Woman Throws Bowling Ball at Lady's Head During Intense Miami Brawl
Miami Madness Woman Throws Bowling Ball at Lady's Head ... Massive Brawl Pops Off

A massive brawl at a bowling alley in Miami erupted this week -- which ended in a brutal attack on a woman who took a heavy ball to the head ... something that was caught on video.
This footage is making the rounds -- capturing an insane fight between multiple people who got into the gutter somewhere in the Brickell neighborhood ... and where bowling balls started being used as straight-up weapons, with at least one person getting clocked.
Unclear what exactly precipitated all this ... but in any case, several different parties were going at each other -- and eventually, one woman started throwing balls around.
At one point, a bowling ball she hurls connects with another woman ... hitting her directly in the head, which sends the victim straight to the ground -- and which seems to knock her out.
You can hear the shock this caused in the room -- and the woman who chucked it quickly gets whisked away by a man who tries to get out of there. Unfortunately, the fighting in the main scene continues ... and it looks like even more things were thrown, including other balls.
Reports say when cops arrived, the perpetrator and victim were long gone -- and it doesn't sound like any arrests were made. It's unclear what condition the woman who got hit was in.
Scary stuff, indeed.