Dwayne Johnson -- Good Genes Or Good Docs?!
The Rock Good Genes Or Good Docs?!
Do you think Dwayne Johnson is handsome ... IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!
Here is a 39-year-old version of the professional wrestler in a bulky action shot during his WrestleMania 28 win against John Cena back in 2012 (left). Just one year later -- at WrestleMania 29 -- the two Hollywood Hunks went at it again with Cena taking home the title!
And, 12 years later the 51-year-old muscleman was looking ready for action before his WrestleMania 40 match (right). Mr. Johnson made his BIG return to the highly-coveted wrestling ring last night and put his fit physique on full display!
Can you smell what The Rock's good looks are cooking?
The question is ...