Famous Dodgers Fans For The Win!

Playoff baseball is in full swing!

Famous Los Angeles Dodgers fans -- such as Cheech Marin, Rob Lowe, Joseph Baena, Nick Jonas and Thomas Rhett -- are celebrating their favorite team as they face-off against the Atlanta Braves in Game 2 of the NLCS!

Emily Osment, Jenna Fischer, and Joe Jonas are just a few other sporty stars visiting the stadium, chomping down on Dodger dogs, and cheering from the bleachers with high hopes they will take home the World Series title for a second year in a row!

You won't strike out as you scroll through this gallery of these celebrity fanatics!

Take me out to the ball game!

L.A. County to Vanessa Bryant Kobe Crash Pics Anguish??? Prove it w/ Psychiatric Exam!!!

Vanessa Bryant will submit to a physician-ran test on her mental state see if she's actually tormented over the Kobe crash site photos being shared ... that is, if L.A. County get its way.

The late Lakers star's widow is being asked to undergo a psychiatric evaluation -- by force via a judge's ruling if need be -- by County attorneys who want her (and others) suing them to prove she's going through the emotional anguish and distress she claims in her lawsuit.

According to court docs, obtained by USA Today, the County's rationale here is ... Vanessa and co. say they've suffered severe emotional distress as a result of the crash site photos allegedly being spread around among L.A. County Sheriff's deputies, firefighters and others.

But ... how do we know their ongoing agony isn't simply because of the the crash/deaths of their loved ones, as opposed to the photos being disseminated among a relatively small group of people??? That's the County's position -- and they wanna get to the bottom of it.

The County's legal filing reportedly reads, "Despite putting their mental condition front and center in this case, Plaintiffs refuse to submit to independent medical examinations (IMEs)."

They add ... "The County brings this motion to compel IMEs of the Plaintiffs, which are necessary to evaluate the existence, extent and nature of Plaintiffs’ alleged emotional injuries. Plaintiffs cannot claim that they are suffering from ongoing depression, anxiety and severe emotional distress and then balk at having to support their claims."

Vanessa's legal team fired back, saying this was nothing more than a "scorched earth" approach, and a slimy one at that ... where the County is overreaching in their discovery process and going to extreme ends to defend what her attorney calls indefensible conduct.

L.A. County notes ... the photos (which apparently showed off the remains of some of the bodies that day) were allegedly only shared among other County employees, and a bartender -- saying they were never publicly disseminated.

Yeah, this one's getting nasty ... a judge has yet to rule on this latest issue.

President Biden It's Tough Being a Cop These Days ... Rejects 'Defunding' Police

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President Biden dished a vote of confidence to our men and women in black and blue -- acknowledging the tall order of enforcing the law, while rejecting defunding the police.

JB and the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, attended 40th Annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service Saturday at the U.S. Capitol ... where they paid tribute to the fallen police officers who'd been killed in the line of duty over the past couple years -- upwards of 491.

The First couple laid flowers at memorial wreath for fallen officers from right there in D.C. -- including those who served in the Capitol Police, the Metropolitan Police Department and other local law enforcement agencies.

Of those officers from the D.C. area, he thanked them for their service -- especially those who laid their bodies on the line to defend the Capitol on Jan. 6 ... for which Biden says the nation is grateful.

He eventually pivoted to policing in the modern era ... confessing that, yes, it's a difficult job to do in 2021 -- and one that seems to be less and less sought after ... which the Prez says is a shame, as he said our cities, neighborhood and citizens need police to stay safe.

And then ... he talked about defunding the police, without using those exact words, per se. Joe says policing does need to change -- but he simply doesn't think stripping resources is the way to do it. If anything, he said the opposite ... that cops need more resources, and education on how to best implement them, referencing community policing and other tools.

It's an interesting stance ... and appears to differ with what some in his party have called for in the wake of George Floyd and other high profile police cases over the past year or so.

Biden seems to have realized ... phrasing is key, and terms like "defund" or "abolishing" are divisive and counterintuitive to the goal everyone wants.

Robert Durst On Ventilator with COVID-19 ... After Getting Life in Prison

Robert Durst is starting out his life imprisonment on a hospital bed -- the guy has COVID-19, and is hooked up to a machine to help him survive ... so says his lawyer.

Attorney Dick DeGuerin told several media outlets Saturday that Durst has been placed on a ventilator over the past couple days after contracting the virus -- but didn't have much of an update beyond that, adding the legal team hadn't heard from doctors yet.

He did say that Durst looked terrible on Thursday -- when he was sentenced to life in prison after recently being found guilty for murder -- noting it was the "worst I've ever seen him." DeGuerin added Durst was having difficulty breathing and speaking that day.


Durst sat quiet and still during his sentencing hearing, looking incredibly frail in a wheelchair ... while wearing a face mask. It's unclear if he'd tested positive before or after the hearing.

As we reported ... Durst's fate is to live out his remaining years behind bars, without the possibility of parole. He was found guilty of murdering his close friend, Susan Berman, back in 2000. While he was never charged for the crime, many believe she was set to come forward with info linking Durst to the disappearance of his wife, Kathy, whom vanished in the '80s.

Durst's story was covered extensively in the HBO docuseries 'The Jinx' during which he's believed to have confessed to killing both Kathy and Susan after being heard on a hot mic.

Durst is 78 years old, and his health was already in decline before this COVID diagnosis.

William Shatner to George Takei Simmer Down, Sulu ... Stop Hatin' On my Space Flight!!!

George Takei thinks his good "Star Trek" buddy, William Shatner, is just an old-timer who played lab rat for Jeff Bezos' latest jaunt to space ... but Captain Kirk's not having it.

Bill fired back over a reported comment Takei made this week, following his costar's ascent above the Karman Line ... where he hung out in zero gravity for a few minutes before coming back down in Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket ship.

WS wrote Friday, "Don't hate George. The only time he gets press is when he talks bad about me. He claims 50+ years ago I took away a camera angle that denied him 30 more seconds of prime time TV. I'm giving it back to him now by letting him spew his hatred for the world to see! Bill the (pig emoji)."

ICYMI ... George had some harsh words about the voyage just a couple days prior, shortly after Will had touched down safely and shared some tears and words with Bezos.

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Blue Origin

GT said Bill was "boldly going where other people have gone before," while going on to call him a 90-year-old "guinea pig" who was going to help Bezos and co. find out "what happens" as it relates to how space travel affects a body with a lot of "wear and tear."

He also took a shot at Bill's weight, saying he wasn't really the healthiest "specimen" for the job ... going on to call him "unfit." You can probably tell ... these guys don't like each other.

There's a long-standing feud between them over their time on "Stark Trek" and subsequent films and spinoffs ... and it's going strong to this day.

Live long, and bicker. That's how that goes, right?

'America's Got Talent: Extreme' Car Stunt Gone Wrong ... Captured in Terrifying Video

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Jonathan Goodwin's horrific car stunt gone wrong was every bit as shocking as it sounded -- which you can now see here in video of the accident that's gut-wrenching to watch.

TMZ has obtained footage of the moment the stunt got underway Thursday during an 'AGT: Extreme' rehearsal, and the moment Goodwin got sandwiched between two cars ... resulting in a massive fireball to explode, and Goodwin being rushed to the hospital in critical condition.

Check out the clip -- you see the professional daredevil hanging mid-air in a straight jacket ... with the two vehicles also suspended on each side of him. When they release the cars -- which then start to swing toward Goodwin -- they unhook his harness as well.

Goodwin was supposed to fall underneath the cars before they collided, but the timing was off ... and he was crushed between them as they came together. After that, he fell to the ground and hit his head -- but this video, fortunately, doesn't show any of that gnarly aftermath.

As we reported ... Goodwin was unresponsive at first, and folks on the set of the production thought he'd been killed. He did eventually come to, however, while being airlifted to a nearby hospital, where he underwent surgery. We know he was taken to a trauma unit, but his condition remains unclear at this point.

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NBC confirmed the seriousness of the accident ... and offering their thoughts and prayers to Goodwin's family. The guy is a longtime stuntman and escape artist -- having appeared on the regular version of 'AGT' with death-defying stunts prior to his migration to this spinoff.

Jussie Smollett Finally Heading to Trial ... Over Alleged Chicago Attack

Jussie Smollett is going to have to face the music after claiming he was attacked by racist, homophobic MAGA supporters -- and the City of Chicago's claim he made it all up.

The former "Empire" actor is heading to trial next month -- this after a Cook County judge shot down JS's final attempt to have the criminal case against him tossed ... setting the stage for Jussie to face a jury of his peers over the 2019 incident.

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Smollett's attorney tried convincing the court that his client's rights were being violated, seeing how the guy had already forfeited his $10,000 bond and done community service ... which served as the terms he struck with Cook County prosecutors to have the charges dismissed.

Per reports, the attorney noted Smollett had held up his end of the bargain, saying ... "A deal is a deal. That's ancient principle." Not so, according to the judge -- who noted a new set of circumstances arose when a special prosecutor reopened the case ... and charged Jussie anew.


Because of that, the judge said he wouldn't tamper with the new case. As you know, Jussie faces charges of disorderly conduct for allegedly lying in the police reports about what happened to him.

As we've reported ... Jussie claimed he was jumped by two white males wearing red MAGA hats, who hurled racist and homophobic epithets at him ... poured bleach on him ... and then threw a noose around his neck. Jussie kept that noose on until cops arrived and got his story -- an interaction that their body cameras captured upon entering his Chicago apartment.

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As the initial investigation unfolded, police say they found that his so-called attackers weren't white at all -- they were two Black men, the Osundairo brothers, whom knew Jussie well from working on "Empire" ... and who confessed to staging the whole thing at Jussie's behest.

There's footage of the guys buying the supplies they used that night ... and even walking past Jussie at one point on the streets. The brothers claim Jussie paid them to set up the entire attack ... something he's denied entirely at every turn, defiant to prove his innocence.

Well, he's gonna have that chance now in front of 12 men and women. Jury selection starts after Thanksgiving.

Bow Wow Threatens to Skip 'Millennium Tour' Demands More Stage Time

Bow Wow did his best David Ruffin impression right before showtime in Atlanta -- throwing a fit about not getting more stage time amid the 'Millennium Tour' ... and threatening to quit.

The rapper -- who's one of several artists performing alongside Omarion, Soulja Boy, Ashanti and many others as they tour the country -- went on an epic rant early Saturday morning ... just mere hours before he and the rest of the crew were due to perform.

As to what he was mad about ... well, it sounds like some internal drama backstage.

BW wrote, "Too much bitching and complaining on this tour! Im bussn cats asses EVERY NIGHT! Every night they try and complain and take something away from me!" He went on to add that tonight (Saturday) might be his last show as a result of this frustration.

Of course, his gripes come off as kinda vague ... so he clarified even further, and sure enough -- it all boils down to his setlist and how long he's allowed to do his thing in front of fans.

Bow Wow groused, "Heres the truth! I do 15 min EVERY NIGHT! I can't even do my full songs. AND I STILL BE BUSTING FOLKS ASS! think the fans don't complain about my set being 15 mins? Only way I show up tonight if I do my full set! Straight up!"

He wasn't done venting just yet ... Bow Wow then took to IG Live to rave some more -- claiming he was the brains behind the whole 'Millennium Tour' concept ... adding that Omarion and everyone else are really opening up for him. See Ruffin telling Otis the same thing here.

In the end, it sounds O got a hold of Shad and they talked it out ... because, before long, Bow Wow had changed his tune, promising ticketholders that he was gonna give them the show of his life, and seemed to indicate he'd be performing well past 15 minutes.

Omarion loved it, replying ... "Energy!! energy!!" Atta boys!

Michael Caine I Know I Said I Was ... But I'm Actually Not Retiring!!!

Michael Caine ain't hanging it up just yet in the acting department -- this despite the fact that he strongly suggested he would be ... doing a 180, which has fans sighing with relief.

The legendary British actor clarified what his future professional plans were Saturday ... saying he is NOT retiring, while his rep also tells Variety that he's actually reading two scripts right now for potential projects down the road.

MC tweeted, "I haven't retired and not a lot of people know that." He also issued a more formal statement saying he's been waking up at 6 AM for 50 years to make movies, and he has no intention of chucking his alarm clock now.

The about-face stance comes about 24 hours after he caused a firestorm of sadness among movie lovers, telling a couple BBC radio hosts on "Kermode and Mayo's Film Review" that he hadn't worked in 2 years, and that he wasn't able to walk very well because of his health.

When asked directly if this upcoming feature of his, "Best Sellers," would be his last role ... the dude said yeah, probably. He noted he hadn't gotten any good offers for roles of late, and pointed out that he's 88 ... acknowledging there aren't too many films with 88-year-old leads.

Seems he's had a complete change of heart overnight, because he's totally backtracking now and saying he's gonna keep at it ... which, we're sure, fans of his are overjoyed to hear.

Mike is absolutely beloved, and he's an Oscar winner and beyond ... having turned in memorable performances over the years, even in his somewhat later years (shout out Nolan). Also, as for his complaint about not having enough roles for his age ... step it up, screenwriters!

Vince Neil Rushed to Hospital After Falling Offstage During Concert

Chris Brodzik/YouTube

Vince Neil was on his game Friday night during a concert ... UNTIL he tumbled off the stage and ended up in an ambulance.

Vince was performing at the Monster on the Mountain festival in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, with his band -- not Mötley Crüe, which he hasn't performed with since 2015.

He was a few songs into his set when he stepped to the edge of the stage, and then suddenly tumbled 4 feet onto the cement. Turns out there was a small gap between the speaker and the stage that Vince didn't see and he fell through the crevice onto the floor.

He was clearly in pain ... his crew thought he had broken some ribs. His roadie and a security guy helped him get to his feet, and Vince limped away.

The 60-year-old was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital. Doctors took X-rays, but we don't know the results. The good news -- he's alert and should be ok.

BTW ... in classic rock fashion, the band kept playing after the fall, with guitarist, Jeff Blando, taking over lead vocal duties.

We're told Vince, who has battled with alcohol addiction, had not been drinking. It was just an accident.

He's struggled on stage in recent years ... in May he pulled the plug on a show after his voice gave out. He's also been criticized for underwhelming solo performances, but he was doing well Friday night until the accident.

Another Shooting Gunfire Erupts at High School Football Game Intense Video of Chaos

A high school football game abruptly ended Friday night after gunfire erupted and 4 people were shot.

Players from Williamson High School were on the field against rival Vigor High School at the Ladd-Peebles Stadium in Mobile, Alabama, when gunfire rang through the stadium, just before 10 PM.

Two of the 4 people shot were minors ... one person is in critical condition.

It's unclear where the shots came from, but it appears the shooter was not on the field or in the stands. As you see from the video, the players dropped to the ground and people in the stands fled ... leaving the stadium in a panic.

The shooter was not apprehended and it's unclear if police have any leads. A witness told cops 2 people and possibly more fled the stadium in a white sedan after the shooting, but it's unclear if they had anything to do with the shooting.

It's the latest in a string of shootings across the country, and not the first incident at a high school football game.

Armie Hammer Still in Treatment for Addictions ... Getting Better Every Day

It's been nearly 6 months since Armie Hammer checked himself into a treatment center -- and the actor remains there -- committed to spending as long as it takes to get better.

Sources close to Hammer tell us he's "thriving" in the Florida facility, those around him feel he's changed (for the better) from when he arrived and you can hear the difference in his voice.

Not only that, we're told Armie has kept in constant contact with his kids and loved ones -- FaceTiming with them regularly and sharing his progress.

Our sources say there's still no exact timeline for when he'll complete treatment, but he's willing to do whatever it takes. We're told the "Call Me By Your Name" star understands he was in an incredibly dangerous place before treatment and doesn't want to backslide.

As for a report that he was recently "replaced" by Noah Reid in Broadway's "The Minutes" ... we're told Armie was never officially signed on for that gig. Sources with direct knowledge tell us Armie had verbal talks for the role pre-pandemic, but they were only talks.

It was back in May when Armie checked into rehab for drug, alcohol and sex addiction treatment. The move came after several months of women leveling sexual abuse allegations against the actor.

He and his wife, Elizabeth Chambers, announced they were splitting in July 2020, but their divorce has not yet been finalized.

Hammer hasn't been seen publicly since checking in for treatment, but at one time called the allegations "bulls*** claims" and "vicious and spurious online attacks against me."

Gabby Petito Parents Visit Beautiful Lake ... Gabby and Laundrie Visited During Road Trip

Gabby Petito's grieving parents paid a visit to a place their daughter visited shortly before she was murdered.

Joseph Petito posted a photo of Jenny Lake in Wyoming. The scenery is stunning ... with snowcapped mountains lining the area around a beautiful lake in Grand Teton National Park.

"I now know why you came here," Joseph wrote on Twitter. "#gabbypetito has a beautiful view from now on. Love you, and miss you."

The lake is near where Gabby's body was found. As we reported, the Teton County Coroner concluded Gabby died from manual strangulation sometime around the end of August.

Gabby's parents made the trip to recover her remains, which have been cremated. They're coming back to New York this weekend with the urn.

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Moab Police Department

Brian Laundrie has still not been named a suspect in Gabby's death, although that seems to be more for strategic reasons. He is wanted for fraud, which would allow authorities to arrest him.  He's not been seen for a month, and the area authorities have been searching has not produced a single shred of evidence.

The reality is ... authorities don't know whether Laundrie is dead or alive. He could have escaped capture because he had a 2-day jump before authorities were notified he was missing.

Sean Penn Actress Wife Files For Divorce

Sean Penn's actress wife just waved the white flag on their union ... because she filed for divorce after just over one year of marriage.

Sean's wife, Australian actress Leila George, filed divorce docs Friday in Los Angeles County Superior Court ... according to online records.

Sean and Leila, the daughter of actor Vincent D'Onofrio, tied the knot in July 2020 during the height of the pandemic ... getting hitched in a lowkey family wedding at their home.

They started dating way back in 2016 and did not have any children together.

It's unclear what led to the split.

This will be the third divorce for Sean ... he was previously married to actress Robin Wright from 1996 to 2010 and his first marriage to Madonna lasted from 1985 to 1989.

GOP to Cardi B Set An Example to Young Folks ... Keep Talking Politics!!!

Cardi B has a surprising ally in her corner ... it's the GOP, which is encouraging her NOT to be intimidated by cancel culture and continue talking politics.

Paris Dennard, a National GOP spokesman, tells TMZ ... the "I Like It" rapper should continue talking politics because if she stops, young people will see this and also become scared to express themselves for fear of backlash from democrats and republicans alike.

It's surprising ... Dennard says Cardi shouldn't be fazed by sharing opinions about politics/social issues that line up with democrats ... or the people she's standing up for.

ICYMI ... Cardi tweeted Thursday she'd refrain from sharing her political views because she was "tired of getting bullied by the republicans and also getting bashed by the same people I was standing up for."

Dennard makes it crystal clear ... with Cardi having a massive platform, any political statement could trigger backlash from both sides. He insists ... any of that shouldn't silence her because having an influencer like herself sets an example for others, particularly with young people.

He says it's important for Cardi -- who interviewed President Joe Biden and trash-talked former prez Donald Trump with Sen. Bernie Sanders -- to be a free thinker. What's more ... Dennard says having polarizing views doesn't necessarily mean getting canceled.

He points out some prime examples like Kanye West and Lil Wayne ... just some of the rappers who supported Trump. Dennard also points to Nicki Minaj ... whose COVID-19 vaccine claims riled up social media, but she came away mostly unscathed.

Dennard says none of these artists took a hit when it came to album sales, streaming, merch, etc. So he wants Cardi to be active and continue expressing her views. Ramifications be dammed.

Stars and Scars You Be the Judge

Netflix used to be a company everyone rallied around, but Chappelle's latest special put a quick end to that, and what's the deal with Prince William shading Shatner's space ride? So, we gotta ask ...

Comedian Hannah Gadsby Blasting Chappelle ...

Prince William Blasting Billionaire Space Rides

Demi Lovato's Hot Take On Space 'Aliens' ...

Who Won?

Kyrie Irving Unvaccinated ...

Best Band Ever ...

Jon Gruden's Racist/Homophobic Emails ...

Better Birthday Present ...

'Squid Game' ...