Ben Affleck Angrily Chews Out Paparazzi As They Flash Him Leaving J Lo House
Ben Affleck Angrily Chews Out Paparazzi Photogs ... Upon Leaving J Lo House

Ben Affleck lost his cool on the paparazzi this weekend -- but for good reason ... they were flashing the crap out of him with their cameras, which he rightly noted was dangerous.
The actor was spotted leaving his and Jennifer Lopez's marital home in Bev Hills Sunday night -- where a group of photographers were waiting at the bottom of a hill for him as he was exiting solo ... and once they saw his car coming down the path, they snapped away.
You can see a bunch of white flashes as Ben attempts to safely get back onto the main road, but he comes to an abrupt stop ... and then gets out of the vehicle to speak his mind.
Watch ... Ben beelines it for one pap in particular who was right by where he first exited, and goes off on the dude -- scolding him for basically blinding him as he's driving ... which points out can lead to him losing control and possibly even injuring himself.
Ben gets right in the guy's face and tells him not to do that -- it looks like the dude tries to defend himself and/or explain his actions, but BA isn't having any of it ... walking away.

Before he gets back into his car though ... he talks to the other paps on hand, reiterating his point about this whole thing being dangerous -- and also telling them his daughter is on her way down the hill too, and that they'll put her at risk if they fire away with their cameras.
The paps say they understand what he means, and it appears they heeded his warning ... this before Ben gets outta there, looking frustrated and exasperated -- understandably so.

BTW, even though he was at the marital home -- J Lo wasn't there ... she's over in Paris -- this after spending a good amount of time in Italy last week, where she was with pals.

As we've told you ... Ben and Jen are living separately right now -- he's got a rental in Brentwood, and while Jen has come and gone from his place during family events ... it doesn't look like she's ever spent the night.
Of course, we also know they're trying to quietly sell their massive estate ... just a year after snapping it up for $60 million. We're hearing they're trying to unload the property for $65M.
On its face, it's a sign of trouble for their marriage ... Ben and J Lo have been man and wife for about a couple years now.