Luke Rockhold Implores Donald Trump to Help Imprisoned Cain Velasquez
Luke Rockhold Urges Donald Trump ... Help Cain Velasquez!!!

Luke Rockhold believes it's a serious injustice that Cain Velasquez is back behind bars ... and now, he's urging Donald Trump to step in and help remedy the issue.
Rockhold told TMZ Sports on Tuesday he believes Velasquez's attempt to seriously hurt Harry Goularte on a Northern California roadway back in February 2022 was "somewhat justified" -- as the MMA legend believed the man had molested one of CV's close relatives.
Velasquez ended up spending one year behind bars and an additional two under house arrest after he was thrown in jail for the alleged attempted murder ... and Rockhold told us that punishment should have been enough.
Yet when a judge ordered Velasquez to serve five years in prison on Monday (with credit for approximately three years time served) ... Rockhold said Trump should step in and help change things.
While the president, of course, can't officially pardon the 42-year-old former UFC champion -- it's a state matter, after all -- he can certainly throw his weight around, and Rockhold made it clear he'd appreciate that.
"He's done his time," Rockhold said of Velasquez. "He's proved he's not a threat to society."
Rockhold has actually spent time with Velasquez in the community recently ... the two -- who were longtime MMA teammates at American Kickboxing Academy -- visited a children's hospital, and Luke said Cain was nothing but wonderful to the kids and staff there.
"He's a big teddy bear," Luke said. "What can I say? He's just the nicest guy ever."
Cain is currently being held in a Santa Clara jail ... after he was remanded into custody following Monday afternoon's court proceedings.