Georgia School Shooter Apologized to Mother Before Shooting
Georgia Shooting Suspect Mom Frantically Called School After Son's Ominous Text
The mother of alleged Georgia school shooter Colt Gray made a frantic phone call just before he opened fire, telling school officials she got a call from her son and she feared the worst.
Marcee Gray got a text from her son, which read, "I'm sorry, mom," according to Colt's grandfather, Charles Polhamus, who spoke with the New York Post.
Marcee was with Charles when she got the text, and she frantically called Apalachee High School and told a counselor this was an "extreme emergency."
The Washington Post says Marcee told her sister, "I was the one that notified the school counselor at the high school. I told them it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [Colt] to check on him."
The Post says a school administrator began searching for the boy, showing up at his classroom minutes before he opened fire, but he was missing.
Marcee was 3 hours away from the school when she received the text, and jumped in her car to intercept her son. When she was halfway there, she heard reports of the massacre.
She seemed grief-stricken Saturday as she carried some pillows into her father's house.
14-year-old Colt Gray has been charged with murder and will be tried as an adult. His father has also been charged with 4 counts of involuntary manslaughter and 2 counts of second-degree murder.
The father, Colin, gave his son the AR-15 used in the shooting as a Christmas gift ... this after the FBI showed up at his doorstep 7 months earlier to investigate an ominous online threat about a school shooting that came from Colt's IP address.

As TMZ reported, a neighbor called Family Services several times, reporting the father had been abusive and the house was in chaos.
Colt's grandfather told The Post, “Collie Gray did this to his family and he will rot in hell for it. That’s a fact. He needs the death penalty. He is probably one of the worst narcissists in the world.”