Guess Who This Umbrella Girl Turned Into!

Before this pint-sized kid with a parasol was making people laugh on Comedy Central, she was just another little runt waiting for rain to fall in Cincinnati, Ohio.

This little lady brought the thunder and lightning when she performed her hilarious stand-up on stage at the popular Comedy Central roasts -- including The Roast of Alec Baldwin, Rob Lowe, and Bruce Willis. She is known for not being safe when it comes to telling jokes ... as she has proved with her own sketch comedy show, which was short-lived and only lasted 1 season.

You may also recognize her from her cameos in multiple Amy Schumer films.

Can you guess who she is?

SpaceX Sending 4 Astronauts to ISS ... Successful Launch!!!


4:31 PM PT -- The Crew Dragon capsule is airborne and on its way to the upper atmosphere -- the launch went down without a hitch ... with the rocket reaching over 1,500 MPH as it soars into the sky. The capsule and rocket have also detached, with the latter coming back down to Earth as the capsule continues on its way toward the ISS.


What a time to be alive, huh?!?

SpaceX and NASA are about to once again send astronauts into space -- laying even more groundwork for what might become a regular thing ... and we'll be streaming the event live, with lift-off slated for 7:27 PM ET.

Elon Musk's shuttle program is embarking on yet another launch Sunday from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida -- where the SpaceX team is firing its famed Dragon capsule into orbit ... only this time, it's carrying a few more helmeted cadets on the mission.

Three American astronauts are signed up for this job -- NASA's Mike Hopkins, Shannon Walker and Victor Glover -- and so is a Japanese astronaut named Soichi Noguchi. Check out their suits, BTW ... super sleek compared to what they used to rock back in the day.

That's technology, baby!!! Also ... fashion.

The 4-person crew is heading to the International Space Station, where they'll conduct scientific research for NASA. This is the second time this year that SpaceX has sent up humans in partnership with NASA -- in May, they sent up astronauts Doug Hurly and Bob Behnken to the ISS for a couple months ... now, they're upping the manpower. It's the first SpaceX commercial crew trip to the ISS.

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This latest mission is a huge milestone -- it marks a huge pivot away from our reliance on Russian space travel -- something the U.S. has been heavily reliant on in recent years.

The fact SpaceX is helping with these types of trips more regularly proves it's a leading company for a lot more travel in the near future -- which could open the door for space tourism. The possibilities are endless, really.

The launch is scheduled for 7:27 PM ET. Houston, we have lift-off ... hopefully.

Originally Published -- 4:15 PM PT

Kellyanne Conway 16-Y-O Daughter Claudia Trying Out for 'American Idol'?!?

@claudiamconway / TikTok

Kellyanne Conway seems to be on her way out at the White House, but she could still ride the coattails of her 16-year-old daughter ... who might be the next "American Idol!"

Claudia Conway just teased the fact that she's trying out for the reality singing competition show -- posting a video on TikTok in which she says she's about to audition and was in the process of filming her confessional. Claudia also says she's already met Seacrest 👀.

In her brief clip, Claudia turns the camera around and sure enough ... there's a film crew there. You can also see the 'Idol' logo behind her in what appears to be a soundstage setting -- so yeah, it seems legit. Word is 'AI' is, in fact, filming right now -- out here in Cali, no less.

A couple things about this ... for starters, welcome back to TikTok, kid!!! Remember, it looked like Claudia got grounded from using the app a little while ago after spilling alleged tea on Trump's COVID diagnosis, which her mom did NOT like ... as we saw first-hand.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

Looks like Claudia's been back online for a minute now -- but the other question this brings up ... who the hell knew she could sing?!? While we mostly see Claudia lip-syncing and dancing to songs on TikTok -- like so many other users -- she actually has some videos of herself where she shows off her pipes. We gotta say ... she ain't half bad!!!

Now that she's 16 and meets the minimum criteria to try out ... it seems Claudia's gonna get some face time with Lionel Richie, Luke Bryan and Katy Perry soon enough here. Considering her rebellious streak, you also gotta wonder if mama bear knows about this 😅.

Anyhoo, something tells us she's got a TV career in the making -- and we might very well be seeing her get some air time when the new 'Idol' season kicks off next year. Stay tuned!

HGTV 'Good Bones' Star Karen Laine's Home Burglarized ... Pooper on the Prowl!!!

'Good Bones' star Karen Laine's home is the perfect place to drop one's pants and leave a mark -- at least that's what a brash burglar thinks ... since they've already done it twice.

The HGTV home renovator had her Indianapolis home burglarized recently, which made for the third time her house had been broken into and the 2nd time someone left behind a piece of crap as a f*** you -- that's what Karen's saying anyway, according to local media.

She told FOX59, "It's sort of an epithet to say I poop on you." Laine told another outlet that she thinks this is personal, because whoever deuced has done so twice now in the same place (the garage) where she says there's an obvious bathroom right there for the using.

As for what was taken -- Laine says her hubby's bike got jacked, her purse and some other stuff. Fortunately, Laine is a former prosecutor ... so as soon as she noticed her credit cards being used, she jumped on the case and started hitting places up for surveillance video.

Cops are looped in too, obviously, and she feels like they'll be able to catch the crook soon -- especially since they're apparently going to test the caca for DNA.

Who knew a steamy pile of poo could also be a smoking gun?!?

Donald Trump Concedes He Lost to Biden ... Then Takes It Back

Donald Trump has just shockingly conceded the election ... or did he?

Trump manically jumped on twitter Sunday AM, grousing, "He [Biden] won because the Election was Rigged. NO VOTE WATCHERS OR OBSERVERS allowed, vote tabulated by a Radical Left privately owned company, Dominion, with a bad reputation & bum equipment that couldn't even qualify for Texas (which I won by a lot!), the Fake & Silent Media, & more."

Trump was reacting to FNC's Jesse Watters, who said, "There’s something that just doesn’t feel right about this. Joe Biden didn’t earn it, he didn’t really even campaign. He thought was going to lose, you could see it. He ran a losing campaign. So 10 days after the election, how’s he ahead?"

Twitter was quick NOT to cut Trump a break, flagging his tweet as "disputed."

Trump later took back/clarified his "concession," saying, "I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!"

Trump's protestations have, so far, amounted to nothing. He and his team have been thrown out of court over a dozen times, because they presented no evidence of voter fraud.

As for why Trump won't concede ... well, the easy answer is that he just can't admit defeat, but the core answer is different. Trump will NEVER concede. He will convince his supporters he was robbed and he will continue beating that drum for 4 years. He will beat the drum on TV, radio and online. He will announce his run for 2024, almost like a leader in exile who makes a play to return to his country.

Short story ... he's not going away.

92-Year-Old with Dementia Plays Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata ... Ya Never Forget?!?


This woman's memory might be slipping away because of her dementia, but she certainly hasn't forgotten how to perform a classical piece of music ... which is incredible to see.

This is Elaine Lebar -- a 92-year-old with dementia. Check out this video of her masterfully playing the third movement of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata." Right before she goes to town on the piano keys, she tells the camera girl that she doesn't know it ... clearly she does.

Apparently, music therapy is a common practice for those afflicted with the memory loss disease -- not only can it help combat cognitive decline and reduce the risk of dementia in general ... but scientists say whatever you know musically stays relatively preserved.

They say musical memories are stored in a part of the brain that remains, more or less, intact amid dementia ... that jives with what we see here -- almost like she has Beethoven's music on file and ready to whip out whenever she's at a piano. It's like riding a bike, sorta.

Anyway, take it away Lainey!

Tommy Lasorda Famed Dodger Manager Hospitalized in ICU with Heart Issues

Legendary Dodgers Manager Tommy Lasorda is in serious condition at a Southern California hospital in the ICU with heart issues, TMZ Sports has learned.

Lasorda was admitted a week ago and his condition took a turn for the worse. Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Tommy was hooked up to a ventilator and sedated. We're told he's now resting comfortably, so it seems he's improved.

Our sources say, his condition is NOT COVID-related.

One source noted Tommy is 93 with medical issues so his prognosis is uncertain.

Lasorda had a storied career in baseball, first signing with the Phillies in 1945. He also played for the Royals

Lasorda retired in 1960 and joined the Dodgers as a scout and then a manager. And, he was one of the most colorful managers in the sport, leading the team to 8 National League West division titles, 4 pennants and 2 World Series championships.

Tommy, who became a TV pitchman for various products, retired in 1996 because of health issues. He has a wine company -- Lasorda Family Wines.

After retiring from managing, he became Vice President and then interim general manager of the team in 1968.

Tommy was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1997.

We wish Tommy the best.

Barack Obama I Had to Campaign for Biden ... Trump Presidency 'Not Normal'

CBS Sunday Morning

Barack Obama did not want to hit the campaign trail -- it's not really something former Presidents do -- but he felt it was necessary because Donald Trump's tenure "was not normal."

Forty Four appeared on CBS's "Sunday Morning" with Gayle King. He made it clear, he didn't really want to stump for the Dems, but he said, "I think we were in a circumstance in this election in which certain norms, certain institutional values that are so extraordinarily important, had been breached – that it was important for me, as somebody who had served in that office, to simply let people know, 'This is not normal.'"

Obama framed the current American dilemma this way ... "It's very hard for our democracy to function if we are operating on just completely different sets of facts."

He's sure got a point ... the reality is that most Americans now select media that parrots their own views -- especially if it's skewed -- and they distrust media that takes the opposing view. So, both sides get lopsided news.

The former Prez also obliquely addressed criticism, that he didn't do enough for Black America, saying, "I think a lotta people expected, 'Well, we got this young, progressive president. And now suddenly we're gonna eliminate inequality and, you know, we're immediately gonna have universal health care. And we're gonna have climate change legislation, and immigration reform, and criminal justice reform,' and all the things that I wanted to get done. But what I understood very early on is, the federal government, headed by the president, is an ocean liner; it is not a speedboat. Ten years from now, 20 years from now, the work you've done may be appreciated as having been good and helpful. But at the time, it can feel like, 'Wow, this isn't happening fast enough!'"

Obama, who was promoting his new memoir, "A Promised Land," shrugged off King's question of whether he'll help Biden, saying, "He doesn't need my advice. And I will help him in any ways that I can. But now, you know, I'm not planning to suddenly work on The White House staff or something."

To which Gayle said, "No cabinet position for you, Mr. President?" His response -- "There are probably some things I would not be doing, 'cause Michelle would leave me ... She'd be like, 'What? You're doin' what?'"

Ryan Cabrera I Proposed to Alexa Bliss ... And She Said Yes!!!

Singer Ryan Cabrera and WWE star Alexa Bliss have something to celebrate during these bleak COVID times ... THEY'RE ENGAGED!!!

Ryan posted a pic of the question-popping Saturday night, with the caption, "tonight was the best night of my life!!! And it's just the beginning!!!"

Bliss added Ryan popped the question one year after they met. She said, "One year ago we said hello, tonight I said YES."

Cabrera and Bliss met at a Smackdown event with The Miz doing the honors as matchmaker ... they all hung out during the show, and Ryan and Alexa clearly had a connection.

Alexa had been engaged to fellow wrestler Buddy Murphy, and Ryan ended his relationship with “The Hills” star Audrina Patridge 2 years ago.


Rapper Mo3 Tailed in Car Chase ... Before Fatal Shooting

Rapper Mo3 was desperate to get away from his killers before he was gunned down on a Dallas freeway ... a chase that allegedly started the minute he'd left a friend's house.

Sources close to the situation tell TMZ ... the Dallas-based rapper left a female companion's house Wednesday morning and noticed he was being watched. It's unclear who the person tailing him was, but we're told they followed him in their vehicle from the home to a gas station.

Our sources say that's when Mo3 knew something was up, and jumped on I-35 in an attempt to lose the other vehicle. We're told he tried to get around traffic but ended up crashing on the side of the road.

That's when Mo3 got out of his car and ran for his life, before the trigger man gave chase and shot him in the back of the head. No one's been arrested for the deadly shooting, and police haven't identified a suspect yet.

TMZ broke the story ... Mo3 was shot and killed in his hometown where an innocent bystander was also shot and treated for non-life-threatening injuries. Mo3 died at a hospital.

It's interesting ... fans are making an eerie connection between Mo3's death story and his 2017 "True Story" music video. It starts with him laying on a morgue's table and the coroner saying she was treating a "rapper who got shot in his own city."

Sylvester Stallone Thanksgiving's Weird This Year ... So Let's Do Pizza and Hot Dogs!!!


Sylvester Stallone has an odd recommendation on how to make this already strange Thanksgiving even more bizarre ... ditch the turkey altogether!!!

We got Rocky in Bev Hills and asked about the many challenges families will be facing during their upcoming holiday get-togethers ... and it seems his visit to Mulberry Street Pizzeria was still very much on his mind.

Rambo tells us he thinks everyone needs to switch it up -- just for 2020 -- and dish out Chicago style hot dogs and pizza this year. He even says he's going to do this himself ... though we get the feeling he's fibbing.

Sly sounds sincere about one thing though -- he feels families should be left to decide what's best for them in regards to handling Turkey Day with the COVID-19 pandemic.

He says the government has to trust people to do the right thing ... and he has faith they will.

Kobe Bryant Childhood Hoop Set To Hit Auction ... After Penn. Home Sells

The hoop Kobe Bryant molded his jump shot on as a child is set to hit the auction block ... and it can be all yours -- if you've got a small fortune lying around.

TMZ Sports has learned that just before Bryant's childhood home in Pennsylvania sold for $810K this month ... the seller decided to pull the backboard and the rim from the listing after the buyer wasn't interested in paying more for its inclusion.

Instead, we're told the seller gave it to an acquaintance who handed it over to John Romani at Sales By Helen to have it sold at auction.

While it's unclear how much the hoop might fetch from bidders ... Romani tells us it wouldn't surprise him at all if the piece soared into six figures.

As we've been reporting, Kobe memorabilia has been in ultra-high demand since his tragic death ... with fans paying astronomical prices for signed basketballs, jerseys of anything else Kobe touched.

In fact, a signed piece of the hardwood from Staples Center that Kobe played on in his final NBA game recently sold at auction for more than $600,000!

As for the hoop from Kobe's Pennsylvania home, Romani says the plan is for it to enter Heritage's Platinum Night Auction on Feb. 20.

And, Romani says there will be a bunch more Bryant memorabilia collected from the house that will join the hoop there.

Romani tells us a Michael Jordan Sports Illustrated magazine addressed to Kobe will be sold. Other items, like Duke basketballs Kobe had when he was being recruited by the Blue Devils, will be included as well.

Romani says there's even some Italian magazines Kobe owned ... and one book that Kobe appeared to have written on as a kid.

Bidding begins in just a few weeks ... hope ya got enough cash if you want it all!

Kate Gosselin It's Kate Plus $1.3 Million Now!!! Sells Reality Show Home

Kate Gosselin is saying goodbye to the house where her 8 children grew up ... often in front of reality TV cameras.

Kate's found a buyer for her 23-acre estate in Pennsylvania, which became the setting of the TLC show "Jon & Kate Plus 8" after the couple bought the 6-bed, 7-bath pad in 2008 for $1.1 million.

The show later became just "Kate Plus 8" after she and Jon divorced, but she continued to live on the gorgeous property with her twins and sextuplets -- who, BTW, are now 20 and 16 years old respectively! Feeling old?

As you can see ... the 7,591-square-foot home -- about 70 miles outside Philly -- comes with a swimming pool and picturesque scenery. The pool also has a waterslide, and there's a nice patio and outdoor spa and kitchen.

The inside of the house features a chef's kitchen, fireplace, game room and a separate "man cave."

And, shout out to Jon ... the 3-car garage has its own private living quarters -- the perfect spot for an ex-spouse to crash, if needed.

The sale is pending, so not officially sold yet ... but it's just a matter of days before the $1.3 mil deal is finalized. Joey Frey of RE/MAX handled the listing.

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Hidden within this cheeky pic is an actress who has won a number of awards throughout her career -- from two Academy Awards, to three Emmys and even a Tony -- it's clear this talented star is one to be remembered!

Now it's up to you to put your celeb skills to the test and see if you can use the clues to figure out which famous face has been hiding in this warped photograph!

If you're still struggling to spot the scrambled star maybe you should turn to some of their iconic films and television roles over the years including "Tootsie," "Blue Sky," "King Kong," and "American Horror Story."

Steelers Eric Ebron Cops Custom Diamond Chains ... to Honor His 2 Sons!

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Eric Ebron is representin' his sons in an iced out kinda way ... with 2 brand new diamond chains with their names on it!

The 27-year-old is a proud father of 2 boys -- 3-year-old Oliver and 1-year-old Aiden -- and decided to have some pieces made up in their honor.

So, Ebron hit up Ari the Jeweler in Manhattan to get two personalized Cuban links -- and Ari delivered!

Ari The Jeweler

We're told each chain features 40 carats worth of VVS diamonds and 300 grams of gold!

Unsure on how much E plunked down for the duo, but we're told they're valued around $65k each!

Ebron can definitely afford to splurge -- he's reportedly made over $31 mil in his 7 seasons in the NFL.

Quarantined Celebrity Gamers ... Next Level!

A surefire way to pass the time while in quarantine is to pick up a controller and take things into your own hands by switching on a video game to enter a whole new world.

While they may not all be rockin' the newest PS5 ... Celebs like Kendall Jenner, Michael B. Jordan, Jordyn Woods, Lil Yachty and many more are on a quest to take their stay-at-home time to the next level!

Unbox all the action-packed pics Wii we pulled by scrolling through our gallery of quarantined celebrity gamers and see who's sharing their remote skills on social media!

Game mode activated!

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