Kanye West Latest Sunday Service Dedicated to Astroworld Victims


1:53 PM PT -- The service just wrapped, and Ye was nowhere to be seen. Somebody did eventually take the mic and deliver a few words once all the singing was done -- delivering a general message about God and perseverance, but not mentioning Astroworld explicitly.

Kanye West wants to honor the victims who died at Astroworld -- and he's using his religious vehicle of Sunday Service to do just that.

The rapper's latest spiritual music gathering is going on right now -- and before things officially got underway at around 1 PM PT ... there was a message posted on behalf of Kanye and co., reading, "Sunday Service dedication to the loved ones of Astroworld."


Obviously, Ye is referring to the 8 people who died while Travis Scott was performing Friday night ... not to mention the countless others who suffered injuries to varying degrees.

So far, it seems this Service has a much more somber tone than last week's -- when he brought out Marilyn Manson, Justin Bieber and others in what appeared to be broad daylight, where everyone was wearing white hoods as they engaged in worship and singing.

This time ... Kanye's got his choir and other accompanying singers dressed in all black, and they're performing in what seems to be a huge dark building, with just a sliver of light breaking through. The main choir ran through a few hymns, including some songs from "Donda" -- and now, it looks like Kanye's got a choir out there who are singing too.

No sign of Ye himself just yet ... and nobody has shared any explicit words of condolences at this point ... the show got underway, and it's been nothing but music ever since.

Ya gotta imagine Kanye might make an appearance at some point, and even say something to address the Astroworld tragedy ... as Travis is essentially his brother-in-law, and we know they're tight.

We'll be keeping an eye on things. Stay tuned ...

Vin Diesel Calls on The Rock ... Help Us Finish Out 'Fast' Franchise!!!

Vin Diesel seems ready to put his differences with The Rock aside -- all in the name of putting a bowtie on his baby ... namely, capping off the 'Fast & Furious' franchise.

The actor sent an open message to Dwayne on IG, posting a photo of the two of them in character from one of their 'Fast' flicks and extending an olive branch of sorts -- inviting DJ back to installment number 10, which Vin sees as crucial to putting this thing to bed.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

VD writes, "My little brother Dwayne... the time has come. The world awaits the finale of Fast 10. As you know, my children refer to you as Uncle Dwayne in my house. There is not a holiday that goes by that they and you don’t send well wishes... but the time has come. Legacy awaits."

He adds, "I told you years ago that I was going to fulfill my promise to Pablo. I swore that we would reach and manifest the best Fast in the finale that is 10! I say this out of love but you must show up, do not leave the franchise idle you have a very important role to play. Hobbs can’t be played by no other. I hope that you rise to the occasion and fulfill your destiny."

It's interesting ... Vin is inviting him back, but didn't even tag The Rock or anything, which is strange because the dude is very online ... and tends to respond to stuff in a flash.

Dwayne doesn't appear to have responded just yet -- and perhaps some of this is being worked out behind the scenes, out of public view -- but ya gotta figure if he does agree to do it ... he'll do it in grandiose fashion, like most everything he does on social media.

Of course, there's no guarantee Dwayne will even be down to sign on -- because, as you probably know, they have beef ... which we thought was over and done with, but was reignited earlier this year with new comments from Vin -- and Dwayne responded.

Vin addressed the feud to Men's Health over the summer, saying he was giving The Rock a lot of "tough love" when he first started in the 'Fast' franchise ... and DJ told THR that made him "laugh hard," while going on to wish Vin and co. well on the rest of franchise.

Dwayne hasn't been in a 'Fast'-related movie since 2019, when he starred as as Agent Hobbs in the spinoff, 'Hobbs & Shaw.' Before that, he was in 4 different 'Fast' films.

If the final installment does, indeed, need Hobbs to finish it on a high note like Vin says here ... we'll see if Dwayne obliges. After all, he is a pretty nice guy. Let bygones be bygones???

Kylie Jenner Looked On During Travis' Set ... Had No Idea Of What Was Happening in Crowd


1:12 PM PT -- Sources with direct knowledge tell us Kylie, like Travis, had no idea as to what was happening in the crowd and to think otherwise is both unfair and inaccurate ... we're told Kylie is heartbroken by Friday's events.

Kylie Jenner seemed to be aware something was amiss during Travis Scott's set, evidenced in her serious demeanor shortly after he took the stage ... something you can now see on video.

TMZ has obtained concert footage we're told was taken about 10 minutes into Travis' performance, which eyewitnesses say got underway at 9 PM sharp ... and went on for about an hour and 15 minutes, drastically different from Houston PD's timeline of just 40 minutes.

Check out the clip ... you see Kylie, Kendall and a bunch of their entourage/security detail hanging out under a tent that's a ways away from the stage ... literally plopped down in the middle of a massive crowd that was surrounding them. At this point, Kylie appears solemn.

As you can see, she's wearing a face mask and has her hands folded together ... looking on with what one could interpret as a nervous expression, or at the very least -- a sobering one.

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Her body language says a lot here too -- which is in stark contrast to her sister's ... who's maskless and rocking out with a big smile on her face. Kylie, for whatever reason, didn't seem to be in the same spirit at this point -- and one eyewitness suggests it's obvious why.

The person who shot this tells us they started to feel the crowd surge at this point and were losing control of their footing -- prompting them to want to get out ASAP. Unclear if the ambulance was working its way through the crowd by now -- or if the witness saw/heard of people passing out -- but it's plausible some of that might've been taking place here.


In any case, it's interesting the person who filmed this was feeling a sense of danger and dread right then and there.

Kylie had also filmed an ambulance in her own IG Story -- a clip she eventually deleted, while leaving the rest of her footage up.

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Of course, the obvious point ... even if she was somewhat appraised of the graveness of the situation as everything unfolded, what could she have possibly done???

Indeed, probably nothing from where she was ... as she was nowhere near the stage, and had no realistic way to get a hold of Travis STAT as he carried on with his set. Still, the one thing that remains curious is Houston PD's timetable of when things were shut down.

The Chief, Troy Finner, said his team had been told by event organizers that Travis took the stage at 9:30 PM and wrapped at 10:10 PM, but people are disputing that ... claiming it went on for much longer, and that the danger was also present for much longer than just that window.

He also said, perhaps the reason things weren't wrapped earlier was because of fear of a riot breaking out among a young crowd ... which is interesting logic. Now, Finner did say they would look into the timing even further to pin down a more accurate sequence of events -- but based on this account we've been given, this madness lasted for quite a while.

Originally Published -- 11:46 AM PT

Elon Musk May Have to Risk $25B Being Taxed ... After Bizarre Twitter Poll

Elon Musk is about to lose a big chunk of his fortune, assuming he follows through on what he said he'd do ... namely, sell off a ton of stock based on nothing but public consensus.

The Tesla chief entertained a wild concept over the weekend ... the notion that he'd literally unload a crap ton of his company shares -- 10% of it, no less -- if Twitter users deemed it necessary for him to do so ... and then posting a 24-hour poll to that end.

He wrote, "Much is made lately of unrealized gains being a means of tax avoidance, so I propose selling 10% of my Tesla stock. Do you support this?" EM added ... "I will abide by the results of this poll, whichever way it goes."

Welp, the people have spoken ... and as it turns out, they're down for Elon to lower his net worth some -- with nearly 58% of the 3.5 million who voted deciding yes ... he oughta do it.

Elon doesn't appear to have responded to the results just yet ... but if he does, in fact, stay true to his word -- he stands to have at least $25 billion taxed, as that's how much 10% of his portfolio would be as it relates to Tesla stock. Word is ... he's got around 193 million shares, which makes up about $250 billion of his estimated $318 billion total wealth.

The funny part ... even if he unloaded 10% just like that -- and had a significant amount taxed -- he'd still be richer than Jeff Bezos, whose net worth is idling at around $200 bil. So, $25B is almost like chump change to Mr. Musk!


Part of the reason Elon appears to have even considered doing this -- assuming he's serious, that is -- is because there's a lot of chatter, especially on Capitol Hill, about enforcing a wealth tax on the uber-rich ... which would tax their sitting wealth as opposed to their income.  Elon notes in explicit terms ... he does not receive a salary or bonuses of any kind.

He says, "Note, I do not take a cash salary or bonus from anywhere. I only have stock, thus the only way for me to pay taxes personally is to sell stock."

Travis Scott's Astroworld Critics Point Out Artists Who Reacted to Distressed Fans

Travis Scott is taking heat for apparently not reacting appropriately to scores of fans who were in distress, unlike other musicians who critics feel handled similar scenarios better.

A few different clips are making the rounds Sunday ... posted by folks who are pissed at TS for seemingly dragging his feet in shutting down his set as people in the crowd were dropping like flies all around him -- something Travis says he was not fully aware of.

However, many aren't buying that -- and feel he could've (and should've) done better, like Dave Grohl once did, or Billie Eilish once did ... or even like Playboi Carti did a few months ago.

The first video that's being compared to the Astroworld fiasco is a concert DG and the Foo Fighters put on in 2018 down in Minnesota ... where the frontman stopped the show to a dead halt to address a kid he saw near the front who didn't have a seat.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

Dave moved mountains mid-performance to accommodate the boy and his parent -- something the child's folks appreciated after the fact. Not entirely the same as what went down at Astroworld, but it just shows ... Dave is aware of his audience even while playing.

Then, there's Billie ... who also paused her concert in 2018 over in Stockholm after fans in the crowd pointed out to her that someone had passed out, with BE handing down water from the stage and making sure the girl was alright. This didn't appear to be nearly as packed as Travis' concert was -- but still, people are making the comparison.

Finally, we have Playboi ... who paused his set over the summer at Lollapalooza after a stagehand rushed up to him as he was taking center stage to tell him folks were going unconscious -- something PC literally addressed to the crowd right on the spot.

To be fair to Travis ... there are countless instances of big concerts continuing on as people fell ill or unconscious or anything else out in the sea of bodies -- something the performing artist cannot always see or take notice of considering the circumstances, even if it's up close.

The most prominent example of this occurring -- namely, the show carrying on while chaos unfolds below -- is Michael Jackson ... who would often cause fans to pass out/faint/convulse just seeing him ... which would require them to be carried out and away.

We're not aware of too many times where Mike stopped everything to check on one fan -- and, frankly, that's not really realistic to expect either for a concert of that size.

The same might apply to Travis as well ... depending on who you talk to, of course.

Astroworld Tragedy Victim Carried Out By Cops, Dropped on Head

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A horrifying video has surfaced, showing the chaos at the Astroworld festival had emergency workers so overtaxed, they tried taking one of the victims out on a stretcher but dropped her on her head.

The video shows a security guard, a police officer and another person carrying a woman on a stretcher to an elevated ledge ... in an attempt to bring her down onto a street where go-carts were waiting to take victims to a medical tent on the premises.

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Three rescuers positioned themselves at one end of the stretcher ... near her feet. The 3 men were asking people around them to help bring the woman down off the ledge.

A passerby jumped in to help, but instead of grabbing the other end of the stretcher near the woman's head, he grabbed the area by her feet.

So, all 4 men were on one end of the stretcher and no one was on the other end. When they dragged the stretcher off the ledge, the woman's head violently drops and hits a metal grate below.

The men then put the woman on one of the go-carts and it drives to the medical tent.

We don't know her condition ... but it looks extremely serious.

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As we reported, 8 people are known to have died during Friday's concert. Hundreds were injured after a stampede during Travis Scott's performance.

Travis Scott shared his condolences and devastation on Instagram, he said he is working with Houston PD to identify families of victims.

Astroworld Festival 14-Year-Old Revealed, Youngest to Die


5:50 PM PT -- The unidentified Astroworld victim has now been ID'd -- he's 21-year-old Axel Acosta, a student from Western Washington State.

A 14-year-old named John Hilgert is the youngest victim to lose his life at the Astroworld Festival.

John's family shared the photo of the boy who was apparently crushed in the stampede Friday night.

He was a 9th grader at Memorial High School in Houston.

The Houston Medical Examiner also released a photo of someone they have been unable to identify. The victim is a male in his 20s, stood 6'2" and weighed 498 lbs.

They obviously have released the photo so someone can claim the body.

Among the other victims ... 27-year-old Danish Baig, who was crushed to death while trying to save a relative, 21-year-old Franco Patino, a senior at the Univ. of Dayton in Ohio, 16-year-old Brianna Rodriguez, a junior high school student who loved dance, and 23-year-old Rudy Pena, a model who wanted to become a U.S. Border Patrol Agent.

In all, 8 people died and hundreds were injured. Astroworld and Travis Scott have been severely criticized for not stopping the concert when the tragedy unfolded. He stayed on performing for 40 minutes.

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Travis said he was unaware such a tragedy was unfolding, noting people pass out all the time at concerts. Critics say there was plenty of visual evidence this was a horrendous tragedy.

Kylie Jenner Defends Travis Over Astroworld Tragedy ... He Didn't Know People Were Dying

Kylie Jenner echoed the sentiments of her partner, Travis Scott, saying they're heartbroken over the Astroworld tragedy that claimed 8 lives and injured hundreds -- insisting Travis was not aware of the severity of the situation when he was performing as the crowd surged.

Kylie said, "Travis and I are broken and devastated. My thoughts and prayers are with all who lost their lives, were injured or affected in any way by yesterday’s events."


She went on to address criticism that Travis stayed on stage performing for 40 minutes after the tragedy unfolded ... "And also for Travis who I know cares deeply for his fans and the Houston community, I want to make it clear we weren’t aware of any fatalities until the news came out after the show, and in no world would have continued filming or performing."

Kylie -- who's pregnant with her and Travis' second child -- along with 3-year-old Stormi were at the venue but far away from the crush of people. Kendall Jenner was also with them.

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Earlier Travis posted, "I'm honestly just devastated ... We're actually working right now to identify the families so we can help assist them through this tough time.

As for Kylie, she ended with words of sympathy ... "I am sending my deepest condolences to all the families during this difficult time and will be praying for the healing of everyone who has been impacted."

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Jenner was criticized online for leaving up Instagram stories of the crowd, which appeared to show an ambulance trying to make its way through.

The festival is getting severely criticized for not stopping the concert, despite emergency responders declaring the scene a "mass casualty" event as they tried resuscitating some of the victims.

In one video, a spectator is pleading with a cameraman to end the show, screaming, "People are f***ing dying."

Katt Williams Stops Show After Fan Passes Out ... We Won't Have Another Astroworld


Katt Williams didn't want to take any chances Saturday night when someone passed out in the crowd ... unlike what happened at Astroworld -- but almost certainly because of it, Katt stopped the show.

Someone in the crowd lost consciousness and someone screamed, "Stop the show!" Katt heeded the advice and took a 10-minute break while medics rushed in to tend to the audience member.

Katt stayed on stage at the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, Kentucky, pacing around and talking to the crowd, but he clearly didn't want to jump right back into his set until medical matters were handled.

You hear Katt tell the audience, "I'm sorry if I won't move on but that Astroworld s*** I mean we can't never continue till we know somebody motherf***ing good ... I'm not goin' to be leaving with that on my conscious ... just take five minutes ... thank you, sir ... I hope she's just having a baby. That's all."

It's unclear what happened to the man who lost consciousness. He was taken out of the auditorium and Katt said, "We made the right decision," adding, "Alright, come back from a commercial break." He continued on with his set.

Astroworld and Travis Scott are getting slammed for continuing the show for 40 minutes after a stampede that left 8 people dead and hundreds injured. As we reported, authorities are investigating whether someone may have injected fans with some sort of drug that could have triggered cardiac arrest.

Jake Paul Zayn's a D***head ... He Got What He Deserves


Jake Paul went in hard on Zayn Malik Saturday night, calling him a d***head, adding he deserves everything that's coming to him.

Jake was in Vegas, and as he strolled through a hotel lobby he said of Zayn, "He's a f***ing lunatic. The guy's a complete asshole."

TMZ broke the story ... Zayn pled no contest to 4 counts of criminal harassment after he allegedly got into a screaming match with Yolanda Hadid and Gigi. Yolanda says Zayn pushed her into a dresser. He denies it.

Jake and Zayn have long-standing beef ... which began last year when they were both staying at the same Vegas hotel. We're told Jake asked if Zayn was going to party, and Zayn responded, "IDGAF if you have a good night." It went on from there, with Zayn allegedly screaming at Jake, "Who the f*** do you think you are?"

We're told Zayn even challenged Jake, asking if he wanted to "test" him.

Fired Amazon Driver Woman From Van Is 'Close Friend' ... Just Delivering Package 😜

@patrickhook01/Tik Tok

The Amazon driver who lost his job after a video of a woman slipping out the backdoor of his delivery truck went viral says the mystery girl is someone close to him ... like very close.

Tywan George is the Amazon driver in the video and he tells TMZ he knows the woman intimately and insists he was just doing his job when she was inside the van ... namely, delivering packages ... if you catch his drift.


Tywan says he knew he was going to be in big trouble when the video went viral because he knows how the Jeff Bezos company operates.

The video led to tons of racy speculation about what exactly the two of them were getting into back there ... and Tywan's account is dripping with sexual innuendo.

Tywan George

Tywan is being coy but it's fairly easy to figure out what he's getting at here ... and he says he did what any other man in America would do in a similar situation.

Bottom line ... Tywan delivered. 😝

Dustin Diamond Would've Loved 'SBTB' Tribute ... So Says Close Pal

Dustin Diamond might not be around for any more 'Saved by the Bell' episodes, but he would've enjoyed one that's about to honor him ... according to a near and dear friend.

One of DD's closest confidants and pals, Dan Block, tells TMZ ... he was connected with producers for the 'SBTB' reboot earlier this year, courtesy of Dustin's agent -- who patched him through upon his client's untimely passing.

Block says the folks behind the new reboot wanted to pick his brain on how best to pay tribute to Dustin's longtime character from the OG series, Screech, and DB had some ideas.

He tells us he brainstormed with the head writers of the show to figure out a plot that would properly live up to Dustin's legacy and contribution -- and even helped select a handful of Dustin's favorite Screech moments from the past to include in a highlight reel of sorts, which will be featured in the Season 2 premiere later this month.

Not just that, but Block also says he was able to fly in a prop Kevin robot, that was going to be used in a series of commercials before Dustin passed. It is unclear if producers are going to use it in the tribute episode.

Block says this as well ... he believes his late friend would've loved the episode, as he feels it was very tasteful and respectful to Screech's time with the franchise ... especially in light of Dustin actually wanting to be involved from the get-go, but getting passed up on the first go.

As you know ... producers opted not to include Screech in Season 1's storyline, despite the fact Dustin very publicly lobbied for a role. Producers have since said they figured it'd be time to circle back to him for Season 2 -- something they spoke to Dustin about, in fact -- but he passed away of lung cancer earlier this year.

Block says Dustin actually hid his illness from producers when they first approached him about the possibility of being brought back, since he was so eager to participate.

Unfortunately, he was never able to see that reunion come to fruition. 😢

Travis Scott Unaware of Severity ... Of Astroworld Chaos


6:41 PM PT -- Travis just posted a video, echoing most of what we were told -- he's devastated and was unaware of the severity of the situation. Travis says he always tries to look out for his fans, and last night things clearly went very wrong.

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He urges anyone with any information regarding the deaths or suspicious circumstances surrounding what happened to contact authorities.

Travis Scott was mostly oblivious to what was going on around him Friday night during his Astroworld set -- including the fact people were dying around him ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Travis is utterly devastated over what transpired Friday, and he's beside himself over it. We're told he's been crying since it all happened, and he's an emotional wreck.

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We're told he wasn't aware of the extent of what was happening around him -- people going into cardiac arrest, etc. -- and thought what few people he did see being attended to were folks who'd simply passed out from dehydration.

It's not uncommon for that type of thing to happen ... especially at a packed festival like this.

We're told Trav did, in fact, stop the show a few times to check on people who appeared to be unconscious or in distress, alerting security and other personnel over to them for assistance. But, our sources say he simply didn't realize how bad it actually was.

Not just that, but we're told neither he nor his camp were even informed about deaths or hospitalizations until after the show was done. As we reported ... a total of 8 people have died thus far, and dozens more were injured and hospitalized, including several minors.

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As for Kylie ... our sources say she too is quite upset, and is trying to console Travis as best she can by being there for him.

Like we first told you, there were sightings of at least one person getting jabbed in the neck with a needle ... something Houston PD confirmed as accurate. It's unclear if that may have led to all of the cardiac arrests, or just one or a few -- but it'll certainly be looked at as part of the wider probe.

Travis -- who is cooperating with the authorities -- said Saturday he was heartbroken over everything, and sent his love out to the families of those who were affected.

Dana White LV Is Not Reason For Raiders' Troubles ... Moving 'Not A Mistake'


Dana White -- an absolute Las Vegas legend -- tells TMZ Sports moving to Sin City is not the reason for the Raiders' off-field woes ... explaining bad things happen in every major city.

The UFC honcho -- who's called Vegas home for years -- told us out in NYC this week he does not believe moving from Oakland to Nevada has contributed to the problems with the Raiders.

"People are going to make mistakes," White said, "and bad things happen every day, no matter what city you're in."

Dana's not wrong -- but the Raiders have had more notable issues than any team since they made the trek from NorCal to Vegas before the 2020 season.

Star running back, Josh Jacobs, was arrested and charged with DUI in January. Star receiver, Henry Ruggs, was hit with a DUI charge after a fatal car crash this week. And, cornerback, Damon Arnette, has been accused of injuring a woman in a 2020 car crash as well.

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White does admit Vegas "is a rough city" to try to keep your nose clean in ... but he still believes there are more places in the U.S. that players can find similar trouble in.

"Listen, Vegas is a tough city and so is L.A.," White said. "Go spend a weekend in L.A. It's the same thing. It is what it is."

As for if White has any advice for Raiders owner, Mark Davis, on how to navigate running a pro sports franchise in Vegas ... he said no, 'cause, "I get enough trouble keeping my guys out of trouble."

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Hidden within this devilish photo is a comedic actor and musician who has been making audiences laugh for decades.

This mischievous man got his start in movies with his rambunctious persona and talent for physical comedy ... he’s kept his humor alive by teaching it to the younger generation.

You may recognize him as one half of the rock-n-roll musical comedy duo who are still performing live shows together after nearly 20 years. In the past, they even produced a festival in Los Angeles filled with supreme stand-ups and tunes that featured artists like Weird Al Yankovic, Bo Burnham, and his very own tenacious band.

NICKELODEON TV HOST KIRK FOGG I'm Coming Back To Host 'Legends' ... With OG Contestants!!!


Get ready for a blast from the past ... Kirk Fogg says he's coming back as one of the faces of the rebooted '90s kids game show, "Legends of the Hidden Temple."

We got the former Nickelodeon host outside Starbucks in Studio City and he dished on what's to come in the rebooted CW version of 'Hidden Temple.'

Kirk doesn't want to let the cat out of the bag but he just can't hold his tongue ... telling us he's returning as a co-host Sunday alongside new host Cristela Alonzo ... and it doesn't sound like it's a one-episode deal.


Remember ... we also got Kirk back in May and he liked one of our photog's pitches on potential contestants.

Well, as it turns out ... Kirk says he was able to make the vision a reality ... and some contestants from the OG show, which he hosted for 3 seasons in the '90s, are getting a redo!!!

Kirk also gives us his thoughts on the new host and new look ... and tells us some fun stories from Olmec's original labyrinths.