Leonardo DiCaprio interpreta su nuevo papel En una película de Paul Thomas Anderson

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leo en acción

Leonardo DiCaprio está trabajando en una nueva película, lo que tiene sentido, ya que su campaña de los Oscar ha terminado finalmente, y no rindió frutos este año.

TMZ ha obtenido un video del actor en el set el lunes en el norte de California, donde estaba en traje completo, maquillaje y caracterizado para su papel. El equipo de Paul Thomas Anderson rodó una escena con al menos un par de tomas diferentes y Leo entra en acción frente a las cámaras.

Leo está interpretando a un personaje muy diferente a lo que nos tiene acostumbrados. Últimamente, el hombre ha interpretado figuras históricas en hisotiras de época ("Asesinos de la Luna", "Érase una vez en Hollywood", etc).

Aquí, Leo parece más un tipo moderno con mala suerte en un escenario actual. De hecho, se ve bastante casero y áspero.

Incluso exhibe sus dotes actorales en nuestro video, gritando en el receptor en un teléfono público, cerrándolo de golpe y cayendo con mucha emoción. El tío está en su salsa.

Aún no se sabe cuál será el argumento de esta película, que por ahora se mantiene en secreto, pero sí sabemos quién más se unirá a Leo a medida que avance la producción... Sean Penn y Regina Hall también han sido contratados para protagonizar, por lo que podemos asegurar que es un sólido elenco.

Un testigo ocular también nos dice que parece que la ciudad ficticia que están tratando de crear podría llamarse Baktin Cross, porque los carros de policía que pasan cuentan con ese logo.

Todo está aún rodeado de misterio, pero conociendo el estilo de Paul, parece que se está perfilando en la línea de "Licorice Pizza", "Boogie Nights", "Inherent Vice", "Punch Drunk Love" o incluso "Magnolia". Un dato curioso de Boogie Nights... Paul ha dicho públicamente que quería a Leo para ese papel, pero no pudo conseguirlo, y en su lugar eligió a Mark Wahlberg.

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Ahora, por fin tiene la oportunidad de trabajar con Leo, y parece que están haciendo magia en la pantalla. Tampoco se nos escapa que Paul Thomas Anderson ha conseguido que muchos actores hayan sido nominados a los Oscar a lo largo de los años, como Tom Cruise, Joaquin Phoenix, Julianne Moore y otros.

Viendo cómo Leo se perdió este año por su película con Scorsese, tal vez quiere unir fuerzas con el talentoso director para ir tras la estatuilla.

Al igual que un boxeador que está contra las cuerdas, ¡se levanta y lanza una respuesta!

Leonardo DiCaprio I Got Oscar Snubbed ... So, Back to Work with PTA I Guess!!!

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Leonardo DiCaprio is getting right back to work on a new movie -- which makes sense, we suppose, since his Oscar campaign is finally done ... with nothing to show for it this year.

TMZ has obtained video of the actor on set Monday in Northern California, where he was in full-blown costume, makeup and character as he and Paul Thomas Anderson's crew shot a scene with at least a few different takes ... and LDC going all out while cameras were rolling.

As you can see here, Leo is taking on quite a different character than what he might normally do -- lately, the guy's been playing more historical figures in period pieces (see "Killers of the Flower Moon," "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood," etc.).

Here, Leo looks like more of a modern down-on-his-luck dude in a setting that looks like present day. In fact, he comes across as kinda homely ... and rough around the edges.

He even puts his acting chops on display in our video ... yelling into the receiver at a payphone, slamming it and slumping down with a lot of emotion. Dude's very in his element.

No word yet on what the plot of this film might be -- it's being kept under wraps for now -- but we do know who else will eventually join Leo as the production continues ... Sean Penn and Regina Hall have also been tapped to star, so it's a solid cast in the mix here.

An eyewitness also tells us that it appears that the fictional town PTA and co. are trying to create might be called Baktin Cross ... 'cause the cop cars that pass feature that signage.

It's all still shrouded in mystery -- but knowing PTA's style, this looks to be shaping up in the vein of "Licorice Pizza," "Boogie Nights," "Inherent Vice," "Punch-Drunk Love" or even "Magnolia." Speaking of 'BN,' fun fact ... Paul has publicly said he wanted Leo for that lead role, but wasn't able to land him, going with Mark Wahlberg instead. LDC was the one who got away!

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Now, he's finally got his chance to work with Leo ... and so far, it appears they're making magic onscreen. It's also not lost on us that PTA has gotten tons of actors nominated at the Oscars over the years ... including Tom Cruise, Joaquin Phoenix, Julianne Moore and others.

Seeing how Leo missed out this year for his Martin Scorsese flick, maybe he wants another bite at the apple with Paul. Based on what we see here ... the homeboy's coming for that statuette.

Just like a boxer ... he's getting right back into the ring for another round. Leo's hungry!

Florence Pugh The Camera Broke ... In 'Oppenheimer' Sex Scene!!!

Florence Pugh got caught in a vulnerable state while shooting "Oppenheimer" -- namely, when she and Cillian Murphy were naked ... during which cameras weren't rolling.

The actress shared this cringeworthy story at a recent screening of the blockbuster, where there was a Q&A ... and where FP revealed there were some technical difficulties at one point in the production, and it came at the worst time ... during a sex scene.

Universal Pictures

If you've seen the movie ... you know there's at least 3 sex scenes where Florence and Cillian are nude -- so it's unclear which one exactly this happened for, but it sounds awkward.

Apparently, while they were filming this intimate scene, one of the main cameras broke ... and the whole crew had to hit pause while they worked on it to fix the problem. That left Florence and Cillian standing by (naked) as they waited for the issue to be resolved.

Luckily, FP had a good attitude about it all -- her whole point here is that 'Oppenheimer' was very much like an old-school Hollywood production ... and she's talking about how in awe she was by everyone and how they handled their craft. Even during this stop-down, she says she found stuff to appreciate ... and learned a thing or two about the equipment, etc.

Her point about the set being like a classic Hollywood movie isn't lost on us either -- considering Christopher Nolan's rep for wanting his cast/crew to be in the moment (and, allegedly, not to sit down either) ... this kinda makes sense that Florence and Cillian stuck around during this.

You'd figure the stars of a major film like this could head back to their trailers during this in-between time ... not so for a CN flick though, apparently! On his set, you see it through.

Anyway, sticking with it for these inconveniences clearly paid off for Florence and Co. -- 'Oppenheimer' is an Oscar darling this year, and is primed to win a bunch of awards.

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A little sacrifice for art goes a long way ... something Florence is now very familiar with!

Florence Pugh La cámara se rompió... En la escena de sexo de "Oppenheimer"

Florence Pugh fue atrapada en un estado vulnerable durante el rodaje de "Oppenheimer", es decir, cuando ella y Cillian Murphy estaban desnudos, ¡y las cámaras no estaban grabando!

La actriz compartió esta historia en una reciente proyección de la superproducción, donde se realizó un Q&A y Florence Pugh relató algunas dificultades técnicas en un momento de la producción, las que llegaron en el peor momento, durante su escena de sexo.

No fue el mejor momento
Universal Pictures

Si han visto la película, sabrán que hay al menos tres escenas de sexo donde Florence y Cillian están desnudos, por lo que no está claro en cuál de ellas ocurrió esto exactamente, pero suena incómodo.

Al parecer, mientras estaban grabando esta escena, una de las cámaras principales se rompió y el equipo tuvo que hacer una pausa mientras solucionaban el problema. Eso dejó a Florence y Cillian de pie (desnudos) mientras esperaban a que se resolviera el asunto.

Afortunadamente, Florence se tomó las cosas con una buena actitud. Su punto aquí es que "Oppenheimer" fue muy parecida a una producción de Hollywood de la vieja escuela y está asombrada por cómo todos manejaban su oficio. Incluso durante esta pausa, dice que encontró cuestiones que apreciar y aprendió un par de cosas sobre el equipo, etc.

Tampoco se nos escapa su comentario de que el plató era como una película clásica de Hollywood, teniendo en cuenta la reputación de Christopher Nolan de querer que su reparto y su equipo estén presentes tiene sentido que Florence y Cillian se quedaran en el plató.

Uno se imagina que las estrellas de una película tan importante como ésta podrían haber vuelto a sus trailers durante este intermedio, ¡pero no fue así en esta película de Christopher Nolan, al parecer! En su plató, te quedas hasta el final.

En cualquier caso, Florence y compañía han sabido sobreponerse a estos inconvenientes: "Oppenheimer" es una de las favoritas a los Oscar de este año y está preparada para ganar un montón de premios.

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Un poco de sacrificio por el arte hace mucho, ¡algo con lo que Florence está muy familiarizada!

'Juno' Writer Diablo Cody Oscars Are Cool I Guess ... But Gimme 'Barbie' 💰!!!

Diablo Cody's all about the dollar bills, and she'd give up seemingly anything for enough of them ... including her Oscar!

The writer/producer talked about Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig getting snubbed for Best Actress and Best Director respectively in an interview with People ... and insisted she'd give back her Academy Award for penning "Juno" if she'd get a "Barbie"-level box office return.

DC basically told the mag that of course Margot and Greta got snubbed ... but who cares about that when you just made 10 figures at the box office -- before adding she'd "trade my Oscar for a billion-dollar movie right now, if I could flip a switch!"

Cody said she meant to disrespect to the Academy ... though it kinda felt like saying "no offense" after you've low-key shaded a friend if we're being honest. But, let's be real -- a ton of stars would make that deal for a billion-dollar movie.

Another interesting note ... Diablo took a stance similar to a lot of people online -- mainly that both Robbie and Gerwig got nominated in other categories -- so not a total snub for either star.

To be fair, Cody's a bit of an expert in this field ... 'cause she worked on the "Barbie" project that was meant to star Amy Schumer way back in the day -- though hers never quite got off the ground, saying it's a hard IP to make believable.

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Still, lots of fans are outraged at MR and GG getting left out of their biggest categories ... with some calling the voting sexist and even celeb fans like Hillary Clinton weighing in.

Welp, it seems there's only one way to settle this ... vote below!

I Would Rather Have ...

'Barbie' Oscar Nominations Makin' It Rain For Resellers ... Says Collectibles Expert

Barbie collectors can start counting the Benjamins, 'cause the movie's Oscar noms are about to blow up the Barbie resale market ... according to one toy expert.

We talked to "America's Toy Scout" Joel Magee -- a frequent "Pawn Stars" guest with more than 20 years experience in the collectibles world -- and he says he's expecting prices to just keep on climbing since the movie picked up 8 noms for this year's Academy Awards


JM says all the buzz around the movie and awards season is indoctrinating the young generation into collectible culture. So, whereas a few years ago the biggest buyer of Barbies might be your nostalgic Grandma Sue, it's now fashionable among the Gen Z crowd to buy Barbie.

And, Magee pulled out his magic 8 ball to make a prediction for us ... saying the mass producer of Barbie, Mattel, is really smart and loves its limited-edition drops -- so keep your eyes peeled for an Oscar-themed Barbie possibly hitting the market very soon.

Now, of course, Ryan Gosling was nominated for an Oscar while Margot Robbie missed out in the acting category, but Magee says the breadwinner has always been, and will remain, Barbie. Sorry, Ken.

Joel tells us collectors go out to buy different Barbies -- Astronaut Barbie, Doctor Barbie, Birthing Dog Barbie, etc. -- and they'll get the accompanying Ken to complete the set, but he's not the draw.

Translation: He's just Ken.

That said ... an Academy Award for Gosling will jack up those Ken prices -- Magee's talking doubling or tripling the value. And, if he's not Kenough for the voters, Joel still sees a 40 or 50% increase for the nomination alone. Cha-ching!!!

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Magee's final piece of advice for collectors -- buy those limited-edition Barbies, like the Oscar Barbie he predicts could be coming down the pike.

Popularity and scarcity create lots of demand and little supply ... aka great resale prices. Welcome to Barbie-nomics 101!!!

Las muñecas Barbie experimentarán un enorme aumento en reventas Gracias a las nominaciones a los Oscar

Los coleccionistas de Barbie pueden empezar a contar los billetes, porque las nominaciones de la película a los Oscar están a punto de hacer estallar el mercado de reventa de Barbie... según un experto en juguetes.

Hemos hablado con Joel Magee, invitado habitual de "Pawn Stars" y con más de 20 años de experiencia en el mundo del coleccionismo, y nos ha dicho que espera que los precios sigan subiendo desde que la película obtuvo 8 nominaciones a los Oscar de este año.

creciendo más y más

JM dice que todo el revuelo en torno a la película y la temporada de premios está adoctrinando a la generación joven en la cultura del coleccionismo. Así que mientras que hace unos años la mayor compradora de Barbies podía ser tu nostálgica abuela Sue, ahora está de moda entre la generación Z comprar Barbies.

Magee sacó su bola mágica 8 para hacer una predicción para nosotros, diciendo que el productor masivo de Barbie, Mattel, es muy inteligente y ama a sus gotas de edición limitada así que mantengan los ojos bien abiertos para una Barbie temática Oscar posiblemente llegando al mercado muy pronto.

Ahora, por supuesto, Ryan Gosling fue nominado a un Oscar, mientras que Margot Robbie se perdió en la categoría de actuación, pero Magee dice que el sostén de la familia siempre ha sido y seguirá siendo Barbie. Lo siento, Ken.

Joel nos cuenta que los coleccionistas salen a comprar diferentes Barbies: Barbie Astronauta, Barbie Doctora, etc. y comprarán el Ken acompañante para completar el conjunto, pero él no es parte del sorteo.

Traducción: Él solo es Ken.

Dicho esto, un Oscar para Gosling hará subir los precios de los Ken y Magee está hablando de duplicar o triplicar el valor. Y, si no es Kenough para los votantes, Joel todavía ve un aumento del 40 o 50% solo por la nominación.

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El último consejo de Magee para los coleccionistas: compren esas Barbies de edición limitada, como la Barbie Oscar, ya que él predice que podría ser una gran inversión.

La popularidad y la escasez crean mucha demanda y poca oferta... es decir, precios de reventa excelentes. ¡Bienvenidos a la Barbie manía!

Patrick Swayze's Widow OG 'Road House' Not Meant For Oscars ... Just a Guilty Pleasure!!!

The director of a 'Road House" reboot is mad the movie won't run in movie theaters -- potentially costing Jake Gyllenhaal an Oscar -- but Patrick Swayze's widow says that's a highbrow aim compared to the OG film ... which was never meant to win Academy Awards.

Lisa Niemi Swayze tells TMZ ... the original "Road House" wasn't really Oscar-worthy material and it never tried to be ... it was just supposed to be a guilty pleasure.

Doug Liman directed the new 'RH' with Jake playing Patrick's main character role of John Dalton ... and he's ripping Amazon for sending it straight to its Prime Video streaming service, instead of giving it a theatrical run first.

TMZ Studios

Doug says Amazon is depriving Jake from being recognized come award season for what he says is a career-best acting performance ... and he's boycotting SXSW, where the film is set to debut.

Patrick's wife isn't bashing Doug or the new movie when she says the original wasn't geared at winning Academy Awards, though ... she's just saying the 1989 film was really just for pure entertainment.

In fact, Lisa says Patrick truly respected Jake as an actor and thought he was a great talent.

As for the raging debate over the benefits of a theatrical release versus a straight-to-streaming release ... Lisa says she's not qualified to give a hot take.

Bottom line for Patrick's widow ... her late husband's 'Road House' was just supposed to be good old-fashioned fun. It appears the reboot will be the same, much to its director's chagrin.

Whoopi Goldberg Margot & Greta Weren't 'Snubbed' You Can't Win Everything!!!


Whoopi Goldberg knows a thing or two about being nominated for Oscars -- which is why her saying Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig were not snubbed this year is ... fascinating.

Despite all the pearl-clutching going on among "Barbie" fans after the lead star and director missed out on Oscar nods earlier this week, Whoopi kept it realer than real on "The View" Wednesday as the crew was discussing it ... saying flatly, they weren't entitled to anything.

WG said the obvious to kick off her thoughts, noting that "everybody doesn't win" when it comes to the Academy Awards, and more importantly ... not everyone can be nominated.

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Whoopi then put it even more matter-of-factly, adding ... "You don't get everything you want to get. There are no snubs. That's what you have to keep in mind: Not everybody gets a prize, and it is subjective. Movies are subjective."

She then explained that just because "Barbie" was a fan-fave and moneymaker doesn't necessarily mean it was a shoo-in in and of itself, saying ... "The movies you love may not be loved by the people who are voting." Worth noting ... Whoopi's an Academy member.

Remember ... Whoopi's won an Oscar herself, and she's been nominated for a second too -- so she's been through the wringer before. Considering the wave of outrage on behalf of Margot and Greta ... it's interesting that she's taking a somewhat controversial stand here.

Margot and Greta haven't said anything, but considering the other stars have been slamming their exclusion ... ya gotta figure they, too, feel they were done dirty. Oh well ... 🤷🏽‍♂️

Whoopi Goldberg Margot y Greta no fueron 'despreciadas' No puedes ganarlo todo!!!

"No hay desaires"

Whoopi Goldberg sabe algunas cosas sobre ser nominada a un Oscar, por lo que escucharla decir que Margot Robbie y Greta Gerwig no fueron 'despreciadas' este año es fascinante.

A pesar de la sorpresa e indignación de los fans luego de que la estrella principal de "Barbie" y su directora no fueran nominadas a los Oscar a principios de esta semana, Whoopi decidió ser más que realista en "The View" el miércoles, mientras el equipo discutía el tema, diciendo rotundamente que no tienen derecho a nada.

Para empezar, Whoopi dijo lo obvio, señalando que "no todos ganan" cuando se trata de los Premios de la Academia y lo más importante, no todos puede ser nominados.

Whoopi lo expresó de forma aún más práctica, añadiendo: "No consigues todo lo que quieres. No hay desaires. Eso es lo que hay que tener en cuenta: No todo el mundo recibe un premio y es subjetivo. Las películas son subjetivas".

A continuación, explicó que solo porque "Barbie" haya sido un éxito de taquilla y de los fans no significa necesariamente que fuera una película ganadora en sí misma, diciendo: "Las películas que te gustan pueden no gustar a la gente que vota". Vale la pena señalar que Whoopi es miembro de la Academia.

Recuerden, Whoopi ha ganado un Oscar, y ha sido nominada para otro, así que ha pasado por esta situación. Teniendo en cuenta la ola de indignación en nombre de Margot y Greta, es interesante que esté tomando una posición un tanto controvertida aquí.

Margot y Greta no han dicho nada, pero teniendo en cuenta que otras estrellas han estado criticando su exclusión, hay que imaginar que también sienten que se las perjudicó. Bueno... 🤷🏽‍♂️

Jeffrey Wright dice que "American Fiction" tiene posibilidades de ganar El premio a la mejor película

tenemos una oportunidad

Jeffrey Wright dice que su película independiente, "American Fiction", definitivamente tiene una oportunidad de llevarse a casa los máximos honores en los Oscar, pero no vayas a llamar a esto una historia de David contra Goliat.

Recibimos al nominado a Mejor Actor el miércoles en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles, donde le preguntamos todo sobre el hecho de que la película fuera nominada el martes, acumulando 5 nominaciones a los Oscar, desde Mejor Actor a Banda Sonora Original y, por supuesto, el gran premio a la Mejor Película.

Para empezar, Jeff nos dijo que odia el hecho de que la carrera de los Oscar convierta el arte en una competición y nos dijo que está feliz de estar junto a todos esos éxitos de taquilla que son considerados los favoritos de los Oscar este año.

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Sí, estamos hablando de "Barbie", "Oppenheimer" y otros peces gordos de la carrera, pero por el comportamiento de Jeffrey, nunca imaginarías que está sudando la gota gorda... ¡porque no es así!

Cuando le preguntamos directamente si "American Fiction" tiene posibilidades reales de ganar en cualquiera de las categorías... le devuelve la pregunta a nuestro cámara, quien, según Jeffrey, ha respondido a la pregunta él mismo sin darse cuenta.

En resumen, la película es absolutamente increíble y aunque es "pequeña", sigue siendo poderosa.

Esa es la conclusión de Jeffrey, de todos modos, y ciertamente parece confiado en el trabajo.

Lo que sí podemos decir es que "Fiction" es, con diferencia, una de las películas más singulares que hay en cartelera y por méritos propios, es digna de figurar entre las posibles ganadoras.

Jeffrey Wright 'American Fiction' Can Win It All ... A Great Film's a Great Film


Jeffrey Wright says his indie movie, "American Fiction," most definitely has a fighting chance to take home top honors at the Oscars ... but don't go calling this a David vs. Goliath story.

We got the Best Actor nominee Wednesday at LAX, where we asked all about the fact 'AF' was nominated a ton on Tuesday -- racking up 5 Oscar nods on everything from Best Actor to Original Score and, of course, the big prize in Best Picture.

For starters, Jeff told us he hates the fact the Oscars race turns art into a competition, and told us he's just happy to be in the mix of things with all those blockbuster hits that are considered Oscar darlings this year.

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Yes, we're talking about "Barbie," "Oppenheimer" and some other big fish in the race -- but from Jeffrey's demeanor here, you'd never guess he's sweating it ... 'cause he ain't!

When we ask him straight up if "American Fiction" has a realistic path toward victory in any of its categories ... he puts it back on our camera guy, who Jeffrey says inadvertently answered the question himself.

Bottom line, the movie is absolutely amazing and even though it's "small" ... it's still mighty.

That's JW's takeaway, anyway, and he certainly seems confident in the work.

We will say this -- 'Fiction' is far and away one of the more unique flicks in theaters. And on pure merit, it most certainly is worthy to be in the conversation of likely winners.

TMZ TV Recap Armie Hammer's Biting Thing ... Hillary❤️'Barbie,' Tyreek Married

We're just past the mid-way point in the week, and we are rolling at TMZ when it comes to our television shows ... 'cause now, we're talking biting fetishes, and Hillary Clinton!!!

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Let's begin with Armie Hammer -- who's bedroom fetishes and kinks got put on blast by a former flame who says they hooked up last year ... during which, he supposedly explained the whole "cannibalism" thing that consumed his rep for much of 2021 and beyond.

Check out the segment to see what she had to say about it ... and what he's (allegedly) into.



On the 'TMZ on TV' side of things ... we were back to talking 'Barbie,' but this time -- with a new voice chiming in on the all the indignation over the perceived snubs against Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig ... and that would be ... Hillary Clinton. Yes, the one and only.

Harvey had some hot takes about whether this is actually all about patriarchy or not -- in his mind, it's more like ... hey, sometimes you lose, kid -- guy or gal! He might have a point.

TMZ Sports


Over at 'TMZ Sports' ... Babcock and Mojo talked about Tyreek Hill and the fact that he says he's still married ... even though he and his wife have technically filed for divorce. Hmm ...

Lots of opinions and takes with this one -- take a look for yourself and see where you land.

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Hillary Clinton Margot y Greta, ustedes son ganadoras... Habla sobre los desaires a 'Barbie' en los Oscar

Margot Robbie y Greta Gerwig tienen a un nuevo campeón en su esquina destrozando el hecho de que no fueran nominadas a los Oscar, nada menos que Hillary Clinton.

La ex-Secretaria de Estado, y una vez candidata presidencial, acaba de tuitear sobre las muy debatidas nominaciones que se anunciaron este martes y es parte de los que piensa que fue un desaire atroz de parte de los miembros de la Academia, especialmente a la luz de la nominación de Ryan Gosling.

Hillary Clinton escribió: "Greta y Margot, aunque puede doler ganar la taquilla, pero no llevarse el oro a casa, sus millones de fans las aman. Ambas son mucho más que Kenough".

También lanzó su propio y divertido hashtag para rematar su punto, añadiendo: "#HillaryBarbie".

Hillary es solo la última persona que está criticando las nominaciones. Recuerden, el propio Ryan denunció el hecho de que su coprotagonista y directora no hayan sido reconocidas, a pesar de que él mismo consiguió una nominación como Mejor Actor de Reparto.

Dijo: "Ningún reconocimiento sería posible para nadie en la película sin su talento, valentía y genialidad. Decir que me decepciona que no estén nominados en sus respectivas categorías sería quedarme corto". Asimismo, también alabó la nominación de America Ferrera.

Hablando de America, ella también ha criticado la exclusión de Margot y Greta, sumándose a la indignación colectiva que gran parte de Internet ha expresado en las últimas 24 horas.

Margot y Greta no han dicho nada al respecto, pero la gente les cubre las espaldas.

TMZ investiga
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Dato curioso sobre la composición de la Academia el año pasado: parece que el 33% de los miembros con derecho a voto son mujeres o se identifican como mujeres, así que sí, parece que hay más hombres que mujeres. Es difícil decir si eso está detrás de que estas dos no hayan sido seleccionadas, pero es interesante.

De todos modos, el coro de abucheos sobre esto continúa, ahora con Hillary entre ellos.

Hillary Clinton Speaks on 'Barbie' Snubs ... Y'all Are Winners, Margot & Greta

Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig have a new champion in their corner trashing the fact they weren't nominated for Oscars -- with none other than Hillary Clinton chirping up.

The ex-Sec. of State -- and one-time presidential candidate -- just tweeted about the hotly-debated nominations heard around the world Tuesday ... and she's in the camp that this was an egregious snub from Academy members ... especially in light of Ryan Gosling's nod.

HC wrote, "Greta & Margot, While it can sting to win the box office but not take home the gold, your millions of fans love you. You’re both so much more than Kenough."

She also threw in her own little fun hashtag to cap off her point, adding ... "#HillaryBarbie."

Hillary is just the latest person to slam the non-nominations -- remember, Ryan himself actually denounced the fact his costar/director didn't receive recognition ... even though he himself got a Best Supporting Actor nomination.

He said, "No recognition would be possible for anyone on the film without their talent, grit and genius. To say that I’m disappointed that they are not nominated in their respective categories would be an understatement." Likewise, he also praised America Ferrera's nom.

Speaking of America ... she, too, slammed Margot and Greta's exclusion -- just piling on top of the collective outrage most of the Internet has been expressing over the past 24 hours.


Margot and Greta haven't said anything about it themselves ... but people have their backs.

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Fun fact about the Academy's makeup as of last year -- it looks like 33% of voting members are women or female-identifying ... so yes, there does seem to be more guys than gals. Hard to say if that's behind these two not getting selected or not ... but it is interesting.

Anyway, the chorus of boos over this continues ... now, HC is in on the hissing.

Margot Robbie Cops Claim 'Margot Robbied' ... Protest Actresses Oscars Snub

Margot Robbie's fans are so miffed about her "Barbie" Oscars snub that even the police are complaining ... albeit in a very funny fashion.

The Victoria Police Department in Australia posted a hilarious message on their Facebook page Tuesday, showing their disgust over the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences' failure to nominate Margot for her starring role as Barbie in the super popular 2023 film. As you may know, the actress grew up in Queensland, Australia, which isn't close to Victoria, but the cops there clearly have her back.

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Post.

In the FB post, Victoria PD officials wrote in all caps, "POLICE INVESTIGATE AS MARGOT ROBBIED." Then, in regular letter case, they joked, "Police are investigating after a former resident of Ramsay Street was allegedly robbed of an Oscar nomination for best actress."

During their alleged "Margot probe," investigators urged the public to consider reporting all non-emergencies like theft through their online system. They also reminded citizens that the portal is a very convenient way to report smaller crimes.

Pretty amusing stuff ... but Margot was probably not laughing after the Academy gave her and Barbie director, Greta Gerwig, the cold shoulder during Tuesday's announcement of the 2024 Oscar nominations.

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Margot's costar, Ryan Gosling, who played Barbie's boyfriend Ken in the movie, snagged an Oscar nom, but he later released a statement mentioning the Margot and Greta snubs.

Ryan said, in part, there "is no Ken without Barbie, and there is no Barbie movie without Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie, the two people most responsible for this history-making, globally celebrated film."

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