Isaac Hayes III Details Racist Incident With 'Karen' in Atlanta Neighborhood
Isaac Hayes III Explains Video of Woman Telling Him to 'Be White' ... Thought the 'Karen' Needed Help

Isaac Hayes III -- a famous record producer and the son of Isaac Hayes -- is diving into an incident he says went down just outside his gated community on Christmas Eve ... when he filmed a woman cursing at him and making a racist remark.
Here's the deal ... Hayes shared a video on his Instagram where a woman asks him for his name -- accusing him of driving too fast in and out of the Atlanta gated community -- before adding "f*** you."

The diatribe then takes a racial turn ... with what sounds like her saying, "Why don't you be white?"
We spoke with Isaac ... who tells us he had first seen this woman while driving into his neighborhood -- waving her arms at him and shouting in what he thought was an effort to flag him down for assistance.
Hayes stopped to speak with the woman -- who he says was cursing at him and making racist comments ... and, he started to record to make sure he was safe.
Isaac says he's heard a lot of "Karen" stories in his life ... but, this is the first time anything like this has ever happened to him. People online are pissed, Isaac adds, though he's trying to keep a cool head about the whole interaction.

Hayes tells us he doesn't know what the aftermath of this incident will bring ... but, there's one thing he has no interest in doing. Listen to the clip yourself to hear what it is.
We're told Isaac doesn't plan on talking to the cops, never feeling in physical danger. That said, he's obviously not happy this whole situation happened ... especially on a holiday!