New Chinese Drone Confirms Gen-Z Viral Theory That Birds Aren't Real
New Chinese Spy Drone Confirms Gen-Z Viral Theory ... Birds Aren't Real?!?

Gen-Z is going to love this ... China is showing off a new military drone that looks just like a falcon, adding another layer to a popular conspiracy theory about the legitimacy of birds.
Video from a recent Chinese military exercise shows the People's Liberation Army deploying a drone shaped like a falcon ... and the UAV flaps and flies around just like a bird. It's wild!
Peep this footage ... a camouflaged PLA fighter emerges from a body of water with the UAV in hand, and it starts flapping its wings before the person throws it into the air.
As soon as the drone gets out of frame, the PLA video jump cuts to a bird drone way up in the sky ... but it looks like the cloud cover is different here, so don't give the Chinese too much credit ... in other words, take this with a grain of salt.
The video jump cuts again ... to the drone flying around above a skyline ... on a bright sunny day. So, there's some continuity concerns with the Chinese media footage.
In any case ... the PLA is calling this charming little device the "Little Falcon" -- and it was created for their Marines. China says the drone is built for surveillance and reconnaissance ... plus missions requiring elements of stealth, disguise and maneuverability.
Now, as for the Gen-Z element to all this ... there's a whole "Birds Aren't Real" movement questioning just what the name implies.
Chinese spy drones that look like falcons certainly aren't going to convince the youth birds are real. If anything, it's only gonna make them double down on their ridiculous take. 😆