Kanye West Write Me in for Prez, Cali ... I Don't Wanna Be VP!!!

Kanye West just confirmed he is definitely NOT down to be second banana in this election -- he says he wants the whole enchilada or nothing at all.

Ye's campaign just sent out a note letting voters in Cali know he's gunning for President, not Vice Prez ... and although he's a VP candidate for the American Independent Party on California ballots, he'd actually prefer folks to write him in as the main guy.

He says, "I am campaigning to be the next President of our great country -- not Vice President. The political party in California that listed my name as its VP candidate has done so without my knowledge." Ye adds a direct plea to the good people of the Golden State.

His remarks end with, "Californians, I ask for your vote for President and urge you to write in 'Kanye West.'" Kanye's request comes on the heels of what a buddy of his recently did ... namely, writing him in and snapping a photo of their ballot to prove they voted Ye.

Mail-in ballots have started to be sent out to folks here on the West Coast -- and the moment of truth is upon us ... even a few weeks before actual election day. The pic Kanye posted got tons of people riled up on Twitter this week ... who couldn't believe someone had actually cast their ballot for the rapper/producer.

Wild as it may seem, there might be a decent amount of people who end up voting for Kanye, actually. However, it's beyond a long shot for him to play spoiler to Biden in Cali, a solid blue state ... whose 55 electoral college votes are a lock for Biden/Harris.

Real Life 'Bridezilla' Ambushes Fiance in Target Put Up or Shut Up, Marry Me Now!!!

Caters News

One woman must've had Elvis lyrics in her head as she stormed into a Target, hunted for her fiance in a bride's dress and demanded his hand in marriage ... it's now or never.

Check out this video of a gal on a mission to walk down the aisle, but first having to peruse other types of aisles so she could confront her Target employee hubby-to-be with a minister in tow. Eventually, she finds him stocking something ... and it pops off.

Customers recorded the awkward scene, and you can make out the gist of what's happening here. Bridezilla tells her man she wants to get married right there and then, or she's ending things between them for good. The ultimate ultimatum.

She says he put an engagement ring on her finger 2 years ago -- but hasn't pulled the trigger yet ... and she's sick of waiting. The dude is clearly uncomfortable, and asks her if they can talk outside. The woman agrees, but it sounds like her mind is made up.

It's funny too, as the caravan of people passes the photog ... you can hear the fiance say something to the effect of, "Could someone had told me then?" Sounds like he was caught as much off guard as anyone else witnessing this bizarre love blitz.

Now, we should note ... some people are saying this a set-up stunt. If so, BOOO ... but it's still pretty crazy to see it play out on video. Assuming it is real, good luck? No question who's the dominant one for this happy couple.

Donald Trump How 'Bout Another White House Event ... For Black/Brown People?!?


Donald Trump went back to the scene of the crime -- AKA a public event at The White House -- to host Black and brown people ... while he's still recovering from COVID-19.

Our COVID-riddled POTUS threw a campaign event Saturday along the South Lawn of the White House, which was meant to cater to supporters of his who are POC ... a group that, statistically speaking, has been unequally infected by the virus -- and often worse.

Trump came out to a terrace-like area with a waiting podium to address the crowd that had formed below -- almost like Mussolini from the balcony ... it seriously had that type of vibe.

Anyway, his remarks were brief -- but it was definitely in the spirit of a traditional Trump rally ... which was an odd scene, considering Trump is usually pretty polished whenever he does White House gigs. Here, it was about as unhinged and off-the-cuff as he might get at a stadium somewhere, except the backdrop of the White House was front and center.

Trump rambled about how his administration had done more for Black and Latino people in this country than probably any president in history -- stuff we've heard him say before -- and he also threw some lines out jabbing at Joe Biden and the "socialist" Democrats. He told his audience -- which were decked out in light blue shirts and red hats -- that they needed to vote the other party to oblivion come Election Day ... which drew cheers from everyone.

He also said he felt great health-wise, and again referred to COVID as the "China virus." Trump went on to promise to eradicate coronavirus all over the world once a vaccine was developed here at home ... something he assured them was right around the corner.

While it's unclear exactly how many people were in attendance -- it's fair to say it was around a few hundred or so. Almost similar to the Amy Coney Barrett event which became a super-spreader event 2 weeks ago to the day. The White House is now riddled with 'rona.

Frankly, today's event was reckless ... even if Trump was far enough from the crowd. No one will be tested, there will be no mandatory mask-wearing and, based on history, there's not likely to be social distancing. Trump did call this a "protest" ... but it's one that could potentially leave people sick or dead -- the White House is a hazard area these days.

The event was organized by ultra-conservative Candace Owens, who launched a "Blexit" campaign urging Black voters to leave the Dems. The theme -- "Remarks to Peaceful Protesters for Law & Order."

Trump will speak from the Truman Balcony. It's unclear if he'll have a face-to-face reception before or after, like he did with the Amy Coney Barrett event.

Although Trump says he feels "perfect" ... there are lots of deep concerns. He clearly still has a cough -- you could hear it when he spoke with Hannity -- and no one at the White House will say if Trump's still testing positive for the virus.  He's also on steroids, which mask symptoms.

Trump is doing everything most doctors say a COVID-positive patient should not be doing. He is not self-isolating, he is exposing himself to an untold number of staff, he is not wearing a mask, he is not resting.

In fairness ... the White House has "instructed" guests to wear masks, but ultimately it seems like it's optional, because the invite goes on to say attendees are "strongly encouraged" to follow CDC guidelines ... including wearing masks and socially distancing. They won't be tested ... just temperature checked.

Although the number of guests are expected to be in the hundreds, 2,000 invitations went out.

Trump will be hitting the road ... making various campaign stops in battleground states.

Altered States Archbishop Burns Altar ... After Priest Has Sex in Church

Archdiocese of New Orleans/YouTube

The Archbishop of New Orleans is outraged that a priest allegedly had sex inside a church, so he's doing an exorcism of sorts by having the altar removed and burned!!!

Archbishop Gregory Aymond called the act "demonic." As for how it went down ... someone called the cops after allegedly seeing the priest at the Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church, saying they saw the man of the cloth with 2 high-heeled women wearing corsets. He was dressed in his priestly issue ... well, only partially. The witness shot video of the encounter and went to cops.

The priest and the 2 women were arrested for allegedly violating an obscenity law that prohibits people from having sex in public view. What's bizarre here ... the only way the witness could have seen it was to peer through the windows.

As for burning the altar ... the Archbishop said it was the only way to restore the sanctity of the church, adding, "I am infuriated by his [the priest's] actions. When the details became clear, we had the altar removed and burned. I will consecrate a new alter tomorrow."

North West Sticks It to Photogs in the U.K. ... Tagging Along w/ Dad

Kanye West is having himself a take-your-daughter-to-London weekend -- which is proving his little girl takes after her pops ... namely, that she experiences a slip of the tongue at times.

Ye and North are across the pond right now, where they're doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that. On Friday, they attended Kim's SKIMS launch -- sans mama bear -- and come Saturday ... they were hitting up a fashion show in town and grabbing a bite in between.

That's where North let the paparazzi know how she felt about them hounding 'em -- shortly after lunching at a posh sushi spot, she flashed her tongue at a photog snapping pics from across the street. Dad saw the act, and playfully covered up her mouth with his hand.

It made for a sweet father-daughter moment -- which is great to see considering Ye's been having a bit of a rocky presidential season these past few months. Despite that, he hasn't lost sight of the end goal next month ... in fact, he and NW were both rocking "Vote Kanye" gear while they were out there hitting the town. So, clearly ... his heart's still in this race.


Time will tell if voters are with him ... but in the meantime, at least he's got his own flesh and blood firmly in his corner. Tongue out and all 😝

Lindsey Graham Young Black People and Immigrants ... So. Carolina's Safe If You're Conservative

News 19 WLTX

It's a breathtaking comment ... Senator Lindsey Graham said South Carolina cops don't pose any problems for Black people and immigrants ... as long as they're of the conservative persuasion.

Graham dropped the comment during a debate of sorts between him and his rival, Democrat Jaime Harrison. The Senator said the killing of George Floyd "was wrong and people should pay the price." BUT ... Graham said there's a war in America -- a war against police. He said, "Do I believe that our cops are systemically racist? No. Do I believe that South Carolina is a racist state? No."

And, then he said this ... "If you are a young, African American, an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this State. You just need to be conservative, not liberal."

It's a bizarre comment. Is he talking politics, and if so, is the idea to show cops you're a card-carrying Republican? And, why aren't liberals free to roam without fear in S.C.?

The race is super close according to the polls ... Graham and Harrison are tied at 48%.

Phil Collins Sending Ex-Wife Eviction Notice ... After Her Alleged Secret Vegas Wedding

Phil Collins is booting his ex-wife out of her crib ... because he says he owns it, and he's tired of her B.S.

Sources close to the famous drummer and singer-songwriter tell TMZ ... his long, rocky relationship with Orianne Cevey is officially over ... after all, she remarried in August, and he wants her out of his Florida house STAT.

We're told Phil's asked her to vacate and she's refused, and instead is threatening to release false and embarrassing accusations about him unless he renegotiates their 2008 divorce settlement.

For the record -- Collins paid Cevey a reported $46.76 million ... and our sources say he's not giving her another dime. He believes she squandered the fortune through a series of bad investments, along with an expensive divorce from the man she married after Phil.

Our sources say Phil gave his ex until 3 PM Friday to vacate, but she didn't, and he says she's now changed the security codes and has been unruly with the staff.

We're told Phil plans to file an eviction lawsuit as soon as courts open up next week.

In case you haven't gotten the picture, the 2 have a pretty wild history. They got married in the late '90s, had 2 sons together -- Nicholas and Mathew -- but filed for divorce in '06, shortly after the youngest son was born.

After the record settlement, Cevey got remarried to Charles Mejjati, but then divorced him to go back to Collins in 2016.

Things seemed to be pretty peachy up until a couple months ago, when we're told Orianne got married again to a man named Thomas Bates ... telling Phil she was just traveling to Las Vegas for business.

Our sources say Collins continues to fully support his sons -- all of their expenses are paid for through a fully-funded, irrevocable trust -- but he believes he's no longer financially on the hook to his ex-wife.

Orianne's attorney, Frank Maister, had no comment.

Former Rapper Logic Drops $226k on Pokemon Card!!!

Former rapper Logic dropped an insane amount of loot for a Pokemon card -- more than a quarter-of-a-million bucks!!!

The card in question .. a super-rare, first edition Charizard. Pokemon trading cards have skyrocketed in value over the last few years. Back in 1999, when Pokemon became a thing, the card had almost no value ... now you can buy a house for the cost of a prized card.

As for how much Logic paid ... a whopping $226,000!!! It broke the record for Nintendo collectibles.

There have been other gigantic purchases in the world of Nintendo and Pokemon. Logan Paul plunked down $216k for a base set booster box.

As for what makes Logic's card so rare ... It's shadowless ... meaning the typical shadow on the right side of the art is absent.

A house or a card ... you choose.

'Dreams' Skateboarder Gets Fan Mail from Mick Fleetwood ... 'You Inspired Me!!!'

Imagine growing up listening to Fleetwood Mac and then one day, BAM ... a letter from Mick Fleetwood himself. Welcome to the "Dreams" skateboarder's amazing new life.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... the rock band's co-founder and drummer reached out to Nathan Apodaca's team to get his mailing info after watching him cruise on his skateboard, vibing to the Mac classic and chugging cranberry juice.

We're told Nathan got the letter Tuesday morning, and was beyond excited. The letter, handwritten and signed by Mick, lays out how inspiring Nathan's been since his TikTok video went viral.

The "Dreams" challenge, of course, also inspired Mick, who gladly took part himself. Mick had commented on Nathan's TikTok, suggesting they meet, when it's safe to do so. No shocker, Nathan's totally down for that!

We're told he grew up listening to Fleetwood Mac because his mother and aunts always played their music. That's why Nathan's hoping they not only meet, but do some kinda collaboration in the future. We're told they've already connected privately on social media.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

As we reported, Nathan's been getting a lot of love -- he's selling tons of merch, Ocean Spray hooked him up with a new truck and now he's tight with Mick freakin' Fleetwood.

As they say ... have you any dreams you'd like to sell, Nathan?

Stars and Scars You Be the Judge

Trump's been acting crazy this week ... some say it's the steroids, and some say it's just him, and Kellyanne Conway's in a holy war with daughter Claudia. So we gotta ask ...

Donald Trump's COVID

Donald Trump's Doctors ...

The Steroids Made Trump Crazy ...

Whose Side You On?

I Already Cast My Mail-In Vote For ...

Comedy Central Censoring Gay Kiss On 'Schitt's Creek' ...

Tory Lanez Should Be

When Movie Theaters Reopen ...

Singles Should Stay Celibate During COVID

Ryan Leaf May Arrest Not Substance Abuse Related ... Lawyer Says

Ryan Leaf's domestic battery arrest was NOT substance abuse-related ... so says the ex-NFL QB's attorney, who tells TMZ Sports the former San Diego Charger is still "100% sober."

There had been some concern after 44-year-old Leaf -- who has battled drug and alcohol problems in the past -- had suffered a relapse that led to his arrest on May 22.

But, when we spoke to David Greenberg of the Law Offices of Soda & Greenberg ... he told us that just wasn't the case at all.

"He is 100% totally sober," Greenberg said of Leaf, "and spends a good part of every day over the last five years helping other people remain that way."

In fact, Greenberg says the whole alleged incident was nothing more than a "minor dispute."

"Nobody was injured," Greenberg said. "There was no allegation of any kind of weapon or anything like that."

"This was a couple that had a small minor dispute and it's unfortunate that it ended up in the criminal justice system."

We broke the story ... Leaf was booked on a domestic battery charge at around 2 p.m. on May 22 -- and was formally hit with two misdemeanor charges by prosecutors this week.

But, Leaf cut a plea deal in court Friday ... and ultimately avoided further jail time in the case.

Greenberg said Leaf and his family are happy to have all this now behind them ... adding Ryan is still committed to helping people with substance abuse problems daily.

"He's a really good guy," Greenberg said. "He really is a good husband and a good father."

'Bad Girls Club' Star Judi Jai Wellness Check After Suicidal Tweets ... She Blames the Alcohol

'Bad Girls Club' alum Judi Jai gave fans quite a scare with a series of alarming and suicidal tweets, but police have checked on her and she's fine ... though she says she's avoiding boxed wine from now on.

It's no laughing matter -- Judi's tweets, including one where she said she was going to cut her throat, sparked serious concern from her followers. A Fulton County Police spokesperson tells TMZ ... it also prompted 2 calls to her Georgia residence in the early morning hours Friday.

We're told officers responded to both calls -- one for a possible suicide situation and one reporting a person acting irrationally -- and cops concluded things were ok.

About 6 hours after her disturbing tweets, Judi tried to explain her erratic behavior by saying she drank too much wine from a box.

She added ... "Y’all I am so sorry for scaring y’all like that. I am ok. Thank u guys for the sweet tweets, calls and messages. I woke up to a ton of love."

Judi -- AKA "The Voodoo Vixen" -- was a star 'bad girl' on seasons 7 and 13 of the long-running reality show.

What's The Big Frigin' Difference?

Don't let these two almost identical images of Miley Cyrus and Tish Cyrus have you starting to seeing double! These two funky photos aren't exactly alike. So, give it your best shot and look to see if you can find the sneaky switches that have been made!

The mother-daughter duo was seen out and about in New York City earlier this week ... and we have made a few changes to this tricky pic! Take a really good look around and figure out the differences between these two super similar snaps!

**HINT -- There are THREE differences in the above photographs!**

Aaron Judge GF Cuts Deal With Prosecutors ... Pleads Guilty To DUI

Samantha Bracksieck

Aaron Judge's girlfriend just cut a deal with prosecutors and pled guilty to DUI, TMZ Sports has learned ... 8 months after she name-dropped the New York Yankees star during an arrest in Arizona.

You'll recall ... Samantha Bracksieck -- who's had an on-and-off relationship with Judge for years -- was pulled over in Scottsdale back on Feb. 25 after cops say she was driving with her headlights off.

During the stop ... police video showed Bracksieck admitted to a cop she had wine at Mastro's Steakhouse prior to getting behind the wheel.

When officers eventually slapped the cuffs on her for alleged drunk driving ... that's when she became standoffish -- and ultimately brought Judge up to the officers.

"Do you know who my boyfriend is?!" Samantha said at one point during the arrest, before later telling another cop, "My boyfriend is not in a spot where I should be, like, having this happen."

Samantha added during the stop, "He's like a public figure. So, like, me being arrested for, like, having two glasses of wine is not OK."

Despite her bringing the MLB superstar into the situation ... law enforcement still ended up hitting Bracksieck with 5 charges, including extreme DUI -- which is classified as a BAC of .15-.19.

But, court records show Bracksieck cut a deal with prosecutors Wednesday ... agreeing to plead guilty to misdemeanor DUI.

In exchange, prosecutors agreed to drop the rest of the charges, including the extreme DUI count.

According to court docs, Bracksieck was sentenced to 10 days in jail, though 9 were suspended and she was given credit for 1 day for time served. So, she won't get any additional time behind bars if she keeps her nose clean.

Bracksieck was also ordered to attend an alcohol abuse screening and complete any treatment recommendations. She was ordered to pay over $2,000 in fines and fees, as well.

We've reached out to the Yankees for comment, but so far, no word back yet.

Los Angeles Lakers 'Memba Them?!

'Memba these Los Angeles Lakers ... In honor of the NBA finals we are going back in time to remember some of the most iconic players to hit the court!

With Lake Show stars like Jerry West, Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and several others ... there are plenty of players that will have you calling a timeout!

Dribble through our gallery of Los Angeles Lakers to spark your memory of all the famous faces that used to play ball on the most well-known team in the league ... and see what the classic athletes look like now!

Nothin' like a trip down the (memory) lane!