Nipsey Hussle Estate Has Legal Beef with Crips Co. ... Sues Over 'Marathon' TM

Nipsey Hussle's estate is taking a Crips company to court ... the late rapper's relatives are suing over his famous slogan.

Nipsey's brother, Samiel Asghedom, just filed suit against Crips LLC -- you read that right, the gang's gone corporate -- over the rights to Hussle's "The Marathon Continues" slogan.

According to the new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, the estate claims the Crips organization filed a couple trademarks for the phrase last year -- one for various services and another for clothing -- despite Hussle's family owning several 'Marathon' trademarks of their own related to Nip's well-known clothing store.

It's pretty shocking ... the estate claims the Crips organization filed a trademark application less than 2 months after Nipsey was murdered outside his Marathon Clothing Store.

As we first reported ... Nipsey's fam grew frustrated with the Crips org this summer, fearing something shady was going on with the trademarks ... and Crips LLC claimed it would abandon its applications.

Instead, the Crips org has continued using the trademarks on merch, according to the lawsuit, so the estate is looking to put a stop to it. The estate is seeking monetary damages and a judgment directing the company to destroy any merch the Crips org has made with the trademarks.

Tory Lanez Judge Orders Him in Court Hearing ... Stay Away from Megan!!!


10:48 AM PT -- The judge also ordered Tory must surrender any guns he owns.

Tory Lanez has just been ordered to stay the hell away from Megan Thee Stallion after a hearing for his felony assault charge.

Tory appeared by phone for Tuesday's hearing in L.A. County court for what was supposed to be his arraignment ... but his attorney, Shawn Holley, requested a continuance. It was granted so he did not enter a plea. The judge, however, issued a protective order against Tory ... and now he's gotta stay at least 100 yards away from MTS, and not contact her.

His bail was set at $190k ... which he'll be posting via a bondsman present at the hearing. The hearing comes on the same day MTS wrote an op-ed for The New York Times on why she speaks up for Black women, saying she's not afraid of criticism and being adamant that saying "protect Black women" should NOT be a controversial topic.

She also addressed the Tory Lanez case, saying, "I was recently the victim of an act of violence by a man. After a party, I was shot twice as I walked away from him. We were not in a relationship. Truthfully, I was shocked that I ended up in that place."

Meg added, "My initial silence about what happened was out of fear for myself and my friends. Even as a victim, I have been met with skepticism and judgment. The way people have publicly questioned and debated whether I played a role in my own violent assault proves that my fears about discussing what happened were, unfortunately, warranted."

071520_lanez_stallion_exit_kal_vF JULY 2020

As we reported ... The L.A. County D.A.'s Office slapped him with 1 count of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, and 1 count of carrying a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle. The D.A. also alleges Tory inflicted great bodily injury on Megan.

If convicted, the rapper/singer faces up to 22 years and 8 months in prison.

Tory defended himself publicly last week and said he deserves his day in court. As we told you ... the rapper broke his silence Friday morning and reminded fans the "charge is not a conviction."

Originally Published -- 10:23 AM PT

LeBron James Buys Insane Custom Playhouse for Daughter ... It's Massive!!!

@kingjames / Instagram

LeBron James' daughter, Zhuri, is about to be 6 years old ... AND SHE'S ALREADY A HOMEOWNER!!!

The NBA superstar hooked his kid up with an early birthday present -- her own private crib in his backyard ... and it's incredible!!!

It's a mini-version of what appears to be LeBron's Brentwood mansion -- a brand new freestanding structure in the backyard complete with a study room, windows, custom flooring and more!

It even has a play kitchen area -- complete with a play oven, stove, fridge and cabinets (don't worry, they're not REAL working appliances).

"Early bday gift my princess!!! Love you baby z," LeBron said.

It's clear Bron is hoping Zhuri will use the home for school work -- he asks her over and over again if she's taking a break from distance learning.

The funniest part of the video is when Bron tracks in dirt on Zhuri's new custom floors -- and she immediately grabs something to clean it up!

Bron can't help himself -- and starts cracking up ... saying, "Oh my bad. I got your floor dirty??!"

No word on the square footage -- but it's definitely big enough to store Bron's new Finals MVP trophy ... if Zhuri lets him!

Donald Trump Attacks Fauci ... Pitching Arm Better than COVID Response

Donald Trump may be playing with fire, because he's now on the attack against America's sacred cow, if you will ... Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Trump just tweeted, "Actually, Tony's pitching arm is far more accurate than his prognostications. 'No problem, no masks'  WHO no longer likes Lockdowns -- just came out against it. Trump was right. We saved 2,000,000 USA lives!!!"

Thing is ... as we learned about COVID, Dr. Fauci led the way. Trump did the opposite -- when it became clear masks were, in fact, extremely useful, he undermined it by making it seem it was a sign of weakness. Ditto social distancing. He was even a terrible COVID patient, putting people at risk by leaving the hospital when he clearly shouldn't, going back to The White House when he was COVID positive without a mask, and so on and so on.

What really got Trump's goat ... Fauci called out Trump's campaign for releasing a campaign ad that falsely makes it seem the good Doc is praising Trump's COVID response, when, in fact, he was talking about the Coronavirus Task Force and public health officials. As for rumblings that Trump and Co. may release another Fauci fake endorsement, well Fauci made it clear ... if they dare try, it's on.

In case you don't know ... Fauci's been in the infectious disease game for decades. He was a leader in the fight against AIDS and handled just about every infectious disease crisis we have faced, and without criticism ... until Trump came along.

Cristiano Ronaldo Tests Positive for COVID-19 ... Sent Home to Isolate

Cristiano Ronaldo -- arguably the most famous athlete in the world -- has tested positive for COVID-19, according to the Portuguese Football Association.

He's already been sent away from the team so he can self-quarantine at his home.

The PFA issued a statement saying Ronaldo "is doing well, without symptoms." PFA did not say exactly WHEN Ronaldo tested positive.

Ronaldo's teammates were all retested after CR7's positive result -- with no new positives. The rest of the team will continue to train as usual to prep for Wednesday's game against Sweden in Portugal.

What's concerning is a photo Ronaldo posted on social media Monday, showing him crowded around a table with his Portugal teammates.

No one in the photo is wearing a mask or social distancing.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

35-year-old Ronaldo played all 90 minutes when Portugal took on France on Sunday in France.

Only 1,000 fans were allowed inside the Stade de France to watch the game. The stadium typically holds around 80,000 people.

Ronaldo also played against Spain last week.

One of the big issues ... medical experts say it can take between 2 and 14 days for someone infected with COVID to show symptoms.

In other words, it's probably not safe to assume his teammates are all out of the woods yet. And, the decision to push forward and practice and play could lead to disaster.

Just look at the NFL ... where teams like the Tennessee Titans and New England Patriots saw COVID spread among teammates and staff for days after the first positive test was flagged.

'Botched' Star Terry Dubrow Butt Lift Patient Sues for $10 Mil ... You 'Almost Killed Me!!!'

One of "Botched" star Terry Dubrow's patient is following through with a threat to sue him for what she claims was the butt lift from hell that nearly killed her.

Sandy Scoggins is suing Dubrow claiming she suffered through a gory aftermath from her July 2019 surgery. According to her lawsuit, multiple incisions opened up resulting in potentially deadly infections, unbearable pain and permanent disability.

In the suit, obtained by TMZ, Sandy says she went to Dubrow to get rid of loose skin and cellulite on her legs. She says she didn't want a huge scar on her leg, and that's why she chose Dubrow ... who, she claims, said he could improve her look by 85%.

However, her post-op issues started almost immediately. Sandy claims E! staffers, with cameras and lights, came in the operating room and scolded her to be quiet because they were filming. She claims she didn't consent for them to be there.

According to the suit, things took a gory and painful turn as soon as she tried to sit up in bed after surgery ... her incision busted open above her butt in the center of her back. The pics of her injuries -- included in the suit -- are gruesome ... showing an incision in her groin which she claims burst open, as well as the back incision.

She claims over the next 7 days ... the back incision tore open in several more places, and she had to go back into a hospital. Sandy says she developed a serious fever, had swelling in her abdomen, and the wound was infected. In the suit, she claims her attending physician paged Dubrow 4 times, but he never called back.

Sandy went home to Texas in August, but says the complications continued. According to the suit, doctors there said bacteria destroyed more than 4 inches of her flesh -- and they found a "tan and white synthetic mesh-like material" in her body, allegedly left behind from Dubrow's surgery. She's suing him, E! and others involved in her surgery for more than $10 million in damages.

As we reported ... Dubrow claimed last week Scoggins was trying to extort him for $5 million, and filed a motion to handle the case in arbitration.

Sources connected to Dubrow say he does not use mesh during his procedures, so it would be impossible for his surgery to be the source of the material found in Scoggins.

Biden Campaign Recruits Battle Rappers in New Ad ... For Pros/Cons of Voting


Joe Biden just found a new, unique way to reach a demographic of voters who might tune out his typical ads -- turning to hip-hop and rap to get out his message.

The Biden-Harris campaign just released a new political spot featuring New York battle rappers Charlie Clips and DNA -- who are incredibly well-known and respected in their craft. Sure enough, both men used their gift of gab and rhyme to hash out the pros and cons of voting ... and to convey what Joe and Kamala say they can do for African-Americans.

Charlie is the disillusioned one ... taking on the role of the on-the-fence voter who's not pleased with this year's choices for President -- like many Americans. DNA's on the other side of things, laying out, in sometimes excruciating detail, why he feels Joe's the better option.

They hit several hot button issues -- Black ownership of businesses, HBCU funding and police reform. We'll say this ... the ad is innovative -- not to mention incredibly well-written as far as bars go. However, it also runs the risk of coming off as pandering ... depending on how people take it.

One thing is clear ... the campaign is trying all sorts of social media outreach -- collabs with The Rock and J. Lo -- to reach voters before Nov. 3.

Oprah Makes Cold Call to TX Voters ... 1st Guy Blows HER Away!!!

@oprah / Instagram

Oprah Winfrey is on the grind this week, urging the people of Texas to get out and vote -- and her first grassroots outreach effort is something you gotta see to believe.

The TV icon, media mogul and billionaire revealed Monday night she was making cold calls to prospective voters ... in partnership with Beto O'Rourke's Powered by People org.

Anyway, she says her first call was to a guy named Christian, and ya gotta see the intros -- "Christian, this is Oprah Winfrey." At first, he can't believe it, but after hearing the voice for a few seconds, he comes around. Yeah, he was starstruck.

Oprah asks him -- on a scale of 1 to 10 -- how ready he is to get engaged with early voting in the Lone Star State ... and Christian's answer was a home run with O.

If anything ... he kinda left her starstruck with how prepared he was to hit the polls. You can tell, whatever speech she was prepared to make to rally Christian to vote was rendered useless. Beginner's luck ... it even applies for Oprah!

Next time ya dodge that unknown number, it could be a legend trying to get you on the line. (We know you still won't pick up)

11-Year-Old Boy Busted for Jacking School Bus ... Went on Joy Ride, Cops Say

@lainetaylor / TikTok

A Louisiana kid put himself in the driver's seat of a vehicle where he'd normally be a passenger -- his school bus -- and there's video of him leading cops on a wild high-speed chase.

The unidentified 11-year-old boy was busted Sunday in Baton Rouge after cops say he somehow managed to start a school bus, and then fled from police when they tried stopping him. What followed, according to authorities, was an intense 45-MINUTE PURSUIT through city streets.

Cops say the kid taunted and flipped off officers as they gave chase, before eventually crashing into a tree. The real miracle here is the kid was okay, and was immediately arrested. Cops say he also hit 3 other vehicles along the way, but no one was seriously hurt.

As for the kid ... you can see from the pics taken by WAFB he was placed in handcuffs at the scene. He was booked on charges of theft of a vehicle, aggravated flight, damage to property and aggravated assault.

Unclear how he got a hold of the keys to begin with -- especially since schools would presumably be closed on a weekend, not to mention during a pandemic. What's really curious is ... how the heck he reached the pedals well enough to joyride for almost an hour?!?

Dodgers' Walker Buehler Suffocates Legs In Super Tight Pants ... What's the Deal, Bro?!

How did Walker Buehler fit into those super tight pants?!!?

Seriously -- the Dodgers pitcher's pants were so tight during Monday's playoff game against the Braves, it was trending on social media!!

Was it a fashion statement? Did someone misplace your usual pants? Was it uncomfortable? Growth spurt? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!

The problem ... the Dodgers ended up losing the game 5 to 1 and Walker was in a pretty bad mood afterward.

So, when a reporter asked Walker for a tight-pants explanation -- the pitcher shut the guy down and ended his press conference!

"Not the time or place Michael," 26-year-old Walker said while shaking his head condescendingly.

Sure, tough question to answer after a heartbreaking loss -- but those pants were skinny as hell!!

In fact, reporters were so desperate for answers -- they even asked Braves starting pitcher Max Fried if he had any insight!

Sadly, he did not.

As for his performance, Buehler pitched his face off despite some almost-certain circulation issues ... striking out 7 and allowing just 3 hits in the loss.

Kanye West Forget Me, God Will Save America!!! Moves to Lock Down Rights

Kanye West appears to have one final trick up his sleeve in the last-minute blitz of his presidential campaign ... let go, and let God.

Ye just filed legal docs to lock up the rights to "God Save America" -- which he wants to slap on shirts, sweaters and hoodies in what seems to be a final-ditch effort to push his message that was front-and-center in his 1st campaign ad ... bringing faith back to politics.

Unclear if this is a campaign slogan -- like Barack Obama's famous HOPE or Trump's Make America Great Again -- but it sure reads like one. The phrase also feels like a play on "God Bless America" ... both patriotic, but kinda sanctimonious too with "Save" swapped in.

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Kanye filed for the trademark last week, which lines up closely with the release of his debut campaign ad ... something that just hit the ether Monday, 3 weeks before voters hit the polls on Nov. 3. Some people feel this ad -- and maybe now this new catchphrase he wants to lock up -- is too little, too late. That, or maybe just in time ... depends on who you ask.

Anyway, if Ye gets approval on this ... get ready to see some new merch -- probably priced at a high selling point 😅.

Demi Lovato's Ex Max Ehrich Singin' His Heart Out ... About Their Relationship

Demi Lovato's would-be groom is pouring his heart out on wax ... with a love song about the first time he met her ... something we're guessing ain't gonna please his ex-fiancee.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Max Ehrich is dropping a new single Friday, and it's all about his relationship with Demi.

We're told the tune is about the night he met Demi, and it tells the story of his inner dialogue -- being terrified of falling in love with her because he knew their relationship was the real deal.

Our sources say Max's song also touches on him falling for Demi right off the bat, and he sings about how he couldn't sleep because he knew he wanted to be with her forever.

As you know ... things didn't work out between them, and Demi recently leaked a song about their breakup. For his part ... well, he went ham, first saying she never really broke up with him because he learned about it in the tabloids, and then somehow invoking Jeffrey Epstein's name in their relationship.

It's interesting ... we're told Max recorded the song in quarantine, in a makeshift studio inside the home he was living in with Demi. So, exactly when did he write this song?

Max's album won't come out until next year -- he signed a music production deal last October before he started dating Demi and finished the second half of the album after meeting her -- but our sources say he wants to drop the single now because of how he feels.

Max's track is set to debut on all streaming services.

Like sand through an hour glass

As we reported ... Max spent part of his weekend sulking on Malibu beach where he proposed to Demi ... he calls it a "healing experience."

Our sources say Max still loves Demi and while he's doing all he can to move forward, the split's been very painful for him.

Snoop Dogg New Lakers Championship Tattoo ... with Kobe Tribute


"As promised, the Lakers win the 'ship, I'll go get that tat."

That's Snoop Dogg making good on his promise to the Lakers -- getting some brand new body ink to commemorate L.A.'s 17th NBA title.

The rap legend hit up his pal, Mr. Cartoon, on Monday night -- and got a pretty large piece on his right forearm.

The piece includes Kobe Bryant's initials on his wrist -- along with the Larry O'Brien championship trophy above that ... with the Lakers team logo right below the gates of heaven. Pretty cool tattoo.

"Anything for the Lakers, everything for the Lakers, all things for the Lakers," Snoop said ... "F*ck the Clippers."

"That's championship sh*t -- something the Clippers don't know nothing about!"

During the session, Snoop gave tons of love to his tattoo artist, Mr. Cartoon -- who's famously worked on stars like 50 Cent and Slim Thug.

"Only by the best man -- that's the only man who do my tattoos, the one and only. Mr. Cartoon."

After the ink was dry, Snoop threw on his purple and gold Lakers jacket and went on his way.

"We the west and we the best ... f*ck outta here!"


Dak Prescott Discharged from Hospital ... 'Successful' Ankle Surgery


7:26 AM PT -- The QB had a warm welcome upon returning to his Prosper, TX home ... with Prescott's neighbors making a huge sign that read, "Get well soon, 💙 your neighbors."


Dak Prescott is now recovering at home after he was discharged from the hospital Monday following a successful ankle surgery, the Cowboys say.

27-year-old Prescott was rushed into surgery Sunday night after suffering a compound fracture and dislocation of his right ankle while playing the NY Giants.

The Cowboys tapped doctor Gene Curry to perform the surgery -- which involved cleaning out the wound and repairing the break.

Sources have told various media outlets the surgery was a success -- and Prescott was discharged less than 24 hours after being admitted.

Dallas Cowboys head coach Mike McCarthy told the media his QB is "in very good spirits."

"I know he's excited to get home and start the journey back, as you would expect from Dak, but he's doing OK."

There are reports Dak's recovery could take somewhere around 4 to 6 months -- but McCarthy noted, "As I've found out in my short time here, he's going to challenge any timeline."

Get well soon.

Originally Published -- 5:57 AM PT

Logan Paul Cops Swarm Crib ... After Trespasser Hops Fence

no trespassing!
OC Hawk

Logan Paul's not fond of anyone he doesn't know hopping his fence ... just ask the guy who got arrested for allegedly doing just that.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the incident went down Sunday around 2:45 PM at the YouTube star's L.A. crib. We're told the guy hopped the wall ... and when people inside noticed, they called cops and told officers they are armed and will protect themselves if the trespasser tries getting inside the house.

Check out the video ... before any shootout could erupt, an LAPD helicopter was hovering directly above the house. You can also see the alleged trespasser ... who by then, had already made his way outside with, for some reason, luggage in tow.

He also had his hands raised ... and moments later an LAPD cruiser rolled up and took the guy into custody.

We're told Logan absolutely wants to press charges.

First Punisher Cover Hits Auction Block, Valued at $2 Mil!!!

What does a 1974 Spider-Man comic book cover featuring The Punisher have in common with the Mona Lisa? They're both masterpieces that were lost and recovered ... but only one's actually hitting the auction block.

The folks over at ComicConnect have found the original cover art to Spider-Man issue No. 129. The issue's special because it's The Punisher's first-ever appearance on a cover. The Punisher is the alter-ego of ex-marine Frank castle. The character sought revenge after the mafia killed his wife and children in a Central Park shootout.

For decades now, the cover art was only rumored to exist. But, little did anyone know co-artist Gil Kane quietly and privately sold the piece to a private collector.

ComicConnect now has a hold of it and values the piece of art at a whopping $2 million!!! How'd they come up with that number? When the original cover art of Hulk featuring Wolverine's first appearance in issue No. 181 was rumored to exist, speculators valued that cover art at $2 mil. ComicConnect will soon know what it's really worth.

The cover art will hit the auction block beginning November 23 until December 14. For context ... a few years ago a CGC-certified copy of Action Comics issue No. 1 sold for a record $3,207,852. There was also an original cover art to Amazing Spider-Man issue No. 328 ... which sold for a cool $690,000.