Fat Joe Panel & Discussion w/ VP Harris ... Cannabis, Healthcare, Criminal Justice and More

Fat Joe's rubbing elbows with some of the top politicians in the country ... specifically Vice President Kamala Harris -- and he's sharing his solutions for some of the country's greatest issues, too.

The outspoken rapper met up with the VP on Friday afternoon and led a panel regarding criminal justice reform featuring Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and White House Director of the Office of Public Engagement Steve Benjamin.

The convo -- which featured a few other prominent criminal justice advocates and three recipients of marijuana-related pardons -- lasted about an hour and featured lots of personal anecdotes from those pardoned.

We're told Fat Joe expressed his gratitude for how his journey through hip hop had landed him in a close relationship with the vice president -- who he apparently met through his healthcare reform group Power To The Patients.

BTW ... we're told Joe actually sat down for a private conversation with Kamala where the two talked about healthcare price transparency and other issues close to Joe's heart.

Harris isn't the only exec who Joe's spoken to in recent days ... the Bronx-bred rapper also caught up with President Joe Biden himself -- following the Prez's SOTU address, which took some shots at Donald Trump.

Sources told us members of both parties wanted a piece of Fat Joe after he dapped up Biden ... with reps on both sides of the aisle rushing to the man for an autograph.

Fat Joe's been on the advocacy grind for a while now ... and we even talked to him about Power to the Patients on "TMZ Live" back in January.


It seems Joe's now sharing his opinion on all types of issues it seems ... and hey, maybe Kamala could use a running mate in 2028? 👀

Danny Green de la NBA Si Curry se postulara a presidente... ¡¡¡Votaría por él!!!

Yo votaría por él

Si Steph Curry incursionara en política después de terminar su carrera, ya tendría un voto de Danny Green porque el jugador de la NBA le dijo a TMZ Sports que el país podría usar a alguien de la liga en el gobierno, así que ¿por qué no Steph?

Curry mencionó la posibilidad de presentarse durante una entrevista que se emitió en "CBS Mornings" esta semana, afirmando que está abierto a una posición en el gobierno después de que se termine su carrera con Golden State.

Green -un veterano de la NBA que jugó para los 76ers esta temporada- dijo que Curry es el candidato perfecto de la liga para un puesto así y que apoyaría en un 100 por ciento al Splash Brother si viera su nombre en una papeleta.

"Si alguien de nuestra liga va a representarnos de esa manera, sería él", dijo el jugador de 36 años. "Yo votaría por él".

"Hace las cosas bien", continuó Green. "Un tipo espiritual, con fe, que usa su plataforma para grandes cosas. Es un buen ser humano. ¿Cómo puedes odiar a Steph Curry?".

Green continuó elogiando a la estrella de los Warriors por incluso considerar una carrera en política, señalando que no es exactamente la ruta más fácil después del baloncesto.

¡Green también nos dijo qué jugador de la NBA le gustaría ver como compañero de Curry y, convenientemente, uno de los chicos que mencionó es uno de los antiguos compañeros de equipo de Steph!

NBA's Danny Green If Curry Ran For POTUS ... 'I'd Vote For Him!!!'

I'd Vote For Him

If Steph Curry gets into politics after his career ends, he's already got a vote from Danny Green ... 'cause the NBA player tells TMZ Sports the country could use someone from the league in office -- so why not Steph?!

Curry mentioned the possibility of running during an interview that aired on "CBS Mornings" this week, claiming he's open to a position in the government after his run with Golden State ends.

Green -- a longtime NBA veteran who played for the 76ers this season -- said Curry is the perfect candidate from the league for a gig like that ... and he would 100 percent support the Splash Brother if he saw his name on a ballot.

"If anybody from our league is gonna represent us in that fashion, it'd be him," the 36-year-old said. "I'd vote for him."

"He does things the right way," Green continued. "Spiritual guy, faith, uses his platform for great things. He's a good human being. How can you hate Steph Curry?"

Green went on to praise the Warriors star for even considering a career in politics ... noting it ain't exactly the easiest post-basketball route to take.

Green also told us which NBA player he'd like to see be Curry's running mate ... and, fittingly, one of the guys he mentioned is one of Steph's old teammates!

The TMZ Podcast: Kim K & Bianca Censori Spotted at Kanye's Listening Party & Kate Middleton Conspiracy Theories Surround Absence 👀

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Kim Kardashian was spotted standing alongside her ex-husband Kanye West's wife Bianca Censori at his 'Vultures II' listening party in San Francisco and the two seemed chill and comfortable around each other!

New conspiracy theories are arising surrounding Kate Middleton's mysterious absence from the public. The Princess of Wales didn't help the situation when she shared a heavily edited photo on Mother's Day.

Neve Campbell has rejoined the cast of "Scream 7" after previously exiting over fair pay disagreements.

Plus, Aaron Rodgers is reportedly at the top of the list to run as Robert F. Kennedy's VP candidate.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Tish Roberts



Jimmy Kimmel se metió con Donald Trump durante los Oscar el domingo por la noche.

Jimmy estaba en la recta final como anfitrión de la 96 ª  edición de los Premios de la Academia y aprovechó de dejar algunas cosas claras sobre Trump.

No hace falta decir que Trump no fue muy elogioso, llamando a Jimmy el "PEOR ANFITRIÓN" de la historia mientras se cagaba en su monólogo de apertura.

Trump también escribió que la Academia debería "deshacerse" de Jimmy y tal vez reemplazarlo con "otro talento barato de ABC, George Slopanopoulos".

Por supuesto, Trump se refería al comentarista político de ABC News George Stephanopoulos. Incluso aseguró que el presentador de televisión haría que todos en los Oscar se vieran "más grandes, fuertes y glamorosos".


Pero Jimmy no lo dejó así y continuó bromeando, sacando su teléfono celular para leerle los posteos de Trump a todo el público.

Jimmy sacó a relucir lo obvio: "A ver si adivinas qué expresidente acaba de publicar eso en Truth Social".

A continuación remató: "Gracias, presidente Trump. Gracias por mirar. Me sorprende... ¿No ha pasado ya su tiempo en la cárcel?".

Todo el mundo se partió de risa con la broma de Jimmy, burlándose de las cuatro acusaciones criminales de Trump.

Trump y el actual presidente Joe Biden se enfrentan en la carrera por la Casa Blanca en 2024. Hollywood ahora está entrando en todo el drama.

Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Donald Trump On Oscars Stage ... After Ex-Prez Slams Performance


Jimmy Kimmel got into it with Donald Trump during the Oscars Sunday night ... with each taking major jabs at one another for all to see.

Jimmy was in the home stretch hosting the 96th Academy Awards and read a Truth Social post from Trump reviewing the comedian's performance.

Needless to say, Trump wasn't very complimentary, calling Jimmy the "WORST HOST" ever while crapping on his opening monologue.

Trump also wrote the Academy should "get rid" of Jimmy and perhaps replace him with "another washed up but cheap ABC talent George Slopanopoulos."

Of course, Trump was referring to ABC News political commentator George Stephanopoulos. He even took a shot at George's height, saying the TV anchor would make everyone at the Oscars look "bigger, stronger, and more glamorous."

strike one, strike two ...

But Jimmy didn't take the insults lying down ... he threw it right back at Trump, pulling out his cell phone and reading 45's post to the A-list crowd while on stage.

Jimmy first brought up the obvious ...  "See if you can guess which former president just posted that on Truth Social."

He then delivered the punchline, "Thank you, President Trump. Thank you for watching. I’m surprised … isn’t it past your jail time?"

Everyone laughed their butts off at Jimmy's joke, mocking Trump's four criminal indictments.

Trump and current President Joe Biden are going toe-to-toe in the 2024 race for the White House. Hollywood is now getting in on all the drama.

Scarlett Johansson on 'SNL' Nails Sen. Katie Britt ... 'Craziest Bitch' in Target Parking Lot!!!

As everyone expected, Sen. Katie Britt was roasted in the 'SNL' cold open, but the surprise was Scarlett Johansson making a cameo to fill the role, and nailing the hilarious send-up of Britt's State of the Union response.

ICYMI .. the junior Alabama Senator went viral after her GOP response to President Biden's Thursday night SOTU address. The speech -- delivered from her kitchen for some reason -- struck most as oddly performative.

Scarlett still managed to take it over the top, saying, "I’ll be performing an original monologue called ‘This country is hell.’ You see, I’m not just a senator. I’m a wife, a mother and the craziest bitch in the Target parking lot.”

She also perfectly mocked Sen. Britt's facial expressions, hand movements and even some questionable fact-checking with lines like ... "I’m going to do a pivot out of nowhere into a shockingly violent story about sex trafficking. Rest assured, every detail about it is real except the year, where it took place, and who was president when it happened.”

Fox News

On Thursday night, the Senator shared a story of a woman she met in Texas who told her about being sex trafficked by the cartels. While Britt blamed President Biden’s border policies, the Washington Post reported the woman’s experiences took place in Mexico during President George W. Bush's administration.

One of Scarlett's best lines in the skit imitated the QVC host tone of Sen. Britt's speech -- out of nowhere, she started hawking the diamond cross necklace she was wearing, saying, "Goes with anything, and you can wear it from da’ church to da’ club.”

As you know, Scarlett is married to 'SNL' cast member Colin Jost -- so, yeah, this might be a bit of nepotism ... but, for once, no one seems too upset about it. Well, except maybe Sen. Britt.

Presidente Biden Netanyahu necesita un momento de iluminación...

Tema caliente

El presidente Joe Biden no está guardando tanta privacidad para expresar su frustración con Benjamin Netanyahu y la forma en que está manejando la guerra en el Medio Oriente, diciendo que el primer ministro de Israel tiene que ver la luz.

El Presidente estuvo hablando con el senador Michael Bennet de Colorado en la Cámara el jueves después de pronunciar el discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión, y parece que no se dio cuenta de que estaba siendo grabado por un camarógrafo sigiloso.

Se puede decir que Joe estaba tratando de tener una conversación privada, lo que queda en evidencia por lo que dijo, que fue recogido por un micrófono: "Le dije, Bibi, y no repitas esto, pero tú y yo vamos a tener un come to Jesus moment'".

Joe, obviamente, estaba usando una frase que significa llegar a una gran realización acerca de algo, pero la frase está levantando sospechas, pues Benjamin Netanyahu es judío.

FOX News

Parece que su personal se dio cuenta de que estaba hablando mal porque un ayudante se apresuró y al parecer le dijo al oído que se callara. Joe hizo exactamente eso, o eso parece.

Biden fue presionado sobre esto el viernes cuando se preparaba para abordar el Air Force One para un viaje de campaña en Filadelfia, donde los periodistas le preguntaron por qué hizo ese comentario.

En un primer momento, Biden explicó que no lo dijo en su discurso, pero cuando los periodistas le preguntaron acerca de lo que dijo a los legisladores después del discurso, culpó a los medios de comunicación por "escuchar a escondidas".

En su SOTU, Biden anunció que está dirigiendo el ejército de Estados Unidos para instalar un muelle junto al mar en Gaza que permitirá una afluencia masiva de ayuda para los palestinos. Pero escuchen, suena como que quiere que Netanyahu haga más en términos de ayuda humanitaria también.

Esto coincide con lo que su administración ha estado pidiendo últimamente, es decir, un alto al fuego.

President Biden Netanyahu Needs 'Come To Jesus' Moment ... Hot Mic Eavesdroppin'


President Joe Biden is not-so-privately expressing frustration with Benjamin Netanyahu and how he's handling the war in the Middle East ... saying Israel's PM needs to see the light -- as in Christ.

The Prez was talking to Senator Michael Bennet from Colorado on the House chamber floor Thursday after his State of the Union address -- which he didn't seem to realize was being recorded by a stealthy cameraman.

You can tell Joe was trying to have a private convo -- evidenced by what he said, which got picked up on a hot mic... "I told him, Bibi, and don't repeat this, but you and I are going to have a 'come to Jesus' meeting."

Joe obviously was using a phrase that means coming to some grand realization about something -- but the phrasing is raisin' some eyebrows ... y'know, since BN is Jewish.

FOX News

It seems like his staff realized he was misspeaking -- 'cause an aide rushed over and got into his ear, seemingly telling him to zip it and move on. Joe did exactly that, or so it seems.

Biden was pressed about this on Friday when he was getting ready to board Air Force One for a campaign trip to Philadelphia ... with reporters asking him why he made the comment.

At first, Biden says he didn't say it in his speech -- but when reporters ask him about what he told lawmakers after the SOTU ... he blamed the media for "eavesdropping."

In his SOTU, Biden announced he's directing the U.S. military to install a seaside pier in Gaza that will allow for a massive influx of aid to Palestinians ... but take a listen, it sounds like he wants Netanyahu to do more in terms of humanitarian aid too.

This jibes with what his administration has been calling for lately -- namely, a ceasefire.

State of the Union Biden Mingled with Gen-Z Influencers Prez Wants to Reach Youth

President Biden invited a bunch of Gen-Z influencers to the White House to watch his State of the Union address -- and one person in the mix has the inside scoop on how it went.

Tiffany Aliche -- an author and renowned financial expert -- came on "TMZ Live" Friday to break down what it was like Thursday evening at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. with all these young whipper-snappers and Tiktokers around ... 'cause there were a crap ton of them.

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Aliche -- who's built a massive following on Instagram and TikTok educating people about money -- tells us that she was one of over 60 influencers who attended the highly publicized evening ... and that there was a mix of internet personalities in attendance.

So, no ... it wasn't just political influencers -- fashionistas were there, too, it seems.


The message was clear for those in attendance ... Biden and his staffers wanted to reach Gen Z -- with Tiffany recalling that POTUS praised the content creators as "critical" to his campaign since they have a massive reach. Out with the old, as they say!

On whether this influencer effort will sway young voters to vote for Biden this fall ... Tiffany isn't certain -- but she does think it helped with raising awareness.

As for the vetting process required ... Tiffany says she was surprised that she wasn't asked about her political preference before being invited. The only conditions ... respect the White House as a historical building and a military compound.

She didn't even have to post if she didn't want to -- which sat well with Tiffany.

Other influencers invited to the White House ahead of the State of the Union included strategist Keith Edwards, activist Aaron Parnas, and "The Real Friends of WeHo" star Joey Zauzig.

Like Tiffany says ... it was a mixed group, and on its face -- a smash hit too!

Donald Trump Responde al discurso de Biden Con montaje en Snapchat


Donald Trump se burló de Joe Biden después del discurso del Estado de la Unión del jueves, comparándolo con un personaje de dibujos animados en un video que publicó en su plataforma de medios sociales usando algunos filtros.

Como era de esperar, Donald Trump tomó la ruta más infantil para responder al discurso de más de una hora del presidente Biden en el Capitolio, publicando una breve compilación de Joe en el podio, con su Vicepresidenta sentada atrás, con un montón de filtros tontos.

Por extraño que parezca, el clip de 27 segundos subido a Truth Social utiliza imágenes del discurso de Biden del año pasado, ninguna de este año, lo cual es extraño.

En cualquier caso, el video junta cuatro escenas filtradas y animadas de Biden pronunciando el discurso de 2023 con Kamala Harris detrás, y los hizo verse bastante ridículos, como el tipo de cosas que un niño de 14 años podría hacer en su tiempo libre.

Algunas de las imágenes muestran a Biden y Harris con los ojos saltones y sus caras congeladas, así como con trenzas y sombreros. En otra imagen, Biden aparece como un perro greñudo y Pinocho.

Por supuesto, esto es relevante porque Trump se enfrentará a Biden en las elecciones presidenciales de 2024. Si la respuesta de Donald es un indicador, nos espera una gran cantidad de enfrentamientos durante esta campaña, por no hablar de bromas y críticas.

En cuanto al discurso de Biden sobre el Estado de la Unión, la mayoría de la gente del Partido Demócrata pensó que fue apasionado y entusiasta. El 46 Prez habló de una serie de temas, incluyendo la guerra en Gaza, Roe V. Wade, la invasión rusa de Ucrania y las amenazas a la democracia.

Biden también atacó a su rival del Partido Republicano sin nombrarlo. Potus citó a su "predecesor" diciéndole a Vladimir Putin: "Haz lo que te dé la gana" en Ucrania.

Los republicanos reprendieron el discurso duramente, calificándolo de enojado y causar división. Como hemos dicho estamos en una larga temporada electoral.

Donald Trump Responds To Biden's SOTU Speech W/ Snapchat Filter Montage

Filtering his foe

Donald Trump mocked Joe Biden after Thursday's State of the Union address ... comparing him to a cartoon character in a filtered video he posted to his social media platform.

Perhaps unsurprisingly ... DT went the juvenile route in response to President Biden's hour-plus speech at The Capitol ... posting a brief compilation of Joe at the podium -- with the Veep sitting behind him -- that featured JB and her with a bunch of goofy filters.

Strangely enough, the 27-second clip DT uploaded to Truth Social used footage from Biden's SOTU address last year ... none from this year, which was weird.

In any case ... the clips Trump threw up spliced together four filtered and animated scenes featuring Biden delivering the 2023 speech with Kamala Harris behind them -- and he made them out to look pretty ridiculous ... the type of thing a 14-year-old might do in his free time.

Some of the images showed Biden and Harris with bulging eyes and frozen faces, as well as braided pigtails and hats. Another visual depicted Biden as a shaggy dog and Pinocchio.

Of course, this is relevant because DT is going toe-to-toe with JB in the 2024 presidential election. If DT's response here was any indicator, we're in for a lot of mudslinging this campaign season ... not to mention sophomoric jokes and jabs.

As for Biden's SOTU speech ...  most people in his Democratic party thought it was passionate and rousing. The 46th Prez talked about a range of issues, including the war in Gaza, Roe V. Wade, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and threats to democracy.

Biden also took a shot at his GOP rival without naming him. POTUS quoted his "predecessor" telling Vladimir Putin, "Do whatever the hell you want," in Ukraine.

Republicans rebuked the speech, calling it angry and divisive. Like we said ... we're in for a long election season.

JOE BIDEN ZOOMS w/ Actor Presidents ... For SOTU Speech Advice!!!


Joe Biden is going all out to make sure his State of the Union address resonates with Americans ... 'cause he's taking tips from former Presidents -- albeit, fake ones!

POTUS posted this video Thursday ahead of his SOTU later this evening, and he's zooming with a bunch of actors who've portrayed presidents in film or TV roles -- and yeah, he's got some big names here chatting with him.

Morgan Freeman -- who played President Tom Beck in "Deep Impact," as well as Pres. Trumbull in "Angel Has Fallen" -- reflects on his character having to deal with a looming meteor threat ... saying amid the crisis, people found solace in his message of hope.

Bill Pullman -- known for his role as President Thomas J. Whitmore in 1996's "Independence Day" -- looks back on his character's battle against invaders from outer space ... noting fear and chaos had a unifying effect on people.

As for Tony Goldwyn -- who played President Fitzgerald Grant III in "Scandal" -- he admitted his character behaved pretty badly while in office. But here's the kicker ... he advised Joe that if he just told the general public they made him a better man, they'd eat it up.

Michael Douglas, meanwhile, had some poignant advice to share ... emphasizing that love and compassion are strengths, not weaknesses, and urged Biden to utilize his first lady, Jill, to his advantage. He played President Andrew Shepherd in "The American President."

Geena Davis -- famous for her role as President Mackenzie Allen in the TV show "Commander In Chief" -- revealed that every week her character faced a new crisis, and the number one lesson she learned was that there's no crying in politics.

JB was clearly impressed by GD's portrayal, telling her she did one helluva job. And with a touch of humor, expressed his hope that his politics wouldn't make anyone else cry. The one big actor he was missing from the lineup is obviously Martin Sheen ... 'West Wing' anyone?

In any case ... wise words from fictional Presidents, indeed!


de salida
Fox News

Nikki Haley acaba de retirarse de la carrera presidencial después de recibir una paliza de Donald Trump durante el Super Martes, pero si usted piensa que ella va a besar el anillo ahora, te equivocas.

La ex gobernadora de Carolina del Sur, que era la última candidata del Partido Republicano que quedaba tratando de ganar votos contra Trump en las primarias republicanas en los últimos tiempos, acaba de anunciar el miércoles que suspende su campaña por la Casa Blanca después de una decepcionante derrota esta semana.

Hubo un montón de estados que votaron por los candidatos de sus partidos y Nikki solo ganó uno de ellos contra Trump -en Vermont- en todos los demás, el expresidente ganó por goleada.

Durante su discurso de salida, Nikki dijo que estaba agradecida de tener la oportunidad de postularse para Presidente y se comprometió a seguir hablando sobre los temas que le apasionan.

Más interesante, sin embargo, fue el hecho de que ella se negó a apoyar a Trump, incluso ahora.

Ella dice que depende de Trump para ganar los votos de las personas que no lo apoyaron y suena como ella piensa que tiene mucho trabajo que hacer en ese departamento, incluso para ella misma. Nikki dice que Trump debe hacer un mejor trabajo al tratar de sumar más republicanos a su causa.

Ahora, el carril está completamente despejado para que Trump sea el candidato republicano y lo mismo para Joe Biden. Parece que tenemos todo listo para una revancha de 2020 con estos dos tipos... así que prepárate.

Nikki Haley Drops Out of Presidential Race ... But Not Endorsing Trump

Fox News

Nikki Haley just bowed out of the presidential race after taking a licking from Donald Trump during Super Tuesday -- but if you think she's gonna kiss the ring now ... you'd be wrong.

The former South Carolina governor -- who was the last remaining GOP candidate trying to win votes against DT in the Republican primaries as of late -- just announced Wednesday that she's suspending her campaign for the White House following a disappointing loss this week.

There were a lot of states that voted for their party's candidates ... and Nikki only won one of them against Trump, and that would be Vermont. Everywhere else, he won in a landslide.

During her exit speech, Nikki said she was grateful to have the opportunity to run for President ... and vowed to continue speaking on the issues she's passionate about.

More interestingly, though, was the fact she refused to endorse Trump, even now.

She says it's up to Trump to earn the votes of people who didn't back him -- and it sounds like she thinks he has a lot of work to do in that department, including for herself. NH says Trump should do a better job at embracing more Republicans/conservatives into his cause.

Now, the lane is completely cleared for Trump to be the Republican nominee ... and ditto for Joe Biden. Looks like we're all set for a rematch of 2020 with these two guys -- so, get ready.

Super Tuesday Voter Not Voting Nikki Haley for Prez ... She Ain't Got No Balls!!!


A Super Tuesday voter has gone viral for his explicit explanation of why Nikki Haley shouldn't be president -- according to him, it's 'cause she' is missing a scrotum.

Check out this video that features a North Carolina resident -- identified as Emmett Martin -- confessing to NBC News that he never even considered the former governor of South Carolina as a candidate over the simple fact that she's a woman.

The way he puts it is pretty rich in misogyny ... he says, she "has no balls to scratch."

Emmett says that since the ex-Gov. didn't have male private parts ... she shouldn't be a contender in the Republican primary race. We're not sure what genitalia has to do with running a country ... but it's clearly important to this constituent.

BTW, it isn't just Nikki that the voter disapproved of ... it's all women, apparently who he said are only good for "having babies and taking care of the house."

He did backtrack slightly -- suggesting that there are women out there who know what they’re doing ... but added they need a bit of guidance from someone like Donald Trump.

Shaquille Brewster -- the correspondent who interviewed Emmett ... said this isn't the first time that voters have told him they wouldn't vote for Nikki based on her gender. However, it is the first time the response was so bluntly said on camera.

Nikki is the only Republican primary candidate left running against Trump -- who is seeking reelection after losing to President Joe Biden in 2020. Although ... her bid for the nomination isn't promising since Trump has 200 more delegates than her.