Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Swirled inside this celebrity scramble is an American actor who recently made his Broadway debut, and even though he currently lives in New York City he's known for his big Hollywood stardom.

A true professional in the television industry, this father of two has played hundreds of roles throughout his career but playing a surgeon, and friend of the OG 'McSteamy,' is probably his most notable role to date.

Need one more clue on who this rippled celeb is? Just ask his good pal Shonda Rhimes.

Grab your scalpel and your suction tube ... and cut your way into this scrambled star!

Flavor Flav I'm Stepping Up and Paying Child Support ... But Still Owes Tens of Thousands

Flavor Flav is making monthly child support payments for his 3-year-old son, but he's still got a pretty big balance owed to his baby mama.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Flav found out in 2019, shortly after little Jordan was born, that he was the dad, with the help of a DNA test.

Fast forward to 2021 ... Flav and the baby's mother, Kate Gammell -- his former manager -- were hashing out a child support agreement and agreed he would pay $3,000 a month going forward. No problem here .... Flav's been making the monthly payments.

Thing is ... by the time he started paying, Jordan was already 2 years old, and Kate had incurred various expenses, including medical, that she wanted Flav to pay. As part of the child support agreement, Flav said he would pay the baby's expenses for the first 2 years, totaling $78,704.

He was supposed to make his first payment of the $78k last month, but according to Kate's family, the deadline came and went and she didn't get the loot.

Flav tells TMZ ... he fully intends to pay the $78k, and is working with an accountant to straighten out his finances. Flav makes it clear ... he's making the $3,000 monthly child support payments. He's also paying down her $100,000 in attorney's fees -- he's paid $40k already.

FF adds ... he's doing his very best to provide for and be there for the son he loves.

We're told Flav has been with the boy at least 6 times and plans to continue to have a relationship with Jordan.

Skyar Astin Good Genes or Good Docs?!

Skylar Astin's looks over the years are positively "Pitch Perfect!"

Here's the 19-year-old version of the American actor and singer rocking some tight curls at a "Totally Tisch" star-studded gala in New York City back in 2007 (left) -- just five years before his big break in the film "Pitch Perfect."

And, 15 years later, the now 34-year-old "So Help Me Todd" actor is still treble-making his way through NYC and recently posed for a photo with a more blown out 'do at the premiere of "Spring Awakening: Those You've Known" (right).

Skylar is still scoring a 10.0 in the looks department.

The question is ...

Skylar Astin ...

Brazil BASE Jumping Guy Parachute Lands on Roof ... Then Down to the Beach!!!

D.B. Cooper is alive and well, it seems -- or at least his Brazilian counterpart is ... because this is the type of stuff you'd see in the craziest of action movies, only it's real!!!

Check out this insane footage that's making the rounds online right now -- it shows a man parachuting down onto the top of a tall, beachside building with an open roof layout ... and sorta crash-landing right on top of it without much apparent injury.

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The caption of the video says he landed on the wrong roof, but if we're being real ... there's no other roof around that we can see. So he definitely chose that spot on purpose.

In any case, the dude is recording the whole daredevil moment from a mounted camera of some sort -- one that's hovering above him, it seems -- and eventually ... he's confronted by what look to be security guards who try escorting him away for a chat.

Instead of going along, though ... he says screw it, and jumps from the roof with an already-open parachute all the way down to the beach level, which is waaaay down there. Before long, he makes the leap of faith ... and wouldn't you know it, the stunt actually works!!!

Somehow, he lands safely on the sand and is on to his next adventure before the security knows what hit 'em. Literally something out of a Batman or James Bond movie ... wild!

Amber Heard's Attorney Elaine Bredehoft Gets Sympathy ... Tough Case, Alleged Tumult

Amber Heard might not be getting much of a shoulder to cry on from the public amid her trial with Johnny Depp -- but her legal team certainly is ... specifically, Elaine Bredehoft.

It's been a strained week for Team Heard ... at least that seems to be the general consensus online, with many noticing what appears to be obvious -- namely, that Ms. Bredehoft had a tough go during redirect after Camille Vasquez's laser-focused cross-examination of AH.

i'm trying, amber ...

If you watched that on Tuesday (Amber's last day on the stand), you certainly saw the frustration as Vasquez constantly objected to questions Bredehoft asked ... and the judge sustaining a fair amount of them, almost to the point EB could barely get a word out.

In fact, Bredehoft seemed to acknowledge the difficulty in the moment ... apparently looking up into her thoughts/figuring out a way to ask something without objection. She literally said, "I'm trying, I'm trying" ... and in the end, didn't have too successful of a redirect.

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After Bredehoft wrapped redirect, Amber left the courtroom in a hurry ... this after the judge told her she could step down and rejoin her attorneys. Frankly, Amber seemed pissed.

There've also been rumors -- unconfirmed ones, mind you -- that AH and her team have gotten into squabbles and shouting matches in court when the camera wasn't rolling. No way of telling if that's true, but it would seem to lend to most people's belief that AH and co. are getting out lawyered throughout this trial ... and that it may be taking hold internally.

That leads us to the sympathy Elaine seems to have garnered by some ... folks on TikTok and elsewhere say she and the other Heard attorneys look down and out a lot of the times -- and a handful of apparent Depp supporters even say they feel for EB, suggesting she's got an uphill battle as well as a not-so-easy-to-defend client -- at least that's their read.

Of course, we're certain Elaine herself would fiercely disagree with that characterization -- and, more importantly ... it's up to the jury on who's got a leg up right now and who'll win.

While a good amount of folks might think Amber's testimony was so-so in firming up her defense -- others say the witnesses her team put on thereafter were way more effective in backing up her claim that Johnny was allegedly abusive/controlling amid their relationship.

JD's ex, Ellen Barkin, testified he once threw a wine bottle toward her and was jealous. Plus, other AH witnesses testified to seeing alleged injuries and/or actual beatdowns of Amber by Johnny first-hand ... and if the jury believes he struck her on even one occasion, he loses.

In other words, it's anyone's ball game at the moment ... despite Tuesday's outcome.

John Mulaney Slammed for Having Chappelle Open ... And 'Transphobic' Jokes

John Mulaney is usually beloved by all, but right now -- he's getting slammed big time ... all because he let Dave Chappelle open for him, and the guy told "anti-trans" jokes.

Here's the deal ... John had a comedy show Friday night in Columbus, OH -- where phones were locked up in a pouch so no one could record -- and according to folks who flocked to social media afterward, DC was a surprise guest who did a set before John came out.

A lot of these people say they felt ambushed by Dave's presence, especially since he allegedly went on to tell what they characterize as transphobic/homophobic jokes.

The argument is that these paying customers came out to see JM -- not Dave -- and many of them are either part of the LGBT crowd, or consider themselves allies ... going on to say they never would've purchased tickets if they'd known Chappelle was going to show up.

Of course, this all dates back to the controversy over his Netflix special, "The Closer," which some have said is transphobic -- despite DC denying that, and the streamer sticking by him.

As for what exactly was said that's transphobic (in these users' minds) ... you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who actually detailed the crack(s), but someone finally did. The supposedly harmful joke was about the stage crasher and the gun/knife he had on him.

Dave apparently said something to the effect of ... it was a knife that identified as a gun, which some took as an allusion to gender fluidity -- and sure, that's a fair assessment.

He moved on from that -- this after getting laughs, it seems -- and then made a joke about a couple of audience members he speculated might be gay ... adding, not that there's anything wrong with that. Apparently, that's about all that was said ... but it's got people up in arms.

We'll say this ... Dave does seem to be obsessed with joking about trans topics -- he did so during his Hollywood Bowl sets a few weeks ago ... and even said something about the alleged attacker, Isaiah Lee, joking that it was a "trans man" after he was tackled.

As for John, he's said to have given Dave a hug ... but hasn't said anything about the controversy bubbling up now. He's pretty private -- don't hold your breath for a statement.

Viola Davis A Director Once Called Me 'Louise' ... His Maid's Name!!!

Viola Davis says that even at her status in Hollywood, racism persists on a regular basis for her ... especially from one man who apparently referred to her as his hired help.

The actress -- who's already won an Oscar, among other accolades -- did an interview with Variety at the Cannes Film Festival about Women in Motion ... and she expressed the notion that despite her high level in the biz, there are certain barriers she can't seem to get over.

One of those barriers is getting certain scripts to be written with dark-skinned Black women as the lead -- like a mid-aged darker Black woman in her '50s going through a sexual awakening, she explains -- while suggesting Hollywood still very much digs into stereotypes and "fits" when it comes to an actor's appearance. She's alluding to colorism here, BTW.

But, the more shocking anecdote she tells in the same breath is about a longtime director she's known and been friends with accidentally calling her "Louise" ... his maid's name.

Now, Viola did clarify that this happened relatively early in her career -- when she was about 30, she says -- but still feels those types of "microaggressions" happen all the time.

Her larger point, of course, is Black actors simply aren't given that great of material to work with movie-wise to be able to church out Oscar-worthy performances like their white counterparts ... unless they're roles that play into stereotypes and/or formulaic stories.

The other interesting thing about the "Louise" comment is that Viola actually played a maid before -- in 2011's "The Help" ... a role she was proud of at the time, but has since said she regrets doing now since it didn't really elevate the Black characters in a meaningful way.

Nancy Pelsoi Banned from Communion in S.F. ... Bishop PO'd Re: Abortion

Nancy Pelosi won't be receiving the body of Christ anytime soon -- at least not her in hometown -- as one of the holy shot-callers there says it's a no-go ... all over abortion.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone -- who's a major decision-maker for all things Roman Catholic in and around San Francisco -- threw down the hammer on the House Speaker this week ... saying she's banned from receiving Communion anywhere in town, on his orders.

His rationale ... Pelosi's continued support of abortion is a grave sin under Catholic law, and because she continues to double down and get more "extreme" in her stance, Cordileone says he has no choice but to nix her from the sacred sacrament -- which is a big deal.

For those who practice, receiving Communion is a highlight of going to church ... as it represents Jesus' actual body, and eating it translates to one becoming one with JC.

Cordileone goes in hard against her, writing ... "I have determined that the point has come in which I must make a public declaration that she is not to be admitted to Holy Communion unless and until she publicly repudiate her support for abortion "rights" and confess and receive absolution for her cooperation in this evil in the sacrament of Penance."

He adds, "I have accordingly sent her a Notification to this effect, which I have now made public." Unless Catholic priests go rogue, they have to uphold his rule -- the Catholic church adheres to the hierarchy quite strictly, and hardly anyone gets out of line with this stuff.

Pelosi's a relatively avid churchgoer and publicly proud of her Catholic faith. By the same token, she's one of the most outspoken lawmakers on the prospect of repealing Roe v Wade. She's even pretty tight with the Pope ... but not even he can bail her out of this, it seems.

Kourtney, Travis, Kim and Fam Takin' Over Portofino Ahead of Wedding!!!

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are living it up in Portofino, Italy, ahead of their ceremonial wedding, aka wedding ceremony #3!

The already-married couple couldn't keep their hands off each other -- or their tongues -- as they strolled the streets of the scenic city.

Kourt and Trav took her son Reign for a stroll Saturday morning, ahead of the nuptials which appear to be going down this weekend at an amazing castle ... probably Saturday night.

Kim Kardashian showed up legally blonde and her daughter North was right there, along for the ride.

Lest we forget Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian ... Kylie is on mommy duty as she holds on tight to daughter Stormi as they jump on a boat with the rest of the fam.

They're yachting it over there -- on a $60M boat -- as Kendall and most of the brood celebrate onboard.

As we reported, Scott Disick was not invited to the ceremony and so far we haven't seen any sign of Rob.

Wedding #3 won't sufficiently do it. We're told there'll be another shindig -- a BIG one -- once they all return to the States. It'll be for friends and fam. The question -- will Scott be invited and if so will he show?

It's interesting ... Kourtney and Travis are settling into Travis's home rather than buying a new one.  There is, however, a Kourtney connection to Travis's house. She was super involved in decorating it. The 2 were friends long before they hooked up, and Kourtney was more than willing back then to lend a helping hand, and the results are pretty spectacular.

'Jersey Shore' Cast Pisses Off MTV 'Ungrateful' Bashing of '2.0'

The cast of "Jersey Shore" has done a lot for MTV -- but now, they've pissed the network off ... with a statement denouncing a new, younger version of the popular reality show.

If you didn't know, MTV announced earlier this week it would be adding a revamped version of the classic, with an all-new cast, to the network's upcoming programming -- a cast in the age range of the OG "Jersey Shore" stars when they started out way back in the day.

Clearly, that didn't sit well with The Situation, Snooki, JWoww, DJ Pauly D, Vinny, Deena or Angelina ... who all posted the same statement slamming the new show, saying, "... we are not in support of a version that will exploit our original show, our hard work and authenticity to gain viewers."

We've spoken to high-level sources at MTV who say show and network honchos were not only blindsided ... they're PISSED, calling the cast "ungrateful" and saying, "It's disgusting they'd take a swipe at the network."

Not only that ... they say the cast's claim MTV was struggling before airing "JS" just isn't true, and was an uncalled-for low blow.

We should mention ... the OG cast isn't going anywhere, at least not yet, and their "Jersey Shore Family Vacation" still has a home on the network.

Can't say the cast never had a shortage of drama ... and here's more proof.

Depp vs. Heard Johnny Gets Support from Domestic Abuse Org

Johnny Depp is getting support from what some might think is an unlikely group, but maybe not -- an org protecting abused women and children.

The group, Mission NGO, is Italian-based, and fronted by former Miss Italy Valeria Altobelli. She expressed "compassion" for Johnny in the wake of his trial with ex-wife Amber Heard.

Altobelli said, "In deep respect of the victims of domestic abuses that we have to affirm for intellectual honesty are, generally, WOMEN, we feel to express, as women, as mothers, as free thinkers, our compassion for Johnny Depp in this bad page of his personal history."

NGO is not alone ... public sentiment seems to be clearly on Johnny's side, which by clearly means lots of people -- maybe most -- don't believe Amber's claims of abuse at the hands of Johnny.

As we reported, the only uncontested incident of abuse was at the hands of Amber -- she admitted it on an audiotape that the jury heard.

Testimony is expected to wrap next week, and it's likely the jury will start deliberating right after Memorial Day.

Bill Maher Gender Reassignment with Kids Has Gone Too Far

Bill Maher ventures into dicey areas all the time, and he did not disappoint Friday night when he argued ... gender reassignment with kids has gone too far.

The "Real Time" host began his weekly editorial with some interesting stats ... before 1946, only .08% of the population identified as LGBTQ. That number shot up to 2.6% among Baby Boomers. It shot up again to 4.2% with Gen X, 10.5% among Millennials and 20.8% with Gen Z.

Maher says much of the rise in percentages is a good thing ... that people feel comfortable enough to say who they are to a pollster, but his take is that some of the rise is attributed to trendiness ... i.e., it's now trendy to be LGBTQ.

Bill's argument is laced with humor, but at its core, he's saying especially when it comes to kids, their feelings are not always innate ... he says they often react to trends, to friends, to social media and parents should not reflexively take their children down a path of gender reassignment until the child's self-identity is certain. He zeroes in on hormone blockers on young kids, the consequences of which he thinks have been glossed over.

It's an interesting, controversial argument he makes. Take a listen and judge for yourself.

Tristan Thompson Stylin' With True!!! As Khloe Parties in Italy

Khloe Kardashian is far far away from home, celebrating her sister Kourtney's wedding, so while she's gone Tristan Thompson is performing daddy duty, and it's pretty cute.

Tristan posed pics of 4-year-old True ... with the caption, "Twinz❤️❤️."


That was followed up by some serious haircare, with True becoming a mini-stylist ... applying hair gel on Tristan's dome. True is a pro, telling her dad, "I have to wash this" as she carefully styles pops. Tristan's review -- "Stylin' by True."

Tristan and Khloe are not together, but it seems they've figured out a way to make co-parenting work ... something we've seen isn't always easy, even in her own family.

As for Khloe ... she doesn't seem to have much child anxiety ... she's clearly having a blast in Portofino, celebrating her sister's wedding ... wedding #3!

The couple is set to marry at Castello Brown, a 16th-century castle in the seaside town of Portofino.

'Naked and Afraid XL' Contestant Poops Out Tomato Seeds For Garden ... Plants Are Growing!!!


"Naked and Afraid XL" contestant Dan Link is getting creative in growing his own food in the Amazon ... using undigested tomato seeds from his poop to grow plants, and it's working!

Dan, a survivalist who's appeared in two previous seasons of "Naked and Afraid," planned out his poop seed garden way in advance ... eating a bunch of tomatoes before getting shipped off to a rainforest in Peru to film the new season.

The move is paying off ... Dan took a dump in the woods and mixed in some dirt, then added water ... and now there are plants sprouting from the ground.

Dan's garden is growing so well, he's been moving the seeds around ... and now there are three garden terraces, which are growing like crazy.

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The unique tomato garden is featured in Sunday's episode of "Naked and Afraid XL" airing at 8 PM ET on Discovery.

Dan is among the contestants trying to hold out for 60 days in the rainforest ... and based on the video, he seems stoked to eat his poop seed tomatoes once they're ripe.

Bon Appetit???

Ric Flair I Was Medically Cleared By Doctors ... Ahead Of Final Match


73-year-old Ric Flair is returning to the ring as a wrestler for the last time -- just years after cheating death following a medical emergency in 2019 -- something Nature Boy tells us wouldn't be happening if he wasn't cleared by his doctor.

"I don't have any aches or pains. I know I've had the health issues, but I asked 40 different doctors, and I decided I'm only gonna listen to one. Not necessarily the one that was gonna give me the right answer, but that I felt the most comfortable with," Naitch told Babcock and Mojo on the "TMZ Sports" TV show (weekdays on FS1).

Ric says the physician gave him a clean bill of health, paving the way for him to return to the ring on July 31 in Nashville, TN ... under Jim Crockett Promotions.

Naitch and his team are still looking for an opponent ... something they expect to be squared away over the next few days.

Question is, why is the 16x world champ -- an immortal figure in the sport -- wrestling again?

Ric tells us he just wasn't happy with his last few performances ... and knows he can be better.

"I couldn't stand the last couple of matches I had. Couldn't stand the last year I had," Flair, who last wrestled against Sting in 2011, told us.

Instagram / @ricflairnatureboy

Flair says he's been training with Rob MacIntyre from John Cena's gym (as well as with Jay Lethal) ... and the fitness guru has been pushing him hard.

"I needed someone to motivate me. And, what motivates me is doing something I like to do, and that's wrestle."

Nature Boy admits he'll never be the exact guy he was in his 30s, 40s, and 50s, but he'll be pretty damn close.

"I'll never run at 100% again. But, I'll be running at 80, 85%."

And, let's face it ... just wrestling into your 70s is pretty damn impressive. Factor in decades of wrecking your body in the ring, a plane crash in 1975, and a near-death medical emergency in 2019, and it's nothing short of incredible that Naitch is about to kick ass in the ring.



We also talked to Ric and Wendy Barlow about her humanitarian trip to Ukraine.

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Wendy spent time helping many people in need in the war-torn nation.

Summer-Ready Abs Guess Who?!

We are ripping into Summer 2022 and stars have been bulking up in all the best ways prepping for swimsuit season!

In the age of social media, it's basically man-datory to post some sort of bod' shot, and these shredded celebs have not failed to give Instagram a look at what's under the hood! The gang's all here ... Actors, influencers, tv stars and more are poppin' off with their washboard abs, so take a peek through our gallery of stars who are more than summer-ready.

Can you put your celeb knowledge on the line and guess which Hollywood hunk is in the bare-chested shot?