'RHOBH' Star Kyle Richards Hospitalized After At-Home Bee Attack ... Posts Security Footage


Kyle Richards had quite the scary run-in with Mother Nature this weekend -- and by that, we mean she got stung up by a bunch of bees at her house ... which sent her to the hospital.

The 'Real Housewives' star posted a terrifying update to her IG Story Sunday ... saying she'd been sent to the ER the day prior after apparently coming across a full-blown hive at her home in Encino ... and the black and yellow buggers went after her in an attack.

Kyle actually posted surveillance footage from the episode ... and you can see her making a run for it across her backyard, with the bees apparently giving chase. She says they were in her hair, her face and literally stinging her. All the while, she was screaming for help.

We kinda buried the lede ... Kyle says she's not only terrified of bees, but she's allergic to them. So, this was truly a life or death moment ... as she says she couldn't get her EpiPen to work for some reason. In the end, she warded off the bees by hopping in her pool.

Kyle says she can laugh about it now(ish) because she ended up being rescued and attended to by the local fire dept., whose firefighters bolted to the scene when 911 was eventually called. Speaking of those guys, she made sure to give them a major shout-out the next day ... posting a photo she took with them, and offering her thanks for their help.

Oh, and one last thing ... Kyle's got footage of the massive hive that has formed alongside her house. She says she's working on getting it taken out ASAP. Yeah, good call, KR.

Ben Affleck Helps himself to a handful o' j lo ... This Look Kinda Familiar???

Ben Affleck's enjoying the views on his yacht ride with Jennifer Lopez -- both of the waters before him ... and of the beautiful woman right by his side, who's still got plenty of "back" ... and who may or may not be paying homage to herself and her man.

Mr. Affleck proved as much Saturday when he and his GF were laying out on their mega-yacht as they sailed the Mediterranean in St. Tropez ... continuing the voyage they set out on yesterday to kick off J Lo's 52nd birthday celebration, which got started with a bang.

You might recall ... Bennifer went public with some awesome pics Jen herself threw up, including one of her planting a fat one on her old flame for the whole world to witness. It was the equivalent of a coming out party (for couples) ... and they did it in spectacular fashion.

Now that the cat is fully out of the bag -- beyond just pap shots of them sneaking in smooches and pecks here and there -- it seems clear that Jen and Ben aren't trying to hide the PDA anymore ... which you can tell from these photos of them on the yacht's deck.

Check it out -- Ben straight-up grabbed himself some ass onboard ... or at least gave it a nice little pat. That seemed to get Jenny's attention, because she came up and rewarded him with a kiss, and then proceeded to make moves like she was getting on top of him.

BTW, if this imagery looks like something you've seen before ... it's because you have. This seems to be a recreated scene straight out of Jen's "Jenny From the Block" music video from back in the day (when she and Ben were still dating) ... which features something similar.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Definitely appeared to be intentional too, 'cause there was a photog on hand snapping pics of them doing the butt thing. Boy, talk about art imitating life ... on purpose. 😄

Anyway, they sure are enjoying each other ... and we gotta say, Bennifer hasn't looked better than what we're seeing here. Speaking of that, J Lo touched on that in a video she threw up for the gram, showing off what 52 can be, body-wise. Seems Ben was playing cameraman.

Newfound love some 20 years later. Funny how life works like that, huh?

B-ball Robot at Tokyo Games Sinks Half-Court Shot, no problem ... Sign of What's to Come???

A robot basketball player has made its debut at the Tokyo Olympics -- and it turns out, the thing is pretty damn good at shooting baskets ... almost scary good. Actually, just scary.

Check out this robot that Tokyo officials rolled out Sunday for what appears to be a halftime show during a basketball game there between Team USA and France ... which the U.S. ended up losing 83-76.

Besides that news, reporter Ann Killion captured the real headline-grabber ... and that would be this hunk of metal slowly and inartfully sinking shots from a fair distance -- including one basket it made from half-court!

Watch the clip ... the robot starts by swishing a 3-pointer, this after lining it up perfectly and eventually launching the ball straight through the net. Then, it heads down to the mid-court logo, where it does the same thing -- picking the ball up by itself, and then chucking it.

Sure enough, that ball goes through as well. Obviously, the robot can get buckets, and even though it's slow to the draw ... it's clearly quite accurate. Shoot, maybe Team USA shoulda recruited this thing to be one of their wingmen! They sure needed the help.

All jokes aside ... the fact this robot can actually make its way up and down the floor and put up shots on its own is pretty incredible. It's a testament to technology, but also ... perhaps a sign of what may come in the future. Who's to say they won't make a full-blown team of robots one day???

Considering what Boston Dynamics is doing with their robots and how far they've come in making them move seamlessly, like humans, something tells us that possibility is one that could come about. We certainly have the tech to do it -- but do we actually wanna???

Dancing and basketball AI is cool and all to watch ... and yet, things can go left fast. Be careful what you wish for, humanity!!! We've seen the movies -- we're not too far from that.

Hero NY Cops Save Baby Trapped Under Car ... That Slams Into Building!!!

Yonkers Police Department

A couple of New York cops are being hailed heroes after this INSANE encounter where they saved a baby girl who was pinned underneath a car -- and after watching this video ... you might give 'em a round of applause yourself.

This wild episode went down Friday in Yonkers ... where a vehicle that was cruising through a not-so-busy street lost control while trying to make a simple left turn at a stop sign -- slamming into a parked car, then accelerating into a woman carrying an infant ... and then into a building.

The car actually crashed straight into a barbershop ... where this lady and her 8-month-old ended up getting dragged into after the vehicle came barreling through the wall, with them on the hood. The 2 cops who saved the day, Officers Fusco and Samoyedny, were at a nearby shop ... and responded after hearing the commotion. Luckily, they sprung into action as quickly as they did ... 'cause the kid ended up getting trapped underneath somehow!!!

You gotta watch this body cam footage to see what they did. With the help of bystanders, they lifted the car enough to be able to grab the girl and pull her out from under the rubble. You can hear her crying, and her mother screaming, as they finally lift her to safety.

The mother and child are expected to survive their injuries. As for the driver ... 43-year-old David Poncurak was arrested for DWI (among other charges) ... this after cops say they found an alcoholic beverage inside his car and suspected he was under the influence.

Morgan Wallen I'm Leaving the Neighborhood ... Sells Home Where He Dropped The N-Word

Turns out, Morgan Wallen is looking for a fresh start in more ways than one ... he's leaving the neighbors who called him a menace to the hood and heard him hurl the n-word after a late night out with friends.

According to real estate docs, Wallen sold his 4-bed 3-bath home in Nashville earlier this month for $835,000. The home is part of a duplex with updated features, a rooftop patio and a backyard perfect for privacy.

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It was on the driveway where Wallen was captured on a video calling a friend the n-word. When TMZ obtained the video of the incident, neighbors told us Wallen's late-night, rowdy antics were a problem ... and he routinely arrived home in the wee hours, making a whole lot of noise which pissed off everyone who was trying to sleep.

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While it doesn't appear Morgan spent much time at the home since February -- he recently revealed to GMA he spent 30 days in rehab -- the neighbors won't have to worry about him anymore ... and vice-versa.

Morgan hasn't hit any big stages since the incident, but he did recently perform at a Nashville bar where the crowd went nuts ... you gotta imagine he'll have a massively successful tour when he makes a full return.

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@madisonnduriee / Instagram

As for the house hunt ... his album spent 11 weeks on top of Billboard's Country Chart, so he'll have plenty of cash handy to land a new pad.

Wisconsin Police Dept. Deny Planting Drugs in Car ... Release Body Cam Footage

Village of Caledonia Police Department

The Wisconsin police department that had one of their own accused of planting drugs in a Black man's car says the claim is BS -- and they say they got the full video to prove it.

The Caledonia Police Dept. posted an update into their investigation -- which they say isn't done yet -- but based on what they've found so far ... they feel confident saying the officer who was caught on video tossing a baggie into the back seat is being wrongly blamed.

Village of Caledonia Police Department

The Chief of Police, Christopher Botsch, says the car was pulled over for speeding in a 45 MPH zone, and after the front seat passenger refused to ID himself -- and finding the rear passengers weren't wearing seat belts -- the cops apparently decided to conduct a search.

CPD uploaded portions of two body cameras from what appears to be 2 different officers -- the first shows the cop in question being handed a little baggie -- which the department says was an empty "corner tear" -- by another officer who was checking it out and then going back to the car and throwing it back in ... which is where the OG video picks up.

GlockBoy Savoo/Facebook

The police say that little baggie -- which, again, they say was not illegal in and of itself since it was empty, albeit indicative of drugs -- was found when they searched one of the rear passengers, something they say you can see in a second body cam video they uploaded.

Since there was nothing in it, CPD says the cop essentially discarded it back into the car, which they say probably wasn't a great idea, but note ... nothing sketchy happened. Their video also shows the convo that happened after ... something GlockBoy Savoo's didn't.

Caledonia Police say there's over 6 hours of footage to review since there were four officers present -- so they say they're gonna need more time to get the full picture. However, they reiterate that thus far ... it doesn't appear as if anything criminal was done -- on either end.

They also point out that no arrests were made from this stop ... only a speeding ticket was issued. GlockBoy Savoo, meanwhile, doesn't appear to have responded to the cops' story.

'Mighty Ducks' Goalie Shaun Weiss Celebrates Drug Court Graduation ... In Familiar Diner!!!

Shaun Weiss, the goalie in the 'Mighty Ducks' movies, got all nostalgic celebrating his graduation from a drug court program ... chowing down at a diner that's special to him.

Just days after getting his certificate of completion from the D.A.'s Office in Yuba County, CA ... we're told Shaun and his good friend, Drew Gallagher, hit up the super-popular Brent's Deli in the San Fernando Valley.

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Why there? Well, for starters the pastrami is to die for ... but also, we're told the deli's the first place Shaun went when he was released from jail in August 2017 during one of the worst points in his life.

Shaun's had several stints in jail after that, but in going back now, he wanted to reminisce on all the progress he's made ever since.

His pal Drew practically rolled out a red carpet ... showering Shaun with congratulatory balloons and a hearty meal of matzo ball soup.

TMZ broke the story ... The D.A.'s Office was super complimentary of Shaun for staying on the straight and narrow -- and that good behavior prompted prosecutors to dismiss the burglary case against him.

Besides getting sober, Shaun also got a new set of chompers.

So, what's next for Goldberg ... he plans to do speaking engagements to share his story in hopes of inspiring others who are trying to dig themselves out of their own rut.

Meghan and Harry Daughter Lilibet Nowhere to Be Seen ... On Official Royal Line of Succession

Nearly 2 months after the birth of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's daughter ... she's still MIA from the official Royal line of succession.

Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor was born June 4 and would seem to make her 8th in line for the throne ... but the Palace has not listed her as such on its official website.

Prince Andrew is still listed as #8. Lilibet's name is nowhere to be found.

Interesting contrast ... when Lilibet's big brother, Archie, was born, his name appeared on the website 15 days after his birth. But, that was 2019 and this is now ... post Oprah.

For more context ... William and Kate's second child, Prince Louis, appeared on the Royal website 12 days after his birth.

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Harry and Meghan want Lilibet to get the Royal treatment, as in a royal christening ... this according to The Daily Mail. Archie was christened in St. George's Chapel in Windsor and the Queen was present. They reportedly want the same for Lilibet.

Stay tuned.

Outer Space Major Tom to Ground Control ... There's a Giant Asteroid Headed Our Way!!!

There's a notable, near-ish-collision on Earth -- or at least one that's looming -- and the object that may be about to crash is traveling at 18,000 MPH!!!

NASA has sounded an alarm that a giant asteroid is about to pass Earth. It's somewhere between 318 and 720 feet in length ... about the size of the Taj Mahal and the Great Pyramid of Giza.

The thing's even got a name -- 2008 G020.

Well, when we say near-collision, it's all relative. It's supposed to come as close as 2.8 million miles to our planet. In NASA-ese ... it's labeled an Apolo, which is a "near-Earth" designation.

To give you more context ... the Moon is 238,855 miles from Earth, while Mars is 236.5 million miles away. So, somewhere in the middle.

This won't be our closest encounter with G020. In 1901 it got 1 million miles from Earth.

Shhhhsh ... close call, right?

Nadia Comaneci Good Genes or Good Docs?!

Nadia Comaneci really won with these golden good looks!

Here is a 14-year-old version of the Olympic gymnast showing off her pearly whites after scoring a perfect ten at the summer games in Montreal back in 1976 (left). Comaneci was the first Olympic gymnast to earn a score of ten and went on to receive that score several more times throughout her Olympic career.

And, 45 years later ... The now-retired 59-year-old athlete was seen showing off her beautiful looks while taking a trip down memory lane during a visit to the Olympic stadium in Montreal (right).

She's still got it!

The question is ...

Nadia Comaneci ...

Comedian Jackie Mason Dead at 93

Jackie Mason, the crusty, self-doubting, enduring comedian who was anointed into pop culture by "The Simpsons," has died.

Jackie passed Saturday at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC. His longtime friend Raoul Felder, tells TMZ ... Jackie had been hospitalized for more than 3 weeks ... admitted with inflammation of the lungs. He had been experiencing a number of health issues over the last few years.

Mason's comedy career spans 60 years, with some huge successes along with some pretty big bumps along the way.

His big break came in 1960, when he appeared on "The Steve Allen Show" and killed. That led to huge bookings at various clubs and regular TV appearances, including "The Ed Sullivan Show" where he appeared 12 times ... and then, disaster struck. In 1964, Mason was on Sullivan's live show but it was partially preempted by a speech by then-President Lyndon Johnson. When regular programming resumed, Mason was mid-way through his act and Sullivan was already counting him down with his finger "1 minute to go." Mason responded by looking at audience members, saying "Here's a finger for you, here's a finger for you" ... and so on.

He was damaged goods after that for years ... club owners felt he was "crude and unpredictable." Mason said, "It took 20 years to overcome what happened in that 1 minute."

And, there was more ... in a 1966 Vegas show, Mason mocked Frank Sinatra's marriage to young Mia Farrow -- "Frank soaks his dentures and Mia brushes her braces." As the story goes ... a gunman pumped a bullet into Mason's hotel room.

Mason's comedy was sometimes hilarious ... especially when he groused about his self-doubt.  He joked, "When I attended a football game, every time the players went into a huddle, I thought they were talking about me."

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His biggest success came in 1986, with his one-man show "The World According to Me!" ... which ran on Broadway for 2 years and earned him a Tony and an Emmy for HBO's take on the show.

The title of his autobiography underscores his Jewish humor -- "Jackie, Oy!"

Mason was the voice of Rabbi Hyman Krustofsky, Krusty the Clown's dad, on "The Simpsons."

At the time of his death, Mason was surrounded by his wife, Jyll, and friend, Felder.

He was 93.


Gervonta Davis Boxer Gets Massive 'Baltimore' Back Tat ... Reppin' My City!!!

Gervonta "Tank" Davis is a proud Baltimore native -- and the star boxer loves his city so much, he just got it tatted all across his upper back!!!

Of course, the Maryland city is where Davis started down his road to stardom ... learning to box there at just 7 years old.

And now, the 26-year-old champ is deciding to give a major salute back to his hometown ... hitting up his go-to guy, celeb tat artist Josh Levario, for some awesome B-more ink.

The tat came out HUGE ... with the word "BALTIMORE" spanning from Davis' left shoulder all the way to his right.

The piece also came out impressive as hell -- considering Levario (who also did Tank's movie icon tattoo) tells us it only took 3 hours to get done.

Gervonta has already been honored in the past by the city of Baltimore, with Mayor Jack Young once presenting him a key to the city.

Perhaps the new tat persuades Young to give him even more?!?

Stay tuned!

Ex-Bad Wolves Frontman Sues Ex-Manager ... You Booted Me Over Trump Support!!!


1:55 PM PT -- Kovac tells us, "I am disappointed to see these accusations from Tommy against me, 10th Street Management and Better Noise Music. They are categorically false. In 40 years in the music business, I have never made any derogatory racist comments, been accused of doing so, or been sued by an artist. Tommy Vext, a self-proclaimed QAnon supporter, has dragged us into a ridiculous, unfounded narrative that falsely paints him as a victim."


He continues, "Behind the scenes, he and his team of lawyers have been trying to extort the band and the record company for a big payout. Because these tactics were not successful, he upped the ante and filed this bogus and spurious lawsuit to get leverage in contract negotiations. But this strategic ploy won’t work. We will not be extorted; and will defend and defeat these phony claims in court."

Ex-Bad Wolves frontman Tommy Vext wasn't "black enough" to be part of the band due to his political stances and support for Donald Trump ... so he claims in a new lawsuit against his ex-manager, who allegedly openly dropped n-bombs.

Vext's suing Allen Kovac claiming that, in response to major political differences between them, Kovac cooked up a scheme to steal the heavy metal band they co-founded in 2017.

In legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Vext says Kovack disagreed with his social media posts criticizing protests in L.A. and Portland, as well as statements he made about the attack on the U.S. Capitol.

And, because of that, Vext alleges Kovac launched a campaign to drive him out of music by demanding radio and streaming services stop playing Bad Wolves -- and they complied because Kovac has that kinda "pull" in the industry.

In the docs, Vext claims Kovac tried to block him from making political statements ... and when he refused to be silenced, Kovac tried and failed to try to buy Bad Wolves. That's when Kovac set about getting Vext booted ... according to Vext, anyway.

Vext, who is Black, believes his old bandmates soiled his good name by locking him out of the band's social media, and insinuating he "was not black enough" because of his political statements.

Vext is also accusing Kovac of regularly and openly using "n*****" in casual convos to belittle him, though he doesn't indicate how the alleged racism relates to his lawsuit. Vext only says it caused him to feel intimidated by Kovac ... "an executive showing he clearly felt so powerful as to think he could use the word with impunity."

He's suing for breach of contract and breach of fiduciary duty, and wants tens of millions of dollars in damages.

Tommy tells TMZ, "For several years I've poured all of my energy and passion into building Bad Wolves. We've toured the world several times and charted 6 billboard number 1 singles. All the while I've had to endure disparaging, manipulative and at times racially charged misconduct from my former manager Allen Kovak and his record company Better Noise Music."

He continues, "Allen has forced me out of my own band and is now attempting to slander and cancel me. After several failed attempts to settle amicably, I'm now forced to place this in the hands of the courts."

Originally Published -- 12:30 AM PT

Silverfox Squad Heats Up Miami With Yacht Shots!

This week's Summer Hot Shots comes from a pack of men that can only be described as the Silverfox Squad (LLC) ... who slipped into some of the most stylish looks money can buy and boarded their yacht for a shirtless photoshoot that is guaranteed A+ eye candy for both the young and old!

The age-defying dudes in the elite Silverfox Squad are comprised of some gorgeous grey-haird guys like Irvin Randle, Winston Warrior, JP Hanney, Darryle Jones, Stephen Adkins III, JL Michaels, Titus Unlimited and Eustace Collens Jr. -- but don't let the white hair fool you ... these shredded seniors are more ripped than models half their age.

Squad goals!

We are continuing to whip up our Summer Hot Shots for 2021 from a distance and have collaborated with some mind-melting hotties from around the world for your viewing pleasure!

Be sure to check back every Sunday this summer to see who's over-heating your computer modem.

Kanye West Living In MB Stadium To Finish 'DONDA' Album!!!

Kanye West's listening party might be over and done with -- but the man hasn't left the venue where he held it ... he's made the stadium a home until he finishes his album.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Mr. West will miss his weekend performance at Rolling Loud in Miami because he has literally moved into Atlanta's Mercedes-Benz Stadium.

MBS was the location of Kanye's massive album party Thursday -- where scores of people came together to jam out to his new offering, "DONDA," and watch Ye perform.

We're told Ye is STILL IN THE BUIDLING ... and Kanye and team have created a studio space, living quarters and even have a chef to prepare his meals inside MBS.

Kanye was spotted at the Atlanta United soccer game Saturday wearing the exact same outfit he wore at the Donda event ... and had fans wondering -- what are you doing here, bro??? Well, we have the answer -- to put it simply, the guy is still working.

We're told Kanye was so inspired by the "Donda" crowd, he wanted to stay in Atlanta and finish things up ... with a new August 6 release date as the goal.

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It's unclear if any totally new tracks will come from Kanye's stadium visit -- or if he's just mixing and mastering -- but it's certainly a unique way to get things done.


Soooo ... if you're a night shift worker there and you hear some eerie sounds emanating from the lower deck somewhere -- don't stress, it's not the Phantom of the Opera. It's just Ye!

Britney Spears BFF/Agent Cade Hudson Speaks Out ... Time to #FreeBritney!!!

Cade Hudson -- one of Britney Spears' best friends and longtime agent -- is finally breaking his silence on her conservatorship sitch ... agreeing with what many have already demanded -- and that would be, #FreeBritney.

The career talent agent just posted a message on social media that is sure to give the #FreeBritney crowd a vote of confidence -- because he says it is, indeed, time to release her from the clutches of the conservatorship ... which he suggests has been a long time coming.

Cade writes, "I've kept my mouth shut for 12 + years on Britney. Enough is enough. After getting thousands of death threats, getting water bottles thrown at my head in bars from bystanders telling me I'm brainwashing her - Britney I'm now speaking up."

He goes on to detail what led up to Britney's breakdown back in '07 ... saying, "Britney who was accused of some errors as a new mom at 26 with 100 cameras in her face daily waiting to document any wrong move she did gets placed under a never-ending conservatorship?"

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To that he says ... "Sexism at its best."

CH goes all in, writing ... "This is a violation of someone's basic human rights that were taken away. I've kept my mouth shut out of the fear of losing my job as her agent and losing the career I worked my ass off for 15 years to build, out of threats from the man we all know who, but I won't even dignify mentioning his name. I’m officially done being quiet."

He says he knows the real Britney Spears -- the one who's spent Xmas with him, who's volunteered at dance classes for underprivileged kids, and adds ... "The system and the public failed her. Her new attorney is the best of the best and knows that the work has just begun but it’s progress & hope and that’s all we can ask for now until action can be taken."

Cade finishes his thoughts this way ... "I'll end with a few things, one person who was in her life (again legally can't name names) was also silenced by the people around her. You silencers know who you are. This person has her best interest at heart."

It's unclear who exactly Cade is referring to here, but our best guess ... it may well be her longtime manager, Larry Rudolph, who has since resigned from his post.

Brit's BFF adds one more warning shot to people he considered against Britney. He says, "Even if people don't see it now, it will come out. To the ones who should be worried, you know who you are too. The nonsense needs to end, and the healing process needs to begin. The lord tends to pay those people back in his own ways. So for the first time I'm publicly saying #FREEBRITNEY."

He also says it's "Time to get my girl and best friend back" and caps it off with a plea to his old pal, writing ... "@Britneyspears it's your time - the world is listening and is on your side. The world NEEDS you freed and back."

This is mega, BTW ... Cade is someone who's in Britney's inner circle -- and if he feels this way, it seems like the dynamic in the conservatorship is shifting -- at least in the court of public opinion, anyway.