Muhammad Ali Would Have Condemned Violent Protesters ... Ex-Wife Says

Khalilah Ali

Torching police cars and looting stores is NOT what Muhammad Ali would have wanted ... so says his ex-wife, Khalilah, who tells TMZ Sports the boxing legend would be furious with the George Floyd protests turning violent.

Riots have broken out in many cities across the country after what started as peaceful protests following Floyd's death ... with President Trump calling on the National Guard to try to end the chaos.

While Ali says Muhammad would applaud the people making their voices heard ... he wouldn't be okay with those wreaking havoc to make it happen.

"Muhammad would flip his switch," Khalilah -- who was married to Ali from 1967 to 1976 -- tells us. "He would go off on everybody in here."

"I know that Ali would retaliate. He would really go off on people and I would love to see him romp and rave over these people hurting people, and burning up our businesses, and hurting people in the streets and burning up police cars."

"That is uncalled for. Ali would not like that at all."

Khalilah -- who was Ali's adviser for his biggest protest in refusing to fight in the Vietnam War -- praises the many who are doing it the RIGHT way ... and calls for the violence to stop.

"For the real, honest, nonviolent protesters ... keep protesting. Make sure everybody starts learning to vote. Whether you like the system or not, you are the system. So, you can change the world."

As for Floyd's death ... Ali says there is no excuse for officer Derek Chauvin's actions.

"I'm glad Ali was not here to see this."

Guess Who This Snapback Star Turned Into!

Before this backward hat boy was known for his comedic work ethic, he was just another little lad in a white tee growing up in Waterloo, Iowa.

This hilarious kid got his big break when the web series he created with his two best friends got picked up by Comedy Central. This trio's funny office place antics and stoner humor was so popular that the show ran for 7 seasons.

And, now, this tough guy has moved onto pitch-slapping movies where he has starred alongside Rebel Wilson, Anna Kendrick, Zac Efron, and many more.

Can you guess who he is?

George Floyd Protest Cop Takes Knee to Crowd's Roaring Approval

Someone needs to tell Donald Trump this is how it's done. It's not about firing rubber bullets and teargassing protesters -- like he ordered Monday at the White House -- it's about cops and citizens finding some common ground, which is what happened in WeHo.

An LAPD cop was smack in the middle of a demonstration on the Sunset Strip, with hundreds of demonstrators surrounding him. He used a bullhorn -- not bullets or gas -- to interact with the crowd, and just after someone took a knee, the cop followed suit.

The crowd roared with approval, and the officer then seized the opportunity to say he and the crowd were one, and then he asked them to peacefully disperse before curfew began so everyone would stay safe. He also assured them the police would not interfere with their exit.

The scene was repeated a few miles inland, when the Riverside County Sheriff also took a knee.

This is just one officer, but it's clear one person can make a difference, and isn't that the point? In Trump's case, one person can be destructive -- the notion he could order peaceful protesters to be gassed and shot at so he could play to his base in a bizarre display with a bible, a boarded-up church and the Second Amendment ... well, it's not surprising.

Floyd Mayweather Offers To Pay For George Floyd's Funerals ... 'Following My Heart'


5:02 PM PT -- Here is the $88,500 check that Floyd Mayweather is sending to the Fort Bend Memorial funeral home ... to cover the costs of George Floyd's funeral services.


12:10 PM PT -- A rep for Mayweather tells us George Floyd's family has accepted FM's offer to pay for the funeral services.

Floyd Mayweather has offered to pay for George Floyd's funeral services ... with the boxing superstar personally vowing to help Floyd's family grieve their loss.

TMZ Sports has confirmed ... Mayweather is offering to finance all 4 services for Floyd in Houston, Minnesota, Charlotte and another location to be named at a later date.

We're told Mayweather felt it was the right thing to do after learning Anzel Jennings -- CEO of the TMT music label -- grew up with George.

Mayweather's people added ... Floyd is just doing what he feels is right in his heart.

It's unclear if George Floyd's family has accepted Mayweather's offer.

Hollywood Unlocked first reported the story.

Originally published -- 10:24 AM PT

President Trump I'm Sending Military to Shut Down Riots ... But I'm Starting by Teargassing Peaceful Protesters

Donald Trump 2
Fox News

President Trump says he is the President of law and order, and that's why he's deploying thousands of military troops to shut down rioters and looters ... across the country, if necessary -- but his first action was to have military and police pepper spray and shoot rubber bullets at peaceful protesters.

The President said justice will be served for George Floyd and his family, but in the meantime ... he will not allow the "angry mob" to drown out the peaceful protesters. He said the looting was mostly victimizing peace-loving citizens "in our poorest communities."

Speaking from the White House grounds, he vowed to fight to keep those citizens safe, and then said he is "Your President of law and order, and an ally of all peaceful protesters." Trump then called out local law enforcement for not protecting citizens and small businesses.

White House

As a result, POTUS said he was making a move to shut down "domestic terror," and if Mayors and Governors don't "dominate" the streets, he would step in for them. He said he is mobilizing "thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers" to stop the "wanton destruction of property."  Here's the problem -- Trump's wrong on the law.  He does NOT have authority to send in troops UNLESS THE GOVERNORS ASK HIM.  Governor Cuomo, for one, has already said, "Thanks but no thanks."

Just over 4 minutes into the President's speech ... rubber bullets and pepper spray were being fired on a group of protesters across the street at Lafayette Park -- it almost seemed like a scripted made-for-TV moment.  It was also an outrageous overreach, because these were not rioters or vandals ... they were peaceful demonstrators who were showing their disdain for the brutal killing of black men at the foot of the symbol of government.  And for that they were shot at and gassed.

It appears law enforcement was trying to clear the area as Trump was making his way to visit D.C.'s historic St. John's Episcopal Church, which was damaged during Sunday night rioting. He bizarrely stood outside the church holding a bible.

George Floyd M.E. Says He Died from Heart Attack Had Fentanyl, Homicide is 'Manner of Death'

George Floyd had fentanyl in his system when he was killed, and died from a  heart attack ... according to the medical examiner.

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner released its toxicology findings and say George died from cardiopulmonary arrest ... which complicated law enforcement's subdual, restraint and neck compression of him. That is critical, but the report also says this under "how the injury occurred" -- it says George experienced "a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by law enforcement."

In other words ... he suffered a heart attack while they were arresting him, and that complicated their efforts to subdue him.

The report says George had fentanyl in his system, and they also found signs of recent methamphetamine use. It also says his manner of death is homicide.

The results were released just hours after the Floyd family's independent autopsy showed he died from "mechanical asphyxia" ... due to Derek Chauvin's knee on his neck, and another officer on his back.

George Floyd Independent Autopsy Findings ... Death from Asphyxia


12:54 PM PT -- Baden said George Floyd was dead 4 to 5 minutes into the time Chauvin and the other officers had him pinned -- and yet, Chauvin kept his knee there for another 4 minutes-plus.

George Floyd Autopsy

Dr. Michael Baden -- a famous forensic doctor who has been involved in the O.J. Simpson case, the Jeffrey Epstein case and many others -- concluded compression pressure on Floyd was the direct cause of death. The medical examiner concluded it was a combination of asphyxia, underlying medical conditions including hypertension and possible drugs or alcohol.

Dr. Baden said there was one cause of death, and you don't really have to go beyond the video to understand. He said Floyd was unresponsive 4 minutes in, yet the cop kept his knee there for nearly 5 minutes longer. Baden says Floyd was in good health and no medical condition contributed to his death.

Dr. Baden said Floyd was deprived of his blood flow to the brain. He also says Floyd couldn't breathe ... something he repeatedly said as he was dying. Baden scoffed at cops who say if you can talk you can breathe. He says simply not the case.

This is a hugely significant development. Anyone charged in this case will almost certainly glom on to the M.E.'s findings and argue the knee didn't cause Floyd's death ... that it was hypertension or something else. Baden says BS ... it was Chauvin's knee to Floyd's neck, and the weight of the officer on his back that caused Floyd's death.

Floyd's family attorney, Ben Crump, and the family have always believed what Baden found, saying they "reject the notion from the Minneapolis Medical Examiner that the knee from the police officer on George’s neck for almost nine minutes was not the proximate cause of his death."

Minneapolis Police 5/25/20
Facebook/ Darnella Frazier

As we reported, Chauvin's been charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter for Floyd's death. According to the charging docs, the fired cop had his knee on George's neck for 8 minutes, 46 seconds ... including 2 minutes, 53 seconds AFTER George became unresponsive.

Originally published -- 11:30 AM

Grindr We're Removing Ethnicity Filter ... Standing with #BLM

Grindr is removing all color lines ... it's scrapping its controversial ethnicity filter, and also pledging to fight racism alongside the Black Lives Matter movement.

The popular gay dating app made the long-awaited move while announcing its support Monday for #BLM and "the hundreds of thousands of queer people of color who log in to our app every day."

Grindr says it will not stay silent or inactive in the fight for equality, and pledged donations to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute and #BLM, while encouraging others to do the same.

The company says it will fight racism on the app through dialogue with the community and a zero-tolerance policy for racism and hate speech. It says that commitment, combined with feedback from users, is why Grindr decided to ditch the ethnicity filter from future updates.

Grindr currently allows users to pay to avoid matching with people of certain ethnicities, while also filtering potential matches by age, height and weight.

The ethnicity filters have been a controversial feature for years, and had even remained after Grindr launched an anti-racism crusade back in 2018.

George Floyd Brother Visits Death Site ... Family Calls For Peace

060120_georgr_floyd_brother_4793830 :: 0_zl655gda :: 0_ii827hik
Fox News

Here's George Floyd's brother delivering a powerful message at the site of his murder ... calling for peace, love, non-violent protest, activism and an end to the riots and looting.

George's younger brother, Terrence, took to the bullhorn Monday and addressed a huge crowd of protesters gathered at the scene of his fatal interaction with Minneapolis police, getting emotional as he decried the looters and rioters he says are soiling the fight for justice.

Terrence says the riots and lootings happen every time people try to protest and make their point, and he says it sets everything back and overshadows the non-violent demonstrators trying to affect positive change.

As you know ... violent clashes with police and looting have marred protests across the country, with some folks carrying out the brazen acts in broad daylight, and all hell breaking loose under nightfall.

Wearing a face covering with an image of his late brother, Terrence also called for peace and led the crowd in chants calling for the other police officers involved in Floyd's fatal arrest to be arrested and charged.

Minneapolis Police 5/25/20
Facebook/ Darnella Frazier

As we reported ... ex-cop Derek Chauvin, who kneeled on George's neck for over 8 minutes, has been charged with 3rd-degree murder and manslaughter in Floyd's death. He was effectively on suicide watch and has been moved to a maximum-security prison.

After sharing his message at the site of his brother's final breaths, Terrence led the crowd as they marched and chanted through the streets of Minneapolis.

Gregg Popovich Rips Trump's Response To Protests ... 'Deranged Idiot'

San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich says he's absolutely fed up with President Donald Trump ... firing off a flaming-hot statement on POTUS' handling of the recent protests in America.

“He’s not just divisive. He’s a destroyer," Pop told The Nation. "To be in his presence, makes you die. He will eat you alive for his own purposes."

He continued ... "I’m appalled that we have a leader who can’t say 'black lives matter.' That’s why he hides in the White House basement. He is a coward. He creates a situation and runs away like a grade schooler."

"Actually, I think it’s best to ignore him. There is nothing he can do to make this better because of who he is: a deranged idiot."

Of course, POTUS faced backlash after he tweeted of the looting in Minneapolis, "These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen." He also tweeted, "when the looting starts, the shooting starts."

Pop -- who has been passionately outspoken about his issues with Trump -- makes it clear he has a problem with how the president reacted to the protests turning violent.

"It’s unbelievable," the NBA coach said. "If Trump had a brain, even if it was 99 percent cynical, he would come out and say something to unify people. But, he doesn’t care about bringing people together. Even now."

"That’s how deranged he is. It’s all about him. It’s all about what benefits him personally. It’s never about the greater good. And, that’s all he’s ever been."

But, it's not just Trump who Pop's pissed about ... he says the whole system needs to change.

"In the end, what we have is a fool in place of a president, while the person who really runs the country, Senator Mitch McConnell, destroys the United States for generations to come."

"He’s the master and Trump’s the stooge, and what’s funny is that Trump doesn’t even know it. Trump’s always wanted to be part of the in-group, but McConnell is an in-group of one and Trump plays the fool."

LAPD Officers Encourage White Gal Who's Tagging ... Don't Forget 'Floyd'

Egging her on

11:42 AM PT -- Sure enough, this too is now being investigated. We're told LAPD is aware of the video and they're looking into what went down here.

A white woman tagging 'BLM' graffiti on a building was egged on by none other than cops from 8-feet away ... who seemed to be telling her to include the name of George Floyd.

The video was shot in what appears to be downtown Los Angeles, where an LAPD squad car is parked up next to a curb alongside a lady who's going to town with spray paint, tagging "BLM" messaging on the side of a building's windows ... taking up at least 3 panes.

While the person who recorded this was filming from across the street, you can still make out the cops apparently instructing the woman to make sure to include George Floyd's name in her graffiti ... at one point, even seemingly telling her how to spell it correctly.

She heard the message loud and clear, and sure enough ... went ahead and tagged "Floyd" on the window as well. The officers are just standing by and watching the entire time. The person who posted this says they were laughing too, but we can't quite make that out.

In any case, it's an utter disgrace ... regardless of what the context is, which we're sure LAPD brass will be scrambling to reach for now that this is out. Policemen literally encouraging active criminal activity right in front of their faces -- ya can't excuse it.

Protestors Calling Out Vandalism

We've seen "bad actors" screwing with the protests and hijacking the message under the guise of justice -- but this takes it to a new level. Some cops appear to be in on it too.

Originally Published -- 11:29 AM PT

Donald Trump Blasts Governors for Not Cracking Down on Rioters

Donald Trump excoriated governors on a conference call Monday morning for not being way more aggressive with rioters.

Donald Trump excoriated governors on a conference call Monday morning for not being way more aggressive with rioters.

Trump was on a video conference call with various governors, and audio of the conversation leaked. Trump says the goal is "domination" over the rioters.

Trump says Minnesota has become "the laughing stock" of the world because of the violence on the streets. Ditto for New York City and Los Angeles ... Trump says the police response has been anemic and rioters were walking all over them.

Trump then went on to take credit for sending the National Guard into Minneapolis, saying when the Guard stepped in, the looting stopped.

He's suggesting that the National Guard is the solution, yet in Los Angeles and Long Beach the rioters were undeterred. BTW ... there are way more police officers in most big cities than National Guard -- the ratio in L.A. was 10 to 1, so the Guard isn't the panacea.

Ex-Cop Derek Chauvin Wife Officially Files for Divorce ... I Want Nothing From Him

Ex-Cop Derek Chauvin's wife has filed for divorce, and the only thing she wants from him is her name back.

Kellie May Chauvin says she doesn't want a dime from Derek, citing "irretrievable breakdown" of the marriage, which "cannot be saved" ... this according to legal docs obtained by TMZ.

In docs, Kellie -- who works as a realtor and is the former Mrs. Minnesota -- says she doesn't want spousal support and she doesn't want him to get spousal support either. She also wants an even split on their assets and she wants her maiden name restored. Kellie also wants the title to their home in Windermere, Florida.

As far as the date of separation goes ... she lists May 28, three days after Floyd's killing. They got married on June 12, 2010. Kellie says she's currently unemployed but was a realtor with ReMax.

As we reported ... Kellie announced Saturday she was ending their marriage after 10 years ... one day after Derek was arrested for killing Floyd.

Kellie's rep said, "Her utmost sympathy lies with [Floyd's] family, with his loved ones and with everyone who is grieving this tragedy" ... "While Ms. Chauvin has no children from her current marriage, she respectfully requests that her children, her elder parents, and her extended family be given safety and privacy during this difficult time."

Minneapolis Police 5/25/20
Facebook/ Darnella Frazier

Derek has been charged with 3rd-degree murder and 2nd-degree manslaughter in George Floyd's death. He's been moved to a max-security prison.

Seattle Cop Accused of Macing Little Girl ... Police Investigating

Evan Hreha

A Seattle police officer has been accused of using mace on a little girl -- and video of the alleged aftermath is gruesome ... it's also something the department is now investigating.

The incident went down over the weekend during the George Floyd protests. You don't see any macing happening on camera, but what you do see is a young girl crying out in pain with her eyes closed shut as her parent tries to comfort her.

People around her also rush to help -- one guy immediately comes over and starts pouring milk over the kid's face (it's supposed to help neutralize the tear gas) but it obviously wasn't enough to stop the pain right away. The girl continued to cry and shriek in agony.

Afterward, someone filming the encounter approached a group of bike cops standing nearby -- and he gets in the face of the alleged mace user ... an officer wearing a helmet and glasses, who's also rocking a mustache. He doesn't speak, doesn't even make eye contact.

People on the ground also claim the guy refused to give his name or his badge number in order to identify himself.

It's unclear if the officer the camera ended up focused on was the alleged culprit or not, but the Seattle Police Department has said they're looking into the claims in question.

A rep for the department says, "Uses of force, including pepper spray, during the demonstrations will undergo a high level of scrutiny and review by the chain of command. This incident in particular has been referred to the (Office of Police Accountability) and an investigation has commenced."

No word if this cop is still out on the streets, or if he's been reassigned.

Baltimore Police Officer Knocks Out Woman ... She Smacked Fellow Cop

Baltimore Police

A cop in Baltimore got a little more than handsy with a woman after she started smacking around one of his fellow officers ... leaving the woman out cold on the street.

The wild incident went down when the woman argued with a cop Friday night as officers appeared to be clearing traffic or doing protest crowd control. She was clearly fed up with talking, and turned around and straight-up smacked the cop hard across the face, which he just took at first.

Then, she wound up for a second go and unleashes ... this time landing a punch. That's when his cop buddy, standing behind her, lets his own hands fly, striking her in the face and knocking her out cold. Both the woman and the cop who hit her are black.

As she lays motionless in the street ... bystanders who saw the incident started surrounding the cops, calling out the officer who hit her. More cops quickly responded and set up a perimeter to block off the crowd.

The woman was eventually cuffed and arrested, and police say she was taken to a hospital for treatment.

Baltimore PD tells us, "Commissioner Michael Harrison viewed the video and ordered an immediate investigation into this incident by the Department's Special Investigations Response Team unit which is part of the Public Integrity Bureau. The Deputy Commissioner for PIB has directed a full review and has suspended the officers police powers during the investigations."

George Floyd Murder Ex-Cop Derek Chauvin Moved to Max-Security Prison ... New Mug Shot


12:57 PM PT -- Here's Chauvin's mug shot after getting transferred to Minnesota's only Level Five maximum-security prison.

Derek Chauvin -- the former Minneapolis PD officer charged with the murder of George Floyd -- has a new jail cell for now ... he's been transferred to a maximum-security prison.

Chauvin's been sent to the Minnesota Correctional Facility-Oak Park Heights near the city of Stillwater, after spending part of Sunday at the Hennepin County Jail. It's protocol for inmates to get new mug shots when they're transferred.

The ex-cop was originally held at the Ramsey County Jail after being arrested Friday and charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter in Floyd's death.

According to the Department of Corrections ... the Oak Park Heights prison is the highest custody level in Minnesota's system, and several inmates -- like Chauvin -- need a higher level of security.

DOC Commissioner Paul Schnell says this kind of transfer is not uncommon -- the same thing happened when former Minneapolis cop, Mohamed Noor, was taken into custody in the killing of Justine Damond -- and it was requested by the Hennepin County Sheriff.

Chauvin was one of 4 officers fired over Floyd's death, but so far he's the only one arrested and charged. Chauvin was the cop who pressed his knee on Floyd's neck for close to 9 minutes ... including more than 2 minutes after Floyd was unresponsive.

Still, there's outrage that the other cops have still not being arrested. The entire incident -- along with other cases of black people being unjustly killed -- has incited several straight days of protests, riots, looting, violence and destruction across several major cities in the U.S.

Originally published -- 7:07 AM PT