Ron DeSantis abandona la carrera presidencial Y apoya a Donald Trump

Ron DeSantis está oficialmente fuera de la carrera presidencial, pero no lo va a hacerlo así nada más.

El gobernador de Florida publicó un video de cuatro minutos en X diciéndole a sus seguidores que está suspendiendo su campaña, esto a solo dos días de las primarias de New Hampshire, y en última instancia, le está brindando su apoyo al expresidente Donald Trump.

Ron comenzó su clip repitiendo muchas posturas conservadoras sobre temas de seguridad fronteriza, decadencia social en las ciudades y adoctrinamiento de los niños por la ideología "progre".

DeSantis dijo que su equipo rezó después de la derrota en Iowa -donde Trump lo aplastó en las cabinas de votación, con más del doble de votos que Ron- y su equipo finalmente se dio cuenta de que no hay nada que incline la carrera a su favor.

En cuanto a la aprobación, reconoció que ha estado en desacuerdo con Tump en el pasado, pero se está poniendo de su lado por el bien del partido, básicamente diciendo que cuatro años más de Joe Biden en la Casa Blanca no es aceptable.

Engancharse al carro del favorito no es nada nuevo en política, forma parte del juego. Y Ron se ha mantenido alejado de Trump durante el período previo a las primarias, a diferencia de Nikki Haley, la última gran oposición a la Donald.


Hablando de Nikki, no es de extrañar que ella no esté recibiendo el apoyo de Ron, no solo terminó tercera en Iowa, muy por detrás de Trump en las encuestas, además se enfrentaron en el último debate republicano y se puso intenso.

Ron dijo que Nikki solo está en esto por lo que sus patrocinadores financieros quieren. Nikki directamente llamó a Ron un mentiroso. Sí, se puso bastante intenso.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Con otro candidato derribado y las encuestas oscilando salvajemente a favor de Trump te tienes que preguntar, ¿cuánto tiempo más va a pasar hasta que las primarias se conviertan simplemente en formalidades?

Ron DeSantis I Will NOT Be Your Next Prez ... But Trump Should Be

Ron DeSantis is officially out of the presidential race ... and he's not exactly going out on a limb with his endorsement.

The Florida governor posted a four-minute vid to X telling his supporters he's suspending his campaign -- this, just two days before the New Hampshire primary -- and ultimately he's putting his support behind former President Donald Trump.

RD started his clip by repeating many conservative stances on issues -- more border security, social decay in cities, indoctrination of children by woke ideology ... basically the boilerplate message.

DeSantis said his team prayed after the loss in Iowa -- where Trump crushed him at the voting booths, with more than double Ron's vote count -- and his team ultimately realized there's nothing that'll swing the race in their favor.

As for the endorsement ... the 45-year-old acknowledged he's disagreed with DT on policy in the past, but he's putting that aside for the good of the party -- basically saying four more years of Joe Biden in the White House isn't acceptable.

Hitching your wagon to the frontrunner ain't anything new in politics -- it's all part of the game. And RD's stayed away from roasting Trump during the run-up to the primaries ... unlike Nikki Haley, the last major opposition to the Donald.


Speaking of NH, it's not surprising she's not getting Ron's support ... not only did she finish third in Iowa and fall way behind Trump in the polls, but they faced off at the last Republican debate -- and it got a little nasty.

Ron said Nikki's only in it for what her financial backers want ... Nikki straight up called Ron a liar -- yeah, it got pretty intense.

TMZ Studios

With another candidate down and the polls swung wildly in Trump's favor ya gotta wonder ... how much longer until the primaries simply become formalities?

Donald Trump Somber At Mother-in-Law's Funeral ... Skipped Trial to Attend

Donald Trump's taking a break from his legal issues to support Melania as she lays her mother to rest in Florida.

The former prez stood somber Friday morning next to his wife and their son Barron -- the whole family was dressed in Black as they attended the funeral for Amalija Knavs in Palm Beach.

Melania's dad Viktor remained glued to her side as they followed the casket out of the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea, ready to lay Amalija in her final resting place.

As we previously reported ... the former First Lady announced her mother passed away last Tuesday It's not clear exactly how she died, but Trump told a crowd on New Year's Eve his mother-in-law had recently fallen "very ill."

Trump also called the night Amalija passed a very sad one for the family, while adding she "has just gone to a beautiful place in the sky. She was an incredible woman, and will be missed far beyond words!”

The leading Republican presidential candidate is clearly prioritizing his family's mourning -- he's off the campaign trail after dominating the Iowa Caucus, and also skipped the E. Jean Carroll defamation trial in NYC to be at the funeral.

One other takeaway from Thursday's service ... Barron's really grown up in recent years and is the spitting image of his father, when he was young. Check out the pics, especially the one where he's extending a hand to support Dad.

Amalija and Viktor emigrated to the U.S. years ago and became citizens in 2018. Melania and her 78-year-old mother reportedly shared a strong bond, and she'd lived part-time in the White House and recently at Mar-a-Lago.

Whoopi Goldberg Fires Back at Nikki Haley Yes, the U.S. *Has* Been Racist!!!


Nikki Haley said America has never been a racist country -- but Whoopi Goldberg would beg to differ ... and she's ready to list the ugly receipts that prove the exact opposite.

The talk show host tackled this topic on "The View" Wednesday -- this a day after the Republican presidential candidate went on FOX News to rebuke the notion that America is a racist nation ... but in the same breath, denied the U.S. has ever that problem.

Fox News

Of course, that's a ridiculous statement ... and just factually wrong. Not only did we have slaves in this country for a good long while -- but America was a segregated nation through much of the 20th century as well. Basic history ... but NH seems to be trying to blur it.

Welp, Whoopi wasn't having any of Haley's obfuscation ... and she unloaded on her in no uncertain terms in an impassioned speech as she was intro'ing this topic at the table.

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Check out what she has to say for yourself -- she says all the lynching of Black people over the years wasn't carried out by them ... but by racist Americans, and you can tell she's outraged by Haley's attempt to downplay this country's past.

The reason this latest slip-up from her stands out is the fact that just recently suggested the Civil War was not really about slavery -- something she tried to clarify after the fact ... but raised a lot of eyebrows when she said it.


Things didn't get better when she further tried distancing herself from those remarks at a Republican town hall ... using the old "I have Black friends" line to defend herself.

Talk about stepping in it, huh?

Whoopi Goldberg responde a la afirmación de Nikki Haley de que EE.UU. "nunca fue racista"

el racismo es real

Nikki Haley dijo que Estados Unidos nunca ha sido un país racista, pero Whoopi Goldberg no está de acuerdo, y está dispuesta a enumerar distintas situaciones recibos que demuestran exactamente lo contrario.

El anfitrión del programa de entrevistas abordó este tema en "The View" el miércoles, un día después de que la candidata presidencial republicana apareciera en FOX News para refutar la idea de que Estados Unidos es una nación racista, pero en el mismo discurso, negó que los EE.UU. tuviera ese problema desde siempre.

"nunca hemos sido un país racista"
Fox News

Por supuesto, esa es una afirmación ridícula y simplemente incorrecta. No solo tuvimos esclavos en este país durante mucho tiempo, sino que Estados Unidos fue una nación segregada durante gran parte del siglo XX. Historia básica, pero Nikki parece estar tratando de difuminarla.

Whoopi respondio de una manera elocuente y directa —mucho mejor que alguien que se postula a un cargo político— y puso a Hañey en su lugar.

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siguiente pregunta

Mira lo que dijo por ti mismo, ella dice que todos los linchamientos de personas de raza negra a lo largo de los años no fueron llevados a cabo por ellos, sino por los estadounidenses racistas, y se puede decir que está indignada por el intento de Haley de restarle importancia al pasado de este país.

La razón de este último desliz se destaca es el hecho de que hace poco sugirió que la Guerra Civil no era realmente acerca de la esclavitud, algo que trató de aclarar después de los hechos, pero levantó un montón de cejas cuando lo hizo.

"tengo amigos negros"

Las cosas no mejoraron cuando trató de distanciarse de esos comentarios en un ayuntamiento republicano, utilizando la vieja línea "Tengo amigos negros" para defenderse.

Eso sí que es pisar fuerte, ¿eh?

2024 Republican Presidential Debate Ron DeSantis Trades Blows With Nikki Haley


Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley came out swinging during Wednesday's fifth 2024 Republican Primary Debate with each trading barbs as the two emerged as Donald Trump's biggest challengers in the upcoming Iowa Caucus.

With just 3 days to go before the polls open in Iowa, DeSantis duked it out with Haley onstage at Drake University in Des Moines, while the former President stayed on the sidelines as he did for the other four debates.

DeSantis got things rolling as he stood at a lectern next to Haley, slamming her and Trump in response to questions by CNN moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper.

The Florida governor said, “Donald Trump’s running to pursue his issues. Nikki Haley’s running to pursue her donors’ issues. I’m running to pursue your issues and your family’s issues.”

DeSantis then isolated his attack to Haley, saying, “We don’t need another mealy-mouthed politician who just tells you what she thinks you want to hear.”

The ex-South Carolina governor landed some jabs of her own, calling DeSantis a liar at one point and needling him for losing his donors to her.

“He’s only mad about the donors because the donors used to be with him, but they’re no longer with him,” Haley said, adding, “His campaign is exploding.”

The insults didn't stop there. DeSantis mocked Haley for having a "problem with ballistic podiatry, shooting herself in the foot every other day."

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Haley, as you know, stumbled over her Civil War comments, failing to name slavery as the trigger for the conflict and was roasted by the media as she had to clarify what she meant.

When they weren't at each other's throats, the two candidates discussed a range of issues, such as abortion, immigration, foreign affairs and the January 6th Capitol riots.

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All of this came on the heels of fellow Republican Chris Christie dropping out of the race Wednesday, as he was caught on a hot mic explaining that Haley was going to get "smoked" by Trump in the primary race.

Chris Christie Bad-mouths Nikki Haley On Hot Mic ... She's Going To Get Smoked

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Chris Christie has officially bowed out of the race for President ... but just before he did, he was caught talking trash about Nikki Haley.

The former New Jersey Governor was picked up on a hot mic Wednesday ahead of announcing he's pulling out of the presidential race ... talking to someone about who can potentially hold their own in the primaries.

You can hear him say, "She's gonna get smoked" and "She's not up to this," referring to Haley.

This was Christie's 2nd attempt at the White House. BTW -- he went up against Donald Trump in 2016, but pulled out after his approval rating was simply anemic.

This time around, he went up against Trump, Haley, Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy -- and things got heated between the candidates on the debate floor.

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Vivek fat-shamed CC in December, shutting him down on the topic of foreign policy by saying, "Just walk yourself off that stage, enjoy a nice meal, and get the hell out of this race."


While Trump was absent from all debates, Christie let him have it nonetheless -- calling him Donald Duck, citing how often the former President was "ducking" the debates.

One thing's for sure. Christie is not banking on being the #2 on a Trump ticket ... he hates the guy.

Chris Christie Habla mal de Nikki Haley con el micrófono abierto

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Hablando sobre Haley

Chris Christie se ha retirado oficialmente de la carrera presidencial, pero justo antes de hacerlo, fue sorprendido hablando mal de Nikki Haley.

El ex gobernador de Nueva Jersey fue captado con el micrófono abierto el miércoles antes de anunciar que se retiraba de la carrera presidencia, hablando con alguien sobre quién podría potencialmente mantenerse en las primarias.

Lo puedes oír decir: "Ella va a ser derrotada a lo grande (get smoked)" y "no está a la altura de esto", refiriéndose a Haley.

Este fue el segundo intento de Christie de llegar la Casa Blanca. Por cierto, se enfrentó a Donald Trump en 2016, pero se retiró después de que su índice de aprobación fuera simplemente anémico.

Esta vez, se enfrentó a Trump, Haley, Ron DeSantis y Vivek Ramaswamy y las cosas se calentaron entre los candidatos en el debate.

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Regañando a Christie

Vivek avergonzó a Chris Christie en diciembre sobre su peso, criticándolo en el tema de política exterior diciendo: "Solo camina fuera del escenario, disfruta de una buena comida y abandona esta carrera (get the hell out)"

Aunque Trump se ausentó de todos los debates, Christie lo criticó de todos modos, llamándolo Donald Duck (Pato Donald) y citando la frecuencia con la que el ex Presidente "esquivaba" los debates.

Una cosa es segura. Christie no está apostando por ser el número 2 en una candidatura de Trump... lo odia.

Donald Trump le dice a MAGA que "esten atentos a los idiotas" el día de votación

¡hay que hacer algo!

Donald Trump está alentando a sus seguidores a estar atentos el día de votación.

El ex presidente estaba haciendo campaña en Iowa el viernes -lugar que está a punto de iniciar su votación el 15 de enero- y dijo que quiere que sus leales de MAGA le pongan fin a tanta "mierda".

Échale un vistazo al clip, Trump le dice ominosamente a la multitud que deambulen por los centros electorales y estén atentos a las "bolsas de mierda" que podrían tratar de infiltrarse.

Si los votantes de MAGA ven algo de eso, él les anima a ponerle fin a la misma allí en las cabinas, casi como incitando a algunos enfrentamientos físicos.

Bromas escatológicas aparte, esto es bastante serio y es como una advertencia de los conflictos por venir a medida que nos acercamos al día de la votación. Trump está avivando hablando sobre la manipulación de las elecciones e irritando a su base de seguidores en este momento.

Por supuesto, hemos visto esa historia antes... el 6 de enero de 2021.

Es, tal vez, no es coincidencia entonces que Trump estaba hablando de esta manera en la víspera del aniversario de 3 años de eso. Y sí, sigue insistiendo en que las elecciones de 2020 fueron "robadas".

Recordemos que está en las probabilidades de favorito para postular a la presidencia, por lo que se perfila una revancha entre él y Joe de nuevo. Esperemos que la fea historia no se repita.

Donald Trump Tells MAGA Crowd ... Stop 'Bags of Crap' at Voting Booths!!!

stop the stool!!!

Donald Trump's encouraging his supporters to stop people on Election Day that they suspect might be up to no good ... and he's using fecal descriptions to send his message.

The ex-Prez was out campaigning in Iowa Friday -- which is about to kick off its caucus voting on Jan. 15 -- and he made no bones about what he wants MAGA loyalists to do during this presidential election in November ... put a halt to the BS, emphasis on s***.

Check out the clip ... DT ominously tells the crowd that he expects them to roam around election centers and keep an eye out for "bags of crap" that might try to infiltrate.

If the MAGA voters see any of that ... he encourages them to put a stop to it right there at the booths. On its face, it almost sounds like he's cosigning some physical confrontations.

Poop jokes aside, this is pretty serious ... and it comes across as a warning of conflicts to come as we get closer to voting day itself. Already, it's sounding like Trump is stoking the flames of election interference/tampering -- and he's riling up his base right now in January.

Of course, we've seen that story before and how it played out ... namely, Jan. 6, 2021.

It's, perhaps, no coincidence then that Trump was talking this way on the eve of the 3-year anniversary of that. And yes, he continues to insist the 2020 election was "stolen."

Remember, he's the odds-on favorite for the GOP nomination ... so it's shaping to be a rematch between him and Joe again. Here's hoping some ugly history doesn't repeat itself.


Jill Biden isn't pumping the brakes on her SoulCycle obsession anytime soon -- surprising spin enthusiasts in L.A. by dropping into an early morning class for those much-needed endorphins.

Sources tell TMZ the First Lady's suited and booted Secret Service agents arrived first to the trendy cycling chain's 7 AM class in Brentwood earlier this month ... wanding down everyone and informing them a VIP would be in class.

Upon entering, Jill settled onto bike no. 42 -- at the back, right by the Secret Service team at the entrance ... just in case she needed to make a speedy escape.

There was no theme for this SC class, though we're told at one point they rode to Janet Jackson's "Escapade" ... and Jill was, noticeably, in great shape.

She even appeared to make a friend ... fist-bumping a boy riding in front of her at the end of class, but there were no photos due to SC's no-phones-in-studio policy.

Jill attended the class in the middle of a jam-packed weekend of fundraising events with President Biden -- probably hoping for some me-time, as she's previously credited the spin classes for helping her find her "inner strength so she can be strong for everyone else."

No matter how busy she is, she's always made room for a spin sesh ... whether it's San Fran, London, or home in D.C.

Jill Biden Se sube a la bicicleta en L.A. con Soulcycle Class

Jill Biden no está poniéndole freno a su obsesión con SoulCycle en el corto plazo, sorprendiendo a los entusiastas del spinning de Los Ángeles tras aparecer en una clase temprano para liberar esas tan necesarias endorfinas.

Fuentes le dicen a TMZ que los agentes del Servicio Secreto de la Primera Dama llegaron primero a la clase de la popular cadena de ciclismo a las 7 AM, en Brentwood a principios de este mes. Se dice que agitaron a todo el mundo y les informaron que una persona VIP estaría en la clase.

Al entrar, Jill se acomodó en la bicicleta número 42 -en la parte posterior-, justo al lado del equipo del Servicio Secreto en la entrada, por si necesitaba hacer una huida rápida.

No había un tema particular para esta clase de SoulCycle, aunque nos dicen que en un momento dado montaron al ritmo de "Escapade", de Janet Jackson, y Jill estaba notablemente en gran forma.

Incluso parece que hizo un amigo, tras chocar los puños con un niño que estaba montado delante de ella al final de la clase, pero no hay fotos de ellos, debido a la política de la cadena de no usar teléfonos en el estudio.

Jill asistió a la clase en medio de un ocupado fin de semana con eventos de recaudación con el Presidente Biden, probablemente con la esperanza de tener algo de tiempo para ella. Previamente, ha dicho que las clases de spin la ayudan a encontrar su "fuerza interior para ser fuerte para todos los demás."

No importa lo ocupada que esté, siempre hace un hueco para una sesión de spinning, ya sea en San Francisco, Londres o en D.C.

Se oye a Vivek Ramaswamy orinando en el micrófono abierto con Elon Musk

el llamado de la naturaleza

Vivek Ramaswamy no se olvidará de silenciar el teléfono en su próxima conferencia... no después de ser víctima de un micrófono que permitió que miles de personas —incluido Elon Musk— le oyeran mear.

El candidato presidencial republicano estaba en una charla con Spaces en X con Elon, Alex Jones, Andrew Tate y otros durante el fin de semana y mientras Alex estaba charlando, no podía dejar de oír un flujo constante que venía directamente del micrófono de Vivek.

Después de un poco de charla incómoda sobre el sonido, Vivek termina siendo llamado como el culpable del baño - se disculpa por el percance, y Elon dice en broma que espera que el chico se sienta mejor ... que Vivek dice que definitivamente es.

Como se suele decir, ¡nadie le gana a Vivek!

Vivek sigue en la carrera por la Casa Blanca en el lado republicano ... junto con Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, Asa Hutchinson y, por supuesto, el favorito Donald Trump.

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Como informamos, Vivek ha pasado verguenza en el debate de la semana pasada, cuando le dijo al ex gobernador de Nueva Jersey —Christie— que disfrutara una buena comida y se alejara de la carrera para Presidente. Esto viene justo después de que Christie saltara a la defensa de Nikki, que estaba recibiendo una paliza de Vivek.

Atento con ese botón de silencio la próxima vez, Vivek, ¡por suerte no era una videoconferencia!

Vivek Ramaswamy Live Stream, Pee Stream, Whatevs ... Hot Mic During Elon Chat!!!


Vivek Ramaswamy won't forget to hit mute on his next conference call ... not after falling victim to a hot mic, allowing thousands of people -- including Elon Musk -- to hear him takin' a leak!

The Republican presidential candidate was in a Spaces chat on X with Elon, Alex Jones, Andrew Tate and others over the weekend ... and as Alex was chatting, ya couldn't help but hear a steady stream coming directly from Vivek's microphone.

After some awkward chat about the sound, Vivek ends up getting called out as the bathroom culprit -- he apologizes for the mishap, and Elon jokingly says he hopes the guy's feeling better ... which Vivek says he definitely is.

As they say, nobody beats the whizz!

Vivek is still in the running for the White House on the Republican side ... along with Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, Asa Hutchinson and, of course, frontrunner Donald Trump.

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As we reported, Vivek sunk to fat-shaming in last week's debate -- telling the former NJ Governor Christie to enjoy a nice meal and get out of the race for Prez ... this coming after CC jumped to Nikki's defense, who was taking a beating from Vivek.

Better keep an eye on that mute button next time, Vivek. Luckily, this one wasn't a video conference call!

Vivek Ramaswamy Se hunde al avergonzar a Chris Christie En debate republicano

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Enfurecido con Christie

El candidato presidencial republicano Vivek Ramaswamy le dio un golpe bajo al ex gobernador de Nueva Jersey, Chris Christie, en el último debate republicano, esencialmente diciéndole que se retirara de la carrera y se fuera a tomar por culo.

Ramaswamy disparó el comentario la noche del miércoles en Tuscaloosa, Alabama, alegando que la única experiencia de Christie en cuestiones de política exterior fue el cierre del puente George Washington, un momento infame durante su tiempo como gobernador.

Solo ese golpe habría sido mera política como de costumbre, pero entonces Ramaswamy lo llevó a un terreno personal diciendo: "Solo retírate del escenario, disfrutar de una buena comida y da un paso al costado de esta carrera".

El chascarrillo cosechó algunos aplausos, pero sobre todo muchos abucheos.

Sus duras palabras se produjeron después de que Christie saliera en defensa de su compañera de candidatura, Nikki Haley, a quien Ramaswamy acusó de no saber dónde se encontraban algunas provincias de Ucrania si le daban un mapa.

Christie dijo que era una "mujer inteligente y consumada" y arremetió contra Ramaswamy por ser, a sus ojos, "el fanfarrón más odioso de América".

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Dictador el día uno
Fox News

El favorito de la carrera, Donald Trump, tampoco asistió al cuarto debate, pero acaparó muchos titulares antes del evento.

Como informamos, dijo a Sean Hannity, de Fox News, que si volvía a ser elegido, sería un dictador, pero solo durante el primer día de su presidencia.

Vivek Ramaswamy Sinks to Fat-Shaming Chris Christie ... 'Meal' Crack in GOP Debate

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Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy took a low blow at former NJ Gov. Chris Christie in the latest Republican debate, essentially telling him to get out of the race and go stuff his face.

Ramaswamy fired off the remark Wednesday night in Tuscaloosa, Alabama ... claiming Christie's only experience on the topic of foreign policy was shutting down the George Washington Bridge -- an infamous moment during his time as Governor.

That woulda been politics as usual, but then Ramaswamy took it to fat-shaming -- he added, "Just walk yourself off that stage, enjoy a nice meal, and get the hell out of this race."

The crack garnered some applause, but mostly a whole lotta booing.

His harsh words came after Christie jumped to fellow candidate Nikki Haley's defense -- Ramaswamy accused her of not knowing where specific provinces in Ukraine were if she was given a map.

Christie called her a "smart, accomplished woman," and blasted Ramaswamy for being, in his eyes, "the most obnoxious blowhard in America."

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Fox News

Frontrunner Donald Trump again wasn't in attendance for the 4th debate, but he grabbed plenty of headlines leading up to it.

As we reported, he told Fox News' Sean Hannity, if elected again, he'd only be a dictator on the first day of his presidency.