Georgia Sorority Girl's Mug Shot Draws Beauty Pageant Pic Comparisons
Georgia Sorority Girl Mug Shot Sets Internet Ablaze ... Beauty Pageant Smile in Arrest Photo!!!
8:51 AM PT -- Lily Stewart's attorney Stephen Morris tells TMZ ... he just got the speeding charge against Lily dropped. Morris says he informed the prosecutor that Lily was being targeted by online trolls who made a slew of vile comments after her mug shot went viral.
As a result, the prosecutor dismissed the case out of concern for Stewart's safety. Morris says he's now calling media outlets and asking them to take down Lily's booking photo since the case is no longer active. Still, Morris says Lily is facing some punishment for driving 84 miles per hour in a 55 MPH zone. She has to do community service and take a defensive driving class.
A Georgia sorority girl's not letting her recent arrest get her down ... 'cause she was grinning from ear-to-ear in her mug shot -- and, her smile's got social media users in a tizzy.
Lily Stewart -- a 20-year-old university student from the University of Georgia -- was arrested earlier this month and booked on a speeding in excess of maximum limits charge, a misdemeanor in the state.
Unlike President Donald Trump's scowl in his mug shot, Lily decided to go with the Miss America look, like she just won the lottery -- instead of a one-way ticket to a holding cell.
TMZ has obtained the incident report ... where the officer claims he observed her driving 79 miles per hour in a 55 mph zone at around 10 in the morning. He says he pulled her over, cited her for the speeding ticket and actually let her go initially.

Unfortunately, the run-in with police apparently didn't do anything to quell Stewart's alleged need for speed ... 'cause this officer says mere minutes later he saw her driving 84 in a 55 -- and arrested her.
As you can imagine ... people online are in Lily's corner -- with some joking they've got no idea why she was arrested, but they're sure she's innocent of all charges.
BTW ... Lily clearly thinks a good picture's a good picture, regardless of why it was taken -- 'cause she decided to post the mug shot along with her favorite comments from other social users.

We've reached out to Lily ... so far, no word back.