Donald Trump Pushing Protesters Around is a Beautiful Thing


President Donald Trump gleefully told a crowd at a Michigan rally Saturday night ... it puts a smile on his face to see police push around protesters.

Trump told his cheering supporters there is "something very beautiful ... watching everybody get pushed around," referring to the way the National Guard responded to protesters in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.

Trump gloated his comments were not "politically correct" but then dog-whistled to the crowd ... "You people get it; you get it probably better than I do even."

But, Trump wasn't done ... he went after Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who was the target of a right-wing kidnapping plot that many think Trump himself inspired with talk of liberating Michigan.

Trump brushed off the plot -- mocking the Governor by saying, "They said she was threatened" -- and groused that Whitmer partially blames him for the terror plot. The crowd loved it, chanting, "Lock her up." Trump seemed pleased.

Whitmer didn't wait for Trump to finish his speech, tweeting, "This is exactly the rhetoric that has put me, my family, and other government officials’ lives in danger while we try to save the lives of our fellow Americans," she wrote. "It needs to stop."

John Fogerty to Trump Stop Playing My Song ... You ARE the 'Fortunate Son'

John Fogerty is outraged President Trump is playing one of his very personal songs at campaign rallies, because the song actually takes aim at people like him.

Fogerty says he's issuing a cease and desist order ... demanding that Trump and co. refrain from playing Creedence Clearwater Revival's massive hit, "Fortunate Son."

Fogerty, who sang the song in both the group and as a solo artist, made it clear it's personal ... "I wrote this song because, as a veteran, I was disgusted that some people were allowed to be excluded from serving our country because they had access to political and financial privilege. I also wrote about wealthy people not playing their fair share of taxes."

John made it clear, he doesn't endorse DT. There have been other attempts to get Trump to stop playing other songs at his rallies, but the law allows it. Still, the artists can voice their displeasure.

As you may know, Trump never served in the military because he got a deferment -- first a student deferment, and then a 1-Y deferment after he was diagnosed with bone spurs. And, he grew up in a house of privilege, something Fogerty sings about. In other words, Donald Trump was a fortunate son.

By the way ... if you haven't heard "Fortunate Son," give it a listen. It's fantastic.

Coach Nick Saban I'm COVID Negative and We Won, So Let's Dance!!!

University of Alabama football coach Nick Saban was back in the game Saturday when his team trounced the University of Georgia ... and the team celebrated the win in spectacular fashion with its formerly COVID-positive coach.

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Saban tested positive for coronavirus Wednesday and immediately went home to quarantine. He says he stayed asymptomatic and subsequent tests on Thursday, Friday and Saturday were all negative. So Saban returned and led his team to a 41-24 victory. It was pretty spectacular ... in just 10 minutes in the 3rd quarter, 'Bama scored 3 TDs.

But, you gotta check out the locker room celebration ... Saban and his players are dancing wildly ... celebrating the victory and his return to the team.

A night to remember.

'Saturday Night Live' Mocks Biden/Trump Town Halls

"SNL" mocked the dueling Presidential debates, and it was pretty funny.

Jim Carrey played Joe Biden, who showed his numerical age with some dad/granddad references to pop culture and a penchant for reminiscing WAAY back.

The cold open ping-ponged from Biden to Trump, who of course was hilariously played by Alec Baldwin.

Kate McKinnon, who played Trump moderator Savannah Guthrie, challenged Trump for tweeting about white supremacy and such. His response, "I didn't tweet it. It was a retweet, which is short for a really smart tweet."

And then McKinnon reprised Guthrie's line about Trump's tweets -- "You're not just someone's crazy uncle," to which Trump [Baldwin] responds, "Really? Because this conversation we're having right now is a preview of Thanksgiving dinner," Baldwin's Trump shot back. "So crazy uncles, stand back and stand by."

And, Maya Rudolph nailed Kamala Harris.

Bobby Shmurda I Swear I'm a Changed Man ... Parole Board Isn't Buying It

Bobby Shmurda has big plans for when he gets out of prison, but he's gotta put 'em on the back burner because the parole board still isn't feeling his whole "I've changed" vibe.

The rapper told the board he wants to resume his career in entertainment, but also wants to do outreach programs with troubled youth who need guidance. According to a transcript of his September parole hearing ... he also told the parole board he thinks of himself now as a "leader" and not a follower.

Shmurda claims he got into a lot of trouble when he was younger because he felt he would look like a punk if he walked away from fights. He added that's all changed now, and said he feels too "grown" to be fighting and arguing.

As we first reported, Bobby was denied parole during the hearing, but the transcript reveals exactly how he made his case to be released. According to the docs, he said he's no longer impulsive, and takes time to think about others and walk away from bad situations when they pop up.

There's a good reason that didn't fly with the board. In denying Shmurda, board members pointed out he's had "multiple" violations while in prison, including allegedly having a shank, fighting and drug possession.

Shmurda says he wants to get a high school G.E.D. when he gets out. Most likely he's got just over a year to study. We're told it's almost certain he'll remain inside until December 11, 2021 ... when his 7-year sentence ends.

Patriotic Voter My Vid was a Hot Tip for Seniors ... Be Prepared Like Me!!!


The super-prepared Texas voter who came equipped with her chair, her snacks and her "grown folks hair" to wait out a long poll line says her popular TikTok was actually an important PSA.

Belinda Varnado tells TMZ ... the purpose of her instantly viral clip was to make sure seniors, like herself, come prepared to make sure they don't miss out on their opportunity to vote.

She's seen all the news about ridiculously long lines for early voting -- where people have to wait for up to 15 hours -- and she knows all that standing doesn't work for folks up in age.

So, Belinda's encouraging her peers to pack the right gear, be prepared to hunker down ... but stay determined to cast their ballots.

She and her daughter, Chevelle Brooks, are also stressing the importance of voting early -- especially this year -- and Belinda's not shy about her ultimate goal either.

BTW, Belinda tells us she ended up waiting for about 90 minutes to vote in Sugar Land, TX -- but like she said, there wasn't s**t that was gonna stop her!!!

Surfing Exploding During Pandemic Shops Can't Keep Boards In Stock!!!

Shreddin' the gnar is taking off during the pandemic ... TMZ Sports has learned surfing has EXPLODED while people try to have fun while social distancing!!!

We spoke with several of the country's biggest surf shops and board manufacturers this week ... and each one told us the demand has been so huge, they can't keep boards in stock!!

"We're back-ordered and can't keep up with the demand," a spokesperson for C-Shapes in Florida says. "The surfboard industry is on fire right now."

Added a rep for Chilli Surfboards in California, "We're selling four times the amount that we usually do."

It all makes sense ... surfing's outdoors. It's socially distant. It's cheap. And, it's straight-up great exercise!

Here's how spokespeople from some of the other big shops and manufacturers around the nation explained the demand to us this week:

JS Industries -- "More beginners entered the market than almost ever before due to surfing being one of the few activities deemed safe and accessible during COVID."

Channel Island Surfboards in CA -- "Surfing has doubled this year because it's a social distancing activity and it's free."

Surf Station in FL -- "There has been a definite increase. I can't even put a timeframe for board requests."

Eastern Lines Surf in NJ -- "It is definitely a higher demand compared to the last couple of years ... More people in the water than I've ever seen."

But, perhaps Hawaiian South Shore's rep in Honolulu put it to us best ... saying, "It's pretty nuts over here!"

Surf's up, brah!

Rob Riggle Wife Files for Divorce ... Ends 21-Year Marriage

"The Hangover" star Rob Riggle got some sobering news to kick off his October ... his wife of 21 years filed for divorce.

Tiffany Riggle filed legal docs in Ventura County court to end her marriage to the comedian. She cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for the split ... this according to legal docs obtained by TMZ. They got married back on April 13, 1999, and she lists May 2, 2020 as the date of separation.

They had 2 kids together -- 16-year-old daughter Abigail and 12-year-old son George ... and she's asking for joint custody with Rob -- a big football fan who now appears on FOX's NFL Sunday pregame show and once hosted the NFL Honors show in 2018. She also checked the box asking for spousal support.

As for their assets ... Tiffany says she wants her car wash purchased in 2014 as separate property. She's listed 2 houses, several bank accounts and interest in vodka and whiskey companies to be considered community property.

MMA’s Valerie Loureda Reality Show Offer and Modeling Gigs ... After Violent KO, Twerking Vids


She beats some ass. She shakes some ass. And, Hollywood is taking notice.

MMA rising star Valerie Loureda says her career has exploded over the past few months due to a combination of violence and sex appeal ... and she's loving every second of it.

Loureda blew up on social media back in August by obliterating Tara Graff at Bellator 243, which earned her a multi-fight contract with Bellator. She's now 3-0 as a pro, with 2 knockouts.

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Loureda celebrated her new contract with a twerk video that also went viral ... and her popularity has been skyrocketing ever since.

Now, Loureda says Hollywood has come calling -- with talent agents knocking down her door and TV producers offering up a reality show.

22-year-old Loureda says she's flattered by the interest -- and wants to get involved in entertainment at some point -- but for now, her focus is on fighting.

"Several talent agents have reached out to me to try to get me to enter entertainment, and film different things, and honestly I love all of that and that’s my goal at the end of my career," Valerie tells us.

"But, right now, I'm really focused on fighting and winning fights comes first. But, yeah for sure, that’s a dream for me."

The big question ... when is Valerie getting back in the cage?

Loureda says she's currently recovering from an eye injury -- but she's hoping to fight again in 2020. Bellator is still working on an opponent.

In the meantime, Valerie continues to be a hit on social media. Here's one reason why ...

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Kourtney Kardashian's 2020 Hot Shots

Kourtney Kardashian is one hot mama and the 41-year-old mother of three has been bringing the heat this year ... both on and off the screen!

The reality star could be quoted for days for serving some scorching burns to her fam and will be deeply missed come the ending of ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians" which is set to wrap following the 20th season in early 2021.

It seems like even without the cameras rolling Kourt is no stranger to the drama as she made waves earlier this week when she snapped a selfie wearing a "Vote for Kanye" hat ... When not even Kim has endorsed her husband for prez!

This risky sister is def more recognized for the snaps (and bikinis) she typically posts ... And those are the ones we're bringing to the table. Take a look through our gallery of Kourtney Kardashian's hottest shots of 2020 to see what else this sexy sister has been up to!

Good luck keeping up!

Plot to Kidnap Michigan Gov. Included Bizarre PT Cruiser Training ... Feds Allege w/ Vid Evidence

Fox 17

Some of the men who planned to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer were apparently gearing up for war from inside the ultimate mom car of the 2000s -- this per federal investigators.

Michigan's FOX 17 put out a report with a treasure trove of material it obtained from the U.S. Attorney's Office, which recently presented evidence against at least 5 dudes thus far, who were allegedly in on the plot. Among the items the FBI collected ... a video of some of these men popping in and out of a Chrysler PT Cruiser with semi-automatic rifles in hand, circus-style.

You have to see it to believe it ... four guys are in the Cruiser with guns drawn, and then they hop out and begin firing at targets in the distance. Somebody in the back filming encourages them to keep going -- according to FOX 17, the feds say this was a tactical exercise.

But, wait ... there's more. Other footage released by investigators reveals two different men practicing their load and re-load times on their weapons ... apparently as a way to show how "ready" they were for the alleged mission. It's pretty intense, but goofy all the same.

One last clip shows one of the men -- who FOX 17 says was one of those indicted -- talking directly into the camera and describing why he and his comrades are doing this ... because they were sick of being "enslaved" by the state of Michigan. It's surreal to hear him say it.

FOX 17 also posted alleged screenshots of convos between the men that investigators say detail their plans in great depth, which encompassed stakeouts, reconnaissance, entry and escape routes and general chatter about their hatred of the Gov. and her COVID policies.

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As we reported ... Gov. Whitmer made the bombshell announcement last week about the FBI thwarting the alleged attempted kidnapping. At least 14 men have been arrested in connection to the alleged crime -- investigators claim they're made up of at least two militia groups.

Whitmer blamed President Trump for stoking the flames on this ... going back to his "Liberate Michigan" tweets early on in the pandemic.

Strange times, indeed.

Kanye West I'm Going on Joe Rogan's Podcast ... And I Can Design the Set!!!

It's officially going down ... Joe Rogan is hosting Kanye West on his uber-popular podcast -- and it sounds like Ye's been given license to get creative with the look.

Kanye tweeted out the news Saturday -- wishing his public request from last week into existence. He writes, "Joe Rogan said it’s cool for me to design the set for our podcast this Friday ⛷." KW also attached a couple screengrabs from a FaceTime convo they had.

The summit of personalities, if you will, comes just a few days after Kanye expressed interest in sitting down and chatting on the 'JRE' -- which has millions of followers ... and which now lives exclusively on Spotify after years on YouTube. Talk about a big get for them, huh?

Now, Joe hasn't confirmed the chat himself just yet, but something tells us it's happening. While JR didn't directly respond to Kanye's plea this past week ... we know he's been wanting to book Ye for a while to pick his brain. He's praised Kanye as a genius of sorts in the past ... likening him to someone who operates on a different plane with higher voltage.

Of course, this also allows Joe to get in on the presidential race ... sorta. Remember, he recently floated the idea of moderating a multi-hour podcast-style debate between Trump and Biden -- something Trump was actually down for ... the implication being, we think, that JB wouldn't be able to hang for that long. Joe's podcasts often run three to four hours-plus.

This ain't exactly that ... but it's a foot in the door, we suppose. Kanye IS a presidential candidate, after all -- and while we're sure they'll talk politics ... our gut says this face-to-face will touch on LOTS of other topics along the way. Buckle in, folks ... worlds are colliding!!!

Quavo Apparently Pitching Mickey D's ... Here's My Own Meal!!!

Quavo appears to wanna be the next Travis Scott or J Balvin ... as far as hamburgers go.

The Migos rapper just posted some pics of himself at a McDonald's -- where he's ordering his go-to favorite meal. By the looks of it, this seems to be a direct plea to the Golden Arches for a potential partnership -- similar to what they've been doing with artists lately.

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Quavo's own "meal deal" would include ... a plain double cheeseburger, their new spicy McNuggets, a medium fry and some barbecue sauce. The line McDonald's employees can yell out to prospective Quavo-inspired customers ... "What U Want???" Has a nice ring to it!

He even posted an up-close shot of what the food bundle looks like from his POV -- it ain't exactly as professional and touched-up as J Balvin's sponsorship shoot, or the inaugural Travis meal that kicked this whole trend off for that matter, but hey ... it's a starting concept.

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Now, if Quavo is trying to will a McDonald's deal into existence, there's a big problem from what we can see. Dude forgot to tag @McDonalds!!! C'mon, bruh ... that's marketing 101.

All good, though ... here's hoping they hear about this through the patty assembly line.

'Home Improvement' Star Zachery Ty Bryan Arrested ... Allegedly Strangled GF

Tim Allen's eldest boy on "Home Improvement" is all grown up ... and sitting in a jail cell for allegedly choking out his girlfriend.

Zachery Ty Bryan was arrested late Friday night in Eugene, OR after neighbors called for help following some sort of scuffle at an apartment complex in town. Eugene PD tells TMZ ... when cops showed up, they found Zach sitting outside his unit with the alleged victim hiding at a friend's place across the way.

We're told after an investigation, cops found 39-year-old Zachery had gotten into some sort of argument with the woman -- with whom he has a relationship -- and it allegedly became physical ... with the victim claiming ZTB put his hands around her throat and squeezed.

We're told cops were also told Zachery tried taking the woman's phone away when she tried calling 911 ... before she was ultimately able to escape and get to a safe place. Zachery was arrested without incident and booked on three charges -- strangulation, fourth-degree assault and interfering with making a report. He posed for this mug shot at Lane County Jail.

It appears Brad Taylor is still in custody -- to which we imagine Tim would say ... AEUHHH???

Rare U.K. Sighting It's a Bird, It's Plane ... Wait, No, It Actually Is Just a Bird 😅

A robin about the size of an orange got a bunch of bird watchers off their asses and out to the wetlands from across the pond, 'cause this was something they just couldn't miss.

About 100 guys who get a kick out of peering through binoculars gathered up their best gear early Saturday in Stiffkey, England -- a parish along North Norfolk -- and flocked to the nearby salt marsh to get a gander at a rare bird who hadn't graced their area in 40 years.

The beast in question ... a little something called the Rufous Bush Chat, otherwise known as the Rufous-tailed scrub robin. It usually breeds in Mediterranean areas, and can even be found in areas around Africa ... but is rarely seen in northern Europe. Last time it was spotted in Britain was in 1980, out in the shire county of Devon ... this according to the BBC.

As for how it ended up in the U.K. ... local bird experts reportedly suggested it was seeking a more tropical climate, but somehow got turned around on its journey and landed there.

Now, Rufous here might not be much to look at from a first glance ... but the rarity of its presence was more than enough to get all these fellas together for a closer look. Ecologist Mike Hoit -- who was on the scene snapping shots -- tells us that while it may appear a lot of the guys out there were unsafely clustered together, the gathering was much more socially distanced than photos might suggest. And besides, they're outdoors ... which helps some.

One last thing ... Mike got a great photograph of the robin stealthily hidden among the fields in the marsh. His challenge -- see if you can find it with your naked eye. Hint ... southwest.

QAnon JFK Jr. Running Mate Theory Foiled Sorry Folks, No Dallas Rally

A milestone day on QAnon's absurd conspiracy theory-filled calendar is about to be washed away like the BS it is -- because, no ... JFK Jr. is NOT coming back to rally with President Trump.

John F. Kennedy's deceased son -- John F. Kennedy Jr. -- is trending this weekend ... all to point out just how kooky the QAnon crowd is and what they believe. One of their biggest prophecies ... that John Jr. is actually alive, and on Oct. 17, 2020 (to the day) -- he'd be announced as DT's running mate at a rally in Dallas ... replacing Mike Pence.

Two major issues with that ... sadly, JFK Jr. hasn't been with us for years -- if you're unaware, he (along with his wife, Carolyn, and her sister) died in a plane crash in 1999 while he was piloting a private aircraft from New Jersey to Massachusetts, on their way to a Kennedy wedding.

QAnon followers think John faked his death and has been in hiding this whole time. Unclear how or why folks think he'd all of a sudden resurrect now and join, of all people, Donald Trump. Remember, his father was a Democrat ... and so was his son. The guy even gave a keynote speech at the 1988 Democratic National Convention.

Aside from perhaps a few photo-ops the Donald and John posed for together back in the day while living/working in NYC -- there's virtually no connection or affiliation between the two.

More importantly ... there's no Dallas rally planned for Saturday. Trump's actually heading to Janesville, WI -- but he'll be nowhere near the Lone Star State. There appears to have been a Dallas rally around this time last year -- but whoever predicted a repeat screwed up.

It appears the theory has been tweaked these past few years to keep bumping out the day QAnon's Messiah will return. Look for something in 2021, y'all ... 'cause it ain't happening.