'My 600-lb. Life' Star Coliesa's Family Got to Say Final Goodbyes Despite Hospital COVID Restrictions

The family of Coliesa McMillian -- who appeared on Season 8 of "My 600-lb. Life" -- was thankfully allowed to see her in the hospital before she died ... something they feared would not be possible due to COVID restrictions.

Coliesa passed away Tuesday at a hospital in Louisiana, but her mother, Sadie Courville, tells TMZ she'd been at the Baton Rouge facility for quite a while ... and they hadn't been able to visit her due to pandemic rules.

She says the hospital made an exception when it was clear Coliesa was on her deathbed, allowing her and Coliesa's 2 teenage daughters in to say their final goodbyes.

Sadie says she patted Coliesa's arm while her girls cried and held her hand.

According to Coliesa's mom ... the family doesn't know the exact cause of death, but she says her health went downhill after she underwent weight loss surgery and sadly, she never recovered.

A rep for the East Baton Rouge Coroner's Office tells us ... a review of Coliesa's medical records shows she died of natural causes due to complications from that surgery months ago.

Coliesa was 41.

Tyreek Hill I'd Lose To Lamar Jackson In A Race ... 'He's A G.O.A.T.!!!'


Shocking admission from Tyreek Hill ... the Kansas City Chiefs All-Pro says he would flat-out LOSE in a race against Lamar Jackson!!!

The wide receiver made the revelation to TMZ Sports this week ... saying the Baltimore Ravens QB is just that damn fast!!!

"I done retired from racing, man," Hill says. "So, he'll probably get me right now."

Incredible level of respect for the QB from Hill ... considering most in the NFL believe Tyreek is the fastest player BY FAR.

But, the Chiefs wideout says Jackson is really that quick ... and really that good at football.

"Lamar, he's a G.O.A.T. He's a dog, man," Tyreek tells us ... "For him to be that fast and for him to make people miss, like, the way he does is just crazy."

Of course, the two players will have a chance to put their speed on display against each other later Monday ... when the Chiefs and Ravens face off in the most anticipated regular-season matchup of 2020.

Hill himself says he's jacked up for the game ... telling us, "This is why we play football, for reasons like this, man. To be a part of something like this."

As for if you need some fantasy points from Tyreek to win your matchup this week ... Hill tells us he's GUARANTEEING he'll get them for you.


His only request? He's asking you to check out his Soul Runner clothing line ... and drop some cash on some merch.

Fair trade?

Breonna Taylor Case Folks In Louisville Find It Hard To Cope ... Seek Mental Health Help

The decision not to charge the cops who killed Breonna Taylor has taken its toll on an untold number of Louisville residents, who are having a hard time coping.

We've learned there's been an increase in the number of Louisville residents seeking mental health help and are citing Breonna's case as the reason.

Joe Nalley, CEO of Kentucky Mental Health Care, tells TMZ ... the day after the announcement they saw 30 new clients, and a third of them cited Breonna not getting justice as the reason.

Millicent Cahoon, founder of Therapists for Protester Wellness, tells us their crisis hotline -- an emergency call line that provides people with psychological help -- has been ringing off the hook since the announcement ... and they've needed 10 therapists minimum on the line to handle the volume.

The organization has also set up booths offering free mental health services to protesters.

Tiffany Farmer, owner Best Life Mental Health Services in Louisville, tells TMZ ... she got 5 referrals for new clients the morning after the decision, directly in response to Breonna's case.

At Kentucky Mental Health Care, we're told 90% of clients are bringing up Breonna with their therapists, mostly saying any hope of justice is gone. There's also been a spike in prescriptions for anti-anxiety medication, including 17 new requests in a single day instead of the normal 4 or 5 Rx's.

Meanwhile, at Best Life Mental Health Services, we're told at least 70% of clients are frequently discussing Breonna in therapy and are seeking help processing what just happened.

We're told folks are unsure how to talk about the case with their loved ones, afraid of what it means for their life and safety, and some Black women are left thinking their lives don't matter.

'Little Women: LA' Christy McGinity Helps Save Friends' Big Wedding Day!!!

"Little Women: LA" star Christy McGinity came through big time for a couple of friends ... helping arrange for a venue and minister -- HER!!! -- for their special wedding day.

We're told Christy felt terrible about friends Matt and Katie canceling their wedding because they lost their venue due to COVID-19 restrictions. We're told Christy flew from NYC to San Diego to organize a Hawaiian-themed wedding in a friend's sprawling backyard Wednesday.


So you ask, why the Hawaiian theme? We're told that's where the couple was going on their honeymoon ... they plan to head there as soon as the pandemic ends ... if it ever does.

The socially-distanced wedding -- limited to only 20 guests who were all temperature checked on their way in -- was officiated by none other than Christy. We're told she got ordained specifically for this ceremony.

As if that wasn't enough ... we're told Christy also designed and baked a Hawaiian-themed cake for the newlyweds. The couple isn't bummed about having to pare down the wedding ... that's because when it's safe to do so, the couple will have a big wedding ceremony as originally planned.

Mazel tov!!!

'A Thousand Miles' Singer Vanessa Carlton 'Memba Her?!

East Coast artist Vanessa Carlton was only 22 years old when she shot to stardom after her debut single, "A Thousand Miles," hit the airwaves in early 2002 ... and thanks to the catchy piano hook and dreamy vocals, it made its way into the ears and hearts of the world.

The debut single has been featured on movies, television shows and commercials ... and it opened the door for her first studio album, Be Not Nobody, that included Vanessa's next hit, "Ordinary Day."

Although Carlton continues to create incredible music (like her 2020 album, Love Is An Art) her most beautiful creation since "A Thousand Miles" is her daughter, Sidney.

Guess what she looks like now at 40 years old!

President Trump Tax Returns Finally Surface Reports of Massive Losses, Paid $750

President Trump's infamously elusive tax returns have reportedly seen the light of day -- and they appear to paint a portrait of Houdini-like tactics that have allegedly allowed DT to avoid paying income taxes for years ... and a grand total of $750 in his first year on the job.

The NYT claims to have obtained tax-return data extending over two decades, including 2016 and 2017 ... years they report Trump paid a paltry $750 in income taxes in each year. Prior to that -- for at least 10 of the previous 15 years -- NYT says Trump paid $0 in income tax.

An attorney for the Trump Organization disputed the Times' findings ... and called them inaccurate ... asserting Trump had paid tens of millions in personal taxes to the feds over the past decade, including millions more since announcing his candidacy is 2015.

The Times says the attorney appears to be conflating "personal taxes" with income taxes -- noting DT has paid taxes for Medicare, Social Security and taxes for household employees.

As for how it's possible that Trump could've avoided paying income taxes for all those years -- as the Times reports -- it's because, based on the filings they've reviewed, he reported losing more money than he made ... in what they characterize as "chronic losses."

As for how rich the dude actually is ... the Times says the returns show he does own hundreds of millions in valuable assets, but they also claim he's hundreds of millions in debt as well, debts they say are coming due soon. So, it's really unclear how much he's worth.

The Times also reports that the returns do not show anything not previously known about Trump and Russia as far as business dealings are concerned. Just a quick glance at how much dough the dude was rolling in back in the 2000s because of "The Apprentice" and the licensing deals that followed -- the NYT says it amounted to upwards of $427 million all in. They also say some of that money was reinvested into other businesses -- including golf courses -- which have hemorrhaged cash.

Fox News

Now, Trump has already caught wind of the report -- and he's calling it the usual ... fake news.

Trump says he's currently under audit by the IRS -- which the Times confirms, and explains it could cost the Prez a whopping $100M if they find that a $72 mil tax credit he once claimed is illegitimate.

The Times says more stories about what the returns supposedly depict will come in the weeks to follow.

Breonna Taylor Case KY Ballistics Report Inconclusive On Bullet Hitting Mattingly

One of the ballistics reports used to determine who shot who in the moments leading up to Breonna Taylor's death appears to contradict the Kentucky AG's version of events -- or at the very least, offer a more complete view ... which is mired in uncertainty.

Reports say that the first ballistics report conducted by the Kentucky State Police -- first obtained by VICE News this week -- could not definitively say for a fact if the 9-mm bullet that struck LMPD Officer Mattingly was, in fact, from Breonna's BF, Kenneth Walker.

In relation to the bullet that went through Mattingly's leg -- which he asserted had come from Walker firing from down the hall -- the initial KSP report reportedly says, in part, "due to limited markings of comparative value, [the] item was neither identified nor eliminated as having been fired from #45." #45 pertains to the magazine in Walker's gun.

Even more damning is the fact that one of Walker's attorneys, Steven Romines, recently claimed to CNN that he and his team had obtained an internal LMPD personnel record showing Officer Hankison (who was firing from outside) had actually been issued a 9-mm handgun at some point by the department, casting doubt on AG Cameron's claim that all the officers were using .40 caliber guns that night, and that Walker had the only 9-mm.

So, what does this all mean??? Basically, that AG Cameron might've possibly not been as forthcoming in describing the ballistics report's findings -- or which ballistics report he was actually referring to when saying evidence showed that Walker had hit Mattingly first.

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Remember, there was a second ballistics report conducted by the FBI -- one which, in addition to the KSP ballistics report, was given to the grand jury to read -- but Cameron didn't say during his Wednesday presser which report he consulted when explaining the decision. It's also unclear what the feds concluded on this issue, and if there's a discrepancy.

The one thing that could make this moot -- namely, whether Mattingly was hit by Walker's bullet, or a fellow officer's bullet -- is the fact Walker admitted to firing a warning shot ... which, presumably, would authorize officers to use deadly force and return fire regardless.

Still, with what we know about the crime scene being potentially compromised in the immediate aftermath ... it's a troubling sign that brings up more questions than answers.

Seattle Sideshow Cars Doing Donuts ... Hit Members of Crowd, Keep Going

If you thought people getting hit by dangerously spinning cars would stop a good old-fashioned sideshow ... welp, you're wrong. Exhibit A -- these Seattleites, who really DGAF.

Check out this wild scene that unfolded near the Space Needle Saturday night, where dozens of cars and even more people gathered in some sort of parking lot to burn rubber and send their whips into orbit, with spectators more than eager to gather around and watch.

KOMO News reporter Cole Miller captured a good chunk of the action -- including the moment a red Mustang (or maybe a Nissan 350Z) went flying into the crowd and took out a number of bodies as its donut got out of control. It literally glides into them, and hard.

What's even crazier than that is the fact that the donuts continued -- more cars filled the space and keep on revving ... and strangely, the swaths of people don't really disburse either. It seems like those who were hit might not have been seriously injured, and if they were ... the others wanted to stick around and keep an eye on things. Then, a 2nd hit.

You see another red sports car swerve into a guy and send him flying. Not even that was enough to break up the madness -- what was enough, however, were cops ... who eventually showed up, after wading through the pileup of cars blocking off the key participants.

That sent folks scrambling, but Miller notes it wasn't easy to get out of there. There was a major traffic jam as cops arrived. He also says the sideshow isn't tied to protests happening in town either -- they go down once or twice a month, especially in the summertime.

And, you thought the Bay Area was the only place wildin' out like this ... nope, not by a long shot.

CA Gov. Gavin Newsom New Law Allows Trans Prisoners To be Housed by Identity

California Governor Gavin Newsom just signed a new law allowing transgender prisoners in the State to be housed based on their gender identity rather than their biological sex.

Newsom signed SB 132 Saturday -- among other LGBTQ+-friendly legislation -- which will require the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's officers to privately ask inmates during the intake process if they identify as trans, nonbinary or intersex.

If they do, the inmate can then be placed in a facility in which they feel most comfortable and safe.

The new CA law says an inmate's request cannot be denied based solely on a prisoner's anatomy, sexual orientation or another factor that may be present among other inmates at any given facility. What the state could deny a request over ... legit "management or security concerns," although Newsom didn't lay out exactly what that might mean.

If an inmate's request is denied, the state has to offer a written explanation as to why and offer that prisoner a meaningful opportunity to object. BTW, the law also requires prison guards to address inmates by their preferred pronouns and to search them based on their gender identities as well. It's being hailed as a step forward in the LGBTQ+ community.

Of course ... there've been concerns raised about this new system, as some feel cis-gender heterosexual males can abuse the new policy to infiltrate female prisons ... and commit atrocities from the inside. However, the state senator who authored the bill, Scott Wiener, says he doubts that'll happen very often, if at all ... saying it's a false narrative that trans men or women are only out to get into certain gendered wings.

That said, it's not entirely clear how prison officials would go about filtering out inmates who might want to take advantage, especially if they're forced to go off that person's word.

Joe Montana Intruder Snatches Grandchild at Malibu Home Joe Confronts Alleged Kidnapper


1:39 PM PT -- Joe Montana just tweeted out an update about the scary situation that unfolded at his home.


He writes, "Thank you to everyone who has reached out. Scary situation, but thankful that everybody is doing well. We appreciate respect for our privacy at this time."


12:56 PM PT -- LASD has shed a bit more light on how exactly Joe Montana's grandkid was almost snatched in plain sight -- they say the intruder made her way into his home and actually removed the infant (who was asleep) from a playpen, holding them in her arms.


At that point, the Sheriff's Department says Joe and his wife, Jennifer, confronted the woman, attempting to deescalate the situation, asking the lady to give them back the child. Eventually, LASD says a scuffle ensued and Jennifer was able to safely pry the baby from the woman's arms. She fled, but was picked up by cops soon after and taken into custody.


LASD says all parties were unharmed in the incident, including the 9-month-old child. The suspect as been identified as Sodsai Dalzell.

Joe Montana and his wife had the scare of their life Saturday, when an intruder came inside the house and snatched one of their grandchildren right out of a woman's arms.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Sports ... at 5 PM Saturday a 39-year-old woman entered the home where Joe and Jennifer Montana were staying -- she got in through an unlocked door. The intruder saw a woman holding a baby -- it's unclear who was holding the infant.

Our law enforcement sources say the intruder walked away with Montana's grandchild to another part of the house where she was confronted by Joe and Jennifer. They wrestled the baby away from the woman. The intruder then ran out of the house.


Turns out L.A. County Sheriff's deputies were on the same block on an unrelated matter. Someone inside the home flagged the deputies down, told them what happened and they found the intruder a few blocks away.

The woman was booked on kidnapping and burglary charges.

Originally Published -- 6:48 AM PT

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson I've Never Been Political ... But Biden/Harris Got My Vote!!!

The Rock is fearless, but he's never dared to venture into the snake pit we call politics ... until now.

So, Dwayne Johnson played host to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in a new video, and he gave them the seal of approval, endorsing them to replace Trump/Pence.

The Rock told them ... "I have never publicly endorsed a presidential candidate or vice-presidential candidate in my life, over my career. So, I figured let's kick this conversation off this way, by me officially, publicly endorsing you both to become President and Vice President."

The Rock singled Senator Harris out at one point, praising her for her career achievements and saying, "In my opinion, you are a certified badass."

Biden and Harris are clearly zeroing in on celebrities who have massive followings to get their supporters out to vote. The Rock has 199 million followers, and that'll get you elected. Joe Biden recently sat with Cardi B for a video chat, and she has 76 million followers. Get the picture?

Disney 'WAP' Parody It's a Whole New World!!!

Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's mega-hit "WAP" has had a Disney parody makeover ... and it's the famed princesses and characters like you've never seen them before!

In what some have described as "childhood ruining," more than 50 Disney films were edited in a mashup to the super sexually-explicit song.

The comedic timing is spot-on from start to finish. Over the "park that big mack truck" line of the song, a clip from the movie "Cars" plays. And, for "extra large and extra hard" Pinocchio's growing nose hilariously fits the part.

And, of course, Ariel from "The Little Mermaid" biting her lip to Stallion's verse is ... a whole new world frankly.

The mashup was directed by Melissa Scultz and edited by Jonathan Schultz. Posted to YouTube on Saturday, the video has more than 300,000 views.

Think Cardi and Meg would approve?!?

Timberwolves Star Malik Beasley Arrested for Pot Possession, Stolen Gun Allegedly Pointed Weapon at Car


12:48 PM PT -- Plymouth Public Safety Department tells TMZ ... Beasley approached a vehicle that had stopped in front of his house Saturday and allegedly pointed a gun at them while telling them to scram. The alleged victims claim as they were driving away, Beasley continued to point the weapon at them.


Officers arrived and set up a perimeter around the property, stopping a car that had attempted to leave Beasley's pad. Eventually, they say they obtained a warrant to search Beasley's property and claim to have found narcotics and several guns inside, one which was allegedly stolen.


Plymouth Police took him into custody and booked him for possession of narcotics and stolen property.


12:19 PM PT -- Hennepin County Sheriff tells TMZ ... Beasley has been released from custody on a pending criminal complaint.

Minnesota Timberwolves guard Malik Beasley is in jail Sunday after being arrested for possession of a controlled substance and concealing stolen property.

Police showed up at Beasley's Plymouth home Saturday and took him into custody. We're told he's being held without bail and is waiting to go before a judge, which could take 24 hours.

The team issued a statement Sunday AM, saying, "We are aware of the situation involving Malik Beasley and are in the process of gathering information at this time."

The Timberwolves are holding a 3-week, voluntary camp in Minneapolis.

It's unclear what property was allegedly stolen, but one of the charges was reportedly marijuana possession ... this according to The Athletic. Seriously, how can that still be a thing in 2020?

Originally Published -- 9:55 AM PT

Portland Protest Uber Delivery Man Knocked Off Bike ... Hogtied By Cops


An Uber delivery man was riding his bike in Portland Saturday night when he was swarmed by cops and taken to the ground.

The man was riding along and passed a patrol van when 2 cops got off the vehicle and took him down with considerable force.

The guy pleaded with cops -- he was a delivery guy just passing through -- but his words fell on deaf ears. The cops pinned the guy on the ground and tied his hands behind his back.

A woman nearby implored the cops ... the guy was not an agitator.

It's unclear if the guy was arrested.

Portland has been gripped by protest since May, after the killing of George Floyd.

Epic Marriage Proposal Fail It's the Kiss of Depth!!!

This is the greatest marriage proposal fail ever ... when a bride gets so excited she hits the gas of her powerboat ... sending her would-be groom flying in the air.

Check out the aspiring groom walking on the back of a boat ... lasering in on the unsuspecting bride-to-be who is on another boat ... separated only by a foot or so.

He pulls out a ring and she's super shocked, exclaiming, "Oh my God!!!"

Now the buzzkill. He leans in for a kiss and she accidentally hits the gas pedal.  Her legs kick up in the air, hitting him as he falls off the boat in hilarious fashion.

We're guessing since she was obliging with the kiss, she said yes.

Hey ... way more memorable this way.

Coronavirus Vaccine Could Result in 500,000 Shark Deaths

A possible COVID-19 vaccine relies on shark livers, and conservationists are warning it could decimate the shark population.

A British pharmaceutical company called GlaxoSmithKline currently manufactures a flu vaccine, which includes shark squalene, which is a natural oil produced in the liver. It's known to create a strong response from the recipient's immune system.

The company plans to produce A BILLION DOSES of a coronavirus vaccine, which would include shark squalene.

An environmental group called Shark Allies, claims a quarter-of-a-million sharks would have to be killed to produce the necessary amount of squalene for one dose per person. If 2 doses are required -- which may well be the case -- we're talking half a million sharks that would be killed.

Stefanie Brendl, who runs Shark Allies, says, "Harvesting something from a wild animal is never going to be sustainable, especially if it's a top predator that doesn't reproduce in huge numbers."

Squalene is a coveted ingredient in cosmetics and machine oil. Estimates are that 3 million sharks are killed every year for squalene. BTW ... Orca whales prey on shark livers and can almost surgically remove them. Some shark livers weigh as much as 180 lbs.