George Floyd Hometown Memorial Wraps ... Other Victims' Families Speak

George Floyd's public memorial in Houston has officially wrapped, and it ended on a powerful note with final words from family members of other notable black victims who've died at the hands of police brutality.
Fox 26

3:56 PM PT -- George Floyd's public memorial in Houston has officially wrapped, and it ended on a powerful note with final words from family members of other notable black victims who've died at the hands of police brutality.


George's family came to the microphone first, saying they believe if he had known he needed to sacrifice his life to bring the world together ... he would have done it. Then, Eric Garner's mother, Gwen Carr, spoke, urging people -- especially the Floyd family -- to keep fighting for justice once the cameras stop rolling, going on to say that the struggle doesn't end there.


Ahmaud Arbery's dad, Marcus Arbery Sr., spoke as well ... holding nothing back and saying his son was lynched by two white men, all because of the color of his skin. He too said the fight needed to continue. Finally, Michael Brown's father, Michael Brown Sr., echoed that, telling the Floyd family to stay in touch when this is all said and done.


Monday's memorial proved even more historic after Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo declared Tuesday, June 9 George Floyd Day throughout their area.

The people of Houston are paying their respects to George Floyd in his hometown -- a public viewing will be followed by his final memorial service ... and TMZ's streaming it live.

The ceremony is being held at the Fountain of Praise Church. The public will have a chance to see George's casket ahead of the memorial service.

George Floyd Family 6/4/2020

This marks the third of four memorials that have been planned and carried out for George -- you'll recall, he was honored in Minneapolis last week (where he was killed) and then again in North Carolina (his birth state) over the weekend. Now, he'll be remembered in H-Town, where he grew up.

George Floyd NC Memorial 6/6/2020
Fox News

The man's death has touched millions of people around the world -- having sparked international protests and demonstrations in his name ... and could lead to the dismantling of Minneapolis' police department ... and possibly other cities as well.

The cops involved in his killing have been criminally charged -- namely, Derek Chauvin ... who's facing second-degree murder for having his knee on George's neck for nearly 9 minutes. The other 3 officers, Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao, have also been charged with felonies, aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter.

Rest in Peace, George.

Originally Published -- 10:02 AM PT

Reese Witherspoon Sued for Company's Dress Giveaway ... AKA Nice Deed for Teachers

Reese Witherspoon is taking some legal heat for a dress giveaway to teachers during the early days of the pandemic, and the lawsuit reads like the ultimate case of no good deed goes unpunished.

Three women are putting together a class-action lawsuit against Reese and her Draper James clothing company for their highly-publicized offer on Instagram in early April, which stated ... "Dear Teachers: We want to say thank you. During quarantine we see you working harder than every to educate our children. To show our gratitude, Draper James would like to give teachers a free dress."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

According to the suit, the offer required participants to provide their personal information to the fashion line -- including contact information and sensitive education employment ID info -- within 3 days, and then all "winners" who accepted the offer would be notified by April 7.

Now, we should say the IG post clearly stated the offer was valid "while supplies last." However, the plaintiffs say the offer didn't make it clear Draper James only had 250 dresses to give away.

So instead, according to the lawsuit, the nearly 1 million teachers who provided their personal info were entered into a lottery with a slim chance of winning ... when they all believed they were getting free dresses.

The women suing point out that the total cost of the 250 dresses to be given away would only come out to an "estimated paltry $12,500 in actual cost" to Reese and her company ... "at a time when other individuals of [Reese] Witherspoon's renown were offering millions of dollars to COVID-19 victims."

Translation: Yes, you were charitable, but we wanted you to be WAY more charitable. Wow.

The lawsuit alleges Reese and her company also benefited from the publicity of the giveaway -- including shout-outs on "Today" and "Good Morning America."

Draper James' attorney Theane Evangelis tells TMZ ... "This lawsuit is an unjust attempt to exploit Draper James' good intentions to honor the teacher community by gifting hundreds of free dresses. The fact that supplies were limited, such that a free dress could not be provided to every teacher who responded, was disclosed and is no basis for a lawsuit."

She continues, "Draper James looks forward to defending this case, to continuing its efforts to acknowledge the extraordinary contributions made by teachers during this time of need, and to being vindicated in court."

The women are suing on behalf of all participants who accepted the Draper James deal ... and are seeking damages.

Conor McGregor Jetski Joyridin' In Dublin ... The 'Retired' Life?!?

First order of business for the newly "retired" Conor McGregor?!?

Hittin' the waters for a badass jetski sesh!!

The (former?) UFC superstar was spotted out off the coast of Dalkey in Dublin fresh off his 3rd retirement announcement in 4 years on Monday ... pretty much re-enacting that iconic scene from Netflix's "Tiger King."

You know what we're talking about. All that's missing is the "Eye Of The Tiger" playing in the background.

Conor was spotted making waves on a neon jetski ... circling around an expensive-looking yacht. Smell like retirement, or just another day in the life of being a rich guy??

Now, who knows if McGregor is REALLY done fighting ... but the dude is definitely playing the part -- he's even out here eating big ass brownies.

If he's trying to send a message, he's already got Floyd Mayweather's attention ... who said Notorious is "quitting."

Bottom line -- life is sweeeet for Conor McGregor.

Bonnie Pointer Dead at 69

Bonnie Pointer of The Pointer Sisters has died ... TMZ has learned.

The Grammy-winning Motown artist, who was originally part of the popular quartet group of sisters in the '70s, died this morning. Her sister, Anita, tells TMZ, "It is with great sadness that I have to announce to the fans of The Pointer Sisters that my sister, Bonnie died this morning. Our family is devastated, on behalf of my siblings and I and the entire Pointer family, we ask for your prayers at this time.

Bonnie was one of the OG Pointer Sisters -- which started out as a duo, with her as one of the leads -- but eventually left the group in the mid-1970s to pursue a successful solo career. She's perhaps best known for her cover of "Heaven Must Have Sent You."

Anita continues, "Bonnie was my best friend and we talked every day, we never had a fight in our life, I already miss her and I will see her again one day."

Bonnie had a prolific recording career under Motown Records -- which signed her after she left TPS -- cranking out 3 full albums and producing a number of singles too. Her disco rendition of 'Heaven' peaked at No. 11 on the Billboard's Hot 100 chart.

While she was with the Pointer Sisters, she earned a Grammy award for Best Vocal by a Duo or Group in the country category, no less, for their crossover hit "Fairytale."

After Bonnie went solo, they continued to rack up accolades and hits with the remaining members.

She got hitched to Motown exec Jeffrey Bowen and remained married for several years until they called it quits in the early 2000s.

Bonnie Pointer 6/24/15

Another one of the sisters, June, died in 2006 from cancer.

Bonnie is survived by 2 sisters. She was 69.


Josh Groban Gets Restraining Order Against Woman ... She's Stalking Me and Knows Where I Live!!!

Josh Groban's been getting sexually harassed and now threatened with a pop-in at his new home by a woman he says he canceled a date with nearly a decade ago ... so he claims in new legal docs.

The swooning singer just got a temporary restraining order against the obsessed female fan, who he claims has been incessantly sending him texts, emails and direct messages since 2011 ... along with contacting his family members and his current girlfriend in recent years.

Some of the alleged messages -- from as recently as May -- are very sexual and graphic in nature, including one saying ... "I came at approximately 7:09 PM this evening with the thought of your d**k between my t**s and your warmness against my ribcage." It gets even more graphic, but we'll spare ya ... this isn't Penthouse Forum.

Another DM to Josh last month allegedly referred to his relationship with his GF. It said, "You wanna try honoring the home we're going to have children in by not f**king other women in it."

Also, on May 26, the woman allegedly sent DMs to Josh claiming she went to his house with the intention of dropping off gifts. One said, "Put on a little bit of makeup in case I got caught, also wore pants with a hole in the crotch for the same reasons."

Josh says he met the woman through a mutual Facebook friend in 2011, and they began flirting and made plans to meet in person ... but he called it off because he was sick. He claims immediately following the missed meeting she wouldn't give up and kept pestering him, so he told her they could never meet.

Groban claims until this year, she's limited her efforts to public places where he's staying or performing, and he's had to have his security intercept her at various locations and have her removed.

According to the docs ... Josh claims things intensified big time in February 2020, especially after she found out online that he bought a new home in L.A. and told him she knew where he lives. This resulted in sending her a cease and desist letter to lay off ... to no avail.

He claims she even sent a package to his home in early May that consisted of a small skull, a flower, and a book with handwritten notes in it that were sexual in nature and made it clear she would never stop.

The judge granted Groban's TRO last Friday ... the woman must stay 100 yards away from him, his family and his GF and stop contacting them online.

Joe Exotic My Life is Hell and I'm Dying in Prison ... Hubby Dillon Responds


2:17 PM PT -- Joe Exotic's husband, Dillon Passage, just responded to his husband's gut-wrenching letter ... which all but states definitively that Joe feels abandoned by the guy.


Dillon writes, "My heart is breaking after reading Joe’s letter 💔 He is living in hell right now and I’m outraged by the way he is being treated. I can’t even begin to imagine how that is breaking his spirit. I love Joe and I’m standing by him. The photos that I post on here are a highlight reel of my life… What you don’t see are the hours that I’m alone at home, missing my husband and my friend."


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He goes on to say, "I’ve been writing letters and it is a shame to hear that he isn’t receiving them… I know they limit the amount he can read in a week and I only hope they eventually get to him. Joe, I hope that this reaches you too. Know that I love you and I’m fighting for you everyday. #freejoeexotic"


Sounds like he hasn't forgotten about Joe after all -- they're just outta sync right now. Understandable ... it's crazy times we're living in these days.

Joe Exotic says he's at the end of his rope, and might not be around much longer if he doesn't get some immediate help from President Trump ... or Cardi B ... or Kim Kardashian.

TMZ's obtained a letter penned by the imprisoned 'Tiger King' star this week to his "Supporters, Fans, Loves Ones." He opens by saying the pandemic's over, so he's asking POTUS to grant him a miracle and free him ... but it's pretty bleak from there.

Joe says, "My soul is dead" and he's struggling to keep hope in what he describes as some pretty miserable conditions behind bars. He also claims he's being tormented by people sending him info about his husband, Dillon Passage, living it up on the outs and partying without him. Joe also says Dillon's gone radio silent on him.

On top of all this, Exotic claims he's not getting treatment and meds for his health conditions, and he makes a dark prediction -- "I'll be dead in 2-3 months."

Joe compares his prison sentence to death row, makes it clear he feels abandoned ... and takes some shots at people he believes took advantage of him and stabbed him in the back.

There are some more questionable parts to the letter too -- including racial comments suggesting he'd get treated better if he were a different color ... and saying George Floyd's message got lost with the rioting. Oh, and there's a Michael Jackson song reference too.

In the end, Exotic maintains his innocence ... and tosses a final Hail Mary to Cardi and Kim in hopes they'll catch it and help him out. The Cardi ship may have already sailed, though.

The eagle has landed in D.C. for 'Tiger King' star Joe Exotic, whose legal team is hoping they can get the President's ear ... and they even got their elevator pitch down to a tee.

Of course, Joe still has a legal team working hard to get a pardon from Trump, but if this letter's to be believed ... the clock's ticking.

Originally Published -- 1:00 AM PT

Joe Biden Meets with George Floyd's Family ... It 'Meant the World' to Them

Joe Biden is in Houston to pay his respects to George Floyd, and also took time to sit and listen to George's family members express their pain.

According to the Floyd family lawyer, Ben Crump, the presidential hopeful met privately with George's family and listened to them for more than an hour.

Crump says, "Listening to one another is what will begin to heal America" and during the meeting, Biden "listened, heard their pain, and shared in their woe." He adds, "That compassion meant the world to this grieving family."

Biden was photographed after the meeting with George's uncle, Roger Floyd, along with Crump, Rev. Al Sharpton and Rep. Cedric Richmond.

The former VP will also tape a video message for Floyd's funeral service Tuesday in Houston, but will not be attending because he doesn't want to cause disruptions with Secret Service protection. The first part of Floyd's hometown memorial, a public viewing session, is currently underway.

Biden's been vocal and supportive of the nationwide protests in George's honor. President Trump has also said he supports peaceful protesting and even suggested on Friday, George is smiling down on America.

On the other hand, Trump also retweeted a gross attack on Floyd's character.

George Floyd Murder Case Chauvin Makes 1st Court Appearance

The ex-Minneapolis cop charged with murdering George Floyd went before the judge Monday ... where his bail was set at 7 figures.

Derek Chauvin appeared in Hennepin County District Court, via video teleconference from jail, and the judge set his bail at $1.25 million.

Wearing an orange jail jumpsuit and a white t-shirt, Chauvin stated his name and address and answered questions from the judge ... at which point he revealed he still has guns at his home.

The judge said Chauvin could post a lower bail amount of $1 million if he agreed to additional bail conditions, including no police or law enforcement work, no firearms and no contact with Floyd's family.

Chauvin's attorney, Eric J. Nelson, also filed legal docs asking the prosecution to hand over any evidence they're using in the case against him, including anything that could be exculpatory.

Minneapolis Police 5/25/20
Facebook/ Darnella Frazier

As you know ... Chauvin was arrested four days after Floyd's death, and initially charged by the Hennepin County Attorney's Office with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

But, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who is now leading the investigation and prosecution, filed an additional count of second-degree murder against Chauvin. He's facing 40 years behind bars -- the maximum penalty for second-degree murder.

As we reported ... the three other former officers involved in Floyd's death -- J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao -- are each charged with one count of aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and one count of abetting second-degree manslaughter.

Chauvin's former colleagues made their first court appearance last week, and attorneys for Lane and Kueng tried to shift the blame to Chauvin.

A future court date for all four former officers is set for June 29.

'The Flash' Star Hartley Sawyer Fired from Show ... For Racist, Misogynistic Tweets

Hartley Sawyer just lost his TV job in a flash, after a collection of tweets in which he made racist comments and joked about sexually assaulting women surfaced this past week.

The actor -- who played Ralph Dibny, AKA Elongated Man on "The Flash" for the past 3 seasons -- has been fired by the show over the years-old tweets, which included racist and misogynist language in what appears to a be a poor attempt at humor.

Sawyer's Twitter account has been deleted, but his old tweets began to circulate at the end of May. In one from 2012, Sawyer says ... "The only thing stopping me from doing mildly racist tweets is the knowledge that Al Sharpton would never stop complaining about me."

In another from 2014, he tweets ... "Out at dinner and just exposed myself as a racist, AGAIN."

Many of his former tweets seem to also center around sexual assault and violence toward women, including this in 2012 -- "If I had a wife I would beat the hell out of her tonight lol."

A few more horrific examples, "Ice Breakers: all women should be in sex farms" and "Outside of the 7-11 where I assaulted my ex-girlfriend lol."

This gem, from 2014, had to make his coworkers feel great ... "Enjoyed a secret boob viewing at an audition today."

You get the point ... he HAD to go. The CW and the production companies for the series say they've parted ways with Sawyer for season 7, saying ... "we do not tolerate derogatory remarks that target any race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation. Such remarks are antithetical to our values and polices, which strive and evolve to promote a safe, inclusive and productive environment for our workforce."

Hartley's issued an apology, saying ... "My words, irrelevant of being meant with an intent of humor, were hurtful, and unacceptable. I am ashamed I was capable of these really horrible attempts to get attention at that time. I regret them deeply." He added, "I am incredibly sorry, ashamed and disappointed in myself for my ignorance back then."

Sawyer joined the cast of "The Flash" in 2017, became a series regular in 2018 and appeared in 50 episodes.

Justin and Hailey Bieber Cuddle Creek ... Summer Lovin' In Utah

Justin and Hailey Bieber are practicing some serious social distancing ... getting away from it all for a camping trip in the middle of nowhere.

Justin and Hailey spent their Saturday in scenic Utah, camping in a park and finding a creek for some swimming, rock climbing and cuddles.

After jogging in yoga attire, Hailey slipped into a skimpy, green bikini and tested the clear creek waters ... and then Justin hopped right in with his wife, exploring the creek bed together.

It's pretty cool ... Justin and Hailey had to do some serious trekking to get down to the creek, climbing up and down huge rocks and cliffs. Nothing great comes easy.

The super-cute couple even found a flat rock perfect for laying out and catching some rays and snuggles.

Check out the gallery ... summertime loving and adventures in full effect!!!

Evelyn Lozada Defends Carl Crawford After DV Arrest ... 'He Never Put Hands on Me'

Evelyn Lozada

Carl Crawford's ex-fiancee, Evelyn Lozada, is coming to the former Dodger's defense after he was arrested for domestic violence ... saying he never did anything menacing to her.

The reality TV personality -- who was once engaged to Carl and has a son with him -- spoke out in a personal video about insinuations she, too, was a victim of domestic violence during her time with Carl. She makes it very clear nothing like that ever happened between them.

We should note ... Evelyn says she isn't here to discredit the alleged victim or her truth -- she actually advocates for DV victims, in general. Evelyn says she's simply clarifying Carl never physically abused her and that, as far as her experience, what's being described just isn't the guy she knows.

She gets pretty emotional as she eventually gets to the issue of having to successfully co-parent, while also trying to clear up what's being said about her son's father.

TMZ broke the story ... Carl's been accused of attacking an ex of his, allegedly grabbing her by the throat at gunpoint -- something his attorneys vehemently deny happened. Still, he was arrested for it, and now the process will play out in court.

Sounds like he'll have at least one character witness if Evelyn is called to testify.

Mike Tyson Takes a Knee ... Will Trump Take a Swing???

Mike Tyson is taking a knee ... and it could mean the end of his longtime friendship with Donald Trump.

The boxing legend posted the pic Monday morning -- no caption needed. The message is clear.

But, it begs an interesting question ... will Trump go after Tyson the same way he's gone after other kneelers?

Remember, Tyson and Trump have a relationship that goes back decades. Trump has long considered Tyson a strong ally.

In fact, Iron Mike famously endorsed Donald for President during his campaign in 2015 ... saying, "He should be president of the United States."

When asked if that meant Trump got his vote, Tyson replied, "Hell yeah. Big time."

He also expanded on his support for Trump to TMZ Sports in 2015.


But, Trump hates kneelers -- he referred to Colin Kaepernick as a "son of a bitch," called out Drew Brees for changing his stance on kneeling ... and now he's shading Roger Goodell.

Seems Trump wants to stay friends -- it was just last month POTUS shouted Tyson out on Twitter for his boxing comeback ... saying, "Keep punching Mike!"

So, is Tyson in the crosshairs? Does Tyson even care if he is?

We'll see ...

Black Lives Matter L.A. Protest Draws 50,000 ... YG Shoots Music Vid

As L.A.'s largest protest yet of George Floyd's killing made its way through Hollywood streets -- with huge celebs showing support -- YG used it as a powerful backdrop for his new "F**k the Police" music video.

The peaceful demonstration of more than 50,000 people began Sunday on Hollywood Blvd ... and the aerial views were epic. YG teamed up with BLM LA and joined activist and BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors at the front of the crowd to share some words and explain the importance of using his voice.

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Much of the crowd came equipped with face masks, homemade BLM signs and messaging to remember the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and so many other black people killed by police.


YG also used the huge protest as the music video setting for his newly released track, "F**k the Police" ... which he shot during the event. Speaking of which, police presence during the march was minimal, and it remained a totally peaceful event.

YG June 2020

Other celebs in attendance included Jamie Foxx, J Lo, A-Rod, Machine Gun Kelly, Vanessa Hudgens, Mod Sun, Margaret Qualley, Kaia Gerber, Michael Rappaport, Madeline Petsch, Karreuche Tran, Ireland Baldwin and Marlon Wayans.

There were separate protests in other parts of L.A as well, including Compton, which was attended by Russell Westbrook, Cassie and Alex Fine.

Sunday's event followed the success of protests last Tuesday which ended outside the home of L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti. Lizzo, Kehlani and Common were among those who marched ... it was shortly after that protest when Garcetti announced an enormous, $150 million cut, from the LAPD's budget.

Of course, the L.A. protests were not the only ones over the weekend ... as several major cities and small towns in the U.S. kept the demonstrations going in a continued show of support for ending systemic racism and police brutality.

Jussie Smollett Using Protests to Call Out Cops In Legal Battle with Chicago

Jussie Smollett thinks the nationwide protests over George Floyd's killing in police custody relate to his case with the City of Chicago ... because he claims the city's trying to cover up for lying police.

The former "Empire" star is still in a legal battle with Chicago, which is suing him for $130k to recover the cost of investigating what authorities say was a fake "attack" -- and Jussie says he wants information the City is refusing to hand over.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Smollett says ... "As we see millions across the country rise up to protest and expose police misconduct, the City, by its refusal to produce the requested documents, is choosing to actively resist a citizen’s lawful efforts to reveal dishonesty."

Jussie's specifically seeking documents about the termination of Chicago PD Superintendent Eddie Johnson, who he says was involved in his case from the get-go ... so his firing is relevant to Jussie's defense.

The City of Chicago, on the other hand, maintains the case is about Smollett lying to cops, not Johnson, and is opposing Jussie's request.

Jussie maintains his innocence, though, adding ... "the City and CPD knew Mr. Smollett was innocent, and that the City has relentlessly pursued Mr. Smollett even after the charges against Mr. Smollett were dismissed."

As we've reported, the initial criminal charges against Jussie for allegedly staging a hate crime hoax were dismissed, but new charges were handed down in a 6-count indictment in February.

Jussie Smollet February 2020
@LionsShareNews / Backgrid

For both his criminal and civil cases, Jussie says the "truth" will be his defense.

Trump Star Blacked Out with a Bag of Poop!!! Tagged with BLM


President Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is defaced again beyond recognition -- and this time it appears a George Floyd protester left their mark.

The star along Hollywood Blvd. was vandalized at some point this weekend with someone using black spray paint to completely black out the star. It kinda blends in with the surrounding sidewalk now -- and for good measure, the vandal left a bag of crap on top.

As if that wasn't clear enough on how whoever did this felt about the Prez, someone went ahead and tagged BLM nearby as well. This shouldn't come as a huge shock as an estimated 50,000 people marched down Hollywood Blvd Sunday, right past Trump's star.

The President's caught a lot of flak for how he's responded to the civil unrest around the country ... so, like we said, no surprise.

We're told LAPD has yet to respond to the vandalism. As usual, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce will have to come clean up this mess eventually.

And, just for funsies ... here's a quick recap of what this slab of marble's been through over the past 4 years -- it's been jackhammered, painted, pickaxed ... and even (fake) peed on by George Lopez.

We've seen it before ... and you know we'll see it again.

Reebok Severs Ties With CrossFit After CEO's Tweet ... 'FLOYD-19'

Reebok is officially DONE with CrossFit ... the apparel giant announced it's cutting ties with the workout company after the org.'s CEO posted an incredibly insensitive tweet in the wake of George Floyd's death.

Here's the deal ... Gregg Glassman -- the man credited with creating the super popular CrossFit weight-lifting program -- responded to a tweet from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation on Saturday.

IHME wrote, "Racism and discrimination are critical public health issues that demand an urgent response. #BlackLivesMatter"

Glassman commented on the tweet just a few minutes later ... posting, "It's FLOYD-19." He later tried to explain the comment, saying, "Your failed model quarantined us and now you're going to model a solution to racism?"

The tweets were hit swiftly with backlash from just about EVERYONE in the CrossFit community -- huge stars ripped the CEO, and multiple gyms pledged to sever affiliations with the brand.

In fact, one of CrossFit's top athletes, Noah Ohlsen, even pulled out of the company's Super Bowl, the "CrossFit Games," over it all, saying, "I'm out."

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And, it didn't take long for Reebok to follow suit ... the apparel company announced in a statement over the weekend it would not go forward as a CrossFit sponsor, despite being the main one for the last 10 YEARS.

"Our partnership with CrossFit HQ comes to an end later this year," the company said. "Recently, we have been in discussions regarding a new agreement, however, in light of recent events, we have made the decision to end our partnership with CrossFit HQ."

"We will fulfill our remaining contractual obligations in 2020. We owe this to the CrossFit Games competitors, fans and the community."

For his part, Glassman did end up apologizing over the tweets late Sunday evening ... writing, "I, CrossFit HQ, and the CrossFit community will not stand for racism. I made a mistake by the words I chose yesterday."

"My heart is deeply saddened by the pain it has caused. It was a mistake, not racist but a mistake."

Glassman continued, "Floyd is a hero in the black community and not just a victim. I should have been sensitive to that and wasn't. I apologize for that. I was trying to stick it to the @IHME_UW for their invalidated models resulting in needless, economy-wrecking, life-wrecking lockdown, and when I saw they were announcing modeling a solution to our racial crisis, I was incredulous, angry, and overly emotional. Involving George Floyd's name in that effort was wrong."

"It’s our hope that his murder catalyzes real change resulting in a level playing field for our black brothers and sisters. Please hear me when I say, we stand by our community to fight for justice. I care about you, our community, and I am here for you."