Sacha Baron Cohen to Trump Thanks for the Free 'Borat' Pub ... Responds to 'Creep' Shot

President Trump thinks Sacha Baron Cohen is an unfunny jerk who tried, but ultimately failed, to fool him years ago -- and to that, SBC says ... appreciate the plug, DT!!!

POTUS gave a harsh critique of Sacha and his work as Borat, especially as it pertains to the sequel that just came out this week. He told reporters on Air Force 1 that he didn't really know what the new fuss was all about -- it's about Rudy Giuliani, if he isn't aware -- but went on to say Sacha tried duping him a while back, but that he called out his whole act.

Trump reportedly said, "That's a phony guy and I don't find him funny." He also called him a "creep," and it appears Borat himself caught wind of the insult ... and promptly replied.

Sacha writes, "Donald—I appreciate the free publicity for Borat! I admit, I don’t find you funny either. But yet the whole world laughs at you." He also offers Trump a job while making a presumption about Election Day results.

What Trump's referring to when he says he caught Sacha in the act dates back to the mid-2000s, when SBC got Donald to agree to a sit-down interview with another popular character he plays ... Ali G. Ali tries pitching Trump on an ice cream invention, but Trump remains stoic throughout and eventually leaves the interview entirely. No gotchas, no scandal.

Trump has maintained over the years he saw right through Sacha's bit, which is why he cut the interview short and left abruptly. Sacha doesn't think that's entirely true, but in any case ... he's never been able to completely prank the guy -- unlike Trump's adviser, Rudy.

If you hadn't heard, Giuliani is one of Borat's "victims," if you will, in the new flick -- and is actually caught in what some might describe as a compromising situation with Sacha/Borat's sidekick, who's portraying a reporter.

After interviewing him, she invites him into her bedroom for a drink and removes his microphone and untucks his shirt. Then Rudy puts his hand down his pants, seemingly to tuck in his shirt, but Sacha's claimed it was more creepy.

For his part, Rudy has since claimed nothing inappropriate was going on and that he was just tucking in his shirt. Sacha and co. argue the opposite -- asking ... who knows where it would've gone if left uninterrupted?

The clip is online, and the movie's out on Amazon Prime, so folks can decide for themselves ... but at any rate, Trump's clearly made up his mind about Sacha.

New Mexico Family Gets Internet Paid For After 4th Grader Uses School's Wifi

A family in New Mexico just got a helping hand after their young son was spotted using his closed school's WiFi ... since there was none available to him at home.

Roswell resident Angel Endecott says a good Samaritan stepped up and volunteered to pay for her family's Internet service for a year after a photo of her 10-year-old, Jonathon, sitting outside of his shuttered elementary school went viral, depicting him lying on the floor outside his school while using a computer for class time. The reason ... he needed access to WiFi.

Jonathon's mom says she and her husband had lost their jobs during the pandemic, and as a result ... had to cut off their Internet provider, among other things. Jonathon's still doing online learning, so they suggested he hit up the nearby campus to get a signal.

Luckily, the story had already gotten picked up after a few weeks of this ... so Endecott and co. don't have to worry about WiFi anymore. She says she's got other problems though, and has opened a GoFundMe account to solicit donations. Another GoFundMe to help other kids at the school who might not have WiFi has also been created. Both have raised thousands of dollars.

Jonathon's predicament is reminiscent of another one in California, where two little girls had to resort to hitting up a local Taco Bell for Internet. Just goes to show ... this isn't an isolated problem, and that schools offer a lot more than a basic education to a lot of families.

Tough times, indeed.

Kanye West on Joe Rogan's Podcast Open to Running for Gov Pre-POTUS Talks Politics, Race, Religion, Health, More

how does ca Governor sound???
The Joe Rogan Experience

Kanye West and Joe Rogan finally had their recorded sit-down, touching on lots of different topics ... including the fact Ye's willing to make a pitstop on his way to the White House.

Ye appeared on Joe's hugely popular podcast, "The Joe Rogan Experience" Friday -- and it just went online Saturday ... running nearly 3 hours long. There's a lot to unpack, but what stood out to us right away -- Kanye saying he's down to run for Governor of California.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Naturally, Joe opened the show asking Kanye why he was running for President, which led to Ye recounting the fact that he was inspired in the shower around 2015 -- something he's mentioned before -- and how he feels a higher power calling him to serve and lead.

While discussing his political journey, Kanye said he was open to running for Gavin Newsom's job if it helped him get his feet wet ... but insists the presidency is his ultimate goal, even if that means trying again in 2024, and even if it means running as a Dem.

Another interesting nugget in all that political chatter ... Kanye claims Oprah actually discouraged him from running when he first said he would at the 2015 VMAs.

That just scratches the surface of what else they got into (politics and otherwise) -- in fact, we encourage you to go listen for yourself, 'cause it was truly a fascinating episode.

Kanye also talked medication, his mental health, religion, abortion, the music and entertainment industry, family and so, so many other things. He and Joe also discussed race, of which Kanye made a lot of interesting, and perhaps controversial, points. Namely, he believes much of the way white Americans treat African-Americans is inherently racist and meant to keep Black people down, even if they appear like advocates on the surface.

To make his point, he brought up the argument that Disney has essentially erased what a true "Black Panther" is ... because the Internet is now flooded with their movie, which Kanye thinks was actually meant to be a distraction by a "white man" and a "white company."

Kanye West
YE 2020

He also brings up Black History Month -- and the idea that Americans constantly putting "Black" in front of occasions and moments like that actually serve as reminders to Black people that they were once considered lesser-than ... which he doesn't think is healthy or helpful. Basically ... he's sick of qualifying Black achievements and progress, and wants to redefine how we talk about it as a whole. Ye also re-invoked the name of Harriet Tubman, but this time ... he had more time to flesh out his thoughts and put it in context (ish).

Still, some might find his train of thought a bit backwards ... almost in the vein of his "slavery was a choice" remark, which also caught him some heat at the time. Watch his full thoughts and judge for yourself.

In any case, Ye was able to achieve what he set out to do just a couple weeks ago ... when he tweeted out that he wanted to get on Joe's show and talk. they certainly did that and then some. Now, as for whether this will end up helping Ye at the polls or not ... time will tell.

Maryland Police Black Passenger Arrested for Not Showing ID During Traffic Stop

@heatherjanney/Tik Tok

An African-American man was arrested Friday because he refused to show cops his ID during a traffic stop in which he was a passenger ... and wait till you see how cops manhandled him.

The guy's name is Antoine. He was driving with his wife/girlfriend, Heather Janney, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland when she was pulled over for going 45 in a 30 MPH zone. For some reason cops wanted to see Antoine's identification, and he resisted, saying this was a simple traffic ticket and there was no reason for a passenger to show ID.

Cops clearly didn't see it that way. They placed him under arrest and then dragged him out of the car.

Antoine kisses Heather before he's removed from the car. You hear her cry as she videotapes him getting cuffed and taken away.

It looks like their newborn baby may be in the car.

Heather says they're lawyering up.

Cops tell TMZ they arrested Antoine because he resisted arrest and has 2 outstanding warrants.  They did not say why they wanted his ID in the first place.

President Trump I Just Voted for 'A Guy Named Trump'


President Trump just racked up another vote in his column ... his own.

Trump hit the polls early Saturday in West Palm Beach, FL, telling his supporters, "I voted for a guy named Trump."

Trump was a longtime New York voter, but he changed his residence last year to Mar-a-Lago, in Florida. He has beef with New York -- especially NYC -- because he says the Big Apple has treated him unfairly.

Trump tweeted, "JUST VOTED. A great honor!"

Trump said in-person voting was preferable to mail in, but remember -- he has voted absentee twice this year.

Tens of millions of people have already voted, with a huge number expected at the polls on November 3rd. That said, most experts think this election isn't going to be called for days after the final vote is cast.

Elon Musk I'm Not Leaving California ... Despite Tesla Announcement

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Elon Musk has said he's moving shop -- as in Tesla shop -- to the Lonestar State, but he said something Friday night that made us wonder if the plan's still a go.

We got the Tesla/SpaceX honcho in WeHo Friday night at Boa, and asked about a couple of things. Our photog wanted the lowdown on Elon's plan to divest himself of his worldly possessions, ala John Lennon's "Imagine."  We specifically asked about the legendary home he sold that was once owned by Gene Wilder.

Elon told us he sold it to Gene's nephew, on condition -- that he retains its character. Elon sold it under market, possibly because he's a big Wilder fan -- we're guessing "Willy Wonka."

As we reported, Elon's shedding 2 massive homes in California ... Gene's home which was listed at $9.5 million and another estate listed at $30 million.

As for the move ... it seemed Elon was moving to Austin, and he said a few days ago he planned to open a Tesla giga-factory in Texas.

But, Friday night we ask Elon, "Is that why you sold the house because you're taking Tesla out of California. Are You Leaving?" He replies, "No, I'm not."

Unclear what he means, but it seems like the Tesla giga-factory is a go.

'Bachelorette' Contestant Dale Moss Modeled Halloween Costumes ... I'll Be Your Superman!!!

'Bachelorette' contestant Dale Moss had some tricks up his sleeve before becoming a contestant on the show.

We found these pics of Dale who was modeling costumes for Party City Halloween.  The costumes are, well, interesting. Check out Dale in a taco get, a jacked Superman and an adult centurion. He posed for the pics in 2016 and 2017.

Dale's the fav to steal the heart of Clare Crawley ... in fact, he's rumored to be her fiance.  When Clare met Dale, she said, "I think I just met my husband."

This season has been riddled with drama, but the centerpiece has been the relationship between Dale and Clare.

If she was right when she met him, Clare did indeed just find her Superman.

Washington Walmart Road Rage Incident Ends in Gunfire


A road rage incident turned potentially deadly when one of the idiots pulled out a gun and fired at the other idiot ... and it was all captured on video.

It went down Friday at a Walmart in Bonney Lake, Washington. The video begins mid-rage when the guy gets violently thrown to the ground. He's able to stand and unsteadily walks to his car, where he grabs what looks like a weapon.

The other driver leaves, and the guy delivers a parting shot by slamming his hand on the back of the car.

The other jerk actually drives back for more, and then the guy with the gun -- who's covered in blood -- starts shooting. It looks like he's shooting at the tires, but who knows.

The person shooting the video understandably freaks out. Both drivers fled before cops arrived. Cops were able to find both men and they were taken into custody. One of them was taken to the hospital with non-serious injuries ... apparently the result of the physical altercation and not the shooting.

'Mr. Bojangles' songwriter Jerry Jeff Walker Dead at 78

Legendary country singer/songwriter Jerry Jeff Walker, famous for writing one of the most iconic country/folk/pop songs ever has died.

Jerry had a storied career, but his crowning achievement came when he got inspired after meeting a New Orleans street performer in a drunk tank. That interaction led to the song, "Mr. Bojangles," which he recorded in 1968. The song didn't hit big until 2 years later, when the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band recorded it and it became a huge hit.

"Mr. Bojangles" became a staple for numerous singers who covered it ... Bob Dylan, Sammy Davis Jr., Neil Diamond, Harry Belafonte, King Curtis, Dolly Parton, Nina Simone and more.

Jerry was born in New York back in 1942 and spent a lot of time as a young adult in Greenwich Village in the folk scene back in the '60s. He migrated in the '70s to Austin, and is considered a founding father of the City's vibrant music scene.

He had famous pals, including Willie Nelson, who hit it big, but Jerry didn't seem to crave the spotlight and was better known for his songwriting and his efforts to make Texas a musical force, which he did. He did, however, record 36 albums, including the awesome, "Up Against the Wall Redneck Mother." He's considered one of the founding fathers of Texas country music.

Jerry helped form a couple of bands years ago, including the Lost Gonzo Band and a record company, Tried & True. He experimented with outlaw rock, blues, and Mexican-influenced music.

Jerry was a hard-living guy and made no secret of his penchant for alcohol and drugs.

Jerry revealed in 2017 he had throat cancer and pneumonia, and it was so bad it looked like he might not make it, but he was able to recover. His former publicist tells TMZ, Jerry's wife told him 2 months ago to prepare an obituary. The publicist says Jerry died from cancer and related ailments.

He released his last album a year later ... "It's About Time."

Jerry married his manager, Susan, in 1974. He's survived by Susan, his daughter Jessie Jane and son, musician Django.

Jerry was 78.


President Trump Bird Expert Calls BS on Killer Wind ... He's the Big Bird Killer!!!

Fox News

President Trump's claim wind "kills all the birds" is a bunch of hot air ... according to one of the country's largest bird conservation orgs. which says Trump's the real danger.

Trump raised eyebrows, and drew a laugh from Joe Biden, during Thursday's debate, when he declared wind-powered energy kills birds.

Kevin Fahey, the vice president for the Kern Audubon Society, isn't laughing though ... he says Trump's claim couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, he insists POTUS could care less about birds, because he's done lots of things to threaten their existence.

The organization says the biggest danger to birds is not windmills or wind-powered energy, as Trump would have you believe ... instead, we're told global climate change is the real grim reaper, and the best solutions for that existential threat are solar and wind power.

Kevin thinks Trump's not concerned with bird safety ... he says the comments are more likely about Trump's dislike for an alternative -- nonfossil fuel -- energy sources. Kevin points out Trump's administration has tried to roll back many regulations designed to protect birds, including the 100-year-old Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Trump's not completely wrong about windmills killing birds, but as with most of POTUS' claims, there's a catch.

Kevin says there have been bird deaths related to wind-power generation, but newer wind turbines are much safer for birds -- they spin slower and are much larger -- and some models are even equipped with bird detection devices that turn off the turbines when birds are in danger.

Bottom line for the Kern Audubon Society is the Prez is less concerned with birds, and more concerned with tricking voters.

Danny Trejo Let's Give Felons Voting Rights ... And Trump's No Kim K!!!


Danny Trejo wants voting rights restored to felons who've paid their debt to society, but while they're on the inside ... he thinks Kim Kardashian's doing more to help than President Trump.

We got the actor -- who spent years in various prisons back in the day -- at Trejo's Cantina in Hollywood, and asked him if prisoners should be allowed to vote from behind bars, or while on probation or parole.

Danny says ex-inmates should be allowed to vote, along with people being held in county jails before they've been convicted. He's staunchly in favor of states -- like Florida has done -- restoring voting rights to folks who complete their prison bids.

As for prison reform's impact on the election -- Danny scoffs at President Trump tooting his own horn. Despite, the fact POTUS signed the First Step Act into law ... Trejo doesn't think he deserves all the credit.

Instead, he says Trump's just standing on the shoulders of people like Kim K ... and while he's overlooking one HUGE issue for America's overcrowded prisons.

Stars and Scars You Be the Judge

We're rounding the corner on the final turn until the election, and police departments are bracing for violence, regardless of who wins. So we gotta ask ...

Who Won The Debate?

'Borat' Stunt With Giuliani ...

More Intolerant ...

I Have A Gun At Home

If Dems Win, They Should Pack The Court

Break Up Amazon ...

COVID Reality Check ...

Khabib Nurmagomedov Dad Wanted Son to Fight GSP ... Trainer Says

It's starting to make more sense why Khabib Nurmagomedov so badly wants to fight Georges St-Pierre -- it was his father's plan.

Khabib's dad, Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov, passed away back in July after battling COVID. Khabib and his dad were extremely close. Abdulmanap trained him since he was a little kid back in Dagestan.

Khabib will step back in the Octagon for the first time since his father's death on Saturday to take on Justin Gaethje at UFC 254 ... but he's talked publicly about wanting GSP as his next opponent.

We spoke with Khabib's trainer Javier Mendez who tells us he was with Khabib and his father in Dagestan back in 2019, when Abdulmanap talked about his dream for Khabib to fight St-Pierre.


"I was present when they had that conversation," Mendez says ... "That was the one he talked about as the fight his father would want to see … him fight GSP at 155 pounds."

"His father respected GSP probably more than anybody out of all the people he admired ... and therefore he wanted his son to fight GSP at some point."

In other words, it seems Khabib is calling out GSP in the hopes of honoring his father's wishes.

In the meantime, Javier tells us he's been incorporating Abdulmanap's training techniques for the Gaethje fight -- reminding Khabib to follow "Father's Plan."

"I've always used 'Father's Plan' because I want to honor the man who taught him everything," Mendez says.

'90 Day Fiance' Larissa Lima Magic Show Star ... First Gig After '90DF' Split

Jack Alexander

Larissa Lima's landed another entertainment gig ... and just like magic, she's already back in the spotlight after splitting from the '90 Day Fiance' universe.

The Brazilian reality star's the leading woman in magician Jack Alexander's new edgy reality TV show, "Jack Alexander: Magician Exposed" ... and we got a little sneak peek.

Larissa appears out of thin air in a metal cage and walks out on stage to strut her stuff and show off her expensive Kylie-esque makeover with some sexy dance moves.

Larissa eventually gets back into another cage and disappears ... and we're told she was legitimately nervous Jack would make her vanish forever!!!

As we reported ... Larissa announced last month TLC released her from her '90 Day Fiance' contract, and she indicated her CamSoda performance was the last straw.

Didn't take her much time to find a new paying gig ... we're told Larissa trained for the part for several weeks and her only request -- no tricks with fire, after learning Jack was originally planning on having her appear from a box engulfed in flames.

The magic show's launching today and streaming through Jacks' YouTube channel ... and we're told he's interested in bringing Larissa on the road with him when he starts touring the world again.

Of course, those negotiations might be complicated ... because we also learned ICE could be gunning to deport Larissa after last month's brief detainment.

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Hidden within this stretched out snap is an actress who has been featured in a number of blockbuster movies.

This famous female began her career in the early 2000s by starring in several films and television shows. In 2009 she landed a big-time role in "Star Trek" and later went on to continue her sci-fi/action movie career when cast in "Avatar," "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Avengers."

Take another look at the photo above, and use the clues here to put your celeb skills to the test ... See if you can figure out which celebrity has been hiding in this warped photo!

UFC's Dana White Demi Lovato, The Rock Will Be 1st Fans Invited to Fight Island

Officials in Abu Dhabi are considering allowing fans on Fight Island to watch UFC fights in person at some point down the road ... and Dana White says he's already putting together his VIP list!

"I have a list of people that, when I get it done, I'm gonna reach out to see if they're interested in coming to Abu Dhabi for the fights," White says.


So, who's gonna make the A-list? Some of the biggest stars on the planet.

"Well I haven't even put it together yet but, definitely, obviously The Rock ... and Anthony Kiedis is a die-hard fan. Demi Lovato is a big fan."

"There's so many but we'll shoot something out to all of them and see if they want to come."

There's more ... we also talked to Dana about several upcoming potential fights.

Here are the main points:

-- UFC is targeting Stipe Miocic vs. Francis Ngannou for a heavyweight title fight in March.

"That's the goal, we'll see what happens."

-- What's up with the Diaz brothers?

"I know Nate's been texting and stuff like that. And, usually when you see Nate starting to get active, saying this about this guy and that about that guy, means he's getting ready to fight."

-- Do you want to see Nate run it back with Jorge Masvidal?

"Nah, somebody else. I don't even know off the top of my head. But, if Nate was interested in fighting, they'd reach out, let us know and then they'd probably let us know who they were thinking [as an opponent] and we'd try to figure out whatever it is we could."