Dude Looks Like a Lady," "Crazy," "Amazing," "Crying," "Janie’s Got a Gun" and "Livin’ On The Edge."

That's where Aerosmith's manager, Larry Rudolph, stepped up and made some expert negotiations with UMG to make it happen.

We're told he met with some execs there and worked out a deal where UMG would get the right to distribute the ENTIRE Aerosmith catalog -- including its Sony songs -- and in return ... Aerosmith will gain the rights to their masters from their time with Universal Music.

The upshot -- Aerosmith will make 3 times what they're currently getting for their catalog of hits.

Ya gotta think that'll give the band some sweet emotion.

Jon Gruden To Frank Caliendo ... Do Your Gruden Impression W/ Me!!!

Jon Gruden Frank Caliendo

Knock on wood if you think this is hilarious!!!

Jon Gruden commissioned an impromptu Jon Gruden impression from Frank Caliendo at an Aerosmith concert recently ... and the video is laugh-out-loud funny.

FYI -- Caliendo has been doing an insane JG impression for YEARS ... and even famously did the bit for Gruden's Raiders at their training camp this past summer.

So, when Gruden was sitting next to the comedian in an arena waiting for the show to begin ... he whipped out his phone and created 25 seconds of magic with the guy.

JG starts the video by saying, "Yes, I'm sitting here at the Aerosmith concert with my good friend, Jon Gruden. How's it going, Jonny?!"

That's when Caliendo takes it away ... SOUNDING EXACTLY LIKE JON!!!

Frank, though, cracks up throughout the whole impression ... and his explanation for why is hilarious.

"1. Gruden recorded this on his phone," Frank said. "2. He didn’t tell me he was going to do it- and that's why I'm laughing so much. 3. I asked him to send it to me so I could post it. 4. He did... so that should tell you how great he is."

It's unclear why the two were at the concert together ... but this needs to happen more, ASAP!!!

Aerosmith Joey and the Guys Come Together ... He Might Return Soon!!!

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Aerosmith's hoping to get back in the saddle with its original drummer after a couple weeks of awkward tension and not-so-sweet emotions ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the rock band tell us ... Joey Kramer has been working with Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Tom Hamilton and Brad Whitford the past several days to help him return to his spot on the drums, but he's not quite there yet.

We're told Joey's been practicing to get his skills back to where they were before his absence, and once Kramer proves he's up to the task ... the fellas will let him back in to start beating the skins again.

Our sources say the other 4 band members never intended to push Kramer out, and never wanted him to feel that way -- they're all trying to make amends after the recent drama.

We broke the story ... Joey sued Aerosmith for making him audition in order to come back for a couple once-in-a-lifetime 50th-anniversary events over Grammy weekend -- something he claims no other member ever had to do.

Joey Kramer

He says the band blocked him from returning because he lacked the proper energy, and things got even more awkward when Joey was turned away from a rehearsal by security -- and the judge rejected his request to rejoin the group for the Grammy performances.

Joey Kramer Onstage

Still, Joey kept his head up and was with the other guys when they accepted an award last week ... and we're told they're all getting along great. Kramer's even been with them at their recent Vegas shows -- just not playing yet -- and he has dismissed his suit against the band.

Our sources say he could be back on stage soon too -- the band just wants Joey to nail one final audition ... and he'll no longer have to miss a thing.

Aerosmith's Joey Kramer I'm Going to That Grammy Event!!! Even If They Won't Let Me Play

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Joey Kramer

Aerosmith drummer Joey Kramer is taking his L in court in stride -- saying he's not leaving the band, and even though he won't be on the drums ... he'll be front and center for their Friday night gig.

Joey was out Thursday night at a pre-Grammy party in WeHo where a throng of fans showered him with love. Joey snapped selfies and signed autographs ... and overall looked to be in a pretty good mood.

The camera guy asks Joey if he plans to rejoin the band after its 2 Grammy gigs ... prompting the rock star to give a quick-witted answer, followed by a huge smile. He added that despite the judge ruling he can't play with Aerosmith this weekend ... he'll be at Friday night's MusiCares Person of Year Gala -- and he explains why.

It's not like Joey's crashing it either, he's been invited to attend ... regardless of the legal battle with his bandmates.

Joey Kramer

TMZ broke the story ... Joey got shut down in court after a judge ruled against him joining the band for their Grammys performance. Remember, he sued the band as a last-ditch effort to return to his "rightful place" with Aerosmith ... but the judge sided with the band's reasoning for keeping him out -- he's too rusty.

We obtained a video of Joey trying to join the band's Grammy rehearsal in L.A. last weekend, but he was denied entry. Joey tells TMZ seeing a fill-in drummer playing on stage at two premiere events honoring the band he's been a part of for 50 years is extremely hurtful.