Minnesota Vikings Honor George Floyd ... Moment of Silence Before Kickoff

George Floyd was top of mind for the Minnesota Vikings ahead of their first game in a pandemic-riddled season -- and they paid tribute to him with his family in attendance.

FOX 9's Dawn Mitchell tweeted a video from high up in the stands of a mostly empty U.S. Bank Stadium -- which showed, before kickoff, all of the Vikings players standing shoulder-to-shoulder at the goal line as the announcer made some comments about Floyd's story.

George's family members were captured on the Jumbotron, standing together, as everyone looked on. The big screen also displayed snapshots of some of the many memorials/murals that have popped up around town in the wake of his death.

The Vikings' remembrance was one of the more stand-out ones across the leagues as games ramped up -- other teams had more scattered approaches to addressing social justice.

The Browns' Myles Garrett took a knee, all Patriots players stood together, Colts head coach Frank Reich knelt himself, and the Dolphins remained in the tunnel during the National Anthem. There's more games to come, but so far ... not everyone's on the same page.

Of course, any and all of these reactions are better than what some fans did during Thursday night's premiere match between the Chiefs and Texans ... fans booed when the players locked arms in unity.

Ah yes ... football is back.

Sen. Chuck Schumer Tries Stand-Up Alongside Seinfeld Actually Tells Great Joke!!!

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Senator Chuck Schumer just tried his hand at stand-up alongside one of the comedy greats, Jerry Seinfeld, and we gotta say ... he ain't half bad!!!

Chuck was in NYC Sunday at the famous Gotham Comedy Club, where he and Jerry were pitching a new bill the Senator from New York wants to get introduced in Congress ... which will help fund comedy clubs and live venues throughout the city to keep them afloat.

While they were talking shop, Schumer eventually waded into the humor side of things and told a verrry long joke ... which came to him courtesy of his retired parents, who took a college humor course and told it to him.

We'll let Chuck do the talking here, but short story long ... it's about a lady who comes before a judge for being a kleptomaniac -- and who gets no love from her hubby in the end.

You gotta watch for yourself, 'cause it's actually pretty hilarious ... and Sen. Schumer has great timing and delivery. It's funny too, Jerry turned to the folks in the room who might not have gotten it at first to explain the punchline. The whole thing's a riot.

In self-deprecating fashion, Chuck joked he was probably at the first level of comedy that Jerry outlined in his own remarks -- but frankly, he's selling himself short. Dude's funny.

You're at least at level 2, SCS ... maybe this could be your second act!

L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. 2 Deputies Ambushed, Shot Protesters Yell, 'We Hope They Die'

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1:47 PM PT -- L.A. County is now offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspect who shot two of the Sheriff's Department's deputies.


10:53 AM PT -- The L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. claims protesters tried bum-rushing the hospital where two of their deputies are in critical condition, blocked some of the emergency entrances and exits ... and allegedly began chanting, "We hope they die."


LASD writes, "To the protesters blocking the entrance & exit of the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM yelling "We hope they die" referring to 2 LA Sheriff's ambushed today in #Compton: DO NOT BLOCK EMERGENCY ENTRIES & EXITS TO THE HOSPITAL. People's lives are at stake when ambulances can't get through."


Video that purportedly shows this going down circulated online Saturday night, and it depicts what appears to be a group of demonstrators confronting cops that are standing guard ... and making derogatory comments.


6:36 AM PT -- President Trump has responded, "If they die, fast trial death penalty for the killer." Joe Biden called the shooting "cold-blooded" and "unconscionable," adding the shooter "must be brought to justice."

Two L.A. County Sheriff's deputies were shot Saturday night and are now fighting for their lives.

The deputies -- a man and a woman -- were sitting in their patrol car Saturday in Compton when a man walked up to the car with a gun and fired inside, striking both. The man quickly fled from the scene.

The Sheriff's Dept., says both deputies were shot multiple times and they are both undergoing surgery. Their condition is critical.

The suspect was not caught. The LASD tweeted the video of the incident after holding a press conference last night.

The 2 critically injured deputies had only been on the force for 14 months.

Originally published -- 5:57 AM PT

Caught on Video GA Cop Who Beat Black Passenger ... Fired, Excessive Force


1:09 PM PT -- 9/13 -- Lyft says the altercation caught on camera didn't happen on their watch.


The rideshare company tweeted an update, saying ... "We’ve been made aware of a disturbing incident in Georgia. While we confirmed this did not happen during a Lyft ride, we unequivocally stand against racism and unnecessary use of force. We are in contact w/ @Georgia_NAACP."


Unclear why this was thought to have happened in a Lyft to begin with, but clearly ... the company's saying it wasn't. In any case, the use of force speaks for itself.


10:25 AM PT -- 9/13 -- The Clayton County Sheriff's Office just announced that the deputy who was seen on camera pounding on the Black Lyft passenger has been terminated, effective immediately.


They say, "the Deputy who repeatedly struck Roderick Walker is being terminated from the Clayton County Sheriff’s Office by order of Sheriff Victor Hill for excessive use of force."


A WSB-TV reporter also posted a photo of Walker's injuries from what appears to be from inside of a jail, where he's behind plexiglass in a jail uniform ... with a swollen eye.

A black man pleaded for his life Friday as cops put a knee to his neck, punched him in the face, and the circumstances preceding the altercation are shocking.

The man, his cousin and a third person were passengers in a Lyft that was pulled over in Clayton County, Georgia ... they say it was pulled over because a tail light was out. They say Sheriff's deputies asked for his license but he didn't have one.  That's when they say a deputy asked to see the passengers' licenses. They asked the officers why they had to show ID since they had done nothing wrong.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

There was clearly a confrontation, because the video starts with the man on the ground with 2 deputies on top of him. At one point, you see a deputy punch the man repeatedly in the face, drawing blood.

You hear a woman -- apparently the man's cousin -- screaming at the cops to stop punching, and the deputy responds, "He's biting my hand."

As the deputy continues to press the man's head on the pavement he screams, "I'm gonna die!" and "I can't breathe." The young child watches as the man on the ground appears to have been rendered unconscious.

We do not know if the man was injured. It appears he was arrested.

The Clayton County Sheriff's Office tells TMZ, "After being made aware of a video posted on social media involving a Deputy using physical force on a man, Sheriff Victor Hill ordered his entire Internal Affairs Unit to come in and begin an investigation that has been on going since 8pm. The Sheriff has ordered that the Deputy involved be placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation."

Originally Published -- 9/12 7:49 AM PT

North Dakota City Councilwoman I'm Gay and You're a Bigot!!!

City of Minot

A city councilwoman in Minot, North Dakota got into it with a resident during a council meeting Friday -- a resident who was clearly upset the City would dare raise an LGBTQ+ flag -- and she shut him down by telling him and the rest of the City ... she's gay and she's proud of it.

Councilwoman Carrie Evans clearly had it with the man who has issues with gays, saying, “So, Mr. Walker, if you’re not aware, and I think a lot of people in this room are not aware, and have come here just because this is a gay issue, I am proudly the first openly elected lesbian in North Dakota. So that is why I am not paying any heed to your crap!”

She went on ... “I am a person. I get to see myself represented on that flagpole just as much as the people who got the Juneteenth flag last month, as much as the POW/MIA will get later this month.”

And that wasn't the end ... “Every single person is entitled to see themselves represented. We are not some group of people who live in San Francisco or Seattle. We are HERE. We are your elected officials. We are your brothers. we are your sisters, and don’t tell me you’re not hatred or anger. That’s all I feel. I’ve had to listen to it for days now, as has the mayor and many of my colleagues. It is unacceptable!”

And then she ended with this ... "I’m sorry that it doesn’t make you feel comfortable, but we’re here, we’re queer, and we’re not going away!”

His response ... "Thank you for exposing yourself ..."  Well, that says it all, right?

Michael Bloomberg Donates $100 Mil to Defeat Trump in Florida

Joe Biden just got a massive infusion of money that will be pouring into what could be the make-or-break state ... thanks to the deep pockets of Michael Bloomberg.

The former NYC Mayor and current billionaire announced Sunday he's committing $100 million to defeat Donald Trump in Florida.

It's incredibly significant because according to some polls the race in Florida is tightening.  Biden is ahead in most polls, but generally within the margin of error. Bloomberg wants to target Latino voters ... Biden has support among Latinos, but relative to other Democrats his support is somewhat soft.

Bloomberg's not keeping his strategy under wraps. His people said in announcing the donation, "Mike's substantial investment in Florida will allow Democrats and the Biden campaign to invest heavily in other key states like Pennsylvania ... And, this will force Republicans and the Trump campaign to shift even more of their limited resources to Florida."

True to form, Trump responded on Twitter with name-calling, saying, "I thought Mini Mike was through with Democrat politics after spending almost 2 Billion Dollars, and then giving the worst and most inept Debate Performance in the history of Presidential Politics. Pocahontas ended his political career on first question, OVER! Save NYC instead."

Floridians can cast vote-by-mail ballots later this month.

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Hidden within this stretched out snap is an actor that has worked on a number of different projects over the course of his career!

This talented star has had major roles in television shows such as 'That '70s Show' and 'NCIS'. He has also voiced several animated characters such as Manny on 'Handy Manny', and most recently he voiced Gaxton in Disney and Pixar's 'Onward'.

Take a good look around this photo, then use the clues above before putting your celeb skills to the test ... See if you have what it takes to figure out which celeb is hiding in this warped photo!

BLM Protesters Shut Down GW Bridge ... 'No Justice, No Peace'

Black Lives Matter protesters were out in force Saturday night, stopping traffic for a time on the George Washington Bridge in NYC in a loud, tense but mostly peaceful protest.

The crowd chanted "No justice, no peace" as protesters put cones on the bridge to prevent traffic from crossing. The bridge was blocked for only 40 minutes, but the point was certainly driven home.

There were some tense moments between police and protesters, but for the most part, it didn't get out of hand. There were a few shoving matches between protesters and police. At one point you see a cop push a protester who falls on the pavement.

The protest then moved to the 34th Precinct where the group continued to demonstrate, chanting, "F*** the police."

The NYPD says 6 people were taken into custody.

Kylie Jenner Designer Feels Like He Won Lottery After She Wore His Clothing

Kylie Jenner's probably a muse for a lot of people, but one creative artist is especially feeling her influence as he watches his sales skyrocket ... all because she wore a hoodie.

Here's what went down -- the cosmetics mogul wore a hoodie made by Muse Clothing in a recent YouTube video to promote her new Summer Sailor Collection.

Muse is a streetwear brand created by Antony Muse, who tells TMZ the hoodie Kylie wore in the vid was one-of-a-kind ... and he has no idea how she got it.

Antony says he's never spoken to Kylie or her team or sent her any of his work, so he was stunned when he found out she wore his clothing ... stunned and elated.

He tells us Kylie randomly wearing his hoodie is "similar to what I think would happen if I won the lottery," adding it seems surreal.

Beyond the excitement ... a major boost to his bottom line. Antony says his DMs immediately began blowing up over the hoodie, so he's re-releasing it.

And, get this -- he says in the first 24 hours after Kylie posted the video, his brand's sales have surpassed any day since the company launched in 2017. Sales increased by 10 fold over a typical day.

Antony's singing Kylie's praises, saying ... "Although it may seem like a small thing for her to just put on a hoodie, her post could be the difference between a smaller artist like myself having to go back to waiting tables and being able to continue to grow and live off of my art."

Now that's some serious influencing.

BLM Protest at NBA Bubble Over Salaythis Melvin Shooting

The NBA bubble was the scene of a Black Lives Matter protest Saturday, as protesters were trying to get the attention of athletes who have led the charge in recent months for social justice.

Protesters gathered around the Walt Disney World campus, close to the public entrance. The demonstrators wanted LeBron James, Russell Westbrook and other NBA stars to see them as they held signs and shouted messages with the help of megaphones.

Many of the protesters focused on the fatal shooting of Salaythis Melvin, a 22-year-old Black man who was shot in the back at a mall in Orange County, Florida ... just 15 miles from the Bubble.

For a time protesters blocked a bus carrying NBA staff and media, but the bus eventually entered the facility.

Coronavirus Aggressive Swan Schools Woman on Wearing Masks!!!


This is a swan after Dr. Fauci's heart ... a bird that clearly understands how to curb the spread of COVID -- or it was just a one-in-a-million crazy goof that landed with a message.

Check this out ... a woman is at some sort of animal park in France -- she has a mask around her neck but not covering her face -- and she approaches a swan.

All's well until the swan snaps at her face. Now get this ... the bird doesn't break the skin -- rather, it latches onto the mask, pulls it back and it snaps right onto her face. It became the perfect covering!!!

The woman falls backward ... probably at once feeling lucky she didn't get bit and super impressed by the bawdy bird.

The video has swept across France ... This clip is captioned, “You’ve been told: wear your mask!”

France needs help. It registered nearly 10,000 new COVID cases in the last day -- the largest number since the start of the pandemic.

'Saturday Night Live' Election Season Return Takes Shape ... But Big Changes Ahead

"Saturday Night Live" will soon be back for season 46 -- just in time for the craziest election season ever -- but things will be different.

Multiple production sources tell TMZ ... the "live from New York" aspect of the show will be true for the first time since March 7, but don't expect a live audience. We're told that's not going to happen, at least not for a while.

Next, our sources say 'SNL' is scouting big spaces around NYC, along with warehouses in Brooklyn and Jersey, to shoot some of the pre-taped sketches. We're told they're looking for a place that allows for proper social distancing and safety for the cast and crew that Studio 8H at Rockefeller Center can't quite provide.

Finally, our sources say Zoom may still have to be utilized for celebrity guests ... much like it was in the 3 spring shows with stars like Tom Hanks and Brad Pitt.

The iconic sketch comedy show revealed its highly anticipated return October 3. We're told a small production crew will be at 30 Rock next week to prepare.

It's unclear how the cast will manage rehearsing at the studio -- or who the cast will include for that matter -- but it should be fun to find out.

We reached out to an 'SNL' spokesperson ... no word back.

Sen. Marco Rubio I Won't Boycott NFL Over Anthem Demonstrations ... It's Their Right


Sen. Marco Rubio will NOT follow in the footsteps of Donald Trump's son and boycott the NFL over anthem demonstrations ... telling TMZ Sports players have every right to protest.

"Look, I think players are Americans," Rubio said. "They have free speech rights to say whatever they want."

The Dallas Cowboys -- who have famously NEVER had a player kneel for the anthem -- now have players considering taking a knee for the pregame song during their season-opener on Sunday ... and that really angered Eric Trump this week.

In a tweet, Eric wrote, "football is officially dead" now that America's Team might be participating in the protests.

But, when we got Rubio at Reagan Airport in D.C. this week ... he told us the demonstrations -- which included the Houston Texans not even showing up for the anthem on Thursday -- won't impact his viewing experiences.

"They're Americans," Rubio said of NFL players. "People have a right to express their views whether you agree with them halfway, all the way or none of the way."

"It's the left, frankly, who has been trying to silence people whose views they don't agree with and I hope the right doesn't fall into that."

As for Rubio's Dolphins ... Marco ain't so sure yet how Year 2 is going to go under Brian Flores -- but he sure seemed excited as hell to find out!!

Rapper Lil Mosey Not Sweating Gun Case ... Surfing in Malibu!!!

Alex Hoffman/malibusurfcoach.com

Rapper Lil Mosey has learned his lesson ... at least when it comes to surfing.

The "Pull Up" rapper doesn't seem to have a single ounce of worry as he took surfing lessons while in the middle of a very serious gun case. Surfing instructor Alex Hoffman tells TMZ ... the rapper and some friends took lessons in Malibu earlier this week.

We're told his lesson lasted nearly 2 hours ... first a tutorial on the sand where Alex taught him how to position himself on the board, paddle and then pop up on his feet. Armed with the basics, he hit the waves -- and even though he ate it, we're told Mosey did pretty well during the training sesh.

This, of course, is one helluva juxtaposition considering he's in the middle of a serious gun case. TMZ broke the story ... the 18-year-old was busted in Burbank last month after cops found 3 loaded 9mm semi-automatic pistols in the Escalade he was riding in with 3 other people.

They were all booked for felony concealed weapons, and Mosey's due back in court later this month. Until then ... catch him shredding.

'Love Island' Lauren Coogan I Met My Man At The Airport ... Right After Leaving Villa!!!


Lauren Coogan didn't find a man to take home during her short stay at the 'Love Island' villa ... instead, she found her hunk at the airport the day she left the show!!!

We got Lauren at LAX and she was far from alone after leaving 'Love Island' ... she had a handsome man by her side, and their love story is pretty amazing.

Lauren tells us she met her match at the airport while catching her flight outta Vegas, mere hours after leaving the reality dating competition show. Talk about a connecting flight!

On 'Love Island,' Lauren came in saying most men are enamored by her or afraid when they first meet her ... but her mystery man, Garrett Morosky, tells us how he made his airport pickup.

Turns out, women with baggage can be a good thing. Take notes, guys, Garrett's got game!!!

Lauren's not ready to put the "love" label on this relationship yet ... but the two are already having tons of fun traveling and showing each other off on their social media pages. Seems like the perfect Instagram couple.

Bottom line ... ya never know when or where you're gonna find someone.

CoD Champs Crimsix & Shotzzy Let Your Kids Play Video Games ... It Made Us Super-Rich!!


Call of Duty champs Crimsix and Shotzzy just won $1.5 MILLION playing video games ... and the CoD superstars have a message for parents of future esports players who want their kids to get a "real job."

28-year-old Ian Porter aka Crimsix and 19-year-old Anthony Cuevas-Castro aka Shotzzy are part of the Dallas Empire -- owned by Envy Gaming with investors like Post Malone -- who just took out the Atlanta FaZe in the 2020 CoD League championship.

Crim -- widely regarded as the greatest Call of Duty player of all-time -- says his mom and dad did NOT want him to become a professional gamer at first.

"[My parents] were super strict, super against it," Crim says.

"My parents made me have like a 3.8 GPA. I'm in AP classes. I did summer school so I could actually get off high school earlier, and play earlier."

Porter says he attended college and was on the Dean's List before dropping out of school, and telling his mom and dad ... "I'm gonna make more money than you guys this year!"

BTW, he's been out-earning them since.

Shotzzy says his mom was a little different ... she gave him time to pursue his dream, but told him he'd have to go to school and get a 9-to-5 if he wasn't successful with gaming.

"If your kid has a dream to become a video game player, let 'em be. Try to be not as strict and give it a couple of years and if nothing happens, then you can start being strict on 'em I guess," Shotzzy says.

"She gave me a couple of years and now I'm here."

"Here" is super-rich ... in addition to the $1.5 milli, the guys are paid a salary and have lucrative sponsorship deals.

Crim and Shotzzy also have huge fan bases ... and are regularly watched by millions of people.

So, mom ... less homework and more PS4????