Brazilian Woman Arrested After Taking Dead Uncle to Bank to Secure Loan
Brazilian Woman Brings Dead Uncle to the Bank ... Yo, Can We Get a Loan???

A Brazilian woman tried to pull a "Weekend at Bernie's" with her dead uncle ... wheeling his body into her local bank and trying to take out a loan in his name, which got her busted.
Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes got caught on camera earlier this week in Rio de Janeiro -- where she appeared to have a corpse with her as she attempted to secure some financing ... about a $3,400 loan, per reports.
The video is super eerie ... as she tries to force him to sign paperwork with his limp hand.
She's seen talking to her dead uncle at various points, asking him if he can hear her and if he's listening -- instructing him to sign ... even though he's clearly not talking back. The woman also attempts to hold his head straight as it constantly tilts and falls back.
Employees at the bank weren't convinced ... ultimately ringing the police, who arrested Erika. Authorities confirmed the victim's name was Paulo Roberto Braga ... and he was dead for hours before being wheeled into the bank on Tuesday.
Erika may be charged with theft through fraud, embezzlement, as well as abuse of a corpse. Cops are trying to determine how this man died and if other family members were involved.
Who knew ... Larry and Rich's scheme is still going strong some 35 years later!
We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.