Donald Trump Slips Pennsylvania Mom $100 for Grocery Bill
Donald Trump Slips Mom $100 for Groceries!!! Umm, Is That Legal???

Donald Trump is helping one Pennsylvania mother fight inflation, but his showy method -- handing her cash for groceries -- means he's potentially flirting with committing a crime.
Here's how it went down ... while working the campaign hustle, the Republican presidential nominee swung by Sprankle's Neighborhood Market Monday in Kittanning, PA, and casually dropped a $100 bill to pay for the mom of 3's grocery haul.
As he slips her the cash, you can hear DT quip, "Here, it’s gonna go down a little. It just went down 100 bucks" ... referring to her grocery tab.
The mom was clearly thrilled to have her groceries covered, but then, shocker, Trump improv'd ... maybe a little more than he should have, telling the potential voter in the battleground state, "We’ll do that for you for the White House, all right?"

Now, interpret that sentence how you want, and ponder this from the U.S. criminal code ... "Whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate" could be fined and/or imprisoned for up to 2 years.
Anyway, grocery underwriting aside ... Trump kept the charm rolling, chatting with the mom about her 3 sons and even snagging a big bag of popcorn on his way out before heading to a nearby rally.
Clearly, assassination attempts and all can’t slow down Trump -- he’s going full throttle on the campaign trail, and making donations he miiiiight wanna rethink.