Bella Hadid Forget Adidas ... I'll Rodeo My Problems Away!!!


Bella Hadid is horsing around after getting serious about the controversy surrounding her ill-fated, and ill-planned, Adidas modeling gig.

The supermodel was in Fort Worth, TX Monday night riding a horse inside a rodeo arena, only hours after breaking her silence on the Adidas shoe drama in which she's been embroiled.

Bella's in full cowgirl mode in the video and photo -- rocking a cowboy hat, boots and a Texas-sized belt buckle while riding.

Bella Hadid On Adidas Shoe Controversy I Didn't Know The History!!!

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Bella Hadid is speaking out on the big controversy surrounding her Adidas ad campaign for a Munich Olympics shoe ... and she says she didn't do her homework.

The model reacted to the backlash from last week in a lengthy statement posted on social media Monday ... saying she had no clue the 1972 Munich Olympics included a famous tragedy where 11 Israeli athletes were taken hostage and murdered by Palestinian terrorists.

Bella explains she had no knowledge of the historical connection between the '72 Olympics and the Adidas shoe, adding ... "I am shocked, I am upset, and I am disappointed in the lack of sensitivity that went into this campaign."



Bella Hadid is gearing up for a fight, Montel Williams is kinda endorsing Kamala Harris and Kobe Bryant's got some unique memorabilia up for sale ... all this on TMZ TV Hot Takes.

TMZ Live

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First up on "TMZ Live" Harvey and Charles explain why Bella is lawyering up after a controversial Adidas ad campaign sparked a wave of backlash.

Adidas Sorry Connections w/ '72 Olympics Campaign Lingering ... Apologizes to Bella Hadid

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Adidas is issuing another mea culpa over their Munich Olympics campaign ... publicly apologizing to their partners -- including Bella Hadid.

The footwear giant posted another apology -- their second in the last few days -- early Sunday morning ... acknowledging connections are still being made between the Munich Massacre of the 1972 Olympics and their recent SL72 campaign.

Adidas says the connections weren't meant, and they apologize -- all falling right in line with the apology they issued earlier this week after the American Jewish Community called them out.

Adidas Apologizes For Bella Hadid Munich Olympics Shoe Ad ... Backlash From Jewish Org

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Adidas is not getting a gold medal for an advertising campaign with Bella Hadid ... the shoe giant is apologizing for what many are calling a big antisemitic mistake.

Here's the deal ... Adidas made Bella the face of its marketing plan for a retro sneaker referencing the 1972 Munich Olympics ... the Games where Palestinian terrorists infamously murdered 11 members of Israel's Olympic team after taking them hostage.

The issue ... Bella's a Palestinian-American model who has been a vocal critic of Israel amid the war in Gaza ... and her involvement with a shoe commemorating the Munich massacre pissed off folks at the American Jewish Committee.

Adidas Slams 'Dusty' Kevin Durant ... For Anthony Edwards Shoe Diss


Adidas woke up and chose violence on Friday ... the sportswear giants went straight for "dusty" Kevin Durant's neck after he took a shot at T'Wolves star Anthony Edwards' sneakers, and fans are losin' it!

It all started when the question was posed ... would KD, a Nike-signed athlete, ever rock Edwards' signature Adidas kicks? 35-year-old Durant answered the question himself, emphatically writing, "Won’t EVER see me put a big toe in them Mfers."

Adidas wasn't going to take that lying down ... their official account, with over 4 million followers, responded, and it was harsh.

"U dusty," Adidas replied. "Bouta retire soon anyway."

The burn has since been deleted, begging the question ... was the tweet sent accidentally from the official brand X account?

That's an answer we don't yet have ... but there's some evidence it wasn't a mistake.

Adidas later added, "Meant to send that from the burner account..."

Of course, Kevin, as NBA fans are well aware, has been caught using burners in the past.

FYI, Edwards' AE1s drop on December 16 ... just in time for Christmas.

Obviously, we won't see 'em under KD's tree.

Kanye West Report: Drew Swastikas, Praised Hitler Often In Early Adidas Meetings

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Adidas shoulda seen Kanye West's antisemitic rants coming -- during one of his first meetings with the company, 11 years ago, he reportedly drew a swastika on a shoe sketch.

Shortly after signing on with the German sneaker giant in 2013, employees presented a bunch of shoe sketches to Kayne, which he did not like -- and, in response, he picked up a marker and drew a swastika over one of the sketches ... according to a NYT report.

That move shocked everyone in the room, especially because the meeting was reportedly going down close to Nuremberg, where Nazis infamously stood trial for war crimes after WW II.

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Kanye set the bar with that move, though, because the NYT report claims, in future meetings,  he advised "a Jewish Adidas manager to kiss a picture of Adolf Hitler every day" -- and repeatedly told other Adidas employees what a "master marketer" Hitler was, and praised his "command of propaganda."

Keep in mind, Adidas remained in the Yeezy biz for nearly 10 years, and made a ton of money with Kanye, until last year ... when he started publicly spewing his antisemitic beliefs.

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Adidas reportedly tripled Kanye's salary during a 2016 contract negotiation but added a morals clause in the deal -- perhaps because it was, by then, well aware of his affinity for Hitler and the Nazis.

The company used that morals clause to cut all ties with him in 2022 ... which Adidas said would end up costing it a billion dollars in revenue. It also bumped Kanye out of billionaire status.

Kanye West Reporte: Vistió esvásticas y alabó a Hitler a menudo En primeras reuniones con Adidas


Adidas debe haber visto venir los desplantes antisemitas de Kanye West.  Un reporte revela que durante una de sus primeras reuniones con la empresa, hace once años, supuestamente dibujó una esvástica en un boceto de zapatillas.

Poco después de firmar con el gigante deportivo en 2012, los empleados le presentaron un montón de bocetos de zapatillas, que no le gustaron. En respuesta, Kanye cogió un rotulador y dibujó una esvástica sobre uno de los bocetos, según un reportaje del New York Times.

Ese movimiento conmocionó a todos en la sala, sobre todo porque la reunión se estaba llevando a cabo cerca de Nuremberg, donde los nazis infamemente fueron juzgados por crímenes de guerra después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

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No me arrepiento, no tengo remordimientos

Kanye sentó el tono con ese movimiento, porque el informe del NYT afirma que en futuras reuniones aconsejó a "un gerente judío de Adidas que besara una foto de Adolf Hitler todos los días", y repetidamente dijo a otros empleados de Adidas el gran genio que era Hitler en cuanto al marketing y elogió su "dominio de la propaganda."

Es importante tener en cuenta que Adidas se mantuvo en el negocio junto a Yeezy durante casi diez años e hizo una tonelada de dinero con Kanye hasta el año pasado, cuando comenzó a vomitar sus creencias antisemitas públicamente.

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De la boca de KAnye...

Adidas supuestamente triplicó el salario de Kanye durante una negociación de contrato en 2016, pero agregó una cláusula moral en el acuerdo, tal vez porque para entonces ya era muy consciente de su afinidad hacia Hitler y los nazis.

La compañía utilizó esa cláusula moral para cortar todos sus lazos con él en 2022, lo que le terminó costando mil millones de dólares en ingresos a la marca. También hizo que Kanye perdiera su estatus de multimillonario.

Adidas Selling Off Yeezys Yeah, We Were Slow Cutting Ties With Ye ... But We're Giving $$$ to Anti-Defamation League

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Looks like Adidas is trying to make good after getting skewered for failing to part ways with Kanye West during his antisemitic tirade ... because the company's donating a chunk of its upcoming Yeezy profits to the Anti-Defamation League and other charities.

Adidas says it's going to sell off some of its remaining inventory at the end of this month, adding a "significant amount will be donated to selected organizations working to combat discrimination and hate, including racism and antisemitism."

In addition to the Anti-Defamation League, the Philonise & Keeta Floyd Institute for Social Change -- started by George Floyd's brother, Philonise -- will also benefit.

It's unclear how much will go to the charities, but as we reported, there's about $1.3 billion in Yeezy products left over after the company pulled the plug on Kanye back in October.

You'll recall, Adidas seemed slow on the draw when it came to Ye -- dropping him well into his antisemitic tirades, including his unforgettable post -- "death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE."

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Ye also had some extremely controversial takes regarding Floyd's tragic death back in 2020.

Adidas eventually kicked Kanye to the curb and tried repurposing its remaining stock, selling the shoes without the Yeezy name ... which, by the way, fell flat.

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Regardless, it seems Adidas is trying to bring those profits back up and make things right with the communities.

Beyoncé & Adidas Mutually Agree To Part Ways After $50 Mil Decline In Sales

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There will be no summer renaissance for Beyoncé and Adidas this year ... the two powerhouses have mutually agreed to part ways.

The Wall Street Journal reports Beyoncé's custom clothing line Ivy Park fell WAY below its 2022 sales projections of $250 mil ... only bringing in roughly $40 mil to close out the year.

Those numbers were also considerably lower than 2021's tally of $93 million ... and fresh marketing campaigns with celebs such as Irina Shayk, Yara Shahidi, Megan Thee Stallion and current hip hop it-girl Ice Spice weren't able to rouse the public's interest at the cash register.

Before cutting ties, 2023's projections were shifted from $335 mill to $65 mill. Beyoncé's contract is finished at the end of the year but is still on track to earn her $20 mil annual salary.

What's also interesting about the split is Beyoncé is set to embark on her Renaissance World Tour ... which could've brought in huge merch sales for Ivy Park.

The news spells more shaky ground for Adidas ... they're also expecting a crazy $1.3 billion loss in sales this year following Kanye West's deflection.

Adidas Droppin' Ye a Very Costly Call ... We're Deep in the Hole!!!

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Adidas is saying it's in a serious financial pinch ... and it's blaming the bind directly on its decision to split from Kanye West.

The athletic brand gave the worrisome update Thursday, saying it's expected to lose a whopping $1.3 billion in sales in 2023 -- and the company says it's because it's unable to sell off all the Yeezy shoes and clothes it still owns.

As we reported, Adidas cut ties with Ye last year after his antisemitic comments and actions ... but the brand announced soon after dropping him that it would continue to sell Kanye's designs, just without the Yeezy name.

Based on the financial report, it doesn't seem like that's working.

The statement says it could lose another $534 mil if it pulls the plug on repurposing the remaining Yeezy stash -- CEO Bjørn Gulden adds, "The numbers speak for themselves. We are currently not performing the way we should." He says 2023 is a year of transition for the brand.

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FYI -- we reported there's a clause in Ye's contract with Adidas that says he could get a reduced fee if his designs get sold with a rebrand ... but we were told the brand simply isn't cutting checks for him.

Pele Paid $120K To Tie Shoes Before Match ... Intensified Feud W/ Adidas, Puma

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Pele was paid $120K by a major sneaker company to bend down at midfield and tie his shoe before a 1970 World Cup match ... giving birth to a bitter feud between Puma and Adidas!

Pele's death has unearthed all kinds of stories about the soccer legend, who died Thursday at the age of 82, following a lengthy battle with colon cancer ... including when the greatest player ever was paid the equivalent of $1 million (in 2022 w/ inflation) to tie a Puma soccer cleat, according to Joe Pompliano, who told the story.

It all started in 1924 when Adolf and Rudolf Dassler started a shoe company, Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory. The shoemaker was successful, and Jesse Owens even wore their brand during the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, where Owens dominated in front of Hitler, winning 4 gold medals.

But, by 1948, the brothers had a falling out and decided to go their own way ... each starting a sneaker company of their own. Adolf created Adidas and Rudolf, Puma. The brothers swore to never do business with one another.

Things changed in the late 60s when the brothers buried the hatchet and began communicating again, all in the interest of self-preservation. Adolf and Rudolf made a "Pele pact," an agreement that both companies would stay away from Pele, the biggest sports star in the world, fearing a sponsorship negotiation could bankrupt both companies.

Unfortunately for Adidas, Puma didn't exactly abide by the pact. Prior to a World Cup quarterfinal match in 1970 between Peru and Pele's Brazil, Puma paid the soccer superstar $120K to walk toward midfield just before the start of the game, bend down, and tie his Puma shoe.

Of course, Puma wanted to capture the moment on video ... so to ensure they didn't miss the moment, the shoewear company reportedly went as far as to pay the cameraman!

Brazil beat Peru ... and ended up winning the entire World Cup. It was Pele's record third.

The Pele-Puma partnership didn't come to an end with the '70 WC ... the deal was a smash success for everyone involved.

In the end, Adidas and Puma became two of the biggest shoe sellers in the world, and Pele, arguably, the greatest soccer player to ever step foot on a pitch.

Adidas Sitting on Over Half a Bil in Yeezys Must Sell, Sell, Sell: Report

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Adidas cutting ties with Kanye West has turned out to be a major gamble, because it has over half a billion dollars worth of the guy's shoes to sell, without his name anymore.

We already knew Adidas was planning to move forward with selling unbranded Yeezys post-split, but now ... we have a bit more insight into why. According to the Financial Times, insiders at the sneaker company claim Adidas is sitting on a huge mountain of Yeezys.

Per the report, the inventory the company has amounts to about $530 million ... and Adidas is apparently eager to hawk them to avoid taking an even bigger hit than what it's publicly disclosed thus far -- which was already looking quite grim for end-of-year numbers.

On top of the staggering amount of shoes it has to move -- which Adidas is reportedly scrambling to figure out how to do it -- the FT story goes into some detail about how deeply tied it was to Yeezys and to what extent Adidas was hinging its success on it.

In 2022 alone, Yeezys made Adidas upwards of $1.8 billion ... and made up around 7% of its total profits. The report also says Yeezy has stayed strong as a constant product in the Adidas wheelhouse since at least 2019, which might explain why Adidas took so long to finally cut ties with Kanye -- the dude (and his shoe brand) was literally its cash cow.

Adidas has reportedly already set a date for its first unofficial Yeezy release ... the company is calling it the Adidas 350 V2 “Granite," and it's supposed to retail for $230 -- dropping in January.

There's been a lot of debate online over whether people should (or will) buy what Adidas is trying to sell now ... but this report makes it clear -- it's banking on sneakerheads continuing to cop, because if they don't ... it could mean trouble for the shoe company.

Kanye, meanwhile, hasn't said much about Adidas/Yeezy specifically of late -- other than to generally complain. He hasn't shown any signs of trying to reclaim it as his own IP.