Taylor Swift Salgan a votar Swifties... Es el Super Tuesday!!!

Taylor Swift está saltando en las presidenciales 2024 durante este Super Tuesday, pero se está guardando de entregarle su codiciado respaldo al presidente Joe Biden o a cualquier otro candidato, en este caso.

Taylor dio la voz de alarma el martes por la mañana con un post en sus historias de IG, que decía: "Amigos, quería recordarles que voten por las personas que más los representan en el poder. Si aún no lo han hecho, hagan un plan para votar hoy".

Los expertos en política se han puesto manos a la obra para discutir el potencial de Taylor para influir en esta campaña electoral, después de ver lo extremadamente leales que son sus fans. Basta con preguntarle al comisionado de la NFL, Roger Goodell.

La administración Biden ha sido abierta sobre su deseo de obtener un respaldo de Taylor, como lo hizo en 2020, y el propio Joe se ha inclinado por la posibilidad de que lo respalde.

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Es secreto

El equipo de Donald Trump, mientras tanto, le ha declarado la "guerra santa" a la cantante y los Swifties, según han informado algunos medios, insistiendo en que el ex presidente es "más popular" que ella y tiene fans más leales.

Taylor no está respaldando a nadie hoy, y la mayoría de los analistas políticos no esperan que lo haga hasta que nos acerquemos al día de las elecciones en noviembre.

En su llamado a los Swifties en IG, Taylor instó a todos a ir a vote.org para encontrar información sobre los lugares de votación y los tiempos, si están en alguno de los 16 estados o territorios donde se votan primarias hoy.

Sólido consejo.

Taylor Swift Get Out and Vote, Swifties ... It's Super Tuesday!!!

Taylor Swift is leaping into 2024 presidential politics on Super Tuesday, but she's stopping short of that coveted endorsement of President Joe Biden ... or any candidate, for that matter.

Taylor sounded the alarm early Tuesday morning with a post on her IG story, writing a note that says, "I wanted to remind you guys to vote the people who most represent YOU into power. If you haven't already, make a plan to vote today."

Political pundits have had a field day discussing the potential power of Taylor to swing campaigns this election season, having seen the power of her extremely loyal fan base. Just ask NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell about it.

The Biden administration's been open about its desire to get an endorsement from Taylor -- as she did in 2020 -- and Joe himself has leaned into the possibility of her backing him.

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It's Classified

Donald Trump's camp, meanwhile, has reportedly declared "holy war" on the singer and Swifties ... insisting the former prez is "more popular" than her, with more loyal fans.

Taylor's not endorsing anyone today, and most political analysts don't expect her to do so until we get closer to election day in November.

In her IG call out to Swifties, Taylor urged everyone to hit up vote.org to find info on polling places and times ... if you're in one of the 16 states or territories voting in today's primaries.

Solid advice.

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DONALD TRUMP GANA LA APELACIÓN ¡No se le puede descalificar!

Donald Trump permanecerá en la boleta electoral en Colorado para las elecciones presidenciales de 2024, y eso va para todos los demás estados. Esto es algo que el Tribunal Supremo acaba de establecer.

Los nueve jueces fallaron por unanimidad el lunes a favor de Trump en su apelación contra el Estado de Colorado, que había tratado de arrancarlo de su boleta electoral de noviembre, citando la cláusula de insurrección en la Constitución y decidir que había participado en una el 6 de enero.

El alto tribunal no se pronunció sobre si eso era cierto o no, lo único que decidió aquí fue sobre si inhabilitar a funcionarios federales por una insurrección le correspondía al Congreso y no a los Estados. En otras palabras, dijeron que Colorado malinterpretó la ley.

Escriben en su opinión: "Por las razones expuestas, la responsabilidad de hacer cumplir la Sección 3 contra los titulares de cargos federales y candidatos corresponde al Congreso y no a los Estados".

Continúa: "La sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de Colorado allí no puede mantenerse". Continúan diciendo que la decisión de Colorado de inhabilitar a Trump ahora es revocada, y que obviamente sentará un precedente con otros estados que también intentaron hacer esto los últimos meses.

Maine e Illinois también le prohibieron a Trump aparecer en sus papeletas, citando la misma cláusula de insurrección.

Han sido días extraños para Donald, y ha tenido que enfrentar muchos obstáculos, pero esta vez emerge victorioso y tendrá una oportunidad de competir por la presidencia justa.

Donald Trump Wins SCOTUS Appeal Against CO ... Ya Can't Disqualify Him!!!

Donald Trump will remain on the ballot in Colorado for the 2024 presidential election, and that goes for every other state as well ... something the Supreme Court just set in stone.

All nine Justices ruled unanimously Monday in favor of DT in his appeal against the State of Colorado -- which had tried to boot him from their November ballot ... citing the insurrection clause in the Constitution and deciding he had, in fact, participated in one on Jan. 6.

The high court didn't weigh in on whether that was true or not ... all they decided here was this issue of disbarring federal officials from office over an insurrection was for Congress to decide, and not for the States. In other words, they said Colorado misinterpreted the law.

They write in their opinion ... "For the reasons given, responsibility for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates rests with Congress and not the States."

SCOTUS continues, "The judgment of the Colorado Supreme Court there cannot stand." They go on to say that Colorado's decision to disqualify Trump is now reversed, and that'll obviously set a precedent with other states that attempted to do this in recent months too.

Maine and Illinois also barred Trump from appearing on their ballots -- citing the same insurrection clause -- but now that the Supreme Court has weighed in ... they lose as well.

It's a rare W for The Donald these days ... he's been taking a lot of L's -- but here, he emerges victorious ... and will have a shot to compete for the presidency fair and square.

Bill Maher to Joe Biden Lean into Your Age!!! ... Just Not too Far

I Feel Your Joint Pain

Bill Maher was HYSTERICAL Friday night, with a message to Joe Biden ... embrace your old fart self!!!

The 'Real Time' host made a barrage of solid points, in particular -- When the Prez says he's sharper than ever, no one's buyin' what he's selling.

Or, as BM says, Joe's so old his bad kid with a drug problem is 54!

So, Bill says he should stop riding bikes and hopping on TikTok. Hillary tried it and it didn't work for her.  BTW, thanks for the shout-out, Bill!

Fact is, old people vote way more than the youngins. So appeal to the "Matlock" crowd and advertise on CBS.

And then ... Bill had a brainstorm for Thursday's State of the Union, and it's genius. Biden should appear before the joint session of Congress ambling up to the stage with a walker.

Not gonna spoil it for you -- it's just hilarious. And the out-of-context audience reactions are, as Joe would say, a real knee-slapper!

'Euphoria' Star Hunter Schafer Handcuffed In NYC Protests Israel-Hamas War

Hunter Schafer -- one of the stars of the TV show "Euphoria" -- was taken away in handcuffs Monday while protesting the Israel-Hamas war in NYC ... this during President Joe Biden's visit.

Check out the photo ... Sporting a t-shirt that read "Cease Fire Now" -- obviously calling for an end to the fighting going on in Gaza -- the actress was escorted away by an NYPD officer with her hands cuffed behind her back at Rockefeller Plaza in Midtown Manhattan.

Schafer was one of 33 "Jewish Voice For Peace" protesters arrested Monday afternoon and issued two summonses for trespassing and disorderly conduct. Both charges are less serious violations of the law.

Schafer, who plays Jules on "Euphoria," was protesting the military fight in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas. The two rivals began their latest battle October 7, 2023, after Hamas terrorists invaded the Jewish state, slaughtering 1,200 Israelis during a sneak attack.

Since then, Israel has waged a violent and deadly conflict against the militants, who control Gaza and the Palestinians living under their rule. Many Palestinians have lost their lives, sparking anger and protests around the world, including in the United States.

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Yesterday, videos posted to social media showed the "Jewish Voice" group sitting in the lobby of Rockefeller Center while waving banners that read "Jews to Biden: Stop arming genocide” and “Lasting cease-fire."

We're Close

President Biden addressed this issue with reporters while stopping at an ice cream shop in Manhattan with 'Late Night' host Seth Meyers. Biden said his national security adviser has been working behind the scenes with the warring parties and was hopeful there would be a cease-fire between Israel and Palestine by next Monday.

Estrella de "Euphoria" Esposada en NYC Por protestas contra guerra entre Israel y Hamás...

Hunter Schafer, una de las estrellas de la serie de televisión "Euphoria", fue esposada el lunes mientras protestaba contra la guerra entre Israel-Hamas en Nueva York, durante la visita del Presidente Joe Biden.

Echa un vistazo a la foto, la actriz llevaba una camiseta que decía "Alto al fuego ahora", en alusión al llamado a poner fin a los combates en Gaza. En la imagen se ve cómo es escoltada por un oficial de la policía de Nueva York con las manos esposadas en la espalda en Rockefeller Plaza en el centro de Manhattan.

Schafer fue una de los 33 manifestantes de "Jewish Voice For Peace" detenidos el lunes por la tarde. La actriz recibió dos citaciones por allanamiento y alteración del orden público. Ambos cargos son violaciones menos graves de la ley.

Schafer, quien interpreta a Jules en "Euphoria", protestaba contra la lucha militar en la Franja de Gaza entre Israel y Hamás. Los dos rivales iniciaron su última batalla el 7 de octubre de 2023, después de que terroristas de Hamás invadieran el Estado judío y masacraran a 1.200 israelíes durante un ataque furtivo.

Desde entonces, Israel ha librado un violento y mortífero conflicto contra los militantes, que controlan Gaza y a los palestinos que viven bajo su dominio. Muchos palestinos han perdido la vida, lo que ha desatado la ira y las protestas en todo el mundo, incluido Estados Unidos.

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Videos publicados ayer en las redes sociales mostraban al grupo "Jewish Voice" sentado en el vestíbulo del Rockefeller Center mientras ondeaban pancartas en las que se podía leer "Jews to Biden: Stop arming genocide" y "Lasting cease-fire".

Estamos cerca

El presidente Biden abordó el tema mientras hacía una parada en una heladería de Manhattan con el presentador de 'Late Night' Seth Meyers. Biden dijo que su asesor de seguridad nacional ha estado trabajando en privado con las partes enfrentadas y se mostró esperanzado de que se llegue a un alto al fuego entre Israel y Palestina el próximo lunes.

Fat Joe Trump Ain't Got My Vote ... But I Got His Sneakers!!!


Fat Joe believes in the separation of style and politics, and as such, is a proud owner of Donald Trump's new gold high-top sneakers ... despite having ZERO intention of voting for him!!!

The veteran rap star recently held sneakerhead court on his IG page and defended his acquisition of Trump's "Never Surrender" kicks -- the exclusive "Friends & Family" editions.

Joe didn't pay for them with his own money but he thinks they're fire, so he didn't refuse the handout!!!

Fox News

Of course, Joe's allegiance to the shiny sneaks has an extra layer of scrutiny after a Fox News host predicted the shoes will help Trump win over Black voters -- an offensive notion Detroit rapper Peezy gravitated toward ... but not Joe.

He compared Trump to dead artists Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy Warhol ... saying art collectors don't question anything they were into behavior, they simply praise their works.

Unintentional or not, that's pretty high praise for DT.

Joe says he even stocked up on exclusive Yeezy's when Kanye West got himself canceled at the end of 2022, but he's doubling down on disliking Trump and his politics.

Joe Biden Will Taylor Swift Endorse Me In 2024? ... That's Classified!!!

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It's Classified

President Joe Biden was out on the campaign trail Monday, sitting down for an interview with Seth Meyers – and joking about potentially getting Taylor Swift's "classified" endorsement.

The 46th U.S. President sported his signature Aviator glasses while parked on a couch next to comedian Amy Poehler during his visit to "Late Night With Seth Meyers."  Of course, Seth was seated at his desk in front of Joe and the two covered a wide range of mostly political issues.

At one point, Seth told Joe that 18 percent of Americans believe he's working in "cahoots" with Taylor to reelect him in the 2024 presidential race against the Republican nominee, likely Donald Trump.

Seth showed a message Joe posted on the social media app, "X," after the Kansas City Chiefs beat the San Francisco 49ers 25-22 to win this year's Super Bowl. The one-liner read, "Just like we drew it up."

The host then asked Joe, "Now, can you confirm or deny that there is an active conspiracy here between you and Ms. Swift?"

Joe went along with the joke, replying, "Where are you getting this information? It's classified. But I will tell you she did endorse me in 2020."

Seth agreed, asking if Taylor would support Joe this time around. But Joe wouldn't give an inch, repeating, "I told you. It's classified."

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Fun stuff from Commander in Chief.

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Lou Williams Trump's Sneakers Won't Win Over Black Voters


Not everyone believes Donald Trump's $400 sneakers will win over Black voters.

TMZ Sports ran into former NBA star Lou Williams at LAX on Friday ... and we asked him about FOX News host Raymond Arroyo's predictions that DT's kicks will garner him political capital -- earning the former prez votes -- among the Black community.

Of course, Trump recently revealed the $399 pair of "Never Surrender" gold high tops,  and let's just say the reaction was mixed.

Lou Will -- who played 17 seasons in the NBA before retiring in 2023 -- disagrees, telling us it's a misguided move if it was in fact Trump's plan to pick up votes.

"If that's your intention, I think you're in the wrong place and I think you're a little misled on thinking how intelligent we are to see this coming a mile away," Williams said on Friday.

Not to mention, Williams isn't really a fan of the sneakers.

"They're not even dope. Not really collectibles. Obviously, some guys are gonna do it when you got the Hypebeasts."

Instead, the 37-year-old would rather Trump, his supporters, and all American voters focus on fixing the country ... rather than materialistic goods.

"We talking about sneakers opposed to the direction that our country is gonna live in and where our kids and how our children are gonna grow up in this world and the leadership that follows that," Williams said.

The presidential election is November 5, 2024.


un estereotipo
Fox News

Un presentador de FOX News está siendo criticado por sugerir que las nuevas zapatillas de Donald Trump se ganarán a los afroamericanos, y un rapero de Detroit parece dispuesto a firmar ese mensaje.

Raymond Arroyo estaba al aire hablando de Trump y de las zapatillas -que cuestan alrededor de $400- y dio a entender que todos los afroamericanos aman las zapatillas deportivas y por eso Trump iba a triunfar.

Esto es lo que dijo: "Esto está conectando con los afroamericanos, porque les encantan las zapatillas deportivas. Este es un gran tema, sobre todo en el centro de la ciudad. Así que cuando Trump lanzó su línea de zapatillas, ellos dijeron, "espera un minuto, esto es genial'. Está llegando a ellos por encima de la política".

Naturalmente, los comentarios de Arroyo desataron la indignación en Internet, y muchos lo calificaron de racista y de caer en estereotipos dañinos que no son ciertos. Como muchos señalaron con razón, los afroamericanos y cualquier grupo étnico son variados, en gustos y estilos.

TRUMP es un soplón

Sin embargo Peezy, que tiene un gran número de seguidores, parecía apoyar el argumento de Arroyo, afirmando en línea que está tratando de conseguir un par. De hecho, apoya a Trump y critica a Biden.

Peezy fue claro respecto a las zapatillas y a sus afiliaciones políticas, diciendo: "F*** Joe Biden, estoy rockeando con Trump", antes de añadir un "f*** Kamala Harris" por si acaso. También dijo "Free Trump", así que sí, él es un fan.

Por supuesto, Peezy de ninguna manera hablando en nombre todos, solo se representa a sí mismo y sus propios puntos de vista, pero es interesante de todas formas.

Los comentarios de Arroyo están siendo vistos como problemáticos, pero por la misma razón, hay claramente algunos afroamericanos que en realidad detestan a Trump. De nuevo, no somos todos iguales, así que no es ninguna sorpresa.

Si Trump es capaz de lograr que más afroamericanos voten por él este año, probablemente no será a causa de estas zapatillas... no importa lo que FOX News diga.

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Dicho esto, estas zapatillas de Trump se han agotado. Fue un lanzamiento de edición limitada -con solo 1.000 pares- y la gente los compró bastante rápido. 🤷🏽‍♂️

FOX News Trump Sneaks Will Sway Black Voters Rapper Peezy Loves 'Em!!!

Fox News

A FOX News host is under fire for suggesting Donald Trump's new sneakers will win over Black America -- and one rapper from Detroit seems ready to cosign that message.

Raymond Arroyo was on the air and talking about DT's "gold" kicks -- which cost about $400 -- and he said something controversial ... namely, implying all Black people love sneakers, and because of that -- Trump's new endeavor will bring them over to his side in droves.

Here's what he said ... "This is connecting with Black America because they love sneakers. This is a big deal, certainly in the inner city. So when you have Trump roll out his sneaker line, they're like, 'wait a minute, this is cool.' He's reaching them on a level that defies and is above politics."

Naturally, Arroyo's comments sparked outrage online -- with many calling his sentiment outright racist ... and playing into harmful stereotypes that just aren't true. As many rightly noted ... Black people are NOT a monolith, and neither is any other group for that matter.


And yet ... Peezy -- who's got a pretty big following -- appeared to back Arroyo's argument ... hopping online to explicitly plug Trump's "Never Surrender" shoes, and even saying he's trying to get his hands on a pair. Indeed, he endorses Trump here -- and slams Biden as well.

Peezy put out an APB for a size 13 for the sold-out sneakers ... while making his political affiliations clear ... saying "F*** Joe Biden, I'm rocking with Trump," before adding a "f*** Kamala Harris" for good measure. He also said "Free Trump" ... so yeah, he's a fan.

Of course, Peezy is in no way speaking on behalf of others here -- he only represents himself and his own views -- but it is interesting that he's coming out swinging on behalf of DT and his kicks.

Big picture though ... Arroyo's remarks are being viewed as problematic, but by the same token -- there's clearly some Black people who actually dig Trump and his merch. Again ... not a monolith -- so no surprise there, really.

We'll say this ... if Trump is able to sway more African Americans to vote for him this year -- it probably won't be because of these shoes, specifically -- despite what FOX News thinks.

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With that said ... these Trump sneakers have actually sold out. It was a limited edition release, with only 1,000 pairs dropping -- and people snapped 'em up pretty quick. 🤷🏽‍♂️

President Biden Almost Trips Boarding AF1 'Small Stair' Report Confirmed


President Biden nearly fell boarding Air Force One this week -- a bit surprising since he took a shorter flight of stairs ... confirming a report that that's what his staff has him doing now.

Joe was getting on the famed aircraft Tuesday as he was getting ready to leave D.C. for California -- where he'll be in town for a few days as he fundraises for his reelection campaign ... but as we've seen before, he had somewhat of a hard time climbing aboard.

Check it out ... you can see JB make his way up a shorter staircase into a different part of the plane -- which is much lower to the ground than the usual entrance he might take -- but even here, the Prez struggles a bit ... jolting forward a couple times as he catches himself.

Luckily, he didn't fall here -- as he has in the past -- but it was a little jarring. Even more surprising is the fact that a Secret Service agent was stationed at the bottom of the stairs ... keeping a watchful eye on his boss. We've been seeing this more lately with Joe.

031921_joe_biden_kal1 MARCH 2021

It's interesting ... the agent at the bottom of the (shorter) stairs is something the NYT reported on earlier this month -- part of a new strategy in managing/shielding Biden.

Worth noting ... Donald Trump would also use the shorter stairs at times during bad weather, but now -- it seems Joe taking the shorter stairs with someone monitoring him from behind is the new norm. Even here though -- it seems like a potential fall is still in the mix.

060123-joe-biden-kal JUNE 2023

It goes without saying ... these concerns have been mounting -- namely, ones about his age/fitness for office. It's something he's swatted away time and again ... but folks are talkin'.

Also worth noting ... this ain't the first time Joe has fallen during his presidency. He's taken some nasty tumbles before -- including while boarding Air Force One.

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He avoided it this time -- but he might wanna go up a little slower going forward. Safety first!

Jon Stewart ¡¡Dije lo que dije sobre Biden!! Critica a sus detractores

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Las críticas están ahí
Comedy Central

Jon Stewart defendió sus críticas a Joe Biden en el monólogo de apertura que hizo en su regreso a "Daily Show" y también se burló de todos los que se sorprendieron con ellas.

En su segundo programa tras su retorno a la serie de Comedy Central el lunes por la noche, Jon Stewart logró reírse de incluso los mensajes más salvajes en línea, señalando que los que están en X se ponen nerviosos por cualquier cosa. Incluso les dijo que "se fueran a la mierda". Así que sí, no está exactamente lloriqueando por la crítica.

Cuestiones básicas
Comedy Central

La ex estrella de MSNBC Keith Olbermann y Mary L. Trump se sintieron particularmente ofendidos por la burla de Stewart a Biden y Donald Trump, esta última incluso lo etiquetó como "un potencial peligro para la democracia", como se ve en los tweets que aparecen en la pantalla.

Pero Jon Stewart respondió furioso en su monólogo: "¡Fue un pu** programa! Fue solo un pu** programa. Fueron 20 minutos. Hice 20 minutos en un pu** programa. Pero supongo que como dice el famoso refrán: "La democracia muere en la discusión'".

Concluyó sarcásticamente: "Nunca fue mi intención decir en voz alta lo que vi con mis ojos y luego con mi mente. Puedo hacerlo mejor".

Como se acordarán, Jon Stewart marcó su regreso a "Daily Show" discutiendo las próximas elecciones de 2024, en particular, su mordaz comentario apuntó a la edad y el estado mental del Presidente de Estados Unidos.

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El oponente de Biden tampoco se libró tan fácilmente. Trump fue criticado por ser incapaz de recordar cosas básicas, lo que es un rasgo bastante clave si vas a dirigir un país.

A pesar de todo, el mensaje de Stewart por sangre nueva en la política es fuerte y claro.


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Comedy Central

Jon Stewart is standing by his roasting of Joe Biden in the opening monologue for his 'Daily Show' return last week ... while also mocking everyone who clutched their pearls.

In his second show back for the Comedy Central series Monday night, JS managed to find humor in even the most savage of online messages ... noting that those on X get worked up on anything at the drop of a dime -- even telling labradoodles to "go f*** themselves." So yeah, he's not exactly gonna be crying over the criticism.

Comedy Central

Ex-MSNBC star Keith Olbermann and Mary L. Trump particularly took offense to Stewart's roasting of Biden and Donald Trump -- the latter even going as far as to label him "a potential disaster for democracy" as seen in the tweets displayed on the screen.

But JS fired back at the absurdity of the outrage surrounding his monologue ... "It was one f***ing show! It was just one f***ing show! It was 20 minutes. I did 20 minutes in one f***ing show! But I guess, as the famous saying goes: 'Democracy dies in discussion.'"

He sarcastically concluded ... "It was never my intention to say out loud what I saw with my eyes and then brain. I can do better!"

You'll recall ... JS marked his 'DS' return by discussing the upcoming 2024 election -- in particular, his biting commentary was aimed at POTUS' age and mental state.

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JB's opponent wasn't let off the hook so easily -- Trump was also roasted for being unable to remember basic stuff ... which is a pretty key trait to have if you're running the country.

Nonetheless, Stewart's message advocating for new blood in politics is loud and clear.

Trump lanza una línea de zapatillas Con el lema "Never Surrender" (nunca te rindas)

Donald Trump está haciendo un movimiento a lo Michael Jordan, porque ahora está vendiendo zapatillas, presumiblemente para pagar lo que hasta ahora asciende a un total de 500 millones de dólares en juicios.

Trump anunció la línea de zapatillas el sábado, bajo el apodo, "Trump Sneakers". Él los está llamando el "NEVER SURRENDER HIGH-TOP SNEAKER" con un precio de $399.

Trump afirma que ha tenido la idea durante más de 10 años, pero es una gran coincidencia que se diera a conocer un día después de que se le ordenó pagar $355M por la manipulación de los libros de su empresa.

Solo se venderán 1.000 pares, así que no le servirá realmente para salir de sus problemas financieros.

Trump hizo el anuncio el sábado en Sneaker Con. Las zapatillas llevan una "T" y un "45" estampados. Y está vendiendo una colonia y un perfume a 99 dólares cada uno.

La empresa que está vendiendo los artículos es CIC Ventures LLC. No parece ser parte del imperio de Trump, ya que el juez dijo que Trump no puede hacer negocios en su empresa con sede en Nueva York durante tres años.

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A propósito, si Trump está pensando en elegir a RFK Jr. como su compañero, debería pensarlo mejor. RFK y su esposa -Cheryl Hines- dejaron claro en "TMZ Live" que eso no va a suceder.

Una cosa más, Trump le respondió enfurecido a la gente en redes sociales respecto a unas imágenes que están dando vueltas en las que aparece mostrando una barriga prominente, alegando que la foto era una falsificación generada por A.I.

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Así es amigos... van a ser 8 largos meses.