Ukraine Normal Citizens Are Fighting Back!!! Journo Explains from War's Frontline


Ukrainians are fighting tooth and nail against Russian forces trying to take over the country, but it isn't just the military in the bunkers ... it's normal citizens too.

Journalist Terrell Jermaine Starr broke down this breathtaking -- and sometimes heartbreaking -- aspect of the Russian invasion when he joined us Monday on "TMZ Live." He's embedded with a group of volunteers in Kyiv who've answered the call to take up arms and battle the Russian superpower.

One important factor here ... as Terrell told us, these aren't trained soldiers, they're ordinary folks -- from shoemakers to lawyers -- fighting to preserve their freedom and sovereignty with little to no military training.


Starr has one of these volunteers with him in the car -- a guy named Andriy Koronenko -- who says the end game is fending off Russia and getting its soldiers the hell out of their borders ... but it's a daunting task for volunteer platoons.

Based on local reports, it would appear groups like these are actually finding success in certain confrontations. We've seen Ukrainians decimating a good amount of Russian tanks and, in some cases, wiping out entire convoys on the move.

As you know ... the government has told its citizenry to get creative on pushing back, which includes homemade Molotov cocktails they're encouraging folks to chuck at passing Russians.

Here's hoping their efforts start making some big impacts sooner than later -- and that the rest of the world can force Putin into retreat too.

Hulk Hogan Announces Divorce From 2nd Wife ... Has New Girlfriend

Hulk Hogan is no longer married ... the WWE legend just announced he has divorced his 2nd wife, Jennifer McDaniel, and already has a new GF.

"Yo Maniacs just for the record, the Facebook and Instagram posts are of me and my girlfriend Sky, I am officially divorced, sorry I thought everyone already knew, love my Maniacs4Life," the 2x WWE Hall of Famer announced on social media on Monday.

According to court records obtained by TMZ Sports, Hulk filed for divorce in October 2021. As Hulk states, the divorce was finalized in 2021.

It's surprising news, but not totally out of the blue. We've been receiving tips for weeks that Hogan and another woman were seen around Clearwater, Florida -- hanging out at bars, doing karaoke together.

Hulk and Jennifer married in 2010 ... after Hogan split from his first wife, Linda Hogan.

Linda and Hulk's relationship ended in an ugly way ... with allegations of abuse being lobbed by Linda. Hulk adamantly denied ever hurting his ex-wife.

It's unclear if Hogan and McDaniel are on good terms ... but Hulk's clearly not wasting any time moving on.

'Tinder Swindler' Simon Leviev Fake Family Files Criminal Complaint Against him ... You're Not Tied to Our Diamond Fortune!!!


12:39 PM PT -- A rep for Simon tells TMZ, "Simon believes the family is just trying to insert themselves in the narrative for publicity after the show’s success. Simon also legally changed his name in 2015 and looks forward to this getting thrown out in court."

Simon Leviev -- AKA the "Tinder Swindler" -- is now in the crosshairs of the extremely wealthy diamond-titan family that he pretended to be a part of ... they've just filed a criminal court complaint against him.

Guy Ophir -- lawyer for the true Leviev family -- says charges were filed Monday morning in Israel against Simon, telling us justice must be served for the malice brought against the Leviev name.

The legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- outline the ways in which Simon allegedly took advantage of the family, including most notably changing his name from Shimon Yehuda Hayut to Simon Leviev to give the appearance of wealth ... Simon claimed to be a part of a wealthy family, with ties to the diamond industry.

Ophir tells TMZ ... according to Israel law, only the state can file criminal charges ... but there is an exception to the rule -- in cases of "Malice Defamation" like this one.

In these cases, the person that was hurt can file a private criminal charge and ask for criminal punishment. By using the Leviev family name, Ophir claims Simon committed malice defamation and malice invasion of privacy.

He says this is the first step in an "all-out legal war" that the family's instructed him to unleash against Simon and everyone that will join venture with him -- past, present and future.

Ophir mentions, "The Leviev family intend[s] to donate the money that they will receive to all the victims of his crimes."

We have reached out to Simon's team ... so far no word back.

FIFA Bans Russia From '22 World Cup ... After Invasion Of Ukraine

The World Cup field isn't set yet, but we now know of one superpower who won't be playing in the world's biggest sporting event, 'cause FIFA has banned Russia from participating after the country invaded Ukraine, killing soldiers and innocent people alike.

FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) -- the group that oversees the World Cup -- announced a decision Monday barring the country from playing in the WC, ending Russian soccer fans' hopes of cheering on their team when the tourney kicks off in Qatar in November.

FIFA and UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) released a statement announcing the new sanctions.

"FIFA and UEFA have today decided together that all Russian teams, whether national representative teams or club teams, shall be suspended from participation in both FIFA and UEFA competitions until further notice," the statement read, in part.

The governing bodies ended with an optimistic hope for the future.

"Football is fully united here and in full solidarity with all the people affected in Ukraine. Both Presidents hope that the situation in Ukraine will improve significantly and rapidly so that football can again be a vector for unity and peace amongst people.”

32 teams ultimately qualify (31 countries plus the host nation) for the World Cup ... and Russia was not yet one of them. The Russian team was scheduled to compete in Europe in a few weeks, where they were going to vie for one of the last remaining openings.

But, due to Vladimir Putin's aggression -- ruthlessly attacking Ukraine from land, air, sea and Cyber -- FIFA stepped up and kicked them out ... for 2022, at least.

FIFA was initially criticized for failing to take a strong stance against Putin and the Russians. Over the weekend, they announced Russia could compete, but they wouldn't allow the Russian flag or anthem to be played.

It seems officials heard the anger from many soccer fans across the country ... thus the strong stance against Russia.

Better late than never.

SAG Awards Winners Show Support for Ukraine ... Condemn Russia for Aggression


The actors who took center stage at Sunday night's SAG Awards leaned in hard to voice support for Ukraine, and condemn Russia for its unbridled aggression.

"Succession" star Brian Cox, whose show won for Best TV Drama Ensemble, launched into rousing support for the Ukrainians, and noted everyone in the room had a connection, because President Zelensky was himself an actor before being elected to head the country.

Leslie Odom Jr., Fran Drescher, Michael Keaton and others also had laudatory words for the Ukrainian people and their fighting forces.

Lady Gaga voiced her support for the Ukrainian people before the show began, saying, "I am just really honored to be here. This is a beautiful night where we all get to celebrate art together and celebrate each other. There's so much going on in the world and my heart goes out to Ukraine. I think tonight we should all really sit in the gratitude of this."

Michael Douglas wore a blue-and-yellow pocket square -- the colors of the Ukrainian flag, making it clear it was not a shout-out to the Los Angeles Rams.

This is a unique moment in Hollywood ... where actors typically take stands which are embraced by half the country but not so much the other half ... this felt like the unity following 9/11, where the sentiments reflected the sentiment of, dare we say, the entire country.

All in all, a stirring night.

Ukraine Brewery From Beer to Bombs Cocktail of Choice is Now Molotov

A brewery in Ukraine is joining the fight against Russian troops ... switching out their craft beer for Molotov cocktails.

Employees at the Pravda Brewery -- located in Lviv -- chose to create the bombs after word spread Russian tanks will roll into their city near the Polish border ... home to 720,000 residents.

They began producing the cocktails for the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces -- a team made up of reservists who responded to President Volodymyr Zelensky’s call to defend the country.

“You have to wait for the cloth to be well soaked. When it is, that means the Molotov cocktail is ready,” said one smiling employee as he demonstrated the process.

Military instructors have been teaching residents to use the beers-to-bombs against the heavily armed Russian troops ... after officials in the capital of Kyiv urged locals to “neutralize the occupier” with the homemade firebombs.

“We do this because someone has to. We have the skills, we went through a street revolution in 2014,” says Brewery owner Yuriy Zastavny ... referring to Kyiv’s uprising that defeated a Kremlin-based regime.

One of Pravda’s favorite brews is called “Putin khuylo,” -- which translates to “Putin is a d*** head.”

“We had to make and use Molotov cocktails then,” he said, vowing to do “everything we can to help win this war.”

LeBron James Claps Back At Heckler Mid-Game ... 'Shut Your Ass Up!!!'

@_michaelmorales10 / Instagram

If you thought things couldn't get worse for the Los Angeles Lakers, here's proof they're still approaching rock bottom ... 'cause LeBron James is now firing back at fans for criticizing him mid-game -- appearing to tell them to "shut your ass up."

Bron and the Lakers were getting trounced by the Pelicans all Sunday night ... and Laker Nation was audibly disgusted by what they were seeing -- showering the team with boos throughout the game.

James took exception to one particular fan who apparently had some "advice" for the King ... prompting him to clap back as the game was still going on.

"Tell me one thing you know about basketball besides the ball going in," LeBron fired back at the guy ... much to the delight of the crowd nearby.

The video doesn't show how the fan reacted ... but LeBron went about the rest of his night, finishing with 32 points.

James' relationship with fans has been rocky recently -- remember, he had 2 Pacers fans escorted out for heckling him earlier this season.

But, LeBron wasn't the only Laker to respond to the fans trash-talking him on Sunday -- another fan captured a video of forward Trevor Ariza calling someone in the crowd a "bitch" repeatedly.

It appears the guy Ariza had been going back and forth with was ultimately kicked out of the game ... getting walked out by security shortly after the interaction.

Tension and frustration were understandably high -- the Lakers have looked lifeless coming out of the All-Star break ... dropping their first two games to the Clippers and Pels.

Even Lakers GM Jeanie Buss needed a break from watching her team ... as video circulated on social media of her leaving her seat as the team was down big, 78-53.

The Lakers ended up losing to the Pelicans, 123-95, dropping them to 27-33 on the season with just 22 games remaining.

If things don't turn around quickly, there could be more player vs. fan showdowns to come.

Michael Keaton Tearfully Dedicates SAG Award to Nephew Who Died from Drug OD


Michael Keaton has a new trophy for his role in "Dopesick" -- a TV drama about addiction -- a subject that hits painfully close to home and had him fighting back tears at the podium.

Michael won the Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a TV Movie or Limited Series Award Sunday night at the Screen Actors Guild Awards and dedicated it to his late nephew -- also named Michael -- who, he revealed, had died from an overdose.

The actor took several seconds to collect himself, but was still choked up as he said, "I lost Michael to drugs, and it hurts." He also dedicated the award to his sister, Pam.

Keaton's nephew reportedly died in 2016 when he OD'd on heroin and fentanyl.

In the Hulu drama, Michael plays a small-town family doctor taking on big pharma to fight the country's opioid crisis.

Watching his speech Sunday night ... you can understand how emotional he is about the role, and he made it clear winning the award had a bigger meaning for him and his family.

During his speech -- one of the most moving of the night -- Michael also took a moment to show support for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Ukrainian Invasion Ukraine Military Annihilate Russian Convoy ... On Outskirts of Kyiv


Ukrainian soldiers kicked Russia's ass in a battle that left Russian tanks destroyed in the road and Russian soldiers dead ... and the person who is probably most surprised is the aggressor himself -- Vladimir Putin.

The video shows the aftermath of a massive battle on the outskirts of the capital -- in a town called Bucha ... which shows tons of Russian military equipment and vehicles torched up and utterly destroyed ... apparently at the hands of the Ukrainian army.

Ukrainian officials say as many as 100 units of enemy equipment were stopped in their tracks  ... which halted a convoy that was trying to make its way toward the epicenter of the nation.

As you see in the videos ... it was more than just tanks and armored vehicles that got blown up. Surrounding buildings and homes also suffered some ruin during the fight -- but it sounds like there were more Russian casualties than Ukrainian.

While the official tally varies from source to source ... some European officials estimate as many as 50 Russian aircraft, 150 tanks and 4,300 soldiers have either perished or been successfully pushed back.

CNN's Matthew Chance also got compelling on-the-ground footage of the aftermath ... and it was clearly a bloody affair, as he actually panned to a dead man left behind -- whom he claimed was a Russian.

Point being ... Ukraine is holding its own, and there are some reports that Russia's actually getting clobbered out in the field. The question ... how will Putin respond? Time will tell.

'Rust' Crew Member Spider Bite Victim Recovering, but Many Challenges

Jason Miller -- crew member on Alec Baldwin's "Rust" -- is still recovering from a gnarly spider bite he got on set ... but says he's made some great progress in his recovery.

Jason tells TMZ ... he's still dealing with severe pain. As we reported, he was bitten by a venomous brown recluse spider while in NM shooting the film. The bite sent Jason to the hospital, where doctors talked about amputation -- luckily that wasn't necessary.

Jason tells us he's taking huge steps towards recovery ... but there are still challenges. He can't lay down without his shoulder getting inflamed, making it hard to sleep at night.

He also has a problem with range of motion ... unable to raise his arm above his head or reach behind his back, making it pretty difficult to do everyday tasks.

A GoFundMe was created shortly after he was hospitalized -- currently sitting at $14,600. Jason says the money has been a huge weight off his back ... putting $3K towards renting a new home and the rest going to savings ... since it's uncertain when he'll work again.

Jason was able to get worker's comp from the insurance company associated with "Rust" ... something we previously reported was a point of contention.

Of course, Jason's spider bite wasn't the worst thing to come from that set, with the death of Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. Halyna's family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit ... with Alec Baldwin, armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed and assistant director David Halls listed as defendants.

Ukraine 6-Yr-Old Killed by Russian Shelling ... ER Doctor Yells, 'Show This to Putin!!!'

Doctors' desperate, but futile, attempt to save a little Ukrainian girl hit by Russian bombing ... is prompting an angry, defiant and graphic message to Vladimir Putin.

This image of the 6-year-old girl being rushed out of an ambulance shows the start of a fight to save her life in the port city of Mariupol. Russians are advancing on the city, and on Sunday they shelled it heavily ... and she was taken to a hospital in very bad shape.

Her father was also bloodied and wounded, but furiously hoped doctors could save his daughter. One hospital staffer reportedly yelled, “Take her out! Take her out! We can make it!” ... as they wheeled her gurney into the hospital.

The medical team pumped her chest, gave her oxygen and even used defibrillators ... but they were unable to resuscitate the child. An AP photographer was in the ER documenting the efforts of nurses and doctors -- and, as several staffers wept, the doctor turned to the photog and said, "Show this to Putin. The eyes of this child, and crying doctors.”

The little girl, who hasn't been identified, was left on the table ... covered in blood and her vibrantly colored jacket.

Mama June's Ex-BF Geno Drops 70 Pounds in Rehab!!!

Mama June's ex, Geno Doak, seems to be turning his life around, and taking a lot of weight off his shoulders, literally ... cause he's lost around 70 pounds!!!

Geno tells TMZ ... when he and June split up last August he was around 285 lbs. Fast forward 6 months, and he's down to a much slimmer 215 lbs., and he's crediting his time in rehab for the healthy turnaround.


Geno says the treatment facility he's in has helped him stay on track with getting fit. He tells us the folks there prepare his meals, which also keeps him on a better eating schedule.

As far as eating out and snacking at night, Geno says that's a thing of the past. He says he now eats a lot healthier, cutting out foods like pasta and bread. Instead, he's eating a lot more tuna and chicken.

He's also trying to work out more, but says eating better was the biggest reason for his amazing results.

As we first told you ... Geno checked into rehab last September, after he tried to take his own life by chasing 90 blood pressure pills with lots of booze. After the incident, Mama June actually recommended a rehab center in South Carolina.

It's nice to see Geno turning things around. Since starting treatment, he says he has learned a lot about himself ... and clearly, he's also making changes for the better.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers Cops Plea Deal in DUI Case

Jonathan Rhys Meyers has cut a deal in his DUI case ... and he's going to get the same treatment as an average Joe -- no jail time, as long as he keeps his nose clean.

According to new legal docs obtained by TMZ ... the actor copped a plea deal and was sentenced to 1-year summary probation. He'll pay a $500 fine and must complete an alcohol ed and counseling program.

TMZ broke the story ... Jonathan was arrested for misdemeanor DUI back in November 2020, after cops said he crashed his car in Malibu.

JRM was eventually hit with 3 charges — 2 DUI-related charges and 1 for reckless driving. As part of the deal, he ended up pleading no contest to the reckless driving charge, and the other two charges were dropped.

Jonathan's struggled with substance abuse problems over the years, going to rehab several times.

Good luck to Jonathan.

JuJu Smith-Schuster Lincoln Riley Will Win A Title ... With USC Trojans


Start celebrating, Trojans fans -- JuJu Smith-Schuster says USC will definitely win a national championship with Lincoln Riley as head coach ... and it could happen as soon as next season!!

JuJu was super stoked to talk about his college team's new hire during Super Bowl week ... going as far as predicting USC will win its first national title since 2004 now that Riley is at the helm.

"Soon, man," he tells TMZ Sports. "This year and whatever God has planned. I think we just gotta keep pushing. I think it's a great move. We have a great coaching staff, so it helps us out a lot."

JuJu played 3 seasons for USC before being drafted by the Steelers in the 2nd round of the 2017 NFL draft ... so of course, he's biased when it comes to the Trojans.

However, many would agree JuJu is right in saying the acquisition of Riley gives USC a serious chance to compete for a CFB championship ... bias or no bias.

The Trojans landed Riley after the ex-Oklahoma play-caller chose to take his talents from Norman to Los Angeles ... making him the 30th head coach in the program's history.

Riley said at the time of the move he was heavily recruited by USC ... and when he met with the university in person, he could tell the school and their football program was a perfect fit for him.

Speaking of USC, JuJu says it's time for his old school to allow another former Trojan legend, Reggie Bush, back on campus -- after the star running back was banned for his reported involvement in an NCAA scandal.

"I think it's time to bring back everybody back on campus with all the greats," Smith-Schuster said. "Especially Reggie Bush."

"They banned him, but him being my idol, of course you gotta have him back on campus. Helps out a lot."

Guess Who This Smiling Sweetie Turned Into!

Before this happy little kid was bringing smiles to faces with her music and quirky television characters, she was just another southern sweetie with a bright future growing up on a ranch in Oklahoma.

While this star shared a throwback in a sepia tone shot ... you might have better luck guessing who is in the old school shot if you knew she was known for her ravishing red hair!

If you are still having a hard time tracking down the cute kid maybe try listening to some of her number 1 hits including "Rumor Has It," "You Lie" and "Walk On."

Can you guess who she is?

Leslie Odom Jr. Mentions Ukraine at SAG Awards


Ukraine got a mention during the SAG Awards this weekend -- but it was somewhat brief and fleeting ... as Hollywood seemed determined to keep things light for the show.

The crisis was quickly addressed Sunday during the opening few minutes, with presenter Leslie Odom Jr. saying they were all hoping for peace in Ukraine, before the categories got underway.

LOJ was part of the first group to come up and talk on stage -- he was up there with Lin-Manuel Miranda and Daveed Diggs ... none of whom talked Ukraine in the initial moments.

Eventually, after playing a quick montage of standout acting moments from the past year ... the camera panned back to Odom Jr., who said what he said -- which amounted to a few seconds of screen time.

Many suspect Ukraine would be a big topic of the night ... but so far, as the ceremony gets rolling, it doesn't seem too many of the hosts and winners are going out of their way to talk about it much.

There's still time, though ... perhaps someone will make a stirring statement later in the broadcat.