Whale Breaches Off New Hampshire, Capsizes Boat on Video
Humpback Whale Breaches, Capsizes Boat

Anglers off the coast of New Hampshire got dunked by a humpback whale ... when the marine mammal breached and came down hard on their boat, capsizing the vessel.
Ya gotta see the video ... a group of fishing boats are bobbing around on the surface when all of a sudden a whale comes up from the depths, launching into the air and landing on the back of a boat.
The vessel tips over and capsizes ... with two folks onboard jumping into the water as the whale submerges.
The U.S. Coast Guard Station tells TMZ ... the incident happened Tuesday morning and there were no injuries to the people on the boat or the whale.
USCG says they sent out an alert to mariners in the area to assist if possible, and a good Samaritan responded and pulled two people out of the water.
The boat was saved from sinking as well ... video shows it being flipped upright and tugged behind another vessel.

It appears the whale was feeding ... its mouth is wide open as it breaches ... and there's seemingly a lot of bait in the area, at least based on the fact there's multiple fishing boats nearby.
There's been multiple humpback whale sightings off the coast of New Hampshire and Maine this month ... and whoever was on the boat has a whale of a story to tell.