L.A. County D.A. Says Erik and Lyle Menendez Don't Deserve a New Trial
Erik and Lyle Menendez D.A. Says Brothers Don't Deserve a New Trial

The Menendez Brothers got a thumbs down from the L.A. County D.A. when it comes to getting a new trial based on new evidence.
L.A. County D.A. Nathan Hochman just announced his office will oppose the brothers' request for another trial based on 2 pieces of evidence -- a letter from Erik to his cousin purportedly written in 1988 where Erik discusses sexual abuse, and a declaration from a member of Menudo saying Jose Menendez molested him in the '80s. The D.A. says the new evidence does not change what happened when Erik and Lyle were convicted of murder.

Hochman says he did not hear the "2 Angry Men" podcast in which Erik and Lyle talked about how they've evolved in the 35 years behind bars.
Hochman says the real issue is the act of murder itself, and the sexual abuse allegations were not relevant in the conviction. He also expressed doubt about the authenticity of the 1988 letter and doubt about sexual abuse allegations, period.
The D.A. made it clear ... sexual abuse does not in any way mitigate what Erik and Lyle did to their parents. He made a point of saying Erik and Lyle tried to cover up their involvement in the murders. He also highlighted how Lyle reloaded the gun and delivered a kill shot to his mortally wounded mother.
As for resentencing ... the D.A. was non-committal as to whether he will support or oppose it. If a judge agrees to resentence Erik and Lyle to something less than life in prison, a parole board could release them.
As you know ... many people -- including 20 family members of the Menendez bros -- have called for their release.
The Netflix series "Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story" helped sway the public's opinion ... and, then-D.A. George Gascón said he would support resentencing the brothers to enable their release.

We spoke to Erik and Lyle on our "2 Angry Men" podcast -- cohosted by their attorney, Mark Geragos -- earlier this week ... and, the two detailed the abuse they faced when they were first locked up in prison and what they've done with their lives behind bars. They also talked about what they would do if they're released.
A hearing on resentencing is set for next month.