Luke Bryan Surprises Wish Kid with Special Video ... Let's Meet After COVID!!!

Luke Bryan
Kids Wish Network

Luke Bryan wouldn't let the pandemic stop him from making an amazing wish come true for a young fan with cerebral palsy ... and her reaction will melt your heart.

Luke sent a special, personalized video to Emma Lookatch, brightening her day with a loving message and telling her he's hopeful they can meet in person when the coronavirus pandemic subsides.

Emma's a huge Luke Bryan fan, and the good folks over at Kids Wish Network -- a charity that grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses -- had arranged for her to meet Luke on the set of "American Idol," a meeting that was dashed by the COVID-19 outbreak.

While he couldn't meet Emma in person this time, Luke recorded a special greeting and sent it to her and her parents ... and ya gotta see Emma's reaction as she watches the message on a brand new iPad and Beats by Dre headphones.

Luke sounds like he's down to make her original wish come true, but in the meantime ... pretty good consolation prize!!!

Lil Yachty Crashes Ferrari!!! Hydroplaned in ATL Rain


12:20 PM PT -- 6/23 -- Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Lil Yachty was issued a citation for driving too fast for conditions, failure to maintain lane and driving in the HOV lane.


We're told he was also issued a warning for not having his driver's license with him.

Lil Yachty got into a scary car wreck in Atlanta after his car and Mother Nature clashed ... which left his sweet ride totaled, but he's gonna be okay.

The rapper was driving on Georgia State Route 400 Monday during some nasty rain and spun out, smashing into a barrier along the shoulder. Our sources say there was a lot of standing water on the road, causing the sports car to hydroplane.

Yachty lost control and you can see how the impact destroyed his car.

Seems bad -- and it is -- but fortunately for him ... we're told Yachty was able to walk away relatively unscathed, with only minor injuries to his arm.

Emergency crews responded to the scene. It's unclear if Yachty went to a hospital for treatment. As for his whip ... there's no treating it, we're told it's totaled.

Time to get that insurance rep on the phone.

Originally published -- 6/22 5:21 PM PT

Bubba Wallace Finishes 14th at Talladega After NASCAR Drivers Rally Behind Him


4:58 PM PT -- The checkered flag just waved at Talladega -- Wallace was in contention for the majority of the race ... and even led at one point.


Wallace ultimately finished 14th, his best place at the track in his career.


Wallace personally thanked his fans and gave a strong interview afterwards ... saying whoever is responsible for yesterday's incident cannot take away his smile.


Emotional moment at Talladega ... where Bubba Wallace tried to fight back tears as ALL of his fellow drivers rallied behind him at the starting line.

The drivers worked together to push Bubba's #43 car to the starting line Monday to show their support for Wallace -- just one day after officials found a noose in his team's garage.

The drivers then gathered around Bubba's car before the Geico 500 in Talladega on Monday to show the world they stand with him ... and man, it was powerful stuff.

Wallace was flanked by 82-year-old team owner Richard Petty who also showed support for the young driver.

The event also featured a prayer for unity in the wake of the racist incident.

After the national anthem, which was also super emotional, drivers lined up to hug Wallace ... who was obviously moved by the show of support.

The race is about to begin ... and even though there are a few fans at the Speedway, the energy is off the charts.


Originally published -- 12:14 PM PT

Florida Inmate Allegedly Beaten to Death by Guard While Cuffed in His Cell

A prison inmate in Central Florida was allegedly beaten to death by a corrections officer as other guards watched.

51-year-old Christopher Howell died last week while serving a 4-year sentence at the Lake Correctional Institution near Orlando after a 2018 conviction for stealing some phone chargers and threatening people with a knife.

According to reports citing inside prison sources, Howell was allegedly beaten Thursday by a guard after he refused an order from within his cell. He was reportedly handcuffed and defenseless while at least 2 other officers stood by and did nothing.

Howell was later pronounced dead, but insiders think he died during the beating. The Florida Department of Corrections says it can't release the names of the officers involved due to an investigation, but does say all the guards were put on administrative leave.

This latest incident of alleged brutality is causing an uproar -- protests are scheduled for Tuesday to decry Howell's death, with some advocates calling for charges to be filed against the guards who were involved.

The FDC's Office of the Inspector General and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement are reportedly investigating.

Barcelona Opera Finally Reopens, but ... Audience Planted in Their Seats!!!

Barcelona's Liceu opera is back in business after more than 3 months of silence, but its return concert leaves a lot to be desired ... mostly, a human audience.

In a truly bizarre sight, the musicians for Barcelona's Gran Teatre del Liceu opera put on a show for nearly 2,300 nursery plants placed in the seats instead of people.

Organizers of Monday's concert say the goal was to raise awareness of how important audiences are in post-lockdown life, and to reflect on the absurdity of human life amid a pandemic. Check and check!

As an added bonus -- all the plants will be donated to frontline health workers.

The Concert for the Biocene comes one day after the end of Spain’s state of emergency. The country has been one of the hardest hit by COVID-19, at least in Europe, with more than 28,000 deaths.

The Liceu says it hopes the show reaffirms the value of art, music and nature and paves the way for returning to normal activity.

Of course, replacing the sound of leaves rustling with actual applause would be another step in the right direction.

Mustard & YG Buy L.A. Restaurants ... Team Up to Feed Community!!!

DJ Mustard

Mega-producer Mustard just came up with one helluva remix ... not only delivering free meals to those in need, but making sure they're healthy meals.

The hitmaker hopped on "TMZ Live" Monday to talk about his latest venture ... teaming up with his pal, YG, to buy up 7 L.A.-based Fishbone Seafood restaurants. But, the partnership doesn't end there. The L.A.-native ballers also partnered with Postmates to give back to their community ... delivering $100k worth of free food to L.A. residents and community organizations.

Check out the video and the pics ... Mustard said he wanted to lead by example and give back to his community, never forgetting his roots. The producer says he's not doing this for the praise. Far from it. It's about showing kids that those who make it out have a responsibility to give back.

Mustard -- who BTW, earned the stage name because his first name is Dijon (as in Dijon mustard, get it?) -- is also looking much different these days. Dude tells us being locked up in quarantine is what triggered the transformation ... with an assist from one of his camera guys.

Mustard says he hates to see pics of himself from back in the day 'cause he doesn't recognize that person. But, gotta say ... it's one helluva transformation.

Woman Suing Prison Alleges Sexual Battery by Guards While Trying to Visit Inmate Husband


12:18 PM PT -- The alleged victim, a woman named Christina, says she went to visit her husband in September 2019 for a weekend of “love and laughter,” but was instead met with hostility by California Correctional Institution officers who she claims bullied her, forced her into demeaning situations and ultimately ... sexually violated her.


Christina says she’s still in shock over the ordeal, and has been left feeling debilitated, frozen, helpless, baffled and outraged.


She insists she was innocent of any wrongdoing, and says she's a victim of abuse of power at the hands of the CCI officers and has been left battered … something she wants no woman to go through. She adds … “I am married to and in love with an incarcerated man. This is not a crime, it does not make me a criminal.”


Allred says their lawsuit is being filed against the CCI, along with Adventist Health, the facility that conducted some of Christina’s allegedly unlawful exams.

Allred described Christina’s ordeal in graphic detail and described it as “state-sanctioned torture.” She says they are suing for sexual battery, battery, gender violence, sexual harassment, violations of various rights, intentional infliction of emotional distress, false imprisonment and invasion of privacy.

Allred described Christina’s ordeal in graphic detail and described it as “state-sanctioned torture.” She says they are suing for sexual battery, battery, gender violence, sexual harassment, violations of various rights, intentional infliction of emotional distress, false imprisonment and invasion of privacy.


Christina’s seeking damages, along with a court order for prisons to stop the practice of body cavity searches of women trying to visits their inmate husbands.

A woman claims she was subjected to a "humiliating strip search" and sexual abuse simply because she was trying to visit her husband in prison ... so she's suing.

Women's rights attorney Gloria Allred is representing the woman and will be holding a news conference Monday at 11:30 AM PT to announce the lawsuit and reveal details. The alleged victim will also speak about her "shocking and traumatic experience."

TMZ will be live streaming.

According to Allred ... her client went to a California prison for a scheduled family visit with her incarcerated husband, but says she had to undergo a strip search upon arrival.

Then, the woman claims she was taken to a nearby hospital and subjected to an invasive body cavity search of her genital area. She was allegedly X-rayed and given a CT-scan of her body while in handcuffs, as well. The woman claims she did not consent to any of it.

Allred says the invasive search of her client's vagina and other private parts violated her rights, and claims law enforcement didn't even find any contraband on or inside her body. However, the woman says she was still blocked from seeing her husband.

More specifics of the case will be disclosed at the news conference.

Originally Published -- 11:16 AM PT

NYPD 'Poisoned' Milkshakes Cop Brass Behind Conspiracy Theory ... Reportedly Made It Up

NYPD brass reportedly cooked up a story about officers getting poisoned at Shake Shack  ... because the trio of cops who complained about a funny taste in their milkshakes never even got sick.

The cops in the middle of the "poisoned" milkshake conspiracy were not targeted by rogue, police-hating Shake Shack workers as the NYC Detectives' Endowment Association would have you believe.

According to the NY Post ... the 3 officers from the Bronx were on protest duty in Lower Manhattan when they ordered the shakes. Mind you, the cops used a MOBILE APP to order the drinks, which were packaged and awaiting pickup -- so employees wouldn't even have known the shakes were for cops.

The worst thing that happened to the cops was reportedly a bad taste in their mouths after gorging on the shakes. So, they tossed 'em and alerted a Shake Shack manager, who said sorry and made good with vouchers for free food and drink, which the officers accepted.

Would you accept free food and drink from a burger joint you thought "poisoned" your order on purpose?!? Didn't think so.

According to the report, things got hairy when the cops told their sergeant about the shakes, and the sergeant sent the Emergency Service Unit to set up a crime scene at Shake Shake for an evidence search, some 2 hours after the cops' first sip.

Meanwhile, the cops were rushed to Bellevue Hospital, where they were reportedly examined and sent on their merry way without ever showing the slightest of symptoms.

At the same time, a lieutenant from the Bronx fired off an email to the police unions falsely claiming 6 officers "started throwing up after drinking beverages they got from shake shack on 200 Broadway."

Detectives were put on the case, but it was apparently pretty easy to solve after reviewing surveillance footage and interviewing 5 employees. The report says video showed the shakes were normally made. No poison or funny business.

The reason for the bad taste seems to have been from a commonly used cleaning solution that wasn't thoroughly rinsed off the milkshake machine.

But, for some reason, the mounting evidence of a big nothing-burger didn't stop the NYC Detectives' Endowment Association from declaring cops were "intentionally poisoned by one or more workers at the Shake Shack" and fell "ill."

And, the evidence, or lack thereof, didn't stop Police Benevolent Association president Pat Lynch from making a show of visiting the cops in the hospital at the same time his union claimed police were "under attack" from a "toxic substance, believed to be bleach."

The since-deleted social media messages initially spread like wildfire, causing the burger joint to trend overnight and birthing the #BoycottShakeShack hashtag, which is still being tweeted by accounts.

NYPD Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison finally tweeted 8 hours after the alleged incident there was "no criminality" and it was all much ado about nothing. Literally nothing. Zip. Nada.

With egg on their face, the police unions eventually deleted their tweets and put out statements walking back their claims.

The city council has since demanded a probe into alleged "inflammatory" behavior by the police unions, and the NYPD says its still reviewing the incident.

Baton Rouge School Board Call for Connie's Resignation ... Gary Chambers Doubles Down

Gary Chambers

Baton Rouge School Board member Connie Bernard's lost the confidence of her colleagues after she was called out for ignoring an intense discussion about race -- and that's A-OK with the guy who dragged her in the first place.

Activist Gary Chambers Jr. came on ''TMZ Live'' Monday to talk about his verbal ass-whooping of Connie last week. The viral video ended with Connie storming out of the public meeting after Gary went in on her.

Gary Chambers

ICYMI ... Connie was dragged over the coals Thursday by Gary who called her out for apparently shopping online while members of the public passionately shared why they wanted to remove Robert E. Lee's name from a local high school. Connie had already condescendingly spoken out against the name change.

Welp, Gary tells us why Connie's just a microcosm of what's wrong with government at large in this country -- specifically, elected officials simply not listening to the plight of people they rep. He also had an update on the renaming debate itself ... it's good news.

In the wake of Connie's snafu, the Baton Rouge School Board at large is now calling for her resignation. Member Tramelle D. Howard -- who reps District 3 in BR -- tells TMZ ... "Myself and other members are asking for the immediate resignation of our colleague this week."

Now, bear in mind ... despite the fact her own Board members are asking her to scram, Connie doesn't technically have to quit. According to their own rules, she either has to be kicked out via a petition from her own constituents ... or resign on her own.

BTW, this isn't the first time Connie's been asked to step down over embarrassing public actions. About a year ago, she was captured on camera putting her hands on a young person's neck after walking over and demanding he and his buddies stop partying.

She got charged in that matter and is currently fighting it in court.

'Phantom of the Opera' Director Joel Schumacher Dead at 80

Joel Schumacher -- the famed director behind "Phantom of the Opera" and a series of 'Batman' films -- has died.

Schumacher died Monday morning in New York City after a long cancer battle ... according to a rep.

The American director rose to stardom with "St. Elmo's Fire," "The Lost Boys" and "Flatliners." He also adapted two John Grisham adaptations -- "The Client" in 1994 and "A Time to Kill" in 1996. He also earned critical acclaim for "Falling Down" and "8mm."

A younger audience may know him best when Schumacher signed up in the early '90s to direct a series of 'Batman' films. He directed "Batman Forever" in 1995 and "Batman & Robin" in 1997.

He'd go on to direct "The Phantom of the Opera" in 2004 ... which earned 3 Oscar nominations for Best Cinematography, Best Production Design and Best Original Song. The film also earned a Golden Globe nomination for Best Musical or Comedy - Motion Picture.

Schumacher initially thought he'd go into fashion ... studying at Parsons The New School for Design and the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC. He ultimately realized filmmaking is his passion and moved to L.A. where he worked as a costume designer for Woody Allen before earning an MFA from UCLA. He wrote several screenplays before making his directorial debut in 1981 with "The Incredible Shrinking Woman."

The director was openly gay throughout his career in Hollywood. He was once described by a friend as a "sexual outlaw" and when asked during a 2019 interview with New York Magazine to guestimate how many people he's slept, Schumacher replied, "It would be in the double-digit thousands, but that is not unusual." When the reporter replied, "double-digit thousands, like 2,000 or 3,000?" Schumacher replied, "That's not double digits, that's single digits" before Schumacher confirmed 10,000 to 20,000.

Joel Schumacher jokes with us about the decision of putting nipples on Batman and how it lamented that's all he would ever be famous for. 4/20/10

Schumacher famously — and unapologetically — added nipples to Batman’s batsuit in the 1995 flick, “Batman Forever.”

The move was super controversial at the time, but Schumacher defended it for years ... and even joked to us about the decision and lamented that that's all he would ever be famous for.

Schumacher was 80.


Kobe Bryant Pilot's Family Wants Case Moved Out of L.A. ... It's Unfair

The family of Ara Zobayan is begging a judge to move Vanessa Bryant's wrongful death case out of L.A. because Kobe Bryant is so popular there, it would be impossible to get a fair trial.

Ara's family spelled it out in new court docs, obtained by TMZ Sports ... saying the trial would begin with "two strikes" already against him "due to the extreme level of popularity of plaintiff with the jury pool."

As we previously reported, Vanessa sued Zobayan along with Island Express Helicopters saying they should be held financially responsible for the crash that killed Kobe, Gianna and 6 other passengers.

Now, a family member of the pilot is asking for a change of venue to Orange County, where they think they have a better chance of getting impartial jurors.

Of course, Kobe Bryant played his entire 20-year NBA career with the Los Angeles Lakers -- and became an icon in the city.

"The notoriety and popularity of the late Kobe Bryant in Los Angeles County is detailed herein and reached a level that left no person in the county unaware of his role in branding Los Angeles as his city," Zobayan's family says in new court docs.

"No other single individual in recent memory, sports figure or otherwise, has been considered by the people to be such a personification of their city of Los Angeles. "

"But with that unprecedented level of acclaim comes a lack of impartiality and objectivity by potential jurors about the merits under the law of the claims asserted in this lawsuit by the Bryant family."

The Zobayan family also notes Kobe and all of the passengers lived in Orange County -- another reason the case should be moved.

Kobe, Gianna and 6 other passengers -- along with Ara Zobayan -- died when their helicopter crashed in Calabasas on January 26.

Officials believe Zobayan -- a seasoned pilot -- got disoriented when he flew into heavy fog ... and accidentally flew down into the mountains when he thought he was elevating above the fog layer.

LAPD Sued Protester Says She Was Brutalized During Arrest

A woman who says she was treated like an animal after getting arrested at a protest in the wake of George Floyd's death, is taking legal action against the LAPD and the L.A. County Sheriff's Department over an alleged night of terror while in confinement.

Laura Montilla just sued the City of L.A., Police Chief Michel Moore and other L.A. law enforcement officials ... claiming she and a bunch of other peaceful BLM protesters were wrangled up like cattle earlier this month by cops who showed no humanity.

In her docs, obtained by TMZ, Montilla claims a bunch of officers in riot gear prevented her and others from leaving a June 1 protest when a 5 PM curfew went into effect. She claims they pounced on protesters and arrested them.

She goes on to say they were all thrown on buses and detained for several hours without food or medical attention. Montilla also says cops never told them where they were and claims they never read her Miranda rights.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

It gets worse ... Montilla says some people were having panic attacks and pissing themselves on the bus, but the police ignored them ... and even allegedly tried drowning out their cries by blasting loud heavy metal music. She also says cops "aggressively touched and groped her body by patting their hands aggressively on her vagina and breasts in four separate instances."

Montilla also claims her zip ties were on so tight, she lost feeling in her right hand and had bruises and abrasions for days after her arrest.

Once the cops were ready to cut people loose, Montilla says they dumped all these protesters in the middle of a Westwood neighborhood in the middle of the night, but provided no safe way home or access to communication ... she says they were left to fend for themselves.

Tory Lanez Helps 100 Ex-Inmates Celebrate ... 1st Father's Day Since Release

Tory Lanez

Tory Lanez made a huge difference this Father's Day, helping 100 black men recently out of incarceration celebrate with their families for the first time on the outside.

The rapper and his Dream City Fund launched 100 Black Fathers with Van Jones and Cut50. The initiative is a partnership with Amazon Music, Door Dash and criminal justice reform organization Dream Corps to provide free dinners and gifts for the former inmates and their loved ones.

The 100 fathers were released from incarceration during the pandemic, so the food deliveries were of course "contactless." Their children got their hands on some Amazon gift cards codes, and gave them to their dads, no doubt leading to some hugs and huge smiles.

Tory is pretty passionate about the project ... he wrote an open letter to each of the fathers offering his support and empathy, because it's not every day you're released from prison straight into a pandemic and period of social and civil unrest.

TL wrote, in part ... "You're with your family. You deserve to enjoy today! I’m grateful to be a very small part of it. I know as a Black father raising Black children in this world, things aren’t easy."

NASCAR's Bubba Wallace Finds Noose In Team Garage ... FBI Launches Probe


10:37 AM PT -- 6/22 NASCAR officials have just added "#IStandWithBubba" in white paint on the track's grass for today's race.


9:40 AM PT -- 6/22 The FBI has made its way to the racetrack to begin its investigation into the incident.


"The U.S. Attorney’s office for the Northern District of Alabama, FBI and the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division are reviewing the situation surrounding the noose that was found in Bubba Wallace’s garage to determine whether there are violations of federal law," officials said in a statement Monday.


"Regardless of whether federal charges can be brought, this type of action has no place in our society."


9:23 AM PT -- 6/22 Richard Petty -- who co-owns the team Wallace races for -- says he is "enraged" over the noose incident.


"There is absolutely no place in our sport or our society for racism," 82-year-old Petty says.


"This filthy act serves as a reminder of how far we still have to go to eradicate racial prejudice and it galvanizes my resolve do use the resources of Richard Petty Motorsports to create change."


Petty continues, "The sick person who perpetrated this act must be found, exposed, and swiftly and immediately expelled from NASCAR."


"I believe in my heart this despicable act is not representative of the competitors I see each day in the NASCAR garage area."


"I stand shoulder to shoulder with Bubba, yesterday, today, tomorrow and every day forward."

Bubba Wallace -- the only Black driver in NASCAR's top series -- confirms a noose was found in his team's garage stall at Talladega Superspeedway on Sunday ... and now the racing org is investigating.

The noose was found by a member of Wallace's team -- just hours after someone flew a Confederate flag over the legendary Alabama track to protest NASCAR banning the symbol at all events.

The crew member who found the noose immediately alerted NASCAR, which is now working with law enforcement to find the culprit.

"We are angry and outraged, and cannot state strongly enough how seriously we take this heinous act," NASCAR said.

"We have launched an immediate investigation, and will do everything we can to identify the person(s) responsible and eliminate them from the sport."

Wallace called the situation a "despicable act of racism and hatred" -- and says he's "incredibly saddened."

He added, "We will not be deterred by the reprehensible actions of those who seek to spread hate. As my mother told me today, 'They are just trying to scare you.'"

"This will not break me, I will not give in nor will I back down. I will continue to proudly stand for what I believe in."

LeBron James offered his support to Wallace -- calling the entire situation "sickening."

"[Bubba Wallace] my brother! Know you don’t stand alone," Bron said ... "I’m right here with you as well as every other athlete."

"I just want to continue to say how proud I am of you for continuing to take a stand for change here in America and sports! NASCAR I salute you as well!"

As for the confederate flag flyover which took place before the Geici 500 race was set to begin -- still unclear who was responsible for that. NASCAR says they're looking into that as well.

That wasn't the only display of the Confederacy either -- not by a long shot. While no Confederate flags were allowed inside the venue, a bunch of truck drivers rolled past the Speedway in what seemed to be a coordinated protest parade, with many flying the flag.

Some folks who wanted to show it off some more even set up camp across the street, and were proudly displaying the Confederate flag, alongside some Trump flags too.

Obviously, some people aren't all too pleased with NASCAR's new policy. But, it doesn't sound like the org gives a damn about them, 'cause one of their top dogs took a swipe at the people acting in defiance ... flatly rejecting their thinking, and calling them names too.

Steve O'Donnell, NASCAR's executive VP, addressed the fly-over on Twitter, writing ... "You won’t see a photo of a jackass flying a flag over the track here...but you will see this... Hope EVERYONE enjoys the race today."

Originally published -- 6/21 1:26 PM PT

MLB's Carl Crawford Sued For Over $1 Million ... Over Drowning At Texas Mansion


1:09 PM PT -- Crawford's attorney Rusty Hardin ... "It's not unexpected that people are going to seek compensation when a tragic accident occurs."


"Carl was not at the pool when it happened. He was upstairs in his house. A couple of other adults were out at the patio watching the children. Little boy went down the slide and was in distress -- lady jumped in to help and she tragically drowned as well."


"Carl has made it clear to everyone how horrible he feels about this tragic accident. He deeply regrets that someone is trying to seek money for what is a tragic accident."

The mother of 1 of the drowning victims at Carl Crawford's Texas mansion last month says the former MLB star is responsible for her son's death ... and now, she's suing for over $1 million.

It's all spelled out in new court docs obtained by TMZ Sports ... in which Liban Hersi claims 38-year-old Crawford didn't do enough to prevent tragedy from striking on May 16.

In the docs, Hersi says her 5-year-old son was visiting Crawford with a family friend for a party at the former L.A. Dodgers outfielder's mansion in Harris County, Texas.

Hersi claims Crawford has a massive pool on the property ... but says it has no fencing around it -- and adds Crawford didn't take steps to protect her child from getting into the pool.

Hersi says her son fell in ... and when another partygoer jumped in after him -- they both tragically died.

Hersi claims Crawford could have done MUCH more to prevent the double drowning ... saying he had no alarm system set up for the pool and claimed the swimming hole's design was "unreasonably dangerous."

Hersi is now suing for wrongful death -- asking for over $1 million in damages.

Crawford spoke about the incident days after ... writing in a statement on social media, "My Hearts Heavy. The tragic events that occurred at my home will be with me forever. I'm at a loss for words I've struggled all week to manage my emotions and I keep thinking of the families of those who've passed and their grief, I know they have it the hardest."

He continued, "They are the first and last thing I think of these days. Please keep them in your prayers, I know they will always be in mine."

We've reached out to Crawford's reps for comment on the new lawsuit ... but, so far, no word back yet.

Originally published -- 7:44 AM PT