Bill Maher Scorches Democrats for 'Stupid' Policies that Got Trump Elected
Bill Maher Hey Dems ... When You're in a Hole, STOP DIGGING!!!

Bill Maher could NOT hide his contempt for progressives -- aka the left wing -- in the Democratic Party, explaining to them the right wing does not have a monopoly on stupid.
The 'Real Time' host excoriated Democrats for, on the one hand, attacking Trump voters as clueless and dumb, when they are exactly the same.
Bill points to a gaggle of missteps -- watch the video -- and then makes his overarching point. The left-wing sees almost every issue through the lens of race and sex, yet the people they say they're supporting -- Blacks, Latinos, women, etc -- are not on board. It's sorta like, sit back and let us protect you because we know best. Well, Bill says, well, no you don't.
And, since the drumbeat against RFK Jr. is that he's anti-science, Bill points out science sometimes should be debated. For example, during the pandemic, you couldn't even whisper the virus may have come from a Chinese lab, but turns out that's probably where it originated.
BM's words are harsh ... and his conclusion is that the Democratic Party embraced views that resulted in them losing The White House, Congress and the Supreme Court. So the question he asks, what's more important -- righteousness, or winning?