Ex-NBA Star Stephen Jackson On Justice, George Floyd 'I Wish I Could Get My Twin Back'


Ex-NBA star Stephen Jackson says his fight for social justice is just getting started ... telling TMZ Sports it's become his mission to be there for those who need help following the death of his friend, George Floyd.

Jackson made his presence known shortly after Floyd's death in May ... speaking out in hopes of bringing awareness to the cause.

We spoke with Stack about his new calling on Thursday ... and he says he's been called to make an impact on society.

"What I do know is, is that I'm leading with my heart and I'm doing what God wants me to do," Jackson tells us.

"I didn't ask to be in this position, I wish I could get my twin back. It is what it is."

Jackson says his new journey has made him realize there are more people who need his help ... and he's up for the task.

"So, it's become my passion and I've been embracing it. I know I'm doing God's work. So, wherever it takes me, I'll find out how I'm doing sometime soon."

Jackson -- who was close friends with Floyd -- was one of many to speak out and demand justice by calling for the arresting officers to be prosecuted ... but he says it's not the only incident he will speak out on.

"But, it's more important to me to do something bigger than myself ... I'm the person that stands on loving everybody and I have every race following me. and I'mma continue to make noise and do what's right."

'Mean Girls' Cast 'Memba Them?!

It's 'Mean Girls' day and there's no better way to celebrate October 3rd than to check up on Aaron Samuels and the rest of the fetch cast!

Most of these famous faces could be recognized as just a few of the characters that felt personally victimized by Regina George in the famous teen comedy, 'Mean Girls' ... The film stars Rachel McAdams, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Lindsay Lohan and plenty of others!

Scroll through our gallery of the cast and see what these grool guys and gals look like now compared to the film.

It's not Wednesday, but wear pink anyways!

President Trump Moving to Walter Reed Hospital ... For COVID-19 Treatment


5:00 PM PT -- The President's experienced shortness of breath and a mild fever on Friday ... according to sources with direct knowledge. We're also told he insisted on wearing a suit for that video he tweeted and for his brief trip to Walter Reed.


One source who's had interactions with him in the last week told TMZ ... President Trump had not been feeling well for a couple of days prior to Thursday. That's important because it would increase the possibility others around POTUS were exposed to the virus.


3:36 PM PT -- Trump posted a video thanking everyone for their support and saying, "I think I'm doing very well, but we are going to make sure that things work out."


3:22 PM PT -- Trump just boarded Marine One, wearing a mask, and is currently in the air on his way to Walter Reed.


President Trump will be flown to Walter Reed Military Hospital for continued treatment for COVID-19.

The White House just announced the President will be flown to the renowned Bethesda, MD facility on Friday afternoon. It's a dramatic turn, considering the administration previously said he was "fatigued" and experiencing "mild symptoms."

Fox 5

The Marine One helicopter has already landed on the South Lawn at the White House ... ready to transport Trump.

The White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany says, "Out of an abundance of caution, and at the recommendation of his physician and medical experts, the President will be working from the presidential offices at Walter Reed for the next few days.”

Sources connected to the White House tell us the move is primarily because they want an added level of safety for the President, considering he's high risk due to his age and weight.

We're told his illness was obvious Friday during conference calls, and he was unusually quiet. There were early signs Thursday night when he called in to Sean Hannity's show on Fox News around 9:30 PM Eastern time -- he sounded like he had low energy and a case of the sniffles.

FOX News

We're told, at that point, Trump already suspected he had COVID-19 ... although, he didn't announce his test results on Twitter until almost 1 AM Eastern time.

Story developing ...

Originally Published -- 2:34 PM PT

Versace Footwear VP Accuses Bev Hills Cops of Profiling For Shopping While Black

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Beverly Hills PD

3:12 PM PT -- A spokesperson for The Bev. Hills PD tells us they did stop Salehe for jaywalking in a detention that lasted about 3 and a half minutes. He consented to a search and was released without a citation.

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Shoe designer Salehe Bembury got stopped by police in Beverly Hills after shopping at the store where he works ... and he thinks it reeks of racial profiling.

Bembury -- VP of Sneakers and Men's Footwear at Versace -- shared video Thursday night of his encounter with 2 Bev Hills cops ... which he called frightening and unjustified.

The cops allegedly stopped and searched Salehe after he left the Versace store with a bag of goods he purchased. He suggests he got hassled because he's Black, but one of the officers in the vid denies that and says Bembury's changing the story.

After checking his ID and determining he had a clean record, the officers let him go. Salehe later claimed he had just left the store and was walking to his car when a patrol car pulled up. He says it was startling, especially because the cops quickly jumped out and confronted him ... over jaywalking.

Bembury claims he told the cops he wasn't aware he had jaywalked, but they stopped him, patted him down and took his phone. That's when he says he asked to have his phone back to record the incident.


Bembury insists he did nothing to warrant the police harassing him -- despite the cops claiming otherwise.

We've reached out to Beverly Hills PD ... no word back yet.

Originally Published -- 8:54 AM PT

President Trump & First Lady Both Test Positive for COVID-19 ... Getting Antibodies Treatment


1:48 PM PT -- Trump's doctor just revealed the President is being treated with an experimental drug that uses antibodies to try to attack COVID-19. The treatment was administered through an IV.


9:28 AM PT -- Biden, who shared the debate stage with Trump this week, has tested NEGATIVE for the virus ... according to his campaign.


7:08 AM PT -- 10/2 -- According to reports, Ivanka Trump, Barron Trump and Jared Kushner have all tested negative.

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have both contracted the coronavirus.

The President broke the news with a tweet -- at nearly 1 AM Friday in D.C. -- saying ... "Tonight @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER."

The alarming news comes hours after we learned one of the President's aides, Hope Hicks, had tested positive. Hope had been traveling on Air Force One all week with POTUS ... going to and from the presidential debate in Cleveland ... and also to his rally in Minnesota.

The impact is far-reaching. Trump came into contact with numerous people over the last 5 days, including Joe Biden on the debate stage, and his Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett. And, then there's his treasury secretary -- someone who frequently meets with the president -- who had a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Vice President Pence has tested negative, but there's still a window of risk since he's been in contact with Trump over the last week.

Trump was not feeling well on Wednesday, according to Bloomberg News, so it's also unclear how long Trump has been COVID positive.

Furthermore, what's unclear -- who gave the virus to whom? Did Trump contract the virus from Hope Hicks or vice versa, or did they contract it from someone else?

There's no good time to contract the virus, but it comes at a particularly critical time for the President ... less than 5 weeks before Election Day. We don't yet know if he and Melania are experiencing symptoms, but the First Lady tweeted that they are "feeling good."

Trump has made no secret of how much he hates wearing face masks, and has done it in public very rarely since the pandemic began.

The last time we saw him wearing one in public was a week ago at the public viewing for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg outside the Supreme Court.

During the debate on Tuesday night, he did pull one out of his pocket as he claimed to have no issue with wearing face coverings. It's worth noting, at 74 years old he is in a high-risk category for COVID-19. Melania is only 50.

As you know, Trump has logged a lot of miles this week -- traveling with his inner circle of aides and attending large scale events. Once contact tracing is done ... it's possible a large number of people will need to be tested immediately and quarantined.

So far, the administration is saying the Prez and Melania will remain in their White House residence while they quarantine. It's unclear how long that will last, but typically doctors recommend 14 days.

And, if you're wondering ... the next presidential debate is exactly 14 days away.

Originally Published -- 10/1 10:17 PM PT

Steve Barnes of Cellino & Barnes Famous Lawyer Killed in Plane Crash

Steve Barnes -- co-founder of the personal injury law firm, Cellino & Barnes -- has reportedly died after a plane he was piloting crashed in upstate NY.

Barnes and a female passenger were reportedly killed Friday when the single-engine, propeller-powered Socata TBM 700 6-seater plane crashed in a wooded area in Genesee County. Barnes and the woman were the only ones on board.

Officials have not yet identified the victims, but The Buffalo News is reporting that a lawyer at Barnes' law firm confirmed Steve was piloting that plane.

A Buffalo TV station also reported the plane is registered to an address matching that of Cellino & Barnes' offices. While the name Steve Barnes may not be universally known, his firm's jingle definitely is. That toll-free number, 800-888-8888, at the end of the commercials really does stick in your head.

Barnes and his former partner, Ross Cellino, worked together for almost three decades before splitting back in June.

Story developing ...

Breonna Grand Jury Recording Cop Testified ... Neighbor Didn't Hear Police ID Themselves

The Grand Jury audio in the Breonna Taylor case reveals important information about the central issue in the case -- whether the Grand Jurors were adequately informed about whether cops identified themselves before breaching the door to Breonna's apartment.

According to the audio, a police lieutenant testified one of the neighbors did NOT hear police identify themselves. It's unclear why the neighbor didn't testify in person before the grand jury. We know there were 12 neighbors in all who said they did NOT hear the cops ID themselves.

Another cop testified one neighbor DID hear the cops announce who they were before entering the apartment. The key -- what about the 12 who didn't hear it?

This is critical because if police did not identify themselves, then Breonna's boyfriend had every right to fire a shot, and cops couldn't use self-defense as a justification for shooting in the apartment.

Cops say they announced themselves as law enforcement before entering Breonna's apartment, according to the testimony we've heard so far. It's about 20 hours of audio, and we're continuing to going through it.

Police Lt. Shawn Hoover said in an interview, recorded the same day Breonna was shot, cops knocked on the door and announced themselves as police before waiting another 10 or 15 seconds to repeat the announcement.

Hoover said cops waited another 45 to 60 seconds before approaching again and breaching the door -- and, as you've heard, cops had a "no-knock" warrant, but Cameron later said police did ID themselves.

Taylor family attorney Ben Crump says his team has spoken to the 12 witnesses who claim cops did not announce before the raid.

As we reported ... Cameron announced earlier this week he would release the recording after an anonymous grand juror filed a motion asking a judge to allow the grand jurors to go public.

The juror who filed the unusual request blasted Cameron for hanging the grand jury out to dry when he announced the indictment of ex-cop Brett Hankison.

Cameron insisted a grand jury is meant to be a secretive body, but relented it's "apparent that the public interest in this case isn't going to allow that to happen."

He added ... "Once the public listens to the recording, they will see that over the course of two-and-a-half days, our team presented a thorough and complete case to the Grand Jury."

Of course, the very next day the Kentucky AG admitted he never recommended the grand jury indict either of the 2 officers for shooting and killing Breonna Taylor. Instead, he said the case he presented to the grand jury is that the officers were justified in firing their weapons because Breonna's boyfriend had fired first at them.

Though Cameron asked to delay the release of the grand jury recording until next week in order to redact personal info, the judge set the deadline for Friday.

President Trump Walk of Fame Star Damage ... Cops Say The Hulk Did It!!!


2:17 PM PT -- Well, that didn't take long, crews are already working to restore Trump's star on the Walk of Fame ... we'll see how long this one lasts.


All new wrinkle to the old saga of President Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame getting destroyed -- this time cops are blaming a superhero, a not-so-jolly giant green one.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ...a man dressed as the Incredible Hulk showed up around Friday around 5 AM and took a pickaxe to Donald's star ... completely destroying it beyond recognition.

The man who says he destroyed Trump's star, James Otis, tells TMZ ... he didn't know Trump had coronavirus when he took a pickaxe to the star.

Our sources say a felony vandalism report was taken after the star was left with more than $5,000 in damage. Nobody's been arrested and police are still investigating. Hollywood Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Rana Ghadban tells TMZ ... "Any star, which is vandalized or destroyed, no matter which honoree it belongs to will be replaced by the Hollywood Historic Trust, a non-profit, non-partisan group."

Seriously, they've gotta have replacing this thing down to a science by now.

Ghadban added, "When people are angry with one of our honorees, we would hope that they would project their anger in more positive ways than to vandalize a California State landmark. Our democracy is based on respect for the law. People can make a real difference by voting and not destroying public property.”

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The star, of course, has been a lightning rod for bad vibes toward Trump ... from vandalism to even all-out brawls. As we've reported, the star was most recently messed with back in June after someone used black spray paint and completely blacked it out. Someone also left behind a bag of poop on top of the star.

Nearly a year ago, someone spray-painted Trump's name in broad daylight. Over the years, the star's also been jackhammered and someone else took a pickaxe to it. Even George Lopez fake peed on the star back in July 2018.

Originally published 11:37 AM PT

President Trump Follow Contact Tracing in Photos ... Week of Interactions Pre-Positive Test

President Trump has been in close, maskless contact with many, many people -- in his administration and otherwise -- over the past several days ... people he may have exposed to the coronavirus.

As you know ... POTUS and First Lady Melania tested positive for COVID-19 Thursday night and Trump says they've begun their quarantine and recovery process.

Still, Trump contracting the virus now has everyone tracing his steps the past week. Even though he didn't test positive until Thursday, he could have been contagious for several days prior. As we reported, his adviser Hope Hicks tested positive hours before Trump, and they had traveled together.

But, let's go back ... to Saturday 9/26, when Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett and walks right next to her as both are not wearing masks.

On Sunday, Trump holds a conference meeting at the White House and later goes golfing at the National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia.

Monday's a big day -- the Prez meets with reps from Lordstown Motors out of Ohio on the South Lawn of the WH, as well as 2 members of Congress. Later, he's in close contact with VP Mike Pence, members of his administration and Congress, and state officials during a conference, coincidentally, about COVID test kits.

Then, of course, Trump travels with Melania and family to Cleveland on Tuesday for the first presidential debate. Though members of his family are seen wearing masks, Trump is not. Hope Hicks was among the team that traveled with Trump for the debate.

Now, several people, including VP Pence, Barrett, Joe Biden and his wife have tested negative -- but that doesn't mean everyone's out of the woods because the virus has a gestation period.

On Wednesday, Trump travels to Minnesota for a private fundraiser and an outdoor rally. Again, Hicks is with him. At the rally, Trump tossed out hats to the crowd. Yikes!

On the return trip, Hicks reveals she feels ill and isolates herself on Air Force One. Despite her illness and close proximity to Trump, the President flies to his Bedminster, NJ resort Thursday for a private fundraiser. Several aides who were in proximity to Hicks scrap plans to accompany him.

Meanwhile, Ivanka -- who also had close contact with her father, FLOTUS and Hicks -- heads to Charlotte to meet with supporters. Soon after, it's revealed Hicks has tested positive ... as well as POTUS and FLOTUS.

Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, said Friday they've tested negative.

Keep in mind, this timeline just shows a broad overview of the potential spread and ripple effect of Trump's positive test. There are many other people possibly exposed -- several of whom have tested negative ... so far.

Rick Moranis Punched in Unprovoked Attack ... Says He's Fine, but Chris Evans is Pissed

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Crime Stoppers

1:50 PM PT -- Rick might be doing okay, but Chris Evans says his "blood is boiling" over the random attack, and he wants the suspect located.


10:39 AM PT -- A rep for the actor tells TMZ ... Moranis was indeed assaulted on the Upper West Side. The rep adds he's fine and grateful for everyone's thoughts and well wishes.

Rick Moranis got a punch to the head during an unprovoked attack ... but the suspect was busted on video, and now cops are searching for him.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... The "Ghostbusters" and "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" star was walking on Central Park West Thursday in Manhattan when, out of nowhere, a man in an I Love NY hoodie unleashed a violent punch ... knocking Moranis down hard.

Check out the video ... Rick had zero time to react to the attack. Almost as frightening ... the attacker calmly continues walking away while Moranis lay on the ground writhing in pain.

Cops say Moranis filed a police report and went to a hospital for evaluation. He told docs he was suffering from pain in his head, back and right hip ... as first reported by WCBS.

Cops are now looking for the attacker. There's a $2,500 reward to anyone who provides info that leads to his arrest.

Originally Published -- 9:54 AM PT

Jerry Jones 'Very Confident' Trump Will Beat COVID ... 'Hardest Worker Ever'

105.3 The FAN

"Knowing him, he'll be able to go right on through this and hopefully not miss a beat."

Jerry Jones doesn't seem worried about Donald Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis ... he said Friday he's "very confident" POTUS will get through it all just fine.

In fact, the Dallas Cowboys owner says he's pretty sure #45 will still be able to do his job effectively over the coming days.

"No one in the world has the ability to handle this COVID any better than the office of the President of the United States," Jerry told 105.3 The Fan.

"I'm very confident that he'll be able to continue governing. I'm sure that he has anticipated this. Knowing him, he's the hardest worker you've ever seen."

Donald announced Thursday night he and Melania tested positive for the coronavirus and have already begun quarantining.

Trump is said to be only experiencing "mild" symptoms ... and he, too, seemed confident he'd beat the virus, adding in his official announcement, "We will get through this TOGETHER!"

Jerry and Trump have been friendly for years ... so Jones' support for the president comes as no surprise.

Others in the sporting world, however, haven't been so sympathetic ... Reggie Bush floated a conspiracy theory Friday morning that the positive test was "all a game and it's all a reality tv show."

President Trump 'Let Me Be Clear ...' Finally Condemns White Supremacists

FOX News

President Trump is finally saying the words he failed to say at the first presidential debate -- "I condemn all white supremacists."

Trump called in to his friend Sean Hannity's Fox News show Thursday night to talk about his performance at the first debate vs. Joe Biden ... and try to put the Proud Boys controversy to rest.

He said, "Let me be clear again -- I condemn the KKK. I condemn all white supremacists. I condemn the Proud Boys." Trump re-insisted he doesn't know much about the Proud Boys hate group ... but he's against what they do.

FOX News

This, of course, is in stark contrast to his response 48 hours earlier when debate moderator Chris Wallace asked him to denounce white supremacy. Instead, he told the Proud Boys to "Stand back, and stand by."

On Wednesday, while talking to the press at The White House about the outrage he caused, he denied knowledge of the Proud Boys and again danced around a flat-out denouncement of white supremacy.

Interestingly, when Trump spoke to Hannity it was about 6:30 PM PT -- 90 minutes after we'd learned his aide, Hope Hicks, tested positive for COVID-19, but before his test results were back. He did discuss having to go into quarantine, but only after addressing the debate and white supremacy.

The President also went to his regular playbook and called out Biden, saying Joe needs to condemn Antifa and apologize for his history on race issues.

Machine Gun Kelly Cracks Up G-Wagon ... When Hanging Out Goes Really Wrong!!!

too hype!

Hanging out with Machine Gun Kelly can get kinda violent -- just ask the windshield of this G-Wagon he was having a blast in with friends.

MGK, Mod Sun and some friends were leaving Saddle Ranch Thursday night in WeHo when a wild boys night got even wilder ... courtesy of MGK's decision to hang outside the passenger's side window.

Check out the video ... MGK was signing autographs and pretty clearly looking to make a scene for the paparazzi as he hung out the window of the G-Wagon. It was all fun and games until he decided to bang the inside of the windshield ... which left a huge crack.

No one got pissed though ... too many good vibes -- it was more of an LOL moment for Mod Sun. He and the windshield crack up easily, apparently.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

On the way home, MGK finished off the job ... completely kicking the windshield out. Lucky for Mod Sun, there's video evidence MGK will get him a new one.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

BTW ... in true MGK style, the crew was bumping his track, "Concert for Aliens," on the way out. Freaky night, indeed.

Trump 2020 Supporter Warns About War if Biden Wins ... Video Draws FBI Attention

@kristinnzach2020/Tik Tok

A white, self-described "redneck" who supports Donald Trump says there's a war coming in November no matter who wins, but if Joe Biden does he's threatening to start it ... and that's raised alarm bells with authorities.

In the video spreading like wildfire on social media, a bearded man ID'd as Zachary Poole makes it clear he believes Trump 2020 will prevail on Election Day ... but predicts members of Black Lives Matter or Antifa will try to start a war when that happens.

Poole insists he and his people are ready for this, but if things don't go their way and Trump loses, he warns -- "We comin' ... and we comin' strong."

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the video was almost immediately reported to the Williamsburg Village PD in Ohio, along with concerned citizens forwarding it to the FBI.

It's being taken very seriously too -- we're told Poole's online post and social media are being monitored by police, though no official investigation has been launched or charges filed.

Our sources say the Williamsburg police have also contacted the FBI about the video because they feel Poole's words could be perceived as a threat against people of different races and religions ... and the feds have more experience with hate crimes.

FOX News

The timing of the video is interesting too ... as it comes on the heels of President Trump's ominous message to the far-right group, Proud Boys, during the first debate.

There's speculation Poole might be affiliated with the group, but we're told law enforcement could not confirm that ... and are still in the early stages of gathering info.

Mötley Crüe's Nikki Sixx Rockin' Real Estate ... Lists $5.7 Million L.A. Home!!!

Mötley Crüe's Nikki Sixx is looking for a new kind of music to his ears ... the kind only a real estate agent can deliver 'cause his massive crib is now on the market.

The band's co-founder and bassist has listed his impressive L.A.-area home for a cool $5,699,000 ... which comes to just over a mil per bedroom. Yeah, the 10,300-square-foot pad -- with 5 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms -- sits behind huge guard gates at the North Ranch Country Club Estates. Privacy included!

Check out the pics -- everything in the place is on a grand level ... from the huge gallery foyer to the living room to the library/game room. Yeah, of course, Nikki had one of those ... not to mention a theater room, lounge and massive pool and spa.

Emil Hartoonian of The Agency has the listing. Rock star level luxury ... come and get it!

Chrissy Teigen's Mom Posts Tribute to Grandson Jack ... 'My Heart Aches'

Chrissy Teigen's mom is sharing her agony over Chrissy and John Legend losing their son, Jack ... with a series of deeply moving pictures and videos honoring him.

Vilailuck Teigen posted these pictures and video Thursday night, including one of her holding Jack ... and looking absolutely shattered at losing her grandson. Her caption read, "My heart aches love you so much baby Jack."


In the video, you can see the doctor holding Jack while Vilailuck shares a moment with him. As we reported ... Chrissy and John revealed Wednesday night that Jack couldn't survive the pregnancy complications.

Chrissy had been hospitalized last weekend for severe bleeding from her placenta. She described that time as the "danger zone," but seemed hopeful they could pull through.

Wednesday night she said, "We were never able to stop the bleeding and give our baby fluids he needed, despite bags and bags of blood transfusions. It just wasn't enough."