Steve Kerr Trolls Donald Trump With Steph Curry Celebration At DNC
Steve Kerr Trolls Trump With Steph Curry Celly ... 'Night, Night!!!'

If Kamala Harris takes down Donald Trump in November's election, Steve Kerr says he's going to rip a page out of Steph Curry's playbook -- and wish Trump, "Night, night!"
The Golden State Warriors head coach threw out the trolling vow on Monday evening at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago -- where he helped Michael Jordan and the Bulls win a slew of NBA Championships a few decades ago.
Kerr stood at the podium for nearly 10 minutes ... and raved over Harris and her pick for vice president, Tim Walz.
He gushed about their leadership abilities -- and even praised Walz for the way he managed teams on high school gridirons back in the day.
"Coach to coach," Kerr said, "that guy's awesome."
When it came time to close out his speech, Kerr channeled Curry ... and performed the same celebration his star player hit when he helped lift Team USA over France in the gold medal men's basketball game earlier this month.
"In the words of the great Steph Curry," Kerr said just before he put his hands in the shape of a pillow, "we can tell Donald Trump, 'Night, night!'"
The crowd then erupted into a standing ovation.
Of course, this is far from the first time Kerr has spoken out against Trump -- he's often used his platform as an NBA coach to rail against No. 45. In fact, his Warriors teams notoriously skipped championship visits to the White House when Trump was in office.
Curry's made it known he's Team Kamala as well -- so if she does end up winning the election ... you can bet there will be plenty of goodnight wishes for Trump coming from Northern California.